Zhan Yue

Chapter 1270: Ge Xiaocheng

The moment Lin Xi nodded, I was already shuttled out by Star Eye Teleportation.


Standing in the air, there was no need to activate Yang Yan Jin this time. It was able to hover in the air with just a ray of divine power. It just appeared in the home of an American in California. The movement caused by the transmission was not small, and he next Miao also turned and looked at me. He was a fat white man, a typical fat house. The moment he saw me, his eyes were full of spite, and he roared: "Getout! Youyellowmonkey!"

Before my words were over, my punch was already out.


Strands of divine power, like water patterns, surged around the arm. The next moment the opponent stumbled and retreated. There was no head on his neck, and he collapsed. The splash of blood mist was blocked by my bodyguard, and he stepped forward. Kicked his computer equipment, and then sneered at the camera: "Xinglian, let's settle down slowly!"

Turn around and return to the studio room.

The breeze passed, I looked at the time and smiled: "It's almost less than ten seconds, right?"


Lin Xi looked at the screen and said, "The alarm point has disappeared."

"Because the initiator was killed by me."

I smiled slightly: "Lin Xi, let's go online. My level should be in a hurry, otherwise it would be too tricky and troublesome to do certain things in the game."


Lin Xi nodded: "After you left, many things happened in the game. I'm afraid you have to understand the changes in the general background before you rush to the level. After all, you are different from ordinary players. You are the regent. There are three in this walk. Month, I’ve been in the game for more than a year."

"Got it."

Go upstairs, go online.

The familiar entering scene and the familiar reading character data scene make me feel a little bit emotional. It's better to be alive. I don't want to feel the emptiness and loneliness in the cage of time in this life.


The white light flew away in front of him, and the characters appeared in the square of Fanshu City.


One person rushed over and gave me a bear hug directly. It was A Fei, the chief inscription master of the national clothes who set up a stall in the square to do business. He cried violently, punching my shoulder with his fist, and crying: "You fucking... just leave without leaving a word, and when you come back, you don't want to tell me a word. I want to see you but say you have gone to the base. I am so unimportant to you, so I can only see you in the game. one side?"

I am full of apologetics: "Fly, I'm sorry... Blame me, but there are too many and hasty things. I will treat Haidilao to apologize later."

"never mind."

He let go of me, sat down on the steps, and said, "How about... over there? You saw Lao Han?"


My nose sore: "Old Han...he is really dead. I only saw a trace of his remaining soul. A Fei, Old Han asked me to tell you that we two must live well and take the one that belongs to him. It’s his last words to live a good life."

A Fei sat on the ground and started crying again.

I also sat on the ground, looking up, not letting the tears fall.

Soon after, the group of people arrived at the square. Qingdeng, Kamei, Yanshi did not attack, the troubled times, the slaughter Fanchen, Yueliuying, Jiuge and others were all there, and they all rushed over.

"Do you still know to come back?" Qing Deng asked with red eyes.

"You can't come back."

I stood up, my heart was sour: "I miss everyone so much."

Yanshi did not attack and troubled times Feng first stepped forward and hugged me one left and one right. Yanshi did not attack the 260-level top swordsman with an iron fist on his shoulder. It was especially painful. He smiled and said, "What about over there? , Have you seen Li Xiaoyao and Fang Geque?"


I shook my head: "I walked around the ghost gate, and I saw a memory left by Han Yixiao, nothing else."

"It's fine to be back." Calorie said.


I nodded, turned around to look at Slaughter Fanchen, Qingdeng and others, and smiled: "The level is very high, our Liuying is already level 258. Tsk tsk, we have to come on, the level catches up with the non-attack leader. Assassins of the same level are easier to kill with heavy equipment."

Yanshi didn't attack and didn't mind, just laughed.

Yueliuying's tears fell straight: "Brother Xiaoqi, do you know how worried you are?"


I said softly, "Thank you, everyone, and thank you, Liu Ying."

She wiped her tears: "I'm fine. You will be fine if you come back. We are still as good as before, and there will never be any accidents again?"

"it is good."

I patted her arm: "Yes, everything will be the same as before."

Everyone relived the past for a while, and Lin Xi arrived, coughed, and laughed: "Lu Li just came back and has no idea what happened in the game recently. If everyone wants to relive the past, there will be time in the future. Now, let Lu Li be free to go busy. Well, he really needs to understand the situation in the game today."


I nodded, rose into the air, and said, "I'm going to the palace, everyone should go to level up!"

Everyone nodded and dispersed.

And as soon as I was in the air, there was a voice in the lake of mind. The person who sensed my breath was naturally the strongest person in this world, Senior Sister Yun.

"Junior Brother, are you back?"

"Well, I'm back, I'm going to the palace, the senior sister is with me?"


So, just as I flew over the palace, a golden light appeared in the sky, and it was in front of my eyes. It was Senior Sister Yun who came from the imperial sword, dressed in a white dress, like an immortal, and smiled at me: "Come back." How does it feel?"


I looked at her and said with a smile: "Thank you, Sister, for the long-term affairs!"

She faintly said: "You are my brother, and she is my master. How can you not help with this little help? Let's go, go to the palace, now it's just time for the court meeting."

"it is good."

When we came to the front of the main hall side by side, the imperial guards already preached: "Lord Jing Yunyue from the Dragon Region is here! Your Royal Highness Xiaoyao is here!"


"His Royal Highness Xiaoyao is back!?"

Above the hall, the officials turned around and looked at it. My return obviously surprised everyone.


The new emperor Xuanyuanli dressed in a dragon robe, suddenly stood up from the dragon chair, walked down the king's step quickly, and came to me in this way, a little excited, and then saluted Senior Sister Yun: "See Master Yunyue!"

"Your Majesty is polite."

Senior Sister Yun nodded.

The new emperor looked at me: "I am really worried after my brother has gone for so long. It is great that my brother can return now!"

I nodded and smiled: "Well, thank you for your concern, Your Majesty."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of Wang Jie, and smiled slightly.

Xuanyuanli also smiled, turned and walked forward, sitting in the dragon chair.

Sister Yun and I came to the front of the group of officials and stood there, and looked behind me, the familiar faces were getting less and less, the Yu Fu Gong Mu Tiancheng was not there, the giant tripod Gong Yi Ping looked very weak, his appearance was clear, like It was like having a serious illness. As for the throne, the original position of the white clothes is no longer there, and the white clothes are not heard or above the court.

"Where is the wind?"

I frowned and said, "Where is Fu Yu Gong? Didn't you go to court today?"

Suddenly, the expressions of the officials were very strange, and some showed depression.

My heart became more disturbed, and I raised my head and said with a rather severe voice: "Your Majesty, what happened during my absence, Fengxiangren? And Fuyu Gong Mutiancheng?"

Xuanyuanli looked embarrassed and said, "Brother, during your absence, many major events have happened in the empire, and the biggest of them is the battle of Xiangcheng in the Southern Territory and the Daxiang Dynasty against the alien demon army. In the middle, Fu Yu Gong Mu Tiancheng took command and was killed in a battle with the Frost Hunter! Then when Feng Xiang led the reinforcements to arrive, Fan Yi used the means of reversing Wen Yun and crushed him on a building. Under the Venqiu Mountain, life or death is uncertain."

My heart was in turmoil. I didn't expect so many things to happen. I couldn't help but burned with anger. I raised my head and looked at Xuanyuanli: "Dare to ask your Majesty, what was the situation in the Daxiang Dynasty at that time, and forced us to join forces with them?"

Giant Ding Gong Yiping took a step forward and said: "Xiaoyao King, I know the situation at that time very well, why... let me describe it to you clearly?"


He said solemnly: "The Daxiang Dynasty has 800,000 iron cavalry, and it is one of the most powerful dynasties in the south. When the alien demon army launched a fierce attack from the East China Sea, the important town of the East of the Daxiang Dynasty was once. Effectively delayed the attack of the alien army, causing heavy losses to the alien army. Later, the 800,000 cavalry of the Daxiang dynasty lost nearly 200,000. After the three frontier armies were eaten by the alien army, the country's lord decided the capital After moving westward, we sent envoys into our Xuanyuan Empire and asked for an alliance to jointly resist the invasion of the alien demon army."

"This is it?"

I frowned: "The main force of the Daxiang Dynasty is still there. We are anxious to form an alliance. Whose idea is this? I don't believe this is Fengxiang's decision."

At this moment, a rather feminine voice sounded.

"It's my decision."

I saw a young man wearing exquisite armor and holding a golden spear slowly stepped out from the side, and came to the side of the new Emperor Xuanyuanli. He looked at me condescendingly, and said with a smile: "Lip dead tooth cold. Everyone knows the truth, so at that time, it was under the power of your Majesty to form an alliance with the Daxiang Dynasty, and Feng Xiang and Mu Tiancheng's attitude at the time was strongly opposed."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Great boss Ge Xiaocheng."

The new emperor was a little apprehensive, stood up again, and said, "Brother, during your absence, there have been wars everywhere in the empire. Xiao Cheng is a famous general in the south and has outstanding achievements in battle. Therefore, I promoted him to a big boss and take charge of the empire. Yiying soldiers, although Xiao Cheng and Feng Xiang have different views, but... Feng Xiang has also praised him as a competent minister."

"Your Majesty is too praised."

Xiao Cheng smiled slightly, holding a spear in his hand, just like this with a fist at me, and smiled: "Master Ge Xiaocheng, see His Royal Highness Xiaoyao!"


I couldn't help but smile: "So it's a big boss? But if you look at it... shouldn't it be proper to walk down the king's order and kneel in front of me to see it like this?"

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