Zhan Yue

Chapter 1287: Ant colony

All the players at the leader level took a breath.

"Behead the king first..."

What I didn't expect was that Feng Canghai was the first to express his position and frowned: "It's not impossible, but the investment must be quite large, and if there is a chance to kill the Frost Hunter in the future, the distribution of the spoils is also a big problem. "

"I don't care!"

In troubled times, Fengxian raised his sword eyebrows and said: "Yillu has already killed so many people, and it can be regarded as a statement. Whether you are besieging or fighting on wheels, our troubled times war alliance will accompany you, at most, the entire guild will die once per capita. Forget it, everyone hasn't fought a big battle after cultivating for so long, so should the level be enough to splurge?"


Yanshi did not attack and said solemnly: "As long as we confirm the siege, our Promise Guild will spare no effort."


Martian River: "A Feng, what are we still hesitating? Fenglin Volcano hasn't participated in this kind of activity for a long time."


Feng Canghai nodded: "Feng Lin Huo joins."

As he said, he stretched out his hand directly, Changsheng Jue strode forward, covering Feng Canghai's palm with his palm, and said: "The myth is also added, who else is there?"

Yanshi and I did not attack, and Fengxian stepped forward one by one in troubled times. Everyone's palms overlapped each other, and the scene was unprecedented. It seems that since the opening of Huanyue, the many guilds of the national service have never been so united.

"Trophy?" The Baeng Hao asked still.


I glanced at everyone and said: "Everyone will use the guild as the unit to enter the battlefield, and then use each guild as an individual to launch an attack on the BOSS. In the end, no matter which guild strategy is successful, all the trophies are based on the color of the trophies. The best loot belongs to the guild that has contributed the most to the total BOSS. The second best loot belongs to the guild that contributed the second place. The rest are ranked in order. Choose the top ten guilds. If you can’t get into the top ten, there’s nothing we can do. We Can't let some small guilds fish in troubled waters?"


Feng Canghai nodded: "Everyone will do their best together, and each guild can almost get 1-2 trophies. Just draw a color head. After all, we kill the king this time the heaviest, and the trophies are only secondary."


Yanshi waved his hand without attacking: "Now, right? All leaders, immediately summon the troops to join the battle. Don't forget, the battle has already begun. Don't you want to watch Yilu take the first place?"

"Got it!"

Everyone did not disperse. Soon the distant smoke and dust billowed, the elites from the major guilds joined the battlefield one by one, and I returned to the Yilu position with my double-edged sword, and discussed with Lin Xi, Qing Deng and others about Yilu's troop deployment. , When the elite of the major guilds entered the game, the Yilu branch was withdrawn, and then the players from the main league entered the game to play output and control. Yilu has the most experience in this regard.


Soon after, Yilu finished the division of troops. Lin Xi, Calorie, Haotian and others still led the main group of the five main alliances to move forward. The soldiers pointed directly at Ventiu Mountain, while Qing Deng and I led the remaining five main groups. The BOSS and the sub-Alliance are cooperating around. No one knows what the Frost Hunter will do before his death. Anyway, in this battle, we must let the Frost Hunter die here, otherwise everyone would have sacrificed so much in vain.


In the battlefield, the Frost Hunter's arbitrary motion of swinging a war spear can produce a terrifying ice magic image. A storm full of ice blades swept the crowd, directly smashing a group of Yansi cavalry in Fenglin Volcano. After flying out, a group of heavily loaded players were stabbed with ice blades, and they were more than half killed in an instant.


Qingdeng waved a long sword, and at least a hundred spirit deer cavalry galloped past for a while, approaching the Frost Hunter in a diagonal lineup, and after entering 40 yards, they "chichichichi" continue to charge past, like a series of off-strings. Like the arrow, three of them all charged and stunned successfully, so that the Frost Hunter's Ice Soul War Spear lags for at least five seconds without lifting it.

The brilliance of the skills such as sword weeping galaxy, whirling slash, and chasing wind stab constantly flickered, and the moment a group of spirit deer cavalry made a set of damage, the light was already raised: "lineup recovery!"

Everyone turned around and left. They were well-trained, but it seemed that it was too late. The Frost Hunter’s ice war spear had already been raised, and an ice storm like a white mist was stirred up, and his spear was about to explode. At that moment, I also fell from the sky, and the two blades attacked together, hitting the enemy hunter's front + karma fire three calamities + annihilation three combos, and stamped my feet heavily on the right arm of the Frost Hunter.


With a loud noise, the golden vortex of the power of transformation continued to blow away. Under these heavy feet, the blow of the Frost Hunter about to raise his hand was so invisible, and at least a group of deer horses won more than 3 seconds.

"you wanna die?!"

Rin Frost Hunter squinted, suddenly flipped his wrist, grabbed one of my legs, fell heavily to the ground, and the ground fell to pieces for a while, but I was like my internal organs, and I hurriedly sacrificed when my body was shaken violently. Out of the white dragon wall, a protective wall formed by wisps of white dragon aura wrapped around the body, like a layer of silver armor, immediately after the ice war spear fell in the air, a glacier's magical image fell from the sky and hit the white dragon wall. The dragon wall crumbled every inch.

The Frost Hunter was furious, and quickly jumped, stamped his feet heavily on my abdomen, and then lifted his right foot, hitting the heavy foot directly, and my body was like a broken tile in the next second. The movie flew out like the movie, and dozens of players from the Promise Guild fell and flew out together, bounced on the ground several times, and then lay in a mess.

The whole body was in severe pain, and only less than 30% of the blood remained. Tsk tsk, this Frost Hunter is one of the kings who occupy the throne of the alien demon territory after all, and it is amazing!

However, this action of mine at least saved the lives of nearly a hundred Linglu Iron Cavaliers, otherwise few of them could leave alive.


In front of me, the Promise Guild launched a round of offense from the flanks. Hundreds of heavy equipment lined up to charge, some long-range also waited for the opportunity to enter the battlefield to start an output, and on the other side was the offensive lineup of Mythology and Fenglinhuo, the farthest from me. The position is the offensive position of the Dragon Cavalry Palace, Yunhaixuan, Prague and other guilds. In short, as long as the guilds participating in this hunting guild, no one wants to rank too low. First, the loot is not good, and the second is ashamed. If a T1 guild even contributes If the top ten can't get in, it is inevitable that the organizing committee of the national service in charge of the association's ranking will have ideas in mind.

"A bunch of ants!"

In the field, the Frost Hunter was furious. With one foot stepped out, countless ice cones fell from the sky. The hunting scene suddenly became a scene of purgatory on earth. There was no one within 50 yards of the Frost Hunter, even some king-level ones. The swordsman was also given a second by this blow.

"Don't let him out of the fight!"

Feng Canghai screamed, and the man rushed out on the ground, directly slashing out a sharp sword light, and hitting the shoulder of the Frost Hunter with a heavy sword across 40 yards, which was regarded as intercepting the Frost Hunter about to leave. The trend of the battlefield.

"You want to die too?"

Rin Frost Hunter raised his eyebrows and his eyes were cold. In the next second, his body turned into a white icy gas and disappeared in place, while Feng Canghai's body had already flew up, and his abdomen suffered a heavy knee blow from Rin Frost Hunter. The whole person flew in mid-air, and the qi of the body was knocked out more than half in an instant. Then, the Frost Hunter punched sideways, the fist was full of whirling ice souls, and it hit Feng Canghai Volley's waist so heavily. on.


There was a loud noise, and only the whirling ice fragments were left at the place where the punch was thrown. Feng Canghai's body had already flown out, leaving a large number of damage in the air.


The loss is Feng Canghai. This Chaos Swordsman has some skills to increase the upper limit of vitality and blood, and the equipment is not bad. After taking the damage of this punch, the health bar dropped to 30%, which shows that the Feng Canghai combat form The total energy and blood should be around 200W, which is about half of my peak state. After all, it is a ceiling figure of heavy equipment, and it is still okay to be able to withstand beatings.

In the sound of the breaking wind, Feng Canghai flew nearly a hundred meters away, and for a while, the surrounding area of ​​the Frost Hunter once again entered a state where no players were alive. He took a deep breath and was about to soar into the sky with the Ice Soul War Spear.

"Don't leave this time!"

Under the Transformation Realm, my movement speed was not a normal metamorphosis. I broke the wind with a "sneer" and directly sacrificed the flying sword white star from a distance. The sword light passed by the wind, and the glory became more and more radiant. In the end He heavily passed through the shoulders of the Frost Hunter, bringing out a puff of black blood, and at the same time hitting nearly 80W of damage. This ordinary sword that has been nurtured for a long time is also okay!


The Thor's Blade has broken out of the wind and turned into a thunder and lightning that flew towards the throat of the Frost Hunter, while I was holding the Vulcan's Blade in one hand, just stepped through the air, and jumped up suddenly, holding the handle of the dagger with both hands. , Stab at the throat of the Frost Hunter.


Rin Frost Hunter showed a sneer, suddenly his left index finger and thumb, so he pinched Thor's blade that was swirling in the wind, and at the same time raised his orchid finger, time seemed to slow down, he suddenly raised his head and looked at me, laughing Said: "Only you, want to hunt down this king?"

I don’t know when the Ice Soul War Spear crossed my chest. In the next second, the tip of the spear swept across my waist, and suddenly a majestic force bloomed, so that my attack was completely unsuccessful, and my body was swept back again and again. , But in this way, Thor's Blade broke away from the opponent's control, and kept on leaving tracks of attack damage on the Frost Hunter's neck, face, chest and other positions.


The Ice Soul War Spear instantly zoomed in and fell like a mountain, with an inexplicable sense of suffocation.

I took a deep breath and stopped thinking about anything. With my left hand, I immediately unscrewed a bottle of sorrowful and breezy bottle stopper. This time I used a combat attack mode~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so it was only right. The monster and the Yinfu players were effective, and in the next second, the Frost Hunter, who was flying aggressively, suddenly squinted his eyes, and just stood there and entered a dozing state.

"Chong, output!"

Players from the major guilds charged together, and the brilliance of various skills were intertwined, but in less than 3 seconds, the Frost Hunter opened a pair of golden eyes and sneered: "Poison to a dead person? Come out."

It's over, the sorrowful breeze is invalid for the king!


At this moment, a familiar voice came from a distant mountain.

"Frost Hunter, don't panic, I will help you!"

The next moment, a sea of ​​golden clouds surging in the sky, and then a series of golden ancient texts emerged from the sea of ​​clouds, and the texts were scattered and decomposed into countless golden sword lights in the air. There was a rain of golden swords. Latest URL:

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