Zhan Yue

Chapter 1264: poor guy

I don't know how long I have been lying down.

If I can close my eyes, I would like to have a big dream, but the state before me is just a spiritual seed, unable to close my eyes, I can only sense the whole world like this, but there is nothing between the sky and the earth, only that is close to nothingness The lattice-like rules.


This spiritual seed of mine just stands in the air, it's actually nothing more than a world.

Now I am relaxed, no matter what, there is no iron shoulder morality, there is just endless time, you can think about things to your heart's content, you can think about anything.

The first thought, of course, is how to do this step of refining yin, which directly pulls me out of the game into reality, and it is still a past reality. Is everything I see true? Not necessarily. Going back to the past and seeing the destruction of the world in the past, what it was like, is really unclear.

This proves that Lin Xi and that world may still be there, and there is hope.

In the next moment, I started to cheer myself up and no longer be the spiritual seed like that salted fish.

First of all, let's understand the world.

As a result, I don’t know how long it took, and I finally got acquainted with everything in this world. When I looked through the crystals, I seemed to be able to see pictures, some of which were starry sky, some were fertile, and some were. Rivers and rivers are flowing, and there is very little life, but these pictures seem to be static. When I fly and move in the air, every crystal lattice has a picture, some are very similar, some are far apart, but composed This kind of crystal lattice of space, but there are countless, all over the sky, it is no longer as simple as tens of thousands, and even billions of trillions for calculations are completely insufficient.


I habitually take a light breath, but unfortunately I don’t have a body or a lung tube, so I can’t talk about taking a light breath, but I frowned, since I am in a state of no physical body and spiritual power. It seems to be quite strong, after all, Lian Yin is not a good man and believer, he will not do it if he has the opportunity to hit me directly?

So, since the leader can condense the figure in the so-called virtual world, why can't I?

Well, the next step is to shape your body and use mental power!

But it’s easier said than done. Just when I tried to imagine what I should be like, I didn’t seem to react at all. This state has been going on for a long, long time. In my calculations, it should be possible to pass by. It's been a month since there is no time here, and I am almost driven crazy by this state of nothingness and timelessness.

Finally, on a certain day.

When the thoughts began to extend, an existence that looked like a blood vessel stretched out in front of my eyes, and then more blood vessels appeared, followed by tissues, and finally intertwined one by one. Every tissue was radiant and radiant. After nearly a month of "knitting", a complete brain appeared in front of his eyes, shining brightly, like a beautiful crystal, not scary at all.

Immediately after constructing the head, it was just like pinching the face in the game, but this time it was even more difficult. It took another month to knit the appearance of the face, and it looked a little like me.

After that, it took nearly half a year to reshape the body, arms, legs, etc.

I don’t know how long it has passed. When I was lonely and I was about to grow hairs, a luminous and flawless self stood in front of me, and the spiritual seeds floated forward and walked into my body. The next moment, I finally found a little bit of "being a human" again, and I looked down. The fluorescent arms and palms can be used freely.

At this moment, my body is not the same as the legendary leader. The body of the leader is not so delicate, and their body looks more like a group of brilliance.

At this moment, someone in the distant darkness seemed to sneer: "It took so long to create a useless body, sick?"


Someone is spying.

I knew it in my heart. In fact, from the moment I got the credentials to climb the ladder, I was already in the game carefully designed for me by Star Alliance, and used my obsession with Han Yixiao’s disappearance to achieve my goal. In fact, they The goal of has also been achieved. I helped them successfully climb the ladder and completed some of the rules of the avenue. At the same time, when the vortex opened, Lian Yin used some means to directly pull me out of the game, just after time Going back to the day of the Spring Festival, it was a good intention to let me watch the world I love annihilate before my eyes.

When I was discouraged, the mental defense was also the weakest moment. Lian Yin took advantage of the trend and "pushed" me to this "stop time" nih world. This is also their ultimate goal, to save me This "stumbling block" has been sent to the "crevice" of this world. From then on, what will Star Lenovo do and what else will it do? Who else can stop it?

Therefore, when an important guest like me came here, Star Alliance did not send someone to "guard", that would be too hard to say. As for the condescending sentence just now, it confirms my speculation for so long.

There is still a turning point in everything. Lin Xi and that world may really be there, of course, it may really be gone.

Here, I can only speculate on my own, I can only think about it, and the rest is really impossible to do at all.


Now, I, who already have a "body", are very different.

Call with your heart.

"Master? Shiratori? Senior sister?"

Still, no one responded, it seems that this place is really isolated from all the world, truly isolated from the world.


What else can I do?

I sit cross-legged in the void in the sky, my brows are frowning, and the power in my body is running. It's useless. This body is just created by my mind, not the real body. There is no Yang Yan Jin, the strongest Yang Yan in the world is already early It was gone.

But just sitting so withered is not okay.

So, I got up again and spun around. The scenes in the crystal-like space of the viewer are like watching time-lapse pictures. There is only one frame, and the adjacent pictures are not connected to each other. Yes, so I looked up, and the sky was full of scrolls. Want to find pictures that belong to the earth from these pictures? Then look for the picture at the moment of the Chinese New Year in 2023 from the picture of the earth to see if the world is really annihilated?

Impossible, even the most advanced supercomputers can't do such a large amount of work.

So, my heart lit up and asked in my heart: "Star Eye?"

No one responded.

Star Eye finally "unreliable" once.

However, I still didn’t stop, I still looked at the world frame by frame. When I climbed the ladder, someone said that there are 3,000 worlds in the world, so the earth should belong to one of them, and these pictures in front of me are composed of , Doesn’t it mean that one out of three thousand images belongs to the earth? Take a look more, maybe there is really something to follow.

So, just such a person looked at the picture for an unknown period of time silly.

I can't calculate the time, but the general time... should be three years? Five years? Or ten years? In short, I look at the pictures one by one without getting tired. If my body were really here, maybe it would have been shabby and unmanly.

But everything is still here, it seems that time is also still, no matter how long it has passed, it doesn't make much sense.


"Tsk tsk."

In the distance of nothingness, someone sneered and said: "Looking around day and night, he really turned into a lunatic? Has that little lover who has forgotten your love is gone? Has he forgotten that the scene is already gone? How long has no one guarded it? The blood-retaining dragon is about to break through the sky and soar up. You, a sage with a treasure mirror, only knows to watch the slides here?"


I floated up and continued to look at the upper-layer lattice-like picture, and said lightly: "If you are idle, you might as well tell Lianyin, don't let me go out, otherwise I will be the first to settle accounts with him. Light results."


The guard laughed: "Do you really think you can get out of here by reading all the scrolls of Three Thousand Avenue? Stop dreaming, if you want to see, I will let you see enough? You have been watching here for twelve years , Do you know how much you watched? Sorry, it's just a scroll of three thousand worlds in one hour. You want to see, Lao Tzu made you see more, before and after three thousand years of pictures, is it enough to see?!"

As I said, suddenly the sky above my head began to shrink, falling straight down like a funnel. The next moment, I saw a wider world, overlooking the sky, the sky and the earth were staggered vertically and orderly, the whole The heaven and the earth are connected together by a huge array of countless lattices, and my body falls straight into it, just like the man said. I want to see it. I can see it here for ten thousand years without repetition of the picture. .


From the distance of nothingness ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ came the person's voice: "The strongest sun flame state in the world for thousands of years is really pitiful, you can enjoy it slowly, I go take a nap, this door ...You just don't want to reopen it!"


There was a loud noise in the air. When I looked up, it was as if a huge zenith gate was closing, but I couldn’t stop it. That kind of time-flowing power was simply not something I could resist. One flew up and blinked. I was slapped down by the invisible force, and my whole body was in severe pain.

"How to do?"

Looking at the closing zenith, I couldn't help smiling bitterly. Is it true that I will be imprisoned here for eternal life.

However, at the moment when the zenith was about to be completely closed, a blue luminescence of "Wh" flew from my left wrist, and then swirled in the air and landed on a certain part of the zenith. The next moment, A tender lotus root arm slowly grabbed the zenith gate that was about to close under the cover of the blue skirt sleeves.

"I think this door can be closed later." The latest website:

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