Zhan Yue

Chapter 1266: All the time

Looking at her beautiful but very haggard face, I can't tell you the uncomfortable, the soul has been imprisoned for twenty years, why don't I think about her every day? In those long years of nothingness, what can I do besides thinking about her? It's just that although I feel sad, I can't shed tears. A soul can't shed tears. It's really pitiful.


"Lin Xi..."

I stood in mid-air, just looking at her like that.

Aside, Yan Guang's figure jumped out of the bracelet, and said, "At least, you have confirmed that she is all right, haven't you?"


I rushed into the studio and squatted in front of Lin Xi, trying to hold her hand, only to find that there was some kind of restraint, and I couldn't touch her at all, so I could only trembled. : "Lin Xi, I am here, I am now..."

She can't see me.

Aside, Gu Ruyi gently held Lin Xi's hand and said with red eyes: "Lin Xi don't cry, Lu Li will come back, he promised us, he will definitely come back."

Shen Mingxuan stepped forward and hugged Lin Xi in his arms, gently rubbing her long hair, and said softly: "It's okay, it's okay, who is that guy Ali? A guy who has been hanging around since he appeared in our lives. , How could he never go back like Fang Geque and Li Xiaoyao? I think he must be playing BOSS in a corner of the game world now, and if he wins the big BOSS, he will come back to see you with the loot Up."

Lin Xi cried, she had never seen her so weak before, the goddess Lin Xi who had no one in front of her sword in the game, the representative figure of the swordsman in the national costume who did not buy any account, and the only player in the national costume T0. A strong girl, but now crying like a child, her fragrant shoulders trembled and her teary eyes dim.

"Lin Xi..."

I sat down on my knees, my whole body dejected. I was clearly in front of her, but she couldn't see me. What kind of sadness was this?


"it's useless."

Yan Guang stood beside me and said, "You and I are on a different time track from them now, so although you can see them, they will never see you, and anything you do, It will soon be erased by time and flowing water. How can people on two different time axes intersect?"

"How can I be here, really here?"

I pointed at my feet, and there was even a little cry in my voice: "Yan Guang, I beg you, help me, seeing Lin Xi like this makes me feel more uncomfortable than my own death..."

Yan Guang's eyes were slightly red: "Lu Li...Don't be so sad, I will be sad with you..."

She pursed her mouth and said, "You actually... just want Lin Xi to know that you are here and that you are okay, don't you?"


I nodded.

She gritted her silver teeth and said: "I have a way of turning away from the door. Although you may not be able to contact Lin Xi, you can use some of the world's substances to let her know your existence."

"How to say?"

I immediately sat up.

Yan Guang smiled bitterly: "Breaking through the barriers of time, you can stay on different timelines for a short time, but after all, the timelines are different, so they are destined to still not see you, but you can touch some substances. They may be able to see the traces left by a pen, a glass of water, a piece of paper, etc., but I am not so sure."

"I'm not sure, I have to try it too, can you Yan Guang?" I asked.

Yan Guang nodded and smiled: "Well, then try! When will it start?"

"right now?"

"it is good!"

The next moment, the two came to the balcony together. Yan Guang floated in the air. The blue long skirt was dancing with the wind. Strands of the azure blue time rule symbols kept surging, and then slowly drifted towards my arms, and soon after It's like coating my body with a layer of blue armor, and this layer of armor continues to extend, making my body more solid.

The little girl's forehead was already full of fine sweat, and I felt a little distressed, but in order to let Lin Xi know of my existence, I still have to give it a try.

About half an hour later, Yan Guang took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Okay, the method has been added to you, you try to use it, just like it was running Yang Yanjin at the beginning, and then there will be a time jump phenomenon. But the position is still here. You may still be on this time track, or you may enter a different timeline, that is, the parallel world that people say. It depends on you how much you can do."

"Got it."

I nodded: "Thank you, Yan Guang!"

She was sweating profusely, and smiled at me with a fist: "The people of my generation are very warm-hearted and help a little, this knight should not be too polite!"

I also smiled and clasped my fists: "The chivalrous chivalrous woman has a thin sky and beautiful scenery, which is admirable!"

"Go, I'll be waiting for you here. The means can only last for about ten minutes, so take your time."



The next moment, I cheered up and mobilized the power of my whole body. Sure enough, just like Yang Yanjin, I felt a cold power flowing in my body, and then the whole body burst into flames, and the "唰" disappeared in the original. The ground, when it appears the next moment, is still in place, but it has changed from early spring to hot summer. The girls’ clothes are hanging on the balcony of the studio, and their long skirts are fluttering.

Step into the studio.

The furnishings in the studio are almost exactly the same. The only difference is that the sofa I went online is gone, and the helmet is also gone. Lin Xi is still in a wheelchair, and there is no exoskeleton I designed on her snowy legs. Equipment, Shen Mingxuan helped Lin Xi sit on the sofa with great effort, patted her perfectly round position, and smiled: "Huh, the little girl is getting heavier and heavier, I don't know how to eat less?"

Lin Xiqiao's face blushed: "The braised white fish is so delicious, would you like to eat less?"

"That's true."

Shen Mingxuan sat next to her and smiled: "Drink less water, there may be a protracted battle when it goes online. It is also annoying to say that the eternal secret is so big, you said,'Who fights against the front?' This group of guilds Why are people aiming at us like that? Huh, the scumbag named August Weiyang is really disgusting. Just because Ruyi refused his pursuit, he kept chasing us and hitting him?"


On the side, Ruyi hugged her legs and said melancholy: "I blame me for being so good-looking?"

Shen Mingxuan and Lin Xi laughed together.

Lin Xi nuanced, and said: "August Weiyang is not very capable. He is also famous in the national service. It is not to be afraid. The tricky part is July Liuhuo. This person's skills and equipment are superb in the national service. It's good. Once I'm alone, my chances of winning won't exceed 40%. With Shen Mingxuan's remote assistance, it may be a little bit higher, but recently he has missed a shameless skill called Red Deer Chongcheng. It's disgusting. Last time After a battle, Tianya Moke, Yixue, Tianchai and the others all died once. Next time, no one will know how many of us will be killed."

"Why... form an alliance with Fenglinshan Mountain?" Shen Mingxuan suggested.

"forget it……"

Lin Xixiu frowned: "Feng Canghai is not easy, and who doesn't know what he means in the national service? At this time, we are allied with Feng Lin Huoshan. I am afraid I will not be able to clean up when I jump into the Yellow River. Doesn't everyone call me Mrs. Feng?"

Shen Mingxuan chuckles: "So too."

Gu Ruyi said: "Who is in this alliance with Zhengfeng? Except for July Flowing Fire, the strength of the assassins of Slaughter Fanchen, Yueliuying, and Jiuge is not easy to deal with. There are also the newly joined Haotian and Qingdeng people. They are all very strong. If this continues, I’m afraid this Who and Zhengfeng will really dominate in the national service, Lin Xi, why did you say that July Liuhuo stared at us? Could it really be the same as the legend? This guy actually likes you, so fall in love and kill each other."

Lin Xi pouted: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't like him."


On the side, I was stunned and stepped into a different timeline. Lin Xi and I did not come together on this timeline. On the contrary, A Fei and I created a war alliance called "Who and Struggle". , I went to war with Yilu, and on this timeline, people such as Qingdeng, Kamei, Slaughter Fanchen, Yueliuying and others related to me did not join Yilu.

"I wasted an opportunity..."

I sat down on the ground, frustrated, and said, "In this world, Lin Xi and I are still enemies. Even if I leave any marks, I'm afraid Lin Xi will ignore it. Here, we still have no feelings between us."


Yan Guang's heartfelt voice came: "Then... come back now, try again?"

"Not urgent."

I waved my hand and said, "Let me look at her for a while. She doesn't like me on this timeline, so she may have a happier life. I want to see how Lin Xi is happy every day..."

Yan Guang murmured, "Lu Li, Lin Xi will be very happy to be liked by people like you, right?"

I was thoughtful: "I am the happiest person to be liked by people like Lin Xi..."


Soon after, the blue armor on his body disappeared and he returned to the original place.

"Yan Guang, do you want to take a break?"

I looked at the little girl in front of me, the fatigue on her face had not disappeared, and she was a little distressed.

"No need."

The little girl waved her hand and said with a smile: "How can we children of the rivers and lakes take a break? The road of chivalry and righteousness will go on forever. Then again, when the jump is a little bit smaller, it should be able to stay on the same timeline. On it."


Soon after, the power of the armor was used again.



It felt as though it had pierced through a heavy time barrier, and finally still appeared in place. At this time, only Gu Ruyi was online upstairs, and Shen Mingxuan's voice came downstairs.

So I immediately rushed downstairs and saw Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan sitting opposite each other. Lin Xi was no longer so haggard, and Shen Mingxuan was making tea for her, laughing while making tea: "Is it better now? Lu Li, this guy ran away It’s been more than a year since we left, and everything has changed. We are all at level 355. If he is there, he should sit firmly on the throne of the human hero pool, right?"

Lin Xi did not speak, but sipped the tea.

"Do you still miss him?" Shen Mingxuan asked.

Lin Xi looked up at her and smiled: "I miss him all the time."

Shen Mingxuan's eyes flushed, and he stretched out his hand and patted his face lightly: "Blame me, talk a lot."

Lin Xi chuckled: "It's not necessary."



Yan Guang's heart sounded in my ears: "I'm sure the same timeline, the time is very short, you can figure it out, how can we let her know that you are by her side."


I stepped forward, looked around, and familiarly took out a white gel pen from the drawer on the side, and then sat next to Lin Xi, she looked down at the texture of the table on the side, a little lost and dazed.

So, with a stroke, I wrote a line on the table she was watching: "Lin Xi, I miss you, and miss you all the time."

When I wrote the complete sentence, I found that these white handwritings disappeared like dust in a blink of an eye.

Lin Xi didn't see it at all, she still looked at the desk faintly, and said, "He will definitely go home, will he Mingxuan?"

"Yes, don't worry, he may just be lost."


My eyes were dull, I slowly got up, and said, "Yan Guang, no, Lin Xi can't see the words I wrote at all."

Yan Guang stayed too.

But only two minutes later, Yan Guang clapped his hands and said, "Hey, I actually forgot such a big event. I'm sorry, Lu Li, blame me."

"what's up?"

"We are in a different world from Lin Xi, and the length of time is different, so it is impossible for her to see the line you are writing now. If she wants to see it, it will have to wait... ten years later?"

"how come……"

"Can she wait for you for ten years?" Yan Guang asked.

"I do not know."

I was confused: "What should I do, Yan Guang, can you do it again?"

"It won't work, I have squandered too much time power in the time and flowing water."

"Then what to do?"

"Just waiting here for ten years?"



In this way, Yan Guang and I stayed outside the villa for ten years, unable to directly observe the situation inside the villa. The baptism of time was like covering a black curtain. It was not until ten years later that Yan Guang waved his hands. The twilight unveiled.

Unfortunately, everything in front of me is different.

The villa seems to be in disrepair for a long time, the garden is full of plants, a desolate and barren scene, and it has been uninhabited for many years.

I was stunned: "That's it..."

"Lu Li, are you okay?" Yan Guang whispered, "I'm sorry."


At this moment, there was a sound of brakes from outside, and then a black business stopped in front of the villa. When the door opened, it was a figure wearing a black women's suit with beautiful hair. When she looked up, I was first. Time to recognize.

Lin Xi, she hasn't changed much, but she has become more mature.

"Mr. Lin."

On the side, there was a younger woman who looked like an assistant. She frowned and said, "I come back once a year just to have a look at this place? It is difficult to get a visa now..."

"Don't worry about it."

Lin Xi stepped forward, opened the door familiarly, and looked at the cobwebs and dusty hall, a little smile appeared on her mouth.

"Mr. Lin."

Assistant MM stepped forward to help push the door completely open, and said: "Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi are already married. You have been single for so many years. What are you waiting for? Do you really want to live alone in the past?"


Lin Xi nodded lightly and smiled: "Xiaoman, do you know the feeling of being alone in your life?"


The assistant was silent.

Lin Xi slowly stepped forward, stretched out her hand to float the dust on the tabletop, and knelt down slowly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and smiled: "Back then, we lived here together. Later... he did something that he should do. I never came back, but I said I would wait for him here, so no matter how long, even for a lifetime, I have to wait."

With that, her eyes blushed.

"Mr. Lin..."

The assistant wanted comfort, but didn't know how to say it.

At this moment, the sound of the tip of the pen touched from the table, and the line of words I wrote ten years ago appeared in front of Lin Xi's eyes--

"Lin Xi, I miss you, I miss you all the time."


"Land from……"

She knew it was my handwriting. She no longer sat downright. The whole person collapsed instantly, crying bitterly, tears rolling down: "I miss you too, I miss you too...I miss you all the time..." Latest URL:

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