Zhan Yue

Chapter 1268: The strongest in the world

  The old man with the sword back looked weird and said nothing.

However, I could hear his slander in my heart: "One wields the God Moon Sword to go back a hundred years, just to go to the world to fall in love, and the other would rather not be the owner of the God Moon Sword, but also to go to the world to fall in love. Is it so good, worthy of these fools? Old man, as a sword, I really don't understand it."

Obviously, the old man of Shenyue Sword and Sword Spirit didn't know that I could hear his voice anymore, and he just smiled slightly: "Since I'm playing like this, the old man will stop begging."

I nodded and laughed: "Senior, can I really return to the world? One thing is very tight. If I return to the world, can I go back to the time I left? After all... It has disappeared for a hundred years. If the people you care about are no longer there when you go back, there is no need to go back at all."

"Don't worry about this."

The old man with the sword back smiled slightly: "Under the God Moon Sword, this matter is too small, but the time distortion will be quite severe, so it can't send you back to the time of disappearance, but it can send you three months after disappearing, how about? "

"Three months?"

I nodded gently: "Yes!"


The old man with the back sword patted his palm gently: "If you don't say goodbye at this time, when will you wait? There will be no chance after that."

In the time and flowing water, Yan Guang's voice came: "Lu Li, from now on, there will be no Yan Guang on the rivers and lakes."

I nodded, stretched out my hand and patted my chest: "The female hero Yan Guang took pains to help me return to the world. Although there is no Yan Guang in the rivers and lakes, they are all in my heart!"

Yan Guang chuckled, "Goodbye, Lu Li."

"Goodbye, Yan Guang!"


The next moment, the old man with the back sword raised his hand and drew out the God Moon Sword, the sword light was shining, and time was separated instantly, and a time crack was split behind me, and he smiled and said, "Go, the thing about the Wall of Heaven is only I can count on you to bother me."

I nodded: "Senior, I still have a question when I leave. I hope Senior will tell the truth."


"Senior said that saving me was entrusted by others. I would like to ask, who entrusted me?"

"Say on the road first."

He waved his hand with another sword, and suddenly a sword light sent me directly into the crack of time. The whole person fell rapidly, everything in front of me was distorted, and the last words of the old man with the sword came from his ear: "That person's name is Step Xuanyin."


In the cracks of time, the curvature of time is constantly changing, and the whole world is completely distorted and entangled. Time begins to merge and connect, making people incomprehensible, but just when I have a ray of self-consciousness, I almost feel my reality. When he was in the flesh, his body suddenly suffocated, and with a "swish", the road ahead was cut with a sword.

"Do you want to go now?"

In the emptiness, a familiar voice came: "Do you think you can get away from this cage if you have the God Moon Sword and Sword Spirit as the backing? You are really naive and naive, and the God Moon Sword can divide time, can it be this seat? The fleeting ruler is inseparable from time?"

I frowned, my figure seemed to be stuck by an invisible force, and I could no longer move forward, but I clearly felt that as long as I moved forward ten meters, I would be able to break out of this chaos. To Lin Xi's side!

"how is it?"

Lian Yin Jiejie smiled and said, "Hope is right in front of you, but it feels very far away, right? You don't want to stay in the cage of time, or it's okay, then gradually annihilate in the cracks of time. The baptism of the wind here... It's not something ordinary souls can resist."

I didn’t speak, but I felt it in my heart. Just ahead, the dense "101010101010101010011001" characters paved a path, and they just paved straight under my feet, directly separating the chaos cut by the fleeting ruler, and opening up a path. The new road, followed by a familiar mechanical voice sounded in my ears: "Star Eye is late, clear the way for Skywalker, welcome back!"


I didn’t hesitate anymore, I rushed to this long bridge composed of data in an instant, and rushed out of the chaos as soon as I swept my body. The next moment there was light in front of me, and the sound of “sand” around my body continued. Clothes and so on are constantly being reshaped together like a step back in time, what they are like when they go, and what they are when they return. On the wrist, the watch flashes with brilliance: "Welcome back, Skywalker!"

"Good job, Star Eye!"

I floated down, and my body fell in the garden of the studio. Three months later, it was April in the world. The flowers in front of me, the whispers of birds in my ears, and the whistle of cars, every sound was woven into a real thing. In the real world, I almost shed tears after being in the cage of time for nearly a hundred years. It feels so good to be alive!


One jumped and landed directly on the second floor of the studio. It was afternoon. When I landed on the balcony, Gu Ruyi, who was holding a glass of juice, looked at me blankly. The next moment the juice landed, she was already crying. .

"Is that you? Lu Li?" she asked, crying.


I stepped forward to wipe her tears: "Ruyi, where is Lin Xi?"

"She is downstairs."


I turned around and flew down the stairs. When I stepped down and turned around, I saw Lin Xi holding a cup of coffee, sitting beside the table where we usually make tea, with beautiful eyes staring at the corner of the table, thoughtfully. , And when I appeared in front of my eyes, Lin Xi didn't seem to be surprised, she just got up slowly, her eyes flushed.

"Lin Xi, I miss you."

I opened my hand and tears rolled down: "I miss you all the time."

Lin Xi burst into tears completely, stepped forward and threw herself in my arms without speaking, just crying loudly, and the tears wet my collar in a blink of an eye.

Behind him, Shen Mingxuan went downstairs and involuntarily dropped a water glass, then sat on the ground and started crying.


After a long time.

On the sofa on the second floor, everyone just sat like this, and Lin Xi snuggled in my arms. This time Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi no longer dislike feeding dog food.

"Three months."

Shen Mingxuan's eyes were slightly red, and said: "The whole server is crazy. Everyone knows that July Liuhuo has also disappeared. Everyone in the world knows that the Moon King has disappeared with Fang Geque, Li Xiaoyao, and Han Yixiao. We I never thought that you would come back. Although we hoped, but... you really came back..."

When she said this, Gu Ruyi silently wiped her tears again.

Lin Xi sat upright and turned to look at me: "A lot of things I want to say to you, but when you come back, it seems that you don't need to say anymore."


I nodded gently.

Shen Mingxuan asked: "How many things happened in these three months, can you tell us about it?"

"Too many things, I can't explain them all."

I took a deep breath and said, "Actually, it is three months for you, but I have spent a whole hundred years in another world."

As he said, he turned to look at Lin Xi: "If it weren't for Lin Xi's longing for me, I might have burned away in a long time."

Lin Xi's eyelashes trembled and she shed tears again.


"While it's dark."

I took a deep breath: "Let's go, accompany me to my house. Dad and sister still don't know I'm back."


Half an hour later, at home.

Dad looked calm, he just wiped a handful of tears secretly, while my sister burst into tears. Although I received the call ahead of time, my sister still cried and turned into tears when I saw me, which gave me comfort for a while. , This is better, got up and went to make coffee for everyone.

"Supper at home, right?"

Dad looked a little haggard: "We all almost thought that we would never have a chance to eat together in this life."


I nodded: "Where is the master?"

"He will be back in a while."

"it is good."

Soon after, Master Lin Cheng came with an old man who was dressed plainly and looked like a mountain man. His Yang Yan Jin was very vigorous. It should be a late Yang Yan. When the Master came, my father and sister Immediately motioned me to take the distinguished guest to the top-floor balcony to discuss business affairs, and I immediately got up, lightly pressed Lin Xi's scented shoulder, and smiled: "I will chat with the elders. You can play with your mobile phone here."


She smiled and nodded.

In fact, Lin Xi was very haggard at the moment, and she didn't know how many times she had cried in the past three months.


In the afternoon, the scenery on the balcony is quite good, with a panoramic view of the lake in the distance.


Master Lin Cheng stretched out his hand and said, "This is Yan Sheng, a senior. He stepped into the Yangyan realm a hundred years ago. Although the realm is not as high as your kid now, he is still a senior after all."

I smiled and said, "Senior Yan Sheng!"


Yan Sheng nodded and smiled: "The real young man is terrible, he is already at the peak of Yang Yan at a young age, and I heard from the old guy Lin Cheng, you have the opportunity to break through again and touch the legendary realm of God? "

"It's just a chance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I sat back in my chair and smiled humbly: "It's not necessarily something. "

Lin Cheng nodded: "So... during the three months of disappearance, a lot of things happened, right? I can sense that the intensity of your Yang Yan Jin has increased by at least five times compared to three months ago."

"Less, at least ten times."

I shook my head and said with a smile: "Before it was only the peak of Yangyan, this time I really learned what the bottleneck of Yangyan realm looks like."

"How do you say?" The old man was surprised.

I took a deep breath and said, "I am probably the strongest sun flame state in the world."

For a while, the old man and Yan Sheng both looked astonished.

"Don't be so frivolous at a young age."

The old man's face was clearly full of pride, and he touched his nose and smiled: "Although it is indeed possible to be the strongest sun flame in the world, but at any rate, he is also humble."

Yan Sheng didn't look at him, turned around to look at me, and said: "In three months, you must have experienced many things that ordinary people can't imagine. Now that you are back, what are your thoughts?"

"Stay in the world."

I looked at the horizon and smiled: "I can't let those people ruin the world I love."

"The ambition is not small."

Yan Sheng stroked his beard and smiled, "But why?"

"Just because I am the strongest in the world."

I slowly got up and looked straight at Yan Cheng. The moment I stood up straight, I was in the realm of transforming the gods, the strongest in the world.


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