Zhan Yue

Chapter 1263: Do you want to cry?

There was an unspeakable pain in my heart, and my entire body seemed to be being pulled away by that unstoppable lightning force. With a loud noise, I was nailed to the stone slab of the studio garden with a heavy sword. On the way, the throat was sweet, blood was vomiting out, and the whole person's consciousness was almost blank.


Someone stepped heavily on their backs, and the voice of Lian Yin came from behind: "Do you think that if you get a title in the imaginary world, you can really run between the real and the virtual? Really naive, even if you rush into it? After the ladder, you are the legendary first person in eternity. How can you? You so-called practitioners are just ants and chess pieces. At this moment, what can you do on the back of time?"

I stumbled and raised my head. The studio was in front, and the curtains on the second floor were swaying. Lin Xi was waiting for me there, but I was already having trouble walking here.

The unwillingness and anger in the heart burned blazingly, the next moment, the strongest Yang Yan's power "gappa gaba" rose violently in the body, enduring the severe pain in the chest, reaching out and grasping the blade that pierced the chest, Yang Yan Jin penetrated into it, and in a blink of an eye the sword melted, staggered, and the whole person rushed into a potted plant carefully planted by Shen Mingxuan.

Around the body, Yang Yanjin kept confiding, ready to attack, ready to fight back.


In the air behind him, Lian Yin's body is not complete, as if half of it is real and half of it is virtual, holding a half-melted sword in one hand, and sneered: "Want to counterattack? Think too much. Right?"

I suddenly yelled, stamped on the ground with my feet, and raised my fist. The whole earth was suddenly accompanied by a rain of fire, and I threw into the Lian Yin in the air like this: "Beast, die for me!"


Lian Yin laughed, his body was constantly torn apart in his fist strength, torn apart, but in the second when his fist was exhausted, half of his body appeared from the virtual again, and the long sword flew like thunder and lightning. .

I suddenly crossed my arms and threw a white dragon wall defense on my chest.


The broken sword blasted on the white dragon wall, countless cracks spread instantly, the white dragon wall collapsed instantly, and I was so shocked that I flew out, slammed into the door of the studio on the first floor, and vomited blood. When I looked up, I found that there was a lot of thunder and lightning outside the door, and countless blue currents were flowing on the plants planted by Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan, but it didn't hurt any of them. It seemed very unreasonable.

With a move in my heart, I understand.

Lian Yin is the leader among the guides, but he also cannot avoid the rules between heaven and earth. The gods of the imaginary world cannot make any changes to the real world, so the attack of Lian Yin can only be brought here by the strange. , But it will not cause any changes to everything here. This is also the most important reason why Star Alliance needs to use the Transcendent Plan to achieve its goals.

I looked up in the direction of the second floor.


Lian Yin gathered the thunder and lightning all over, approached step by step, and sneered: "Are you still holding hope? Actually, it's not necessary. You are doomed to die if you hit my first sword, even if you are the strongest in the world in ten thousand years. What about the Yangyan Realm? Can you survive the flow of time and the corrosion of the years? Ouyang Luli, the appearance of a person like you on this planet is indeed a variable, but this variable is not big enough to reverse the overall trend. So go to death with peace of mind."

I clenched my fists with both hands, and Yang Yan Jin was rolling in my body, but when I was urging my strength, I only felt that my heart was about to be torn apart. When I looked down, I found that the sword wound on my chest was not because of Yang Yan. Jin healed and healed, on the contrary, it was like a piece of torn paper being ignited, and it was burning more and more. The feeling of life passing by at speed was so clear.


Lian Yin put his hands behind him, and said: "Yes, I admire your courage, Ouyang Luli, you are a little one in this world who dares to say no to the Star Alliance, but what about it, you and my path are different, I will not be merciless to kill you, and it is a pity that, otherwise...I would be very happy to be friends with someone like you."

I said lightly: "Are you worthy?"

He smiled: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

I force Gu Yang Yanjin to support my shaky body. If there is no Yang Yanjin, I am afraid that within ten seconds my body will be swallowed by the terrifying force flowing from the sword wound. He almost knelt on one knee, pressing the ground with one hand, and looked up in the direction of the second floor. It was less than ten meters away, but it seemed like a light-year away.

Lin Xi said that she would wait for me there, but now, everything seems to be still.

"Last wish?"

Lian Yin looked at me, no more smiles on his face, just said faintly: "You can do it, I will not stop you, a dying person, the strongest in the world, I respect your choice."


I just jumped in, wrapped in Yang Jin, and just fell into the lobby on the second floor. Unfortunately, there were no people in the sofas. Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi were not there, and the table was still unopened. The Spring Festival couplets and the word "Fu", and the calendar on the wall shows today's date, 2023, the Chinese New Year.

The time is wrong, today is actually the Spring Festival, and Lian Yin has turned the time back!

Lin Xi should be in my house now.

Turning around abruptly, a stride rushed out of the window, but then a somersault planted in the garden. When I looked up again, the clouds in the sky and the tall buildings in the distance were no longer a coherent picture, and the whole world seemed to change. Become a lattice shape one by one.

"Can you make it?"

Lian Yin embraced her arms and looked at me with indifferent eyes, and said, "The whole world you know, the moment you finish the ladder, all the rules have been cracked, and the whole world will start with you as the origin. Broken and annihilated, do you think it's too late? Ouyang Luli, I suddenly began to sympathize with you a little bit."

I raised my head, my eyes were blood red, the sun was flowing all over, my arms shook, no matter the injury on my chest, I just soared into the air, and rushed into the distance with the strongest Yangyan realm's wind power, and behind me, The small building of the whole studio began to annihilate little by little, turning into wind and sand, and the position after annihilation became nothingness.

"Lin Xi..."

My body is no longer good, the wound on my chest has turned into a blood-red crystal lattice, even my body is constantly annihilated, every few hundred meters after the wind, it can only fall, fiercely double I stepped on the ground and jumped out hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters again, and the speed of annihilation behind me was too fast. When I walked by, the whole world behind me turned into black and white annihilation flying sand.


Lian Yin body was in the air, like a shadow, as if the whole world belonged to him. He looked at me so coldly and said, "Just to see her for the last time? Is it necessary? When you arrive, you may only see one. Just touch the gravel."

"To shut up!"

I leaped hard and watched the world I knew was rapidly disappearing, tears rolling in my eyes.

Behind me, the buildings gradually turned into dust, and the roads that I had walked countless times were disappearing, as if the whole memory of the whole person was being erased little by little, and I can no longer take care of these, I can only exert my strength. Fly, to see Lin Xi last side is my only wish, and the so-called strongest sun flame state in the world, what sits in the sky, everything has become a cloud of smoke, all ambitions are gone, I wish I could see you again before death By the time Lin Xi, perhaps, I could also see my father and sister, and it would be no regrets.

Lian Yin in the air kept sneering, just like that, moving forward with me.

After running wildly for nearly ten minutes, the surrounding viaducts and real estate were annihilated one by one, and my home was in the direction ahead. When I came up and down outside the courtyard wall, the smaller half of my body was already annihilated by the reduction of injuries. The left waist disappeared completely, the heart-wrenching pain was beyond words, but compared to the annihilation of the world in front of him, the pain was even more intense.

"Lin Xi!"

Behind me, the storm came and swallowed my body in an instant. When my body was completely annihilated, my palm stretched out to the window. It was Lin Xi's room, but it was impossible to see her again.


The annihilation storm swept past, and the distant slabs of fireworks and the entire home in front of him disappeared instantly.


Standing in a void, watching the only images in the distant world disappear one by one, my body has completely disappeared, and I can't see my body when I lower my head. It has become nothingness.

"poor guy."

In the dim place, the voice of Lian Yin came: "The seniors said that the more affectionate and righteous people are, the more vulnerable they are. Ouyang Luli, you are the strongest Yang Yan state in the world, and it really makes me I am a little disappointed. There is nothingness here. It is the best place to be a ten-thousand-year cemetery. Just take your unwillingness and stay lonely here forever."

With that, the breath of refining yin disappeared all at once, and never seen again.

I was standing in mid-air, and the distant world suddenly disappeared in ashes, but when I tried to open the eyes of the Shifang Hot Wheel, it worked. The world in front of me suddenly became a dim crystal lattice, silent, and I It was like a bird flying into a cage, just like that, being imprisoned here, unable to leave.


I yelled softly, but no one answered.


I tried to call again, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but the relationship between Shiratori and Master Xiao Chen and me was completely cut off.

"Sister Yun?"

I looked at the sky, but found that there was no sky at all. Here, there is no space, there is only a whole piece of lattice-like space rules, and my heart is at a loss.

The world is lonely, and no one answers.

I tried to activate Yang Yanjin to see further, but I couldn't use the power that seemed to be born with it, because the body no longer exists, and everything does not exist anymore.

"is that true?"

I no longer resist, just lying in the world of nothingness.

I want to cry, but there will be no more tears. Latest URL:

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