Zhan Yue

Chapter 1286: Rule of kings

On the top of the mountain, Frost Hunter.


"Be careful!"

As I assaulted forward, I kept using Shadow Leap to get my figure into the hinterland of the ghost fire worm, and said in a deep voice in the guild channel: "Be careful, the Frost Hunter is about to launch an attack soon, everyone. Squeeze an invincible stunt and retreat if it fails. There is no need to die in the hands of the Frost Hunter."


Everyone nodded.

In the next second, a ray of blue light fell from the sky, and then the earth shook violently. About 200 meters away behind me, the whole earth sank violently for several meters, and then frost swept across it, just like a spider web. In the center of the cracked earth, the Rin Frost Hunter is not tall, but he has raised the Ice Soul Spear and grinned: "Mortals, you should die quietly, come on... let this king send it. Your last journey is over, the ice elves hidden in the heavens and the earth, please obey my call, the edict-cold rivers like forests!"


There was another loud noise, and the whole earth was trembling. Then countless glaciers rose from the ground, and the whole world turned into an icy and snowy weather. The ice cones pierced out of the glaciers like blades, and there was too much time to escape. Players were pierced by ice blades one after another, and blood flowed everywhere. In just an instant, at least thousands of players were killed. Among them, there was a deer player and a printing service player.


In the distance, Sleepless Night's guild leader, Sleepless Night, instigated the war beasts to retreat quickly, his expression was full of anger, and said: "What do you mean? Isn't this warring monster territory allied with our Daxiang dynasty? Why is this Frost Hunter still fighting? The one who killed us?"


A Sleepless Swordsman has only a little blood left, and his expression is cold: "I'm completely convinced, don't you see the boss? In the decisive battle against Wenqiu Mountain, we regarded the land of the alien demon as our ally, and they did not treat us. As allies, in the words of those kings, we are all ants. Players of the Daxiang Dynasty are standing there. Whether people kill them or not, our lives and deaths are charities from others!"

"It's disgusting!"

A blood-stained paladin on the sword retreated quickly, and said angrily: "I said at the beginning, don't follow the high-level NPCs of the Daxiang Dynasty, they are all a group of surrender factions, now all right, what **** In the covenant, in the end, people don’t treat us as allies at all. The Frost Hunter of Dog Day has killed us more players than Yilu!"


For a time, the players of the Yinfu were scattered like birds and beasts. When the Frost Hunter shot and killed together with the people of the Yinfu, most of their players should have been chilled, and staying in the valley was just waiting to die, so soon Yes, there are only national server players left in the valley. Most of them are the one deer player. The main league plus the sub leagues, there are nearly 30W people. Most of them rushed to the surrounding monster group, and only a few were with Rin Shuang. The hunter dealt with.

"Die all to Lao Tzu!"

The Frost Hunter raised his hand with a spear, and swung countless frost blades together, and instantly penetrated the bodies of dozens of Yilu reloading players, completing the spike almost instantly, and fewer than 5 of the dozens retreated with residual blood. , After all, even though it is now in the mid-term, the players are still not enough to fight in front of the king, otherwise those kings will not be qualified to sit on the throne of the alien demon territory.

"Separate some people and hold the Frost Hunter!"

With Lin Xi's order, many people in the Fen League rushed over, but in the past it was just to die. Between the Rin Frost Hunter's spear and the fall, there was a heavy ice storm, and few players could resist it.

"Huh, a bunch of ants!"

Just after the Frost Hunter killed a group of constrained sub-Alliance players, he sank and he was about to step on the ground to lift off again. But at this moment, a young knight from the Autumn and Moon Alliance rode away, When approaching the Frost Hunter about 50 yards, the emperor immediately stopped leaving, and his expression sank: "Are you here to die?!"

The Ice Soul War Spear was handed out, and a bright glow skyrocketed. Suddenly, the young knight almost disappeared with the horse and the man. He dropped 1 level and burst out a helmet and potion, and it was gone.

It was another random killing, and the second group of sub-alliance players who rushed past were killed again.

When the Ice Soul War Spear pierced a beautiful mage and threw it away, the azure blue gas from the Frost Hunter slowly dissipated, and he sneered: "It's up to you?"

With that, he was leaving again.

At this moment, I had already moved intentionally. I just stepped out in the air in one step. Under the transformation, I moved nearly a hundred meters in an instant, and directly entered within 50 yards of the Frost Hunter. For a while, the Frost Hunter slowed down. Slowly looking back, he sneered: "Tsk tsk, this king thought you were going to die in the cage of time. Didn't you expect to be able to come back?"

"Oh, even a simple **** like your IQ still knows the time limit?" I asked.

"court death?"

The Rin Frost Hunter sneered: "Why, after walking through the long river of time, I really thought that I had already ascended for half a step? Didn't you come to this king to find death?"

"is not what it means."

I shook my head and said, "But I think you were being used as a gun by someone else. Think about it, our human race's only goal this time is Mount Ventiu. Our appeal is to flatten Mount Ventiu and save the white clothes Qingxiang. People Fan Yi It’s actually holding half of the world’s cultural activities and sitting in Ventiu Mountain, but sending you Rin Frost Hunter to the periphery. What is it that you are not a gun? What does Fan Yi mean is not obvious enough? You humans want to step on the Wen Qiu Mountain. , Stepped over the corpse of the Frost Hunter."

As I said, I said, "The master of the dignified Northern Frost Forest, I don't know if you thought you were Fan Yi's watchdog."

"To shut up!"

Rin Frost Hunter was angry: "What on earth do you want to say? Do you think you can provoke my relationship with Fan Yi? It is too simple. Fan Yi and I are just doing our own duties in the southern battlefield. There is no difference between superior and inferior, understand?"

"Understood, you are a watchdog."

I smiled slightly: "Otherwise, why is it not your Rin Frost Hunter who sits in Ventiu Mountain, but Fan Yi? Since Fan Yi has planned everything about Ventiu Mountain, why isn't he sitting on the border?"


The Rin Frost Hunter couldn't bear it completely, stepped out, and the Ice Soul Spear swept across, and shouted: "If you want to die, I will do you! The whole body will not be left, can you just have a waist cut!?"

"Naturally not!"

My body sank, the five fingers of my left hand spread out, and a thick white dragon wall came out solidly, and there was a loud noise. It is worthy of the state of transformation + shadow transformation. Under the blow of the Frost Hunter, Bai The dragon wall actually only lost 25% of its toughness, which also means that I have been beaten a few more times, enough to deal with it!


Under the shadow leaping, he instantly appeared behind the Frost Hunter, followed by a set of white clothes + annihilation + enemy hunter's front + karma fire three plagues + godslayer blade, a set of hit damage value jumps randomly, Lin Frost The hunter's long blood bar seemed to be trembling, although he did not see the blood loss, but it must have been blood loss, so he immediately waved his hand and fished in troubled water + the sound of the wind swept across.

"Do you dare to use the vulture tricks to be embarrassing?"

The Rin Frost Hunter stepped out of the troubled waters to catch fish in one step. The Ice Soul Spear trembles. Suddenly, a glacier appeared on the right side and hit my white dragon wall hard. This time, it was ruthless enough to knock out 68% of it all at once. Resilience, the remaining white dragon wall energy is not much, even a basic attack can not be compared.

"It's up to you!"

The Frost Hunter turned into a streamer and attacked, kicking away the remaining energy of the White Dragon Wall with a fierce kick, and then the Ice Soul War Spear wrapped in the cold light and fell directly in the air, and it was when I flanked my double-edged defense. At that time, there was a loud bang, and the whole person seemed to be hit by a big mountain, and instantly flew out, dragging a long trace on the ground, and the blood bar dropped by 100W+. Fortunately, the blood bar was enough. "Yin Shi", after eating this spear, there are still more than 70% of the health bars left.

"Hurry up!"

On the left and right sides, players from the divisions continued to appear, and many people shouted: "July boss is about to be seconds away, everyone goes up to death, don't give Rin Frost Hunter a chance to gather fire!"

A group of riding and combat players charged in succession, although the damage was not high, but it was enough to make the Frost Hunter furious, so they waved the ice war spear, and set off waves of frost in the valley, as if into the land of no one.

The members of the sub-league were killed quickly, and the number of people killed in the battle was also high.

I looked at the Rin Frost Hunter from a distance. This unscrupulous king did not take our players seriously. So, can we give him a little surprise? !


So, I immediately contacted the leaders of the major guilds.

About five minutes later, Feng Canghai, Yanshi did not attack, the troubled world is the first, the longevity formula, the floating life Wanren, and the guild leaders above T2 level arrived. A group of people gathered together, and then watched the massacre in the distance. The Frost Hunter for the players of the Yilu Division.

"What's the matter?" Feng Canghai frowned: "If it's okay, you will definitely not call us over."


I nodded and pointed to the Rin Frost Hunter, and said, "Basically, we can confirm that our decisive battle against Wenqiu Mountain must be a **** battle. Everyone should be mentally prepared to be killed. The Rin Frost Hunter is responsible for guarding each person and spear. The outer border of Venqiu Mountain is also a hurdle that we must pass. Just now, I summarized the rule of a king-level boss."


The dawn of Purgatory raised his eyebrows: "What is the law?"

"Once there is no player within 50 yards of the body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the king will assume that the enemy has been killed, and there will be a high probability of leaving, but as long as there are players within 50 yards, the king will basically not Will leave the ground, or in other words, will not leave the player's attack range. I have verified it by looking back, at least the Frost Hunter is like this."

Yan Shi did not attack and smiled lightly: "Just say, what do you mean, what is your plan?"

I raised my eyebrows, looked at everyone, and said: "The last time our national service was defeated in the battle of Xiangcheng, it was a shame and shame. Since the territory of the alien demon is still so big this time, it is better to give them an accident."

"What's the accident?" Feng Canghai was startled.

I stretched out my hand and pointed into the distance, and smiled: "Concentrate the power of all the guilds and break the boat once. At the beginning of this war, we will kill the king first!"

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