Zhan Yue

Chapter 1267: Shenyue Sword

   "Lin Xi..."

Looking at Lin Xi ten years later, with a vaguely familiar appearance, I feel sad.

The distance between heaven and man is no greater than this.



Suddenly, the body suddenly tightened, as if something was grabbing the back, and then the whole person was detained by some kind of force, and instantly penetrated the time barrier and left from the time line of this plane. At the same time, a rather dignified voice said: "You will come with you."

Yan Guangru was struck by lightning and followed silently.

In front of me, a series of distorted pictures changed, and in a blink of an eye my body appeared on a long river like a ribbon. There is no doubt that the legendary long river of time has been banished again.

Above the long river, an old man with a sword box stands, holding a moonlight divine sword in his hand, and a ray of time and flowing water is drawn on the tip of the sword, as if connected to a strand of colored silk, which is extremely mysterious. A ray of time and flowing water just connected to a dot of ink behind me, and that seemed to be the direction I came.

He gently raised his hand, the blade turned into a flying rainbow, and then quietly looked at me and said: "I am the sword spirit of the **** moon sword, and I am here to guard the long river of time by the edict of the world tree."

When the other party reported the family, I immediately clasped my fists: "My name is Lu Li, I come from the world."

He nodded lightly: "Lu Li, you are detained in the virtual world. It is reasonable to say that it is not convenient for me to intervene more about the wall of the sky. Deep, even if I don’t make a move, there should be a great opportunity to see through the time and return to the world."

I trembled: "But senior...I'm already dead."


He couldn't help but laugh: "People who are standing in this long river of time should stop mentioning life and death. They are all trivial matters."

I stayed silent and couldn't talk this day.

He still stood on the long river of time, took a look at me, and said, "Lu Li, I have been watching your life. In the virtual world game, your performance is indeed quite brilliant, otherwise it will not be given to those who claim to be the leader. The guy caused such a big trouble, but it is because of your sharp edge that you were detained in the cage of time by someone who used your heart demon. It can be said that this is your misfortune, but it is also your luck."

I frowned: "Senior, what do you say?"

He smiled slightly: "If you don't have your inner demon, you can't enter the ladder of the day. If you can't enter the ladder, you will not be the strongest sun flame state in the world for thousands of years. Part of the rules of the Wall of Heaven, and at the same time make you the only one in the world, and if you can't become the strongest Yang Yan state in the world, I am afraid that there is no hope of continuing to break through this life."

As he said, he gently raised his hand, and the strands of water in the long cloudy river were separated like ribbons, revealing the colorful pebbles at the bottom of the lake, and smiled: "In the next time, you will live by the river. Tempering your physical body in the time and flowing water. When the time is right, I will personally send you back to the world."

Excited but complicated, I clasped my fist and said, "Thank you, senior, haven't you asked senior's name?"

"It's a mere sword spirit, without a name."

He stretched out his hand and smiled at Yan Guang who was not far away from me: "Farewell to Lu Li, return to my job?"


Yan Guang turned and looked at me: "Lu Li, I'm leaving."

In a blink of an eye, two lines of clear tears hung on her cheeks, and she smiled: "A trip with you, Yan Guang will never forget in this life, for the rest of my life, you are in the world and I am in the sky, each cherishes them."

My nose was sore, I stepped forward and held Yan Guang’s shoulders, and said, "Thank you, although I have used you from the beginning of the encounter, but Yan Guang, it’s mine to be able to take a trip with you. It’s an honor that you are a real heroine, and you are very admirable!"

Yan Guang smiled and cried: "Well, I'm leaving."

She jumped, turned into a ray of time and flowing water merged into the long river of time, never seen again.


"There is no need to give up."

The old man with the sword back looked calm and said: "The Dao is ruthless. Her original spiritual manifestation is quite difficult, but after all, it is only a flash in the pan. If you force her to keep her, her Dao spirituality will only continue to wear away, and eventually become annihilated, with consequences. The long river of time is no longer complete, and small omissions may cause considerable trouble."

"Got it."

I nodded: "Thank you, Senior Sword Spirit."

"Good students practice."

He raised his hand and flicked, a thatched house appeared beside the long river of time. In the next second, the old man with the sword backed a step back, his body retreated into the river of time and disappeared.


Let’s start now.

I turned and flew back to the river, and then walked towards the long river of time step by step. At the moment one leg waded into the river, I only felt like flames were burning, and the pain of the flesh was very clear, as if I had really regained my flesh. , Can't take another step at all, can only temper this leg first.

Looking down, the time is long and dense, countless stars are shining, and it is not real except that, I can only endure the pain of a leg opening and bone tempering, just a little bit of time to feel the fierceness of the time.

In a blink of an eye, another decade has passed.

The second leg can finally step into the long river of time. The long years almost completely wiped out my will. If it weren’t for the obsession of going home to see Lin Xi in my heart, I’m afraid I would have been depressed and annihilated by myself. After ten years of observation, when I look at the river of time again, the scenery has been completely different.

In the river water, the stars are shining, but I can see more clearly and far-reachingly. The appearance of each starlight is faintly visible. It is not a starlight, but it is really the form of the stars, accompanied by the long river of time. Flowing, some stars are full of vitality, some stars are full of flames and are already destroying themselves, and each starlight is connected by a wispy "silk thread" that is hardly clear. It is luck, a planet. The fate of the people is engulfed in it.

There was a squeaking sound from my legs. When I closed my eyes, I felt an inexplicable sense of enlightenment. With the long years and the vast starry sky, the human beings are too small. In front of the world and the avenue, the human beings are small. Perseverance is not worth mentioning, time flows, the planet rotates, everything seems to never consider human feelings.

It seems that at this moment, when I am willing to become a god, I can really do it.

But I didn't want to, the obsession in my heart remained undiminished.

I miss her and miss her all the time.


I don’t know how many years have passed. My legs have been tempered into golden light by the long river of time, and my bones are as white as jade. At this time, I finally took another step. Body.

And I don’t know how many years have passed, I took another step, the river overflowed to the position of my neck, and immediately my arms and upper body had already begun to receive the baptism of time flowing, as if I was in the abyss of fire. Fortunately, I have already got used to it. What kind of pain hasn't been felt for so many years in the cage of time and the long river of time? What kind of ostentation is already in pediatrics, as long as she can return to her side, even if the soul is annihilated, it is worth it.

In this way, after many more years, the whole person has stepped into the long river of time. When the time and flowing water flooded the mouth and nose, I only felt that the whole person was about to be refined by the long river of time, but in fact the mortal body jumped into it. The long river of time does have the possibility of being refined. The reason why I can refine here is that the God Moon Sword and Sword Spirit has placed a protection and prohibition, and the prohibition is very inconspicuous. It is the thatched house behind me. It took many years to find out that the mystery was incredible.

What is the origin of Shenyue Sword?

I closed my eyes in the time and flow, but I could still see everything. Just when I was thinking about it, a familiar voice came from my ear, the Yan Guang who had been guarding me for many years.

"Shen Yue Sword is a secret key."

Yan Guangyou said: "In the legend, the guardian under the world tree is qualified to master the God Moon Sword, and the divine power of the God Moon Sword is to control the entire river of time, the time of the entire world, and the time scale of each world. The ruling was made by the Shenyue Sword. It can be said that this sword itself is the maker of the time rule, which is quite powerful."

I nodded: "It sounds great, but...is the God Moon Sword only dominated by the sword spirit? So, the time flowing in the entire world is actually controlled by a sword?"

"It's almost like that."

Yan Guang said: "As a part of time and flowing water, I have also heard some legends in the long years. It is said that the God Moon Sword originally had a master, but...from the moment the Wall of Heaven began to annihilate~www.wuxiaspot. com~ The owner of the God Moon Sword just quit. It is said that when he swung the God Moon Sword for the last time, he let the time flow of the whole world back a hundred years, and then he happily returned to the world to fall in love."

She was a little puzzled: "You said this kind of person is also worthy of holding the Shenyue Sword? Bah! There are really everyone in the arena!"

I was annoyed: "That's right, bah!"


The heavenly people do not know the years.

I don’t know how many years have passed. Almost all of my physical body has been tempered in time and flowing water into golden light, shining like a golden god, but when I look closely, I feel panicked. Humans must not be able to. It's like this.


The body was suddenly caught in the air, still shining gold, and the old man with the sword back appeared in front of him. He smiled slightly: "Lu Li, since the moment you died, it has been a hundred years now. The vicissitudes of life in this hundred years have passed. Change, do you still want to go back? If you don't want to go back, I will give you a great opportunity."

I gently clasped my fists: "I want to go back!"


He smiled slightly: "You don't even want to be the owner of the Shenyue Sword?"

I whispered: "Senior, stop joking. How can I hold the God Moon Sword? I just want to return to the world and come back to her, so that she will stop crying and feel sad."

Speaking of this, tears in his eyes rolled down uncontrollably, no matter how shameful he was.


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