Zhan Yue

Chapter 1279: Unharmed

   "Let's meet your Majesty together?"

"It can only be so."

The matter is too big, it seems that it is beyond the control of the head of the ceremonial department, so I can only go to the palace with me. Fortunately, the six departments are very close to the palace. The new emperor Xuanyuanli is in the partial hall reviewing memorials. Feng Buwen is coordinating political affairs together, but now that Feng Buwen is under the pressure of Ventiu Mountain, it is already beyond his ability.

"Re-enable the mountain righteous god?"

After listening to my description, Xuanyuanli looked stunned: "Brother, this matter is not trivial. For one thing, it takes a lot of manpower and material resources to seal a landscape god, whether it is to build temples or open mountain roads, it will consume a lot of manpower. Now that the empire is waiting to be thriving, I have mobilized a large number of reserve troops to carry out large-scale reclamation and farming in the Lingnan and Yunxi provinces. If the mountains and rivers are sealed and temples are built at this time, I am worried that the people will complain! "

"Things are prioritized."

I sat down in front of the new emperor, tapped the table with the back of my finger, and said: "If you eat a bite of food, the people will not die, and the officials will not die, but I must not be delayed in doing this. It is better not to be too late. late."

Xuanyuanli frowned: "What is the brother planning?"

I breathed a sigh of relief: "The long-term plan for my human race is nothing more than a long-term peace. Your Majesty may believe me this time."

Xuanyuanli nodded: "Yes, the Shangshu and the servants of the Ministry of Rites and Households are all here, and His Royal Highness King Xiaoyao can explain everything that needs to be done, and then divide the work into details and let them execute them one by one."

"Well, thank you, Your Majesty."

I clasped my fists, slowly got up, looked at a group of officials from the Ministry of Rites and Household, smiled and said, "Are you not ready to record?"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

A group of people prepared pen and ink, and then looked up at me together.

I groaned: "First of all, confirm the two masters. Lishan in the northern border of the empire was edicted as the imperial territory. As the North Mountain Zhengshen, the name is true. As for Nanyue, Luming Mountain in the southern border of the empire was named Nanyue. The new Nanyue Mountain Monarch Mu Tiancheng, Fu Yu Gong died in the south, and he was ambitious and qualified to be this Nanyue Zheng God."

Having said that, I glanced at the two officials who were struggling to write, and laughed: "In addition, you will continue to select heroes suitable for mountain gods in the empire. Those local celebrities and loyal generals are fine. As long as the soul is not dispersed, Send people to help them stabilize their souls and make a ranking according to each person's life, contribution, etc. I hope this list will be around 100-200 people, not too few. I would rather choose it to be useless in the end, rather than not enough."

Everyone continued to record the clouds and water in the scrolls.


The new emperor Xuanyuanli frowned and said, "This list... Although our Xuanyuan Empire has many mountains and rivers, there are not many mountains worthy of the emperor's deities, and the emperor's deities will consume a lot of the spirit of the mountains and waters in the empire. The aura of the mountains and rivers in the entire world has become extremely thin, and these gods alone will not help. Such a fanciful edict is unreasonable."

"I know."

I smiled slightly: "So your Majesty, don't worry, what I was going to do is not a reasonable thing, but once it is done, maybe it will be done once and for all."

The new emperor has a solemn expression: "What exactly is your brother planning? Can't you tell me?"

"When the time comes, you will naturally tell your Majesty. The less people know about this, the better. What do your Majesty think?"


Xuanyuanli nodded: "But there is one more tricky thing. The old man Zhenyang died in the Dragon Realm. This is already more than a year ago. I don't know if the old man's soul has disappeared, if it does. Now, if the heroic spirit is not there, then Xin Beiyue can only be an empty shell, while Fu Yu Gong died in the battle in Xiangcheng. The body has been buried, but the soul has not been collected. Someone from Nanlu Academy went to find it before. Mu Tiancheng’s remnant soul also wanted to make him a **** of mountains and waters. Whether it was a mountain **** or a **** of water, as long as Lord Fu Yu nodded, it was only a matter of my word. Unfortunately, Lord Fu Yu refused. He would rather walk around. Among the mountains in the southern border of the empire, look more at the mountains and rivers of his hometown, knowing that the moment his soul is exhausted, he said that he can fight to death on the battlefield. There is no regret in this life, but it is a pity that he can no longer kill the enemy.

I sat down quietly, my nose was a little sour, and said, "Duke Fuyu, really is the backbone of the empire..."

The new emperor's eyes flushed: "Brother, I'm sorry...I was forced to do so, otherwise Lord Fuyu would never die in battle."

"The matter is over, and regret is useless."

I took a deep breath and said, "Leave it to me to converge the souls of the two grand princes. I will personally take a trip to persuade Lord Fu Yu. As for the great event of sealing the landscape, we have another big event. Must do."


Xuanyuanli was startled, "What else is there?"

I spread out the map of the southern continent and moved my fingers gently on it: "When our Xuanyuan Empire was guarding the Dragon Region, how many countries in the south sent heavy reinforcements?"

"I'm afraid there is only Huang Longguo."

The new emperor frowned and said: "The rest of the dynasties basically took an upside-down attitude. Even when the alien demon army invaded the territory of the Daxiang dynasty, the rest of the dynasties were still indifferent except for our Xuanyuan clan and Huanglong Kingdom. , There is no intention to rush to help, probably unless the alien demon army kills their door, otherwise the sword will never get out of the sheath."

"Feiying Gougou, if you die, you will die."

I lightly patted the territory of Huanglong Kingdom, and said: "Your Majesty, immediately send envoys to Huanglong Kingdom. The rank of the envoys must be high. Persuade Huanglong Kingdom to move north, let the messengers tell them directly and start moving north immediately. Huanglong Nation moved into the fertile soil of the western border of the Xuanyuan Empire, and once again established a country. Our Xuanyuan Empire will clear up wasteland and build residences for them in advance. These things are urgent tasks. We must immediately organize manpower and material resources to handle them."


The new emperor was completely stunned.


Hubu Shangshu coughed and said, "Does His Royal Highness Xiaoyao know that Huanglong has a population of 30 million? Does the whole country move northward? Moreover, our Xuanyuan Empire provides them with food, fields, houses, things like this... Enough to deplete our treasury and make our Xuanyuan Empire impoverished!"

"Huang Longguo is our ally. When we are facing the dilemma of destroying the country, they make every effort to reinforce them and exhaust the treasury?"

I frowned and said, "You don't have to tell me these great things. I am responsible for formulating the strategy. You two officials only need to be responsible for how to implement it. As for how to implement it and to what extent it is up to you, I only look at the last. result."

"Yes, Your Highness."

A young household servant said: "But your Highness has thought about it. Even if our Xuanyuan Empire is willing to cede a part of the western territory and let Huanglong Kingdom re-establish the country, Huanglong Kingdom has lived in the southern jungle for thousands of years and has long been deeply rooted, even if it is We are willing, but Huang Longguo is not willing to move the whole country north, what can we do?"

"It's very simple."

I lifted a finger and said with a smile: "Let the messenger directly tell the Emperor Huanglong that the Southern Continent will soon become a sea of ​​flames, and the territories of different demons will conquer every inch of land over there, and the people’s residence will become ruins. Let those who are alive become puppets covered in plagues, only the territory of the Xuanyuan Empire will be safe at that time. It is their business whether they want to move north, but as long as they make a choice, then all consequences will be at their own risk."

The new emperor Xuanyuanli smiled slightly and said: "When the time comes, I will ask the envoy to add a sentence, letting them move the country to the north is the meaning of the king of Xiaoyao. I believe that the young lord of the Huanglong Kingdom will make a wise choice."


I smiled and nodded: "That's it. In short, these things must be handled as the current state policy of the Xuanyuan Empire. You can put everything in your hands a little bit, and you can do these things while you are farming and harvesting. Otherwise, If so, the Xuanyuan Empire is already facing a situation of being attacked by the north and the south. Once the alien demon army slows down, we will face annihilation of the country."

"it is good!"

The new emperor stood up and said, "Dear Aiqing, now that your brother has formulated the national policy, you should immediately call the office to discuss the matter. This matter will be done from this moment. No one can delay. During this period, the Ministry of Ritual Shangshu and the Household Department Shangshu The authority is higher than the other four. You can dispatch them by higher level. This is what I mean."

"Yes, your majesty is wise!"

When everyone was greeted and patted the horse, I had already crushed a scroll of City Return and came directly to the Dragon Region.

In the command hall, all seasons are like spring.

"I already know what you mean."

Senior Sister Yun got up from the chair and said with a smile: "I am not very good at converging the soul. I am only good at destroying the soul with one sword. If you need someone to help, I can recommend a best candidate here."

I smiled: "Let me guess, Master Lin Fengnian?"


Senior Sister Yun nodded and chuckled: "Now Master Lin Fengnian is already the pinnacle of the immortal realm. You can be very proficient in refining souls and perceiving the heroic spirits between heaven and earth. Just go to him and ask him for help."

"Well, thank you Senior Sister, I'm going to find Senior Uncle Lin now!"

Turning to leave the command hall, "Peng" stepped into the transformation, and rushed to the front of the residence of Lin Fengnian in Longgu at a speed that was unmatched before. Now it really feels like a master, and I feel a little proud in my heart. He smiled and said, "Master Lin Fengnian, you should have overheard the matter, let's go?"


When the stone door opened, Lin Fengnian, dressed in a gray gown, actually had a feeling of immortality. After stepping into the peak of the immortal realm, this necromancer seemed to be truly reborn, and the breath of death on his body was worn out. Some are just fascinating, looking up at me, staring at me and saying, "How do I go?"

"Go Sword!"

I raised my hand and pointed, UU read www.uukanshu. The flying sword white star in the com Lingxu appeared in front, the sword body soared to a full five meters long, a silver radiance, when Lin Fengnian and I leaped on the back of the sword, it directly turned into a rainbow light and flew towards. The city of Xiang, on the border between the Daxiang Dynasty and the Xuanyuan Empire, was the place where Fuyu Gong Mutian became a battle and death.

It took less than 20 minutes to reach the destination.

Overlooking the earth, a scene of devastation after the war, the entire Xiangcheng has been reduced to a piece of scorched earth, and there are even many dead bodies of the alien army that have not been refreshed. The huge bones are crawling with fat maggots, which is disgusting. , And just in the city where Xiangcheng has been turned into powder, when I opened my eyes and looked at it with the power of the transformation, there were already wandering souls, some hiding under the window, some holding iron ge, patrolling battlefield.

"Looking for Mu Tiancheng?" Lin Fengnian asked.


I nodded: "Convergence Mutiancheng's soul, so that it will not disperse."

"Don't look for it."

Lin Fengnian smiled slightly and said, "You walk straight ahead, and he is on the stage outside the city."


I directly turned into a golden light and flew out against the ruins. When I came to the outside of the city, a dilapidated and charred point of wood appeared in my vision, and it was on the point where it had collapsed. A figure stood under the moonlight, dressed in Rong Jia, pressing the hilt of the sword, looking out the direction of the northern homeland.

Is the homeland and deceased all intact?


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