Zhan Yue

Chapter 1269: 10 seconds

A bit of divinity confided in his chest, and it instantly turned into a golden ripple to bloom, turning into a breeze to sweep the world.


When the breeze blew, the flowers in my garden that had passed their flowering period were resurrected at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, last winter was frozen to death. One or two dead plants that did not sprout this spring unexpectedly sprout slowly, like the wind and rain in spring. The world is full of majestic divinity and vitality. Just when I took a deep breath, I could see countless images in my mind. There were patients in the ward who healed more than half of their bodies in an instant, and there were centenarians whose lives came to an end. He continued his life for a long time, and the appearance of a powerhouse in the transformation of the gods actually caused the whole world to be fed back.


Yan Sheng’s pupils shrank violently, and he probably didn’t expect this event to happen at all. Although I was still standing in front of me, it seemed that there was no change, but Yan Sheng was a cultivator, and he was naturally able to see the fire, knowing that my cultivation level was complete. An earth-shaking, completely reborn change had taken place, which he couldn't say was the reason, but he could really feel it.

"Is this transforming the gods?"

Master Lin Cheng asked.


I nodded: "I have honed on the other side for a hundred years, the mood should be enough, and it has been a hundred years since I became the strongest Yangyan state. The bottleneck of the Yangyan state is no longer loose, so the breakthrough is just a matter of course. Thing."

After getting the exact answer, Yan Sheng directly clasped his fists in both hands, and acted like a warrior's etiquette at me, with his waist pressed extremely low, and his expression became extremely respectful.

"Senior, shame me." I hurriedly helped him.

Yan Sheng smiled and said: "There is no order to hear the Tao, the master is the teacher, my little friend, I should call you Mr. right."

I smiled awkwardly: "Senior is too polite."

Lin Cheng laughed and said, "Yes, not bad. I didn't expect the old man to see a real God-Transforming Realm standing in front of me in my lifetime, and I will have no regrets in this life!"

I stretched out my hand and smiled: "Master, Senior Yan Sheng, sit down and drink tea."


So, chatting with the two seniors for a while, my sister came up and asked us to have a meal. Naturally, it was still an extremely rich meal. The several cooks in the family joined together, and I almost forgot the taste of the food. In fact, It's not that I feel very hungry. After stepping into the realm of transforming gods, let alone some human characteristics, it seems that some of the human characteristics have weakened, such as the need for food and water. Now eating is about a habit. Picture one tastes better.

Master didn’t ask me to show the power of the Transmigrating God Realm, and I don’t really understand it myself. I only know that my body is full of surging power, which is far from the strongest Sun Flame Realm, but how to use it depends on the future. The actual combat.

Lin Xi ate a little bit and stopped eating, just quietly holding my hand, for fear that I would suddenly disappear again.

"You have lost so much."

I looked at her thin and pretty face, and said, "Eat some more and come back with some more meat, otherwise it won't look so good."


She finally picked up the chopsticks again, Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi smiled, did not speak, just thinking about leaving more space for me and Lin Xi.

"What happens next?" Father asked.

"Step by step, take your time."

I took a deep breath: "Don't worry about some things, dad, just leave it to me."


The father nodded: "Be careful of everything."

"Got it."

At this moment, the communication system on the watch rang. From Wang Lu's conversation, she was extremely excited when she saw me sitting next to Lin Xi: "Lu Li, are you back?"

"Well, I'm back."

"Come to the base later? After you left, many things happened."

"it is good!"

So, after dinner, my father sent a special car to take Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi back to the studio, while I took Lin Xi to the KDA base. There was no way. Lin Xi was reluctant to leave me for a moment, even I went to the bathroom to pee her. They are all guarding outside the door.

KDA, Headquarters of Southern Jiangsu Base.

Just when I took Lin Xi into the hall, a lot of changes occurred in the layout of the hall. Obviously, it had been renovated. There were still traces of fighting in some places. It seems that a lot of things have happened in these three months. .

"Lin Xi is here too?" Wang Lu said hello with a smile.


Lin Xi nodded: "It's okay, right?"

"It's Lu Li's girlfriend, so it's fine."


Lin Xi smiled slightly, her cheeks flushed.

I took Lin Xi and sat down together. A few minutes later, Qin Feng and Haotian also came, and then Wang Lu sat in front of him with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said, "Over there...it must be very painful, right?"

"it's already over."

I waved my hand gently and smiled: "As long as I can come back, all suffering will be no more suffering. Tell me, what happened to the base in the past three months?"

Wang Lu frowned lightly and said, "Boss Tie, and Yu Yi, Zhang Lei, and Yang Chaoqian, they have all died."


I trembled all over: "Boss Tie, Yu Yi and the others... are dead!?"


Qin Feng nodded: "In this base, there are only a few of us left, all of them here."

I was a little bit depressed: "I'm sorry..."

Qin Feng patted my shoulder lightly: "Silly boy, what are you talking about? You have never been sorry for the base. You must have been very sad for these three months, right?"

"Well, tell me something specific?" I looked at Wang Lu again.

Wang Lu nodded: "Two months ago, almost all the major KDA bases across the country were attacked by Project Transcendent. They created at least ten predators, the strongest one. Even reaching 100% integration, Boss Tie died under his hands. During this period of time, many cities have been attacked. The Extraordinary Project and KDA are no longer secrets. In just three months, We suffered heavy losses. KDA suffered more than 1,000 deaths and injuries, and the masses injured more than 50,000. People were panicked. In short, the world has become very bad."

"Where is the world colliding? Are crossing creatures still appearing?"

"Yes it is."

Qin Feng frowned and said: "And the frequency is very high. It is no more than once every three days. During this period, almost all collisions occurred in my country's airspace. The KDA and the military suffered heavy losses because of this. Fortunately, before you The advanced drones provided have turned the tide and prevented bases across the country from being completely captured."

"It seems that many people in this world are still doing evil..."

I said leisurely: "It's okay, let me solve it next."

Qin Feng looked at me, his eyes seemed to have seen something through, and said: "Lu Li, you...have you completely reached the bottleneck of the Yangyan Realm and are about to break the realm? Your breath... seems to be very different. "


I smiled and said, "It is indeed a bottleneck, and I have touched a little bit of the Transcendent God Realm."

Lin Xi didn’t know why, but Qin Feng, Wang Lu, and Haotian’s shock was not a little bit. The Transcendent God Realm is nothing more than a legend. It can be said to be an unprecedented realm, but now some people say that they have touched the fur of the Transcendent Realm. The shock is indeed enough for these practitioners to recover for a long time.


I picked up my jacket and stood up, took Lin Xi's hand, and said, "The defense on the base side will be handed over to Star Eye. Give me an S+ permission. Then if the predators and saboteurs come again, I will naturally appear to meet the enemy instantly, so don’t worry."


Wang Lu nodded.

"Go away."

Taking Lin Xi out of the base, my sports car was outside, and I didn't bother to drive by myself. After getting in the car, I gave it to Star Eye, and I concentrated on chatting with Lin Xi and reminiscing about the past.


In the car, Wang Lu sent a voice message: "By the way, Lu Li, to remind you, according to the spectrum of the recent world collision, the next collision will be in an hour. If it really happened in our airspace, you have to join us. Action."

"I know, this collision will probably not happen."


She didn't ask why there was no, she trusted me very much.

Returning to the studio, Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi are online, but I am not in a hurry to play the game. A lot of messy things need to be solved one by one. Let's solve the problems in reality first. Lin Xi is not online either. I went back to the room with me, opened the main system of Star Eye at home, and found that the fusion degree of Ark Tinder had reached 44.7%. During the time I was exiled, Star Eye did not slack off, on the contrary, he worked more conscientiously. Working, it seems that the whole world trusts me most and feels that I will definitely return to the world.

"Countdown to collision." I said.


There was a countdown in the holographic image, about 40 minutes, and the collision points on the earth also appeared one by one. A total of 13 collision points, 11 of which are in the airspace of China, so he waved his hand gently and said, "Do work. Live, all these collision points can be avoided, there is no need for any more damage."

"Yes, Skywalker."

On the side, Lin Xi watched me work with wide eyes, very quiet.

"Lin Xi."

I was distracted and said: "I haven't been in the game for so many days, everyone's level should have been very high, right?"


She pouted and said with a smile: "I'm already level 262, Shen Mingxuan is level 259, Ruyi is level 260, and your level is only level 238. You are already the youngest brother in the studio."

I am anxious: "Do you remember my level so clearly?"

She faintly said: "Because I look at your avatar online every day, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com hopes that this avatar will brighten up one day, and hope that when you look at it the next day, your level will change."

I feel distressed: "I'm sorry... Never again!"


She just nodded lightly, her eyes flushed.

Soon after, all the 13 collision points that occurred around the world were evaded. This time there will be no more collisions, unless someone interrupts them, and just about five minutes before the collision is about to occur, the "Dididi" alarm sounded. Constantly, 11 collision points in China's airspace appeared almost instantly.

"Star Eye, lock the coordinates, I'll go there."

"Yes, Skywalker."

I stood up, looked at Lin Xi, smiled and said, "Give me ten seconds?"

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