Zhan Yue

Chapter 1272: Ventiu Mountain

"Dare to come back?"

In the air, a ray of golden light fell from the long sword of a leader, but before the golden light fell on her body, it was blasted away by Senior Sister Yun’s sword lift, but the aftermath of the collision of the two sword auras The shock still made me sway, if I didn't hold the Dragon Mirror in my hand, I'm afraid I would be unstable in the air.

Immediately afterwards, another spear light bloomed, descending from the sky.

The Zhenlong Mirror was still dazzling with divine light, just under my wave, it turned into a shining light that fell into the sky, colliding with the light of the spear, and the majestic backlash force continued to be transmitted back to the arm, as if to take the entire arm’s flesh and blood. It was swallowed, and the blood-retaining real dragon in the sky finally turned back and looked at me. The dragon's eyes were full of contempt and disdain, and smiled: "Today, you are still qualified to sit on the sky?"

As he said, it blew a breath of dragon, a strong tone, and it turned into a rolling black cloud and it was crushed down.

"Junior Brother, come down."

Senior Sister Yun took off again with a sword, protecting me from falling down.

It is true that the sky is no longer my territory. If I insist on fighting with them, I will eventually kill one or two guides at most, and I may fall into the game world again. The consequences are difficult. Imagine that this time practicing Yin will definitely learn to be smart, and it is impossible for me to take advantage of it anymore.


The two hovered in the air.

I sighed: "After all, I haven't come back for too long. I really changed the world."

Senior Sister Yun smiled and said: "During this period of time, your cultivation has been stagnant, but your enemy's realm has progressed rapidly. That's why there is such a contrast. This kind of mental suffering must be overcome by yourself."

"Well, my okay senior sister."

I smiled slightly: "Senior Sister, go back and sit in Longyu. I will improve myself during this time."


She took a step forward and disappeared instantly.

And I turned over and fell from the air. At this moment, the changes in the game these days have been understood to some extent. It is time to deal with my own personal practice. After three months, I have already taken the national service ranking list. The first person fell directly to the list, and it was about 3000W+. That is to say, most of the players in the national server are already far above me. No wonder, I left in the early spring and only in the summer. Coming back, too much time was delayed.


Open the package, and sure enough, the previous rewards are still there, a pair of golden light-rich leggings lie quietly in the package, take it out to see, the attributes are quite extraordinary——

[Daiyu Leggings] (Return to Ruins Level)

Species: all genus

Defense: 4850

Agility: +752

Stamina: +748

Strength: +746

Spiritual power: +740

Special effects: Dodge +500

Special effects: Power of the Five Mountains, base attack power increased by 15000 points

Special effect: Tenacity, increase the user's 150,000 points of blood and blood limit

Special effect: Negative resistance, 75% reduced by the negative effects of plague, poisoning, chaos, etc.

Additional: Increase the user's attack power by 308%

Additional: Increase the user's defense power by 305%

Features: Five Sacred Mountains Set (3/5)

Biography: In the ancient times, Guixu appeared in the east of the Bohai Sea and misty in the deep sea. There are endless spiritual power and heavenly luck in the Guixu. There are five sacred mountains standing, and the five sacred mountains are named: Daiyu, Fanghu, Yuanjiao, Yingzhou, and Penglai, after years of accumulation, the five sacred mountains won the emperor of heaven and earth, and finally gave birth to five masterpieces, which later generations called "Five Sacred Artifacts". According to rumors, the five sacred mountains were awarded the Five Sacred Artifacts. Man will be a person of heaven, earth and luck, and will eventually become sacred.

Need level: 220


The attributes are extremely strong. The moment I equipped Daiyu’s leggings, the Wuyue suit immediately triggered the three-piece attribute——

Set 3/5: When attacking, 30% of the attack damage is automatically converted into real damage, and the damage reduction of all spells is increased by 15%


The activation of a suit attribute means a leap in overall strength, so a very exaggerated scene happened. A player of my level who ranks 3000W+ in the national server is indeed the first place in the battle power list. It is still the first place. Feng Canghai, the second place, has about 20% higher combat effectiveness. Most of this is due to the Wuyue suit and the double-edged blades of the God of Fire and the God of Thunder.

Take a deep breath and look at the first place in the ranking list. The Dawn of Purgatory is already at level 265, which is 3 levels higher than Lin Xi, who is ranked third. As for Feng Canghai, who is ranked second, he is ranked 263. It stands to reason that Feng Canghai is ranked second. Cang Hai’s original monster spawning ability was inferior to Lin Xi, and Lin Xi has been overwhelmed by Lin Xi in his level. This time he surpassed it. The only possibility is that Lin Xi’s online time in these three months has not been as good as before, and he has been in a daze all day. Right?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sighed, and then sent a message to Lin Xi, saying: "Lin Xiaoxi, I got the leggings parts of the Five Sacred Mountains suit, so the previous Shanhai-level pioneer leggings are empty. What do you think is better? "

"Give it to me, I will help you deal with it. Now Fanchen, Liuying, and Mingxuan all need them. I will let them decide what they belong to."

"it is good."

After returning to Fanshucheng Square and handing the pioneering leggings to Lin Xi, I went to the warehouse to tidy up the warehouse, and then I was ready to go out for leveling, but when I opened the warehouse, I found that there was no copy in the warehouse. Pinzhi's book is glowing with radiance at this time, it seems that some characteristics have been activated, so he hurriedly took it out and opened it, and it really changed--

[Book of Transmigration]: After using and awakening, gain the power of Transmigration. The use requires condition one: the player enters the immortal state, the use condition two: the player enters the state of transformation, the use condition three: the player level reaches 250 or more, Need to consume: 100 points of charm


It's done!

My fists and palms hit each other lightly. Among my many spoils, this book of transformation is the most mysterious. It has no rank, no specific description of secret skills. It is just a book of transformation, and the second condition is It used to be "???", but now the activation is refreshed, obviously because of the fact that I stepped into the realm of God Transformation in reality, and the requirements are so demanding. Once I learn the Book of Transformation Realm, can I still get it?

Thinking of this, I have a little expectation. The third condition is only level 250. The problem is not big. I placed it three months ago. It is really not easy for my 238 to reach level 250, but it is too easy now because the map is too open. Many, the average level of first-line players is approaching 260, so the level of monsters on the new map will definitely not be lower.

On the side, Lin Xi smiled and looked at me, seeming to like the way I thought about things.

"Lin Xi."

I put down the Book of Transformation, turned around to look at her, and asked with a smile, "What new maps are suitable for me to level up? I mean...the place where I can level up about 40-50?"

She smiled lazily: "I just updated a new expansion half a month ago. There are many new maps. You can check out the new version of the expansion."

"You are by my side, why are you still going to watch the expansion?"

I smiled and said, "You know my equipment and skills. Let's talk about it. Which map is best for me?"

"Venqiu Mountain."

Lin Xi pursed her red lips, and said, "Currently, the most advanced map in the entire server, but due to the borders of the country, only people from the national server and the Indian server can enter. However, the monsters on the Venqiu Mountain are too high and attacking. It is also high, and the map rules are too demanding. Every time you enter the Venturi Mountain, it costs 20 Charisma Points. Few people can afford it, but it is suitable for you. Bring enough supplies to mix in the Venturi when the equipment is thin. Come out again, in terms of experience and merit, it will definitely be earned by blood."

"Venqiu Mountain..."

I took a deep breath: "Baiyiqing Xiangfeng doesn't notice the suppressed place?"

"You know..."

Lin Xi has beautiful eyes: "I knew that you are friends without Feng Wen, so I didn't tell you. Since you already know, then there is nothing left to say. Venqiu Mountain is a mountain range moved directly from the north by Wen Yao Fan Yi. , It is said that in order to move Venqiu Mountain, it directly consumed the vitality of the one million alien monster army. When Venqiu Mountain landed, all the one million alien monster army was wiped out. That event was the first in our national service so far. Activities that failed this mission."

"Such a big move is to suppress a white-robed Qing Xiangfeng from not listening?"


Lin Xi nodded: "But you don't know anything. Soon after you left, Feng did not hear. Because of the authentic literary and Taoism, he received a seal from the sky, so the speed of breaking through is very fast. In less than a month, it has been a genuine one. The quasi-shen realm, and the avenue fits the human world, and the fight can be fierce. It is only inferior to Jing Yunyue in the human race. In the end, Fan Yi and Lin Hai have to join hands to carry the Wenqiu Mountain and directly ignore the wind. It's at the bottom of the mountain."

She continued: "We played too badly in that version event. Players in the national server almost lost level 2 per capita, but they still couldn't stand it. The army of the aliens attacked from the front, and the army of the Indian server disgusted us on the flanks, too. It's too hard."

"Yinfu surrendered to the alien army?" I was surprised.

"No, their main army is still there. They just used the NPC on our national service to force us to fight."

"Got it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I smiled slightly: "I will go to Ventiu Mountain to practice, will you come with me? "

"Not together, my level is too high, I will steal your experience."


"Of course!"

She straightened Su Feng, raised her beautiful face, and her chin was like a jade, which was especially touching.


I got everything ready, the equipment was refurbished, and then Ventiu Mountain was directly transmitted from the teleportation array. A towering green hill lay between the sky and the earth, which seemed a bit abrupt. Just when I spent 20 Charisma to step into the foot of the mountain, I looked up. Seeing the light golden text on the top of Ventiu Mountain, it seems that the culture is prosperous.

As I stepped up the mountain path, I was in a heavy heart. I raised my head and glanced at this mountain deep into the sky, and sighed softly: "Fengxiang, if you are still alive, tell me your peace?"


In the wind, a familiar voice came.

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