Zhan Yue

Chapter 1278: Moving Mountain Guling

   In the package, 99 pieces of mangosteen fragments were reshaped and synthesized into a complete original nail piece, flowing with a dash of avenue aura. As soon as my eyes touched it, its attributes were so vividly in front of my eyes——

[Moving Mountain Ancient Spirit]: The descendants of ancient gods have a "moving mountain" natural magical power. Once these mountain moving ancient spirits have received a large amount of aura, they will regain the mountain moving magical power and can carry a large mountain and walk on the flat ground. , In the lake.


"never mind."

With a wave of my hand, the ancient spiritual method in front of me flew into the package instantly, and into the fiery red armor, but my brows were frowned. It is not useful at present, because the spiritual power of the armor is insufficient. Therefore, the magical powers of moving mountain ancient spirits are bleak and unusable at all, and even if it is used, what is the use of moving a mountain range? Do you learn from the alien demon army, moving mountains and reclaiming the sea from the land, opening up a passage from the East China Sea to the northern territories of the alien demon?

It doesn't make much sense. If you can't beat it, you can't beat it, and you can't beat it with a TP.

However, I still keep this complete piece of nail art. My subconscious mind tells me that this thing will be useful in the future, and it will be prepared. As for ALFY’s acquisition, there is no problem. Continue to harvest. It will not cost much, but it can be more out of thin air. It doesn't matter if there is a way to do more of such a **** thing.

So far, it has only been 12 hours since the shards of the mountain armor started to fall on the Venturi Mountain, so it is impossible for someone like me to collect 99 pieces of different numbers. As long as they are not collected, the secret of moving the mountain is limited. I knew that this was a good thing, so I took a deep breath and continued to clean the battlefield.

The acquisition by ALFY is one thing, and the production here is another. Anyway, the more the better!


So, just fought so hard all night.

When it was less than nine o'clock the next day, Lin Xi and others went online one after another. When they saw my level, Lin Xi was shocked: "Is this level 254?"


I smiled lazily: "Not only is the killing of monsters quick to upgrade, but the people who print clothes also come to give experience at every turn. There is no way, because they are enthusiastic, I can only continue."

She couldn't laugh or cry: "I heard that the two big guilds, the spirit of landscape and the unfamiliar with wind and moon, have done it?"


I nodded: "However, the Beautiful Life Guild, which ranks No. 1 in India, hasn't heard anything so far, and I don't know what's going on."

"Qing Mou Tuo Mo is a very smart woman. What she wants is the rise and strengthening of the guild, and the growth of the entire printed uniform, so she may not be willing to take the printed uniform against you. Besides, you are already known on Mount Wenqiu. The king is dominating, so the number of Soul Devouring layers should also be stacked, right? Clear eyes and Tumo will not be an enemy of you."

"Well, the number of Soul Eater layers is 1229, plus the transformation effect that I just obtained. It feels like there is no difference between clear eyes and ink. Now I, the suppression of the number of players is of little significance to me. "

"It's starting to float again, right?"


I smiled with a guilty heart: "My wife said that she should be more humble, but I estimate that within a week, her level should be able to catch up with you."

"It takes a week?"

"It's hard to say, it's quite difficult to upgrade after level 250."

"Yes, if there is nothing wrong with you, I will continue to take Mingxuan and Ruyi out to level up."



The leveling and PK lasted until about 8 o’clock in the evening. I didn’t eat for so long and didn’t go offline. I really didn’t feel too tired. The body in the realm of transforming gods has been absorbing the aura between heaven and earth, which seems to be enough. Provide the nutrients needed by the body, and during this long period of time, I almost wandered around the entire Venturi Mountain. Stareye followed me to draw the map. Just after seven o'clock, the durability of the whole body equipment was all It has fallen below 10%. After a long period of high-intensity leveling, people can hold it, but the equipment can't hold it.


Reaching out and flipping a map of Qiushan Mountain, I pondered and said nothing. The entire Venqiu Mountain was like a large array, and it was this large array that was already a quasi **** in the town, leaving it to me. There is not much time, because the unheard of the wind has begun to become weaker and weaker, so it is necessary to find the position of the eye.

Finally, after flipping back and forth, I found a wonderful coincidence point on the map. Every time I flipped it, the area was always in the shadow, so I smiled slightly: "Found it."

Star Eye said: "Skywalker, what are you looking for?"

"Look for an old friend's position, you just leave it alone."


Standing up, I rushed straight to the position of a mountain on the west side in the state of transformation. When I dived down, the layers of mist dissipated. No one thought that there was a small mountain on the mountain. The crack, it looked like someone had divided the mountain into two with a sword, and as I flew in, a series of talismans flew in front of me, turning into a series of attacking storms!


I suddenly stepped into the air, and just stepped out of a white dragon wall energy. The dragon wall smashed dozens of talisman effects in a blink of an eye, but more and more flaming talisman talisman flew from below, constantly implicated on both sides of the gap. , I want to block my way like a spider web.


Raising his left hand, a treasure mirror is full of sunshine, it is Zhenlong mirror!

Suddenly, Zhenlongjing cleared his way, and a whole piece of talisman spider webs collapsed, and right in his ears, a furious voice came: "July Liuhuo, what are you looking for?"

"Knowing well?!"

I smiled slightly, as far as I could look, there was a figure in the void of the void, which seemed to be a leader, holding a flame blade in his hand, looking at me so coldly, and I looked at him coldly, The Zhenlong Mirror in my hand is faintly looming, as long as he does it, I will have the power to counterattack, and this counterattack will be quite deadly.

How many good things can the facilitator have? They have always looked at us aloft, "ants" fighting for destiny. If he has the ability to kill me, he won't talk, but just do it!

The Zhenlong Mirror continued to smash the talisman. After flying downward for nearly five minutes, there was no road ahead. Instead, a clear mirror like the surface of water lay across the end of the mountain wall, and when I touched the surface of the water, there was a mighty force. Push the body directly back again and again, unable to get close.


Raising his eyebrows slightly and raising his hand was Zhen Long Jing's blow. As a result, Zhen Long Jing couldn't directly dissolve the heavy seal. It only bore a needle-like hole in the seal, but this hole was enough. Now, the unheard of the wind became stronger in an instant, and the next moment his voice sounded in my heart: "It's finally here!"

"How can I face the wind?" My words were very concise and clear.

"Just wait for the moment."

The wind didn’t hear the wind and smiled slightly: “King Xiaoyao doesn’t have to waste time here. He immediately returns to the imperial capital and prepares his troops and horses. When the cultural fortunes in the south are tumbling, he will lead the army to the south. I can get out of trouble. Of course, there are still some details and plans that need to be done by Xiaoyao King himself. If the wind is not heard and trapped here, I can only be trapped here. There is not much that can be done."

"I see, the direction of the wind."

"Please take care of Xiaoyao King......"

When he finished saying these words, the gap in the seal barrier closed again, and the breathlessness of the wind almost disappeared, and he was once again isolated in the heaven and earth under the mountain.


I smiled slightly and didn’t hesitate anymore. I smashed a scroll of city return, but behind me, a leader holding a flame sword appeared, his eyes staring at the golden ripples on my body, that It was the effect of the Transformation Realm. His expression was complicated and seemed to be very jealous. I couldn't help but laugh. The leader was also jealous. It seemed that the Transformation Realm was really powerful.



The body has left Ventiu Mountain, the equipment is almost broken, and there are as many as 21 sets of 1-99 complete mango fragments in the package, which means that if I want to, I can summon 21 moving mountains. Ling, what do you do with them... I already have a small prototype in my heart, but the feasibility needs to be confirmed a little bit. Once it is really done, it may really be done once and for all.

I sent a message to Lin Xi: "Lin Xi, let Shen Mingxuan not order takeaways for a while. Let's go to Haidilao for supper today. I will be with me. I will call A Fei again. I haven't seen A Fei for a long time."


She happily agreed, and I sent another message to A Fei. A Fei naturally agreed, but this time Haidilao needed me to treat him because he felt that I was not so loyal.

There is still a little time to go offline at 12 o'clock, and I can still be busy with some things.

After repairing the equipment, a body, turned into a golden brilliance, flew towards the direction of the Ministry of Rites, almost arrived in less than a minute, floated down, and at the moment I fell, a group of guards of the Ministry of Rites one knee Kneel down, hold fists and salute: "See His Royal Highness Xiaoyao!"

In the lobby of the government office, the young Li Shangshu flew out and greeted the door: "Your subordinates welcome your highness!"

"Talk inside?"


After entering the lobby ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I looked at a group of officials at all levels of the courtesy department, and smiled: "Master Shangshu, these people will leave first. I want to talk to you alone, okay?"

"I can do nothing!"

With a wave of his big sleeve, a group of subordinates retreated one after another, even a few courtesy ministers also retreated.

After serving a cup of tea, the Book of Rites respectfully said: "His Royal Highness, what the **** is going on, you can speak bluntly with the lower officials!"


After I sat down, I said, "I want to ask, what is our Xuanyuan Empire's method of sealing the gods of mountains and waters?"


He smiled slightly: "In fact, it is not complicated. The imperial emperor enshrines the deities of mountains and waters. General high-rank deities must have his majesty's personal edict. For low-rank lands, He Bo, etc., the Ministry of rites can appoint them by themselves. The choices are generally local celebrities and prestigious people who have passed away. The more people worship, the more the incense will flourish. The gods with the most prosperous incense will have their own power to stabilize and protect the landscape of a country. "

I looked up at him, silent.

Shang Shu of the Ministry of Etiquette couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, what is going on?"

I sighed: "Do you think that Lord Fuyu Mu Tiancheng, his heroic spirit can be edicted as the Zhengshen of Nanyue? Do you think, Zhenyang PR Yang, can his heroic spirit be educated as the Beiyue Zhengshen of the empire?"


The Book of Rites directly knelt to the ground: "This...this is a great thing!"


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