Zhan Yue

Chapter 1271: Kill the fruit

"Xiaoyao King, don't deceive people too much!"

Xiao Cheng looked awe-inspiring and shouted sharply.

I stretched out my hand and pointed to the ground in front of me, smiled slightly and said: "Come here, kneel down and see!"

"His Majesty!"

Xiao Cheng suddenly turned around, and just knelt in front of the dragon chair of the new emperor Xuanyuanli, and said: "What the humble post does is just to do the best of the court, but I don't know how to offend His Royal Highness Xiaoyao, please give your advice!"

Xuanyuanli was startled, looking embarrassed.

"Is it useful to my Majesty?"

I lightly stomped my foot, and a blast of air suddenly formed a small world around me, and immediately detained Xuanyuanli’s divine sense. For a time, there seemed to be only two of us in the entire hall, and Senior Sister Yun was quietly by the side. Watching.


Xuanyuanli trembled: "You...what are you going to do?"

"What will your Majesty do?"

I looked at him with a complicated expression, and said, "The first emperor, Longwu, the great cultural relic, Wushuang, led a group of officials to defeat the current situation of the Xuanyuan Empire, leaving me and Fengxiang to assist Your Majesty. What does your Majesty want to do? Use Xiao Cheng like this. The thief, the Baiyi Qingxiang has been lost to Mount Ventiu? Is this your Majesty to get rid of the ministers and seize the kingship?"

Xuanyuanli's expression was pale: "Brother, I don't have one!"


My tone was more severe, and I shouted in a low voice: "Xuanyuanli! Do you think that when the first emperor left, did you think Jiangshan Sheji and Xuanyuan Guozuo were important, or did you think Xuanyuanli's throne was more important? As long as the Xuanyuan clan's country is stable, Do you think who is the first emperor will care about it? If your Xuanyuanli's talent is the only one, I think it would be enough to give the emperor the throne to another prince."


Xuanyuanli gritted his teeth: "Are you... forcing me to abdicate?"

"What do you think?"

My eyes were full of disappointment, and I sneered: "I think the regent king is superfluous? I still have to join forces with other forces to find a way to kill or suppress me, and then the entire Jiangshan Empire will be Are you Xuanyuan left alone?"

Having said that, I gently shook the blade of Vulcan with one hand and sneered: "Only you? No talent or virtue? No good ministers to assist you. How long can you stay in the country? Ten years? I'm afraid it may not be there. Hand it to you Xuanyuanli, at most three years, I am afraid I will hand over to the alien demon army!"

Xuanyuanli could no longer stand, so he knelt to the ground, tears streaming down his face: "Brother, what should I do? I am obsessed with my ghost and be deceived by others. This is the alliance with the Daxiang dynasty, but it has been calculated by the Daxiang dynasty. , Lost the soldiers and lost the generals, and lost Lord Covering Yu, even Feng Xiang was suppressed in the south by a handle..."

I said lightly: "Do you really know what's wrong?"


Xuanyuanli just knelt towards me like this, and said, "The next thing, please tell me the decision."

"My Majesty, how did this Xiao Cheng come from?"

"Recommended by others."

"Who recommends?"


He became hesitated, and after a few seconds, he said: "A sage from the north, named Jia Zhong, has a magical spell to the sky. During the period of his brother's departure, he... served as the empire. The master of the country, in charge of the ancestral temple etiquette, the emperor of the mountain and water, the operation of the Guozuo formation, etc., everything is handled in the right way."


I smiled faintly: "Your Majesty is really confused."

Xuanyuanli was speechless.

At this moment, I stepped out again, and the surrounding world instantly disappeared and appeared on the court again, and the officials in the court were shocked. In the moment, Xuanyuanli and I had disappeared. Before everyone's eyes, the monarch disappeared, which inevitably caused panic. Fortunately, Xuanyuanli and I both appeared at this moment, but Xuanyuanli was still kneeling on the ground.

"His Majesty…"

Xiao Cheng looked awe-inspiring: "Did Xiaoyao King use some means to intimidate his majesty? This is a crime of deceiving the emperor. Please, your majesty must severely punish such violent officials!"

"do not talk."

Xuanyuanli slowly got up and said indifferently, "Dazhige, Xiaoyao Wang asked you to kneel and bow, then you will bow down. Why, your Dazhige’s knees are made of gold, and even the Xiaoyao King of the Xuanyuan Empire does not want to kneel. Up?"

"Humble job..."

Xiao Cheng looked at me bitterly, got up and walked towards the king's step step by step.

"No need."

I suddenly smiled, cleared my throat, and said, "From now on, I will be in charge of all major military affairs of the empire. As for the position of the chief executive, I will be temporarily abolished."

Nangong was also shocked, and hurriedly stepped out and clasped his fists, saying, "Your Majesty, the position of being a big boss is determined by your Majesty himself. How can you say that your abolition is abolished? Please your Majesty's order to take it back."

"No need."

Xuanyuanli waved his hand: "The edict of the emperor at the time was to let King Xiaoyao be in charge of the nation's military power. There is nothing wrong with the brother's order. Since the brother has now returned, the elder alone will decide on military affairs."

I gave a fist lightly and didn't say anything.

"Chen, agree with Xiaoyao King!" The giant Ding Gong Yiping said with a fist.

"The minister also agrees!" Nangong Chi, commander of the Yinping Legion, clasped his fists together.

"The ministers agree together!" Si Konghai, the commander of the Knights Templar, clasped his fists.

Many old ministers clasped their fists to support me to regain control of the military. It seems that this is also the trend of the times. What the new emperor wants to do is very simple, appoint Xiao Cheng to be the leader, command the entire nation's army, and then squeeze out one by one. Depriving the old minister of military power, and finally taking the military power of the entire empire in his hands, it is a pity that he was too anxious, not only killed Fu Yu Gong Mu Tiancheng, but also let Baiyi Qingxiang be suppressed far away.

If you can give me a little time to ignore the wind, stabilize the situation in the empire, and make a reasonable plan in the south to suppress the alien army in the south, at the moment when the overall situation is set, I will slowly return the power to the new emperor. After all, we are not people who are greedy for power, but the new emperor is so anxious to establish his own prestige and appoint his own group of generals in charge of military power. For one thing, this group of people is insufficient, and secondly, it cannot convince the crowd. This will only bring Xuanyuan Yingxin. The family property that had been accumulated hard for many years was completely defeated.

"How to deal with the former boss Ge Xiao Cheng?" Si Konghai asked with a fist.

I looked at Xuanyuanli and asked, "Your Majesty, did Xiao Cheng advocate the alliance with the Daxiang Dynasty and the dispatch of troops to the south?"


Xuanyuanli nodded.

"Then there is no need to stay."

I waved gently: "Come here, drag Xiao Cheng down and chop it down."


Xiao Cheng was furious. At the moment when the two imperial guards rushed forward, he suddenly raised his spears, bursting out with a breath of spirit, and shouted in a low voice: "Who dares to kill me?"

"To rebel?"

I smiled slightly, and when my thoughts moved, Thor's blade flew out with a "swish", and in an instant it circulated dozens of times around Xiao Cheng. The power of thunder and lightning condensed into a thunder and lightning rope, which was tightly tied up, I bear it. I couldn't help laughing: "The mere cave virtual realm dare to do whatever it wants in the court hall. Do you really think you are an ascendant realm? Pull it down, cut it!"

The eyes of the two stumbling Royal Guards were immediately full of joy. It seemed that it was not a day or two that they wanted to slash this big boss. They immediately carried Xiao Cheng and walked to the door of the main hall. One of them pulled out the long. Sword, without a word, a sword fell, and suddenly a human head rolled to the ground. Although Xiao Cheng was in the Void Realm, his cultivation was sealed by Thor's Blade, and he could only watch himself being killed.


As soon as he raised his hand, a clear blue light flew back outside the hall, and Thor's Blade returned to its sheath.

I took a cold look at the new emperor Xuanyuanli, then gently clasped my fist and said, "Your Majesty is sitting here, where is the state teacher Jia Zhong?"

"The national teacher sits in the main hall of the ancestral temple."

Xuanyuanli's face was dead gray: "What are you going to do, brother?"

"Qingjun sideways, what does your Majesty think I can do a little more?" I smiled faintly and said: "Senior Sister Yun, this Jia Zhong's breath is not simple, I am afraid I need your help."

"That's all about Yijian."

"Take me there?"

"it is good."

The next moment, Senior Sister Yun slowly pushed the white dragon sword out of the scabbard a few inches, and suddenly a ray of sword light fell like a waterfall. In a blink of an eye, a sword formation was condensed around our two bodies, and then they shrank into an inch. I immediately came to the front of the ancestral temple, and there was the sound of clapping hands in the ancestral temple. An old man in a green shirt smiled slightly: "Tsk tsk, sure enough, nothing can escape the eyes of the July Flowing Fire. It seems that the high above What the facilitator planned failed again."

"Yes it is."

I nodded and smiled: "As for you, die?"

"Not necessarily?"

He suddenly turned into a ray of brilliance and rose to the sky, hurriedly heading north.

Senior Sister Yun immediately took out the sword, and a gleam of white sword light went straight away. Suddenly, the teacher named Jia Zhongguo snorted, and the body was divided into two under the sword light, but what fell from the body was not blood and internal organs. It is a strand of golden literary luck.

I couldn't help laughing: "Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong, Jia Zhong is just a wisp of writing by Fan Yi."

"Smart and smart, extremely smart!"

From afar, Fan Yi's voice came: "It seems that I will be able to deal with smart people in the future, and it won't be too lonely."

My eyes were cold: "Senior Sister, is it possible that this cultural luck can still make it fly back to the north? It's all here..."

Senior Sister Yun made another sword, the sword light shattered the cultural fate, and for a while, it turned into countless golden lights scattered on the earth, and these cultural fate would not have to go back to the north, and just stay in the Xuanyuan Empire.

"Okay, let's go back." I laughed.

Senior Sister Yun held the white dragon sword, tilted her head and looked at me with a smile.

"Why look at me like this?" I felt a little frizzy.

She smiled lightly and said, "Senior Sister Yun called up, is it easy?"

I grinned: "Isn't it because I don't have this ability, so I asked Senior Sister Yun to do it. Those who can do more?"


The next moment, the two returned to the palace together, Senior Sister Yun took a palm, and there was still a wisp of writing slowly dissipating in front of her eyes, and the complicated text appeared in the air, and finally disappeared.

"Have you seen it?"

I raised my eyebrows: "There is no national teacher Jia Zhong, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is just a ray of Fan Yi's literary luck, in fact, it is equivalent to the younger half of Fan Yi who became the national teacher of the Xuanyuan Empire."

Xuanyuanli's face was pale, just based on this incident, he knew that I had enough reason to pull him off the dragon chair, and the officials and the ancestral temple would definitely agree.

"never mind."

I took a deep breath: "Before the return of the wind, your Majesty will run to the Prime Minister's Mansion more. Try to bring up the feeling of leading the Prime Minister's Mansion and the general government affairs of the whole country. It can also be considered as an experience of yourself. As for the military power, your Majesty should not touch it. In order to replace your Majesty, the minister will fight every battle. When the world is in peace, I will put the horses in Nanshan and cast swords as plows. When I am the real King of Happyness, I will go."

With that, she turned around and left the hall with Senior Sister Yun.

Looking up at the sky, there was a haze in the sky, clouds and mists lingering, and wisps of thunder and lightning were looming in it, but my spiritual sense touched the dragon mirror, and it still works, but this day, it seems that it has changed.

Senior Sister Yun said with a smile: "The sky is...it should be difficult to sit down. The scene there has long been very different. If you want to go, I will protect the road for you."

"I still have to go and see, what do senior sisters think?"

"Then take a trip."

The next moment, I held the Zhenlong mirror into a golden light and soared straight into the sky, while Senior Sister Yun swung a sword light on one side to protect the road, so that it penetrated the clouds and came straight to the sky.

In the distance, the thunder is rolling, and the sky is no longer what it used to be. Although the star eye has been working diligently to repair, the gap in the sky is at least ten times more than when I left. In addition, it seems that the sky is still being pressed by the road. Victory, just tens of thousands of meters above the sky, a blood-colored dragon snaked and suppressed the entire sky.

The real dragon is in the sky, overlooking the world.

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