Zhan Yue

Chapter 1288: Strongest set fire

"Be careful, defensive posture!"

Seeing the rain of sword anger falling in the sky, I realized one thing at this moment. Fan Yi is not only a Confucian Toshihiko who intercepted the literary fate, but also a sword repairman, because he was on the wall of the Dragon Region at the beginning. When I saw him on the first side, if I remember correctly, his attire was a Confucian shirt and saber. At that time, he only noticed his bookish breath, but ignored his identity as a swordsman. Now, Confucianism + sword Xiu, this dual identity is a bit terrifying, the words all over the sky have evolved into sword aura, overwhelming the sky, almost covering a small valley battlefield.

With one hand lifted, Thor's Blade flew out and continued to attack the Frost Hunter. We couldn't let him escape, otherwise we would fall short. At the same time, the body stepped forward, the right hand raised, the ashes barrier, the glorious shield The wall and other skills were turned on one by one, and he carried out a wave of Fan Yi's offensive. As a result, the golden sword aura was raining down.


That sound is really like raindrops hitting the players, but the lethality of these golden raindrops is too great. In the front row, a group of deer and deer cavalry’s shields were pierced by water droplets and the golden sword aura directly passed through theirs. The forehead, neck, body, limbs and mounts, the sword aura swept away before it formed a real sword aura, blasting the ground up and down.

In the battlefield, players from guilds such as Fenglin Volcano, Mythology, Promise, Troubled World War League and other guilds also suffered. Almost all of them stood in place in a defensive posture, bearing the baptism of Fan Yi's Confucianism and Daoism.

In the next second, everyone who was standing on the battlefield, one by one whose bodies were pierced by golden raindrops, jumped on top of their heads with terrifying damage figures, and in a blink of an eye a whole white light rose, even I felt There was a burst of pain all over the body, and the blood bar fell straight down, dropping to about 65% in one breath. This is probably the reason why so many players died on the scene.


In an instant, the players who besieged the Frost Hunter directly reduced their staff by more than 75%!


Seeing the players around him fell to the ground in an instant, the troubled times Fengxian was going crazy: "What's this? Which BOSS came this hand? Is the system not going to let our players play?"

I frowned, and I couldn’t say a few words. In fact, after the firewall of Star Eye, which is the sky curtain above the sky, was completely penetrated by the True Blood Dragon, the main system of the Moon had already been destroyed. Starlink’s technology has been "hijacked", and Starlink’s thing is very simple, that is, to control everything in this game, so that players can become "little mice" in their own culture vessel and choose the players they want to hijack. So, will the system plot be “harmless” to the player as it did before?

No, most of the next plot will hurt the player a lot, and the only thing we can do is self-improvement. If we can't survive, we will soon be eliminated.

"carry on!"

Feng Canghai's recovery speed is very fast, and his voice is cold and loud and commanded: "All Fenglin Volcano players will immediately recover their vitality and blood if they are still alive, and continue to attack the Frost Hunter. Those who have died will immediately be at the Antler Pass. Resurrect at the resurrection point, and then return to the battlefield as soon as possible. We are halfway through, and we will never give up halfway!"


Yan Shi did not attack and raised his sword to face the sky, and roared: "No matter who caused this round of sword rain, it must be a warning to our players not to besieged and kill the Frost Hunter. I just want to say to him, I don't, today Anyone can go, but Rin Frost Hunter definitely can't go!"

I rose up into the sky, hovering in mid-air, where I could perfectly intercept the Frost Hunter’s retreat, and said to everyone in a loud voice: "The person who launched this Confucianism and Taoism sword attack is Fan Yi. Now he is considered to be a realm of alien demon. The second in command is now, so don’t be surprised. Although our losses are great, Fan Yi’s cost of launching this sword rain attack must have been significant. The person who sits in Ventiu Mountain is Fan Yi. We just played against him in advance. It doesn't matter, you have to face it sooner or later, then it doesn't matter, charge me, let's flush out the Frost Hunter first, no matter what Fan Yi does, let the alien demon realm feel the'pain' our players give them!"


The Penghao people galloped and commanded among a group of Dragon Knight guild players with their swords, and laughed: "July Liuhuo said it well. As players, we should make these kings sitting on the throne feel the pain, otherwise they Really think we are the little chicken cubs they raise in the chicken pen?"

Everyone laughed and rushed to the Frost Hunter together, and a new round of crowd tactics began again.


I just hovered in the air with my double-edged blades, overlooking the entire battlefield, and went down every one or two minutes to help Yilu’s offensive lineup. This is the limit that my deputy leader can achieve. It is possible to be hunted down by the Frost Hunter. Among so many players on the scene, most of the people the Rin Frost Hunter hates are me.

Above the earth, wave after wave of players died under the Ice Spear, but the players’ charge seemed to never end, still wave after wave, and the Frost Hunter continued to be attacked. Down, the health bar did drop bit by bit. From 90% before, it dropped to 44% in less than 30 minutes. At this rate, the crowd tactics actually piled up a king. That’s just one hour. It’s just that the loss is too great. The major guilds’ battle damage is quite high, but in order to fight a little more damage, basically no guild retreats. A BOSS strategy has become truly brave. The game is up.

On the side of Lin Xi and Kamei, Yilu’s position has been pushed under the mountain range. Over that mountain is the plain. On the plain is the focus of the war-Xiangcheng, and just to the south of Xiangcheng, the group The hills are undulating, and one of the mountains is hanging in the air with golden cultural luck. It is Ventiu Mountain, our destination.


Just after I completed a round of attack and kill, I even took out the Dragon Mirror and smashed the Frost Hunter who was trying to escape back to the ground with a mirror. At this moment, there was a wave of microwave ripples in the lake of my heart. Immediately after a spiritual thought visited, I wanted to close the door, but I opened the heart lake with the opportunity, my mind turned into a brilliance and appeared in the heart lake, transformed into my own appearance, but did not wear a dagger, just a short dress. A jersey, a quagmire attire wearing a cloak.

Not far away, that buckle of mind condensed into the appearance of a young man with a Confucian shirt and sword, it was Fan Yi.

"long time no see."

Fan Yi smiled slightly and said, "Why, are you determined to kill Rin Frost Hunter today?"

"Yes it is."

I didn't deny it, and laughed: "This idiot always doesn't know how to be cannon fodder. Besides, there are enough human grievances under the Ice Soul War Spear. If that's the case, he doesn't have to go this time."

"Is this really necessary?"

Fan Yi stepped on, with strands of golden text rippling on the water under his feet, and smiled: "The Frost Hunter is the owner of a throne in the north at any rate, and represents the majesty of the territories of different demons. Here you kill the Frost Hunter. Don't think about the consequences? The cultivation bases of the Rin Frost Hunter are scattered in the south, and here is bordered by the Daxiang Dynasty. This spiritual energy feeds back not only the Xuanyuan Empire, but also your enemy, the Daxiang Dynasty. This business is a good deal?"

"Are you teaching me to do things?"

I raised my eyebrows and said with a big grin: "Fan Yi, you should fully know that we are not the same kind of people. Think I’m like you. Do you care about the aura of the Frost Hunter? No, I don’t care, all I want is the death of the Frost Hunter. Does it matter where the death is? Even if the Frost Hunter dies on you Fan Yi's **** breasts, what did he feed back, what to do with me?"

Fan Yi was slightly angry: "So, don't you have to talk?"

"Nothing to talk about."

I shook my head: "Just wait for me to attack at Ventiu Mountain."

"Do you really think you can get things done?"

"Do you really think we must not get things done?"

"So do it yourself!"

Fan Yi showed a dark smile, and in a blink of an eye a grain of mind disappeared from the lake of my heart.


My brows were furrowed, and I always felt that something else would happen. At this moment, the voice of the senior sister rang in my mind: "Junior, be careful Fan Yi, he has a way to use the true meaning of Confucianism and Taoism to bring back to life. I am worried about Lin Lin When the Frost Hunter is dying, he will use his methods. By then, you will seem to have killed the Frost Hunter, but in fact it is just a clone of the kill."

"Is there any way to deal with it?"

"It's very simple."

Senior Sister Yun said: "This method can only last for about one breath, so you should be careful while injuring the Rin Frost Hunter. It's best to kill the Rin Frost Hunter in an instant by surprise. When this comes, Fan This strange method is useless even if it is displayed, it's just a waste of mana and mind."

"I see, thank you, Senior Sister Yun."


I immediately pulled a small group and pulled all the leaders involved in the battle into the group, and then discussed the tactics with everyone. Within a few minutes, everyone hit it off!

As time passed bit by bit, the blood bar of the Frost Hunter was also declining, and I had been counting on time.

Finally, just after the Frost Hunter's health bar dropped to 1%, and then about 30 seconds later, I directly said in the small group: "The countdown is 10 seconds, start!"

The major leaders did not speak, but they had passed their orders.

So, judging by the speed of the previous strategy, about 20 seconds before the Frost Hunter was killed, I suddenly fell from the sky, and the starry sky **** ring rose to the sky and turned into a beautiful fairy, who cut down the mountains and rivers with one sword. , Slashed fiercely on the back of the Frost Hunter.

Feng Canghai twisted his wrist ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and threw the sword out, turning it into a magnificent sword that pierced the Frost Hunter's chest.

Master Yan gave a low drink without attacking, and a golden giant spirit figure rose above his head, and slapped Rin Frost Hunter's forehead with a heavy palm.

The longbow of Purgatory Dawn fired violently, and a demon shooter's gesture was spurred all over the body. More than ten consecutive purple arrows of "chichichi" burst out like bullets, with a terrifying momentum.

The blade of the enchanting sword drawn on the paper raised, and set off a golden sword energy of several tens of meters in length, and slashed it on the shoulder of the Frost Hunter.

The clear lamp pierced out with a straight sword, and the sword light penetrated dozens of meters.

Mars River threw out the staff, and the staff turned into a fire dragon and hit the Frost Hunter's abdomen heavily.


At this moment, all players start offensive stunts together. In an instant, at least more than 200 stunts will focus on the Frost Hunter! Latest URL:

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