Zhan Yue

Chapter 1275: He is already poor

"A group of weak chickens."

I sighed helplessly. This group of people was really not enough to fight, and they didn't even pose too much threat to me. The second tribulation ascended to the players, just like paper, so I swept the trophies in the battlefield a little bit, and then continued south. , Strangling with a large piece of exiled sword spirit in front of you. If the players of Yinfu don't dare to kill, I dare to kill!


The tactics remain the same, that is, to force the damage with one's own best equipment, and then double daggers to harvest, transform the damage into one's own energy and blood, drive the shadow and turn into a fight throughout the process, the problem is not big, the bloodline force can completely keep up. The exile sword spirit has a high rank, and every kill can be converted into 1 point of blood, so even if the shadow is turned on to kill monsters and fights, the blood value can still be maintained above 90 points, and there will be no stretches. status.

Along with the explosion of piles of gold coins, I also noticed that there were scattered pieces of golden fragments also exploded. When I strangulated nearly 200 exiled sword spirits, a total of 6 such pieces were exploded. The fragments, picked it up and looked at it, confused——

【Shards of Shanjia 29】: Gulin fragments.


The other pieces are numbered differently, namely 7, 48, 52, 59, 91. It seems that these mandarin fragments are all numbered. As for why there are numbers and what this mandarin is, it is not known. Yes, even after I spent nearly five minutes looking through the official map information of Ventiu Mountain, I still don't have an answer, but all the six pieces were accepted as orders, and no one was dropped.

The reason for keeping them all is very simple. In the morning, I had killed the sword spirits in Ventiu Mountain for a long time. The monsters that fell under my double blades were countless, but none of the shards of the mountain armor exploded. In addition, the number of Indian players killed was not a few. They also did not explode half of these mountain armor fragments. What does this mean?

This kind of mountain armor fragment is obviously a newly added drop item, and why it was added? It must have triggered a certain condition. Most of this condition is that my "different player" came to Mount Ventiu, then there is The trace can be traced, since it is for me to refresh the material, then I don't collect who collect it?

What's more, when it went online at noon, there seemed to be a staggered "patch loading" screen in the screen of reading the characters. Although it only flashed past, it still left me a bit of an impression. It stands to reason, "The Magic Moon" 》All updates of this game are completed during maintenance, and there are very few cases of temporary loading of system patches like this.

Directly sent a message to Lin Xi: "My wife!"

"What are you doing?"

"When it went online at noon, did you feel as if there was a patch loading screen, although it passed by, there was only less than a second of update time, do you remember?"


She thought for a while and said, "When you say this, it seems that you really have such a little impression. There is a project that needs to be loaded. What's the matter?"

"It's okay, I'll just confirm what I'm thinking in my heart, so you can practice your level."

"I heard that you are going to be chased by people from India at Venqiu Mountain? Would you like me to also organize the national service personnel to enter Venqiu Mountain for reinforcements?"

"This is really unnecessary!"

I shook my head and smiled: "The map setting of Ventiu Mountain is very suitable for me, a low-level player with the Soul Eater effect. Besides, does Ventiu Mountain cost 20 Charisma points once? I entered Venturi Mountain twice for the blood-sucking imprint. , By the way, it consumes the charisma value of the top players in Yinfu. The more people they come, the better. If I can't beat them, will I still not be able to run?"


She chuckles: "Be more careful anyway, I will continue to practice."



I have cleaned up three pieces of refreshing places for the exiled sword spirits in a row. There were more than a dozen mountain armor fragments in the package again, and I was very patient and put them in the package in the order of the mountain armor fragments, from No. 1 to No. 99. , All are sorted in order, the vacant ones in the middle are empty, anyway, the ones with the same number can be folded, so that only 99 spaces in the package can be occupied. In fact, my heart is still full of small expectations. If you collect 1-99, What will happen to the shards of the mountain armor? Summon the dragon? If I can summon, I will make a wish to let the wind go home.

When I picked up a piece of mangosteen fragment and placed it in the corresponding order in the package, I turned around and saw a number of figures appearing in the jungle behind me. The people in India came again, and this time they came. Basically, they all belong to the same guild, and a group of people bear the guild emblem of the "spirit of mountains and rivers" on their foreheads.

The fourth-ranked guild in India served at least more than 300 people this time. Basically all of them were in the second flight. There were no exceptions. A group of people were aggressive and slowly approaching. The one in the front was a vice-leader-level mage. Holding a luminous staff, golden, it is a piece of mountain-sea-level equipment.

As soon as I saw this equipment, I immediately remembered that I still have a lot of work to do. This time I left for three months. Players on the national server cannot stand still within three months. On the contrary, everyone will continue to do tasks, activities, and strategies. On the map, there will be no shortage of equipment above the mountain and sea level. There is no statistics yet. I need to re-statistics when I look back to enrich my database.

"July Flowing Fire!"

The wizard raised the staff in his hand, looked at me with cold eyes, and sneered: "The first person in the Chinese war zone now has only this level, and there is no second crossing. What are you waiting for deliberately staying here? Waiting to inherit the experience value of our printing server players in Ventiu Mountain?"

I was surprised: "How did you know?"

He showed irritation: "Does it really give you a face? A Yifei player really thinks he can walk sideways in Ventiu Mountain? Tell you, your progress in the July Flowing Fire game has stagnated for three months, and we have not stagnated. Do you want to make a fortune in the south of Venturi Mountain? Think too much! Not to mention the entire Yinfu, just the people of our Shanshui Spirit Guild, can you handle it?"

I raised my eyebrows, raised my double blades, hovering in the air, and smiled: "Don't just say it, you know it after hitting it!"


There was a very slight footsteps behind him. Although the group of assassins who had ascended from the Second Tribulation had been very cautious, they were still heard by me, as if they stepped into the realm of transforming gods, their perception ability in the game has also improved. A lot of it, not to mention that the eyes of the Shifang Hot Wheel have been opened long ago, and they must not be able to get close.

The mage holding a mountain and sea-level staff sneered, as if he wanted to buy time for the assassins, but said indifferently: "What's the hurry? Last time I went to Lingnan Province, I hadn't seen it for a long time, shouldn't it be reminiscence?"

"Do you know you well?"

I smiled slightly, and my body sank suddenly, and instantly appeared next to a 258-level assassin at the front of the opponent. The blade of Vulcan instantly took the basic attack + the blade of the **** killer + the basic attack. The assassin's body is smashed. This assassin has obviously been in the Venturi Mountain for a long time. His equipment is thin, and the durability of the double daggers is about to lose. Before returning to the city, he was dispatched to participate in the so-called "hunting" mission. I like this kind of opponent the most. The more experience he has playing in Ventau Hill, the more I can inherit!

With a horrible grunt, the assassin fell to the ground and transferred the 4E+ experience value behind me, which was not ordinary comfort.


A few steps away, the second assassin looked surprised. I didn’t expect I would find out so soon. Before he could make a parry, the Vulcan Blade pierced his chest, followed by Thor’s Blade from him. Pierced in his back, drilled out of his chest, snorted soaring into the sky, and in a blink of an eye he completed the fire of the double daggers, the same spike!

"Go together!"

The rest of the assassins were furious, and they rushed forward with the swift movement skills.

I like this kind of picture the most. I swept close, fished in troubled waters + the sound of the wind broke out in an instant, making a group of assassins unexpected. Just when they were out of the fog, a ray of blue thunder and lightning shuttled back and forth between the crowds. Like the Lightning Chain of the Mage's Tribulation Skill, each shuttle caused at least 20W+ damage, plus the damage caused by the sound of the wind, all in a flash!

The soul-eating effect has already begun to superimpose unconsciously, but the people in Yinfu didn't notice it.

"Bastard stuff!"

The vice-leader of the spirit of Shanshui roared, watching the assassin in front of him being slaughtered, a kind of irritation that had been seen through Xingzang, pointed his staff, and shouted: "Let's go up together, wash it away!"

Horseshoes roared in the woodland, and I turned around to observe carefully.

After all, the spirits of mountains and rivers are one of the few guilds in Yinfu. In Yinfu, it should be considered at the level of T1+. It is only inferior to the beautiful life of the first guild as T0. Therefore, their offense should be more organized, with the same wings. Swordsman in heavy equipment, swordsman is an important killer in the encounter. The sword is clearing the stars, few people can stop it, and behind the swordsman is the paladin, responsible for protecting teammates and mastering the rhythm, and then the mage and sharpshooter. And so on, there is a group of boxers and magicians hidden in it, responsible for controlling and fighting output.

However, it is useful to drop ten meetings in one effort?


The thunder and lightning effect of the shadow transformation enveloped the whole body. In the next second, I did not hesitate to directly activate the invincible stunt. Since the level is low and it is too easy to be controlled by the opponent, then don’t push it anymore. The moment when the invincible stunt is turned on, the body shape As soon as he rushed out, he raised his hand to pour a pot of wine that boosted the special value. This was bought from the square ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Player special, quite expensive, a pot of wine can instantly increase 50 points The special skill value is the lifeblood of the current players of Jiu Jian Liu, and then the blade of Vulcan dances wildly, and the blade of Thunder spurs a blue thunder and lightning vortex around the body. Even the original flying sword white star is used together, and it is shot again in a blink With 50 special skill points, he immediately stepped on the ground to release the half-step thunder pond stunt of the Five Sacred Mountains suit. The thunder pond with a radius of 100 yards opened, almost covering all the opponents in the court.

If the opponent wants to fight more with less, it is very simple, I have to beat them before the opponent succeeds!

The body of the Vulcan, with an invincible effect for 9 seconds, and then a half-step thunder pond effect that lasts for 120 seconds, the spirit of landscape, not to mention only a few hundred people, will be a death for many people in this period of time.

"Don't panic!"

The opposing wizard's deputy league retreated again and again with the staff, looking at a group of half-blooded, **** subordinates, and roared: "Retreat a little bit to avoid his attack range. July Flowing Fire has already had two stunts in a row. The CD time of the stunt is a few hours at every turn, and then he is already at a loss of skill. We only need to wait for this while, and we will kill him like a chicken!"


I held the red deer rushing into the city 20 times, hundreds of bottles of sadness and breeze, hovering in the wind, smiling silently.

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