Zhan Yue

Chapter 1276: Transformation

As soon as the half-step thunder pond time passed, although the Shanshui Spirit players had scattered and evaded, they were still killed by more than half of the men and horses at my swift speed. As soon as the half-step thunder pond effect disappeared, I immediately took Thor. Zhiblade, sitting in the clearing, said nothing, waiting for the opponent to attack, pretending to be a panic of "Ass Skilled Poor", in addition, there was a bit of arrogance and unwillingness in his expression, in short, let the other party feel hopeful of killing me. Up.


After being deployed for a long time, the Mage Deputy League ordered more than one hundred people to besiege again from all directions, and I quietly pushed open a bottle of sad and crisp breeze with my left hand, and for a time colorless and odorless poison filled. In the air, while the spirit of the mountains and rivers flew over, a large number of people who attempted to "gather fire to kill" within one second fell to the ground, all weak.

"Oh, it's poison!"

A well-informed marksman roared: "It's the full-level poison of the July Flowing Fire! I have heard people say on the forums of the Chinese Theater before that, my goodness, there is such a poison!? There is invincibility. The stunts quickly open Invincible, only Invincible can remove the weak and paralyzing effect of this poison, hurry up!"

As a result, before he had time to perform invincible stunts, his chest was turned into a ray of thunder and the Thunder God's blade penetrated twice in a row, and then the flying sword white star swept past and cut his neck, completing the spike in an instant. , And the durability of this marksman's equipment is going to be all red, and he directly gave 6E+ experience points in one breath, which is really not a general shot!

Carrying the blade of Vulcan, a group of fainted players began to kill indiscriminately, and even the orange night was released. Holding a magic spear at the player who was unable to fight back on the ground was a mess, just like drying soybeans in the countryside. After that, the crackling sound was very loud and pleasing to the ears, just like knocking down beans with a stick.

After the chaos, there are only a few clever guys in the spirit of the mountain and run away with the invincibility effect. The rest of them all paid the price of level 1 in the glade, and my soul eater effect was unknowingly. I have accumulated to 150+ layers, and my advantage is slowly forming, and this time my intention is also very obvious. I will never leave if the equipment is durable. It doesn’t matter how long I have been online. A person who has stepped into the realm of God Transformation Human beings are already slowly adapting to a very subtle "divine nature", and it doesn't really matter if you stay up late without eating or drinking.

In addition to the equipment and potions, the Indians also sent some shards of the trophies from the same place. They seemed to have just been exploded. Of course, all of them were in the bag. I have some small concerns about these shards. Small expectations, temporarily updated things, may be useful, even if they are not, there is no problem with throwing them away after returning to the city.

As a result, when I picked up a piece of mangosteen fragments, I heard the unheard of feelings in my ears: "As expected to be the King of Xiaoyao, see Weizhizhi, these fragments are left with the power of some ancient gods, although few, but OK Keep it, maybe it's useful."

"To shut up!"

When the wind did not say a word, the divine consciousness was suppressed again, and the whole Ventiu Mountain trembled slightly.

I looked at the fragments of the mountain armor, frowned, and looked up at the mountains of Ventiu Mountain. I felt a little depressed. I didn't know the wind, the white-clothed Qingxiang had already become my best friend in the game. At the beginning, he and I, together with a rain-covering father, Mu Tiancheng, drinking under the moon, still entangled between the powerful and virtuous officials. Now Mu Tiancheng, the old man, has died in battle, and only me is left. If the wind is not heard, if the cultivation base is exhausted under the Wenqiu Mountain, then the several important ministers of the first emperor Xuanyuan Ying Tuogu are really only me.

Hold the handle of the Vulcan Blade tightly, so that the blade of the Vulcan Blade becomes more flaming.

Hate it!

He lifted his head and sighed: "Uncle, you have seen the wrong person."

Xuanyuan should be a sage and Mingjun, but he misunderstood his son after all. Xuanyuanli was not as "wise" as he thought, and even under the cover of his "disciple of Confucianism", he had hidden a trick If the identity of the family wasn’t for the power to be in control, or to be truly above ten thousand people, how could Xuanyuanli be confused by the chief executive Ge Xiaocheng and the national teacher Jia Zhong. As a result, the battle of Xiangcheng not only killed Mu Tiancheng, Even worse, his own husband was suppressed under Ventiu Mountain.

Today, the Xuanyuan Empire’s national strength has been severely damaged, and the losses of the major legions are immeasurable. Even my Floating Fire Corps has lost 70 to 80,000 people. It is now being restored. The Legion no longer has any advantages, even if it is against the Daxiang Dynasty in the south, the original big advantage has become a small advantage. This is definitely not a good thing.

Forget it, don't want to, level up and fight monsters.

A few minutes later, he was fighting with a group of exiled sword spirits again, very fierce.

When killing monsters, talk to A Fei.



He grinned: "What, miss you brother?"

"A little bit."

I smiled: "Do me a favor."


A Fei's eyes lit up: "You actually need my help for something? You can do anything, as long as I can help, even if it is to help you push your ass, as a good brother, it is absolutely duty-bound."

I got a black line and asked, "Have you made many friends in the game recently? I mean the one you can trust?"


A Fei said in a deep voice: "The first inscription master of the national clothes, can you not make friends with vastness? To say that you absolutely trust, there are indeed a few. Some time ago, after you left, I was depressed and often went to the crayfish stalls to drink. Go, I met a few brothers and brethren in the university city, one by one they praised me, the master of the pattern, and admired them very much. I have been fascinated by you for a long time in July. I always come to eat together often, and I'm very familiar with it."

"What is their character?"

"All are pretty good, better than me."

"That's fine. In the next period of time, let them not set up stalls. They will set up stalls in several distribution centers of the national service and purchase a large number of things called Shanjia fragments. This thing was exploded from Ventiu Mountain, 10G. , Never give more money, just say that it is low-level alchemy materials, you love to sell or not, you can buy as much as you can."

"Yes, I will pay the money!"

A Fei frowned and said, "Recently, there is really too much money. I have bought several sets of houses. There is really no room to spend. Don't fight with me for the money. I'll help you through this task."

I sighed helplessly: "This money, I will talk about it later. The collection of this material may not be for me alone, but it may be for the entire national service. Anyway, you should keep it first. By the way, there are people familiar with the printing service. ?"


His eyes brightened: "The last time someone from the Indian costume came over, I met some Indian chicks on the edge of the sky. They looked punctual. We met each other late and burned with fire. She just came half a month ago. China once, only left a few days ago..."

"You MD..."

My eyes widened: "I don't know whether I'm alive or dead. Are you still in the mood to make a date?"

He looked helpless: "It's really not a brother who doesn't care about you. I also miss your safety. But every day, my will is depressed. Shouldn't someone comfort me? No matter how difficult it is, life must continue, and life is the same. of…"

I rolled my eyes and said, "I see, you can contact this girl, give her money, ask her to hire a few reliable players, and buy the Shanjia fragments from Yinfu, how much can you collect? The more the better, you should be able to afford this money, right?"

"If 10G is one word, it is a small amount of money, it's a small point!"


I nodded: "Keep quiet about this. The fewer people you know, the better. Work secretly and talk less."

"Go, leave it to me!"


After explaining the matter, I continued to fight monsters in Venturi Mountain, and by the way, I cleaned up a few batch of Yinfu players who came to look for things. Until the evening, with a "di", a message came from Calorie: "Ali, you are still writing Qiu Shan?"

"Here, what's wrong with Kamei?"


She blinked her eyes and said, "You have made too many enemies on the Ventiu Mountain side, and you threatened to smash the dog's head and spine of the Indian clothing. Didn't you say this?"


I sat on a tree branch, scratched my head, and smiled: "There was a wave of Indian players who came to look for things to be able to spray, so I sprayed them for ten minutes, and I forgot everything I had scolded."

She looked helpless: "Your sentence has been widely circulated on the Yinfu forum. Just ten minutes ago, it was said that the second-ranked guild in Yinfu, the guild that is not well versed in Fengyue, is actively raising people and not only gathering. My own elite players, even recruiting people willing to come together from the public screen, will soon begin to encircle you in Ventiu Mountain."


I laughed: "Let them come, I can't ask for it."

Kamei pouted: "Well, I would kindly remind you, if you can kill indiscriminately, just treat it as if I didn't say it."

"I can't kill indiscriminately. I'm not crazy yet, but it's just as difficult for them to kill me."

"That's good, don't talk about it, go to leveling."

"Go ahead."

Dinner did not go offline. Lin Xi and the others ate pickled fish. Although my state of transforming the gods has very little dependence on food, it seems that the light aura between heaven and earth can absorb the energy for survival, but it smells. There are still some who want to drool, eating is originally an instinct, even if it is a human **** who has become a **** of transformation, I am afraid that I will not be able to quit in this life.

At about 8 o’clock in the evening, with a golden light coming, after clearing out a group of monsters, it finally rose to level 250, from level 238 to level 250 within a day. It was a super fast, and after reaching level 250, there was a gate threshold. You can learn the Book of Transformation!

The skill book was taken out directly from the package, and the "唰" turned into golden light and disappeared into the palm of the palm. The next moment, a majestic force surged from the depths of the Lingxu in the body, and it felt a little familiar, as if I were Just like borrowing the power of the realm of God in the game, in the next second, a new skill appeared in the skill list, and it flashed incomparably—

[Transformation First Heaven] (God Level): Awakens the power of Transformation in the body, inspires the will of the ancient gods, stepping into the Transformation state, gains the legendary Transformation first power, and its all hidden attributes are greatly improved. Attack Unable to be blocked, parried, or evaded, there is a certain chance that when attacking, it will kill the target with a single blow. The transformation time is related to its own cultivation base.

Here, the Book of Transformation will actually have another transformation effect. I don't know if it can stack with the shadow transformation of the Shura bloodline. In addition, it turns out to be a god-level skill, which must be more powerful than the red deer rushing into the city, right?

Try it and you'll know!


The shadow turned successfully, UU reading www.uukanshu.com made another turn, the golden brilliance flowed through the whole body, the next second, the body was covered with a layer of golden flames, the power in the body burst out, strands of gold spun my short hair The roots were dyed golden, and the body flickered with golden thunder and lightning. Sure enough, the two transformations merged. The gray thunder and lightning of the shadow transformation has turned into gold, just like ripples on the surface of the body, and The strength in the body has completely exploded, and there is a feeling of unpleasantness, two-layer transformation effect, this is invincible, right?

At this moment, the sound of Xisuosuo came from the jungle, and then a group of advanced players with the emblem of the "Incomprehensible Wind Moon" guild appeared in the jungle. At the forefront, a strong man riding a silver head Tiger mount, with the emblem of the deputy lord on the head, and a golden armor. It should be a set of mountain and sea-level equipment. It is extremely sturdy, bald and small eyes. There is a scar with seven or eight stitches on the forehead, and a black mouth. Rotten teeth, holding a mace with flames in his hand, looked at me straight like this. At first, I was a little panicked when I saw Transformation, but when I saw the many brothers behind me, he sneered and said something.

"Just what you call July Liuhuo?"

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