Zhan Yue

Chapter 1277: Willing to listen

   "I heard that you had a great time at Ventiu Mountain today~~~"

This 260-level Scarface looked at me with cold eyes, and sneered: "Even the main force of the Spirit of Landscape was killed by you. Tsk tsk, those who don't know think..."

"Stop talking nonsense."

I interrupted his words directly, stretched out my finger and hooked, and smiled: "A bunch of rubbish, come and die!"


A group of Indian players were angry, and some even threw their spears, and they were angrily about to start their hands.

"court death?"

Scarface raised his eyebrows: "Brothers, then fulfill him, let this guy know what the true peak power of Yinfu looks like! One group, two group, rush with me, kill him alone!"


The sound of horseshoes became dense and hurried. At least 300 people galloped together, making it clear that it was a gang fight. The next moment, at least twenty swordsmen launched their charge skills from the front fan at the same time. At the moment when his body turned into a charge phantom form, the brilliance of the color floated above the blade, and the stars of the sword fell out of the stars!

They are all second-flying players, and the stun hit rate for me is quite high, too hard!

So in the next moment, in everyone’s field of vision, I directly moved a bloodthirsty flag + shadow jump, and instantly moved back by nearly 5 yards, just after exiting everyone’s charging range, the Vulcan blade waved towards the front. It is an ice blade whirlpool + dragon strike + wind and crane three combos, all AOE skills, but at the moment when the skills are shot, wisps of golden ripples are accompanied by daggers surging, so that all three skills are wrapped in a golden storm. The lethality soared, and almost a dozen heavy swordsmen players fell to the ground in front of them almost instantly, especially the damage caused by the dragon impact, all exceeding 50W, which is really a bit scary.

Looking up, the densely packed concussion arrows hit the body cracklingly, but every time they fell on the body, a golden ripple appeared. The transformation of the power of transformation seemed to greatly weaken the damage and stun effects of the concussion arrows. , So that after this piece of skills fell, I still did not get stunned.

Yes, the control effect has suppressed the opponent!

I couldn't help but laugh, and never hesitated. The continuous shadow leaps and reaped the opponent's residual blood swordsman. With a dizzying array of leaping and impact damage, more than a dozen residual blood swordsmen couldn't get up at all, so they all fell to the ground. , And I passed by. The blade of Vulcan engulfed the heat wave and directly smashed the chest of an assassin. With a wave of his left hand, the blade of Thor turned into a flash of lightning and shuttled back and forth among the crowd of sharpshooters. At the same time, a close body came directly to Scarface, and smiled slightly: "You are not good at it!"

"you wanna die!"

Scarface roared, and surrounded by the brilliance of the defense skill, the mace suddenly lifted up, as if to set off a mountain of flames, just like this, a flame skill that had never been seen before was cut out, and I was directly close. The blade of Vulcan raised a "knock" across the handle of the mace, and hit the abdomen of Scarface with a heavy impact in front of his knees. A set of actions was completed in an instant, and the shape of Scarface was suffocated. Not only was it a skill. It was interrupted, and the body was still leaning back. In a short period of time, the body was stagnant and unable to move!

With absolute speed and power, the chopped pulse flow is actually as simple as it is, and it is not as mysterious as it is in the legend.

Three disasters!

The blade of Vulcan spurred three flames of thorny brilliance in succession, and it penetrated Scarface’s chest, followed by a ray of blue lightning passing through Scarface’s neck, and instantly pierced the opponent. This 260-level reloaded player was seckilled on the spot, and then raised a hand of all plants and trees, and the avatars of the grass and wood warriors in the state of transformation began to wreak havoc among a crowd of wizards, waving the same Vulcan blade. , Thor's Blade, cut a group of wizards crying father and mother, there is not much power to fight back.


"How can it be so strong!?"

A 259-level marksman retreats with a warbow in his hand, his face is shocked: "Obviously, it's just a player who has ascended through the catastrophe for the first time. Why is it so strong that it can really kill at the inferior rank like this? ?"

"That's it!"

The Paladin with the warhammer in his hand retreated under the rumblings of the wind, and said with a painful expression: "I heard the message of the Chinese theater from Qingmou Takumo not long ago, and said that this July Flowing Fire is only less than level 250. A player of Yifei, but there are a total of five Huixu-level equipment and three mountain-sea-level equipment in his body!?"


The marksman was shocked, and a beam of thunder pierced his chest, directly bursting out a 48W+ critical strike damage in seconds. There is no way, the Thor's blade kills remote players so hard, a dagger in a small area, because of Vulcan The relationship between Thor and Thunder's resonance has gone and gone like Feijian, killing people invisible.

I started to harvest as much as I wanted. This time I’ve got a better kill. The Unknown Fengyue Guild is the second-ranked guild in India, and more than half of this group are players with equipment durability of less than 50%. They have already mixed in the Venturi Mountain. It’s been a long time, and now they have accumulated a lot of Ventiu Mountain experience points. As long as they walk out of Ventiu Mountain, these experience points will officially belong to them. However, this group of people was temporarily summoned by the deputy leader to carry out a hunting operation against me. 10% of Venturi’s experience value deserves to be inherited by me.

ten minutes later.

When I was standing on a cluster of towering blue rocks with my double-edged blades, there were only patches of corpses left around. Bu Shi Fengyue dispatched a total of 600+ people this time, of which at least 400+ people were already lying here. The next one was scattered as birds and beasts and could not be chased down. Under the breeze, a drop of blood was dripping from the double-blade, and the soul-eating effect had also been superimposed to 470+ layers, and the advantages were constantly expanding.

Gently shake my arms, the power of the transformation is surging, and in the snorting sound, all the blood on the blade of Vulcan and Thor is evaporated and shattered, regaining the murderous and gorgeous appearance, and I took a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, I turned around and went to clean up the battlefield. The other party had exploded a lot of equipment and potions. Anyway, I almost didn't need supplies to level up on Ventiu Mountain.

As for the power of transformation, although it is only a transformation, the enhanced hidden attributes have far exceeded my imagination. As for the probability of death in one blow, it is about 5%, which is not high. Otherwise, it would be too BUG, ​​but it is rare. In this way, when I stabbed to death a 255-level reloaded paladin full of blood and sacrificial effect with a dagger, the expression of the person in the printed suit was still quite broken, and I didn't know what was going on.

But the absolute strength is crushing, and they can't help but believe it or not.


After that, continue to cruise in the south of Ventiu Mountain. This leveling map is divided into two parts by default by the players of the two major servers of China and India. The national server occupies half of the north and the Indian server occupies half of the south, because neither side has a winner. I’m sure, and I’m going out to level up and I can’t ask for speed and money. No one wants to fight for life and death every day. So before the two sides were in a tacit and peaceful state, but when I came, it was different, like a stone. Just like falling into the calm water, the Indian clothing side has already set off a huge wave, and the national clothing side is peaceful, but there are some small rumors.

Just kill the monsters while collecting the fragments of the mountain armor. If there are players in the printing service who come to find bad luck, then kill them all. The map of Qiushan is not big, and it is difficult for the other party to organize a large-scale encirclement of more than a thousand people, and The player’s charm value is also not allowed. Each time you step into 20 points of charm value to enter Ventiu Mountain, even if the appeal of the major guild leaders is enough, who has the capital to accompany you to play this way? Therefore, basically the players who died once on Ventiu Mountain will not come again, and no one wants to spend such a large price, and come here just to get the mold.

Practice until nearly eleven o'clock in the evening.


Lin Xi’s video message came. After opening it, she was standing in a jungle of birds and flowers. Behind her was a group of monster corpses. Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi were cleaning the battlefield. The future wife was picturesque, sitting on a truncated wood while wiping. The blood on the blade smiled and said, "How about it, do you plan to go offline today?"

"No more, chase after the level."

I grinned: "Try to reach level 260 within three days. At any rate, you can't let the level be too low, otherwise you will be embarrassed to look up at people."

"Aren't you tired?"

She frowned her eyebrows slightly: "Would you like to take a break off the assembly line?"

"I'm really not tired..."

I smiled slightly and said, "I forgot to tell you. My real level seems to have improved again, so my needs for sleep and food will be greatly reduced. Don't worry, it is already for me to stay on the line for a day or two. It's a piece of cake, not to mention that the NPC camp in the national service is a waste of time, and I really don't worry about sleeping. I must step up and deal with it."

"Okay, then how many of us can eat and sleep?"

"Well, go to sleep, go to sleep, leave the online business to me."



Lin Xi and the others went offline one after another ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and I took a look at the time, it was almost time, so they screamed and climbed!

It was on the mountainside, shuttled back and forth among a group of monsters exiled sword spirits. In the end, the exiled sword spirits all over the mountains and plains were attracted by me, vast and crowded, depending on the situation...even if there were no one hundred thousand, There was at least seven to eighty thousand. In the next second, I didn’t want to do anything. I just launched the Shadow Transformation and Transformation Realm in succession. The whole body was shining with golden light, like a demon **** who came to the world, carrying a double-blade jump, Stepping on a gorgeous flying sword, whispered at the crowd of monsters.

Red deer rushes into the city!

When the attack power and hidden attack power are high enough, the attack damage of the red deer rushing into the city has become quite terrifying. Even under the transformation, a complete 15-second red deer rushing into the city can exile the sword spirit with full blood in a second!

In this way, after 20 consecutive red deer rushed out of the city, the experience points were full, and it was upgraded to two levels in just a few minutes, and it was already level 252. In addition, the gold coins and trophies in front were piled up like a mountain and smiled. His eyes and heart were full of satisfaction, as if he were in a giant dragon in a gemstone mountain.

Clean the battlefield quickly!

Pieces of mango shards fell into the package and pieced together new missing pages. Soon after, the mango shards numbered 1-99 were collected for the first time. At the moment when they were collected, a ray of brilliance of "Shu" came from mine. The package rose up into the sky, and as far as his eyes were, there was a giant figure lying on the mountainside, knelt down on one knee at me, bowed his head and said, "I wish to hear the dispatch!"


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