Zhan Yue

Chapter 1289: Punch 1 deer

All kinds of brilliance are intertwined, and the sharp wind breaks through the sky. Almost in an instant, the blood bar of the Frost Hunter hits the bottom directly. The ice spear that has just been raised can no longer be smashed, just staring blankly. The player in front, with the golden cloak flying behind him, seemed a little unexpected, but he didn't expect such an end.

With a trembling body, the demon who occupies a throne in the realm of alien demon realized that he had come to the end of his life. He raised his head extremely laboriously and looked into the distance. With a sad smile, he said: "Thousand years of practice for thousands of years of evil, the past is empty..."


Zhenlong's mirror went straight down in the sky, straight through the Frost Hunter's chest, I hovered in the air, looking down at him indifferently, and said, "Why are you worthy to say that when you look back, the past is empty?"

In the next second, the body of the Frost Hunter fell to his knees. The huge body was collapsing a little bit. He was obviously unwilling. He desperately tried to repair the crumbling body with deep blue frost rules. Upwelling is like putting on a coat for the body, but it can't stop the collapse of the law and the physical body at all.


A ray of golden light flew from the south, suddenly turned into an aura of light and rain fell down, the light rain pours into the body of the Frost Hunter and the surrounding soil, and in a blink of an eye, a golden palm will appear. The Frost Hunter was held in his palm, the majestic power of rebirth surged, and strands of Confucianism and Taoism were flying, but it seemed to be of no avail.

Before the arrival of this secret technique of rebirth, the breath of life of the Frost Hunter had been destroyed by a group of our players. The reason why the physical body has not completely collapsed is only because of the strong desire to survive and the self-cultivation of the Frost Hunter. Just forcibly support for the background, it seems that he is not dead on the ground, but in fact it is just an empty shell.

Finally, the body of the Frost Hunter officially fell, and the body was constantly annihilated, and the head turned into strands of ice, and then dissipated in the wind, and then the body collapsed and melted one by one.

"you guys!"

Fan Yi's roar came in the wind: "How dare you calculate this way!?"

I frowned and said, "What's wrong with you? Hurry back to your Ventiu Mountain and wait for our beating!"


With a loud noise, the few remaining bodies of the Frost Hunter exploded, exploding a lot of gold coins and trophies. At the same time, a ring of bells echoed in the sky, and the king-level hunting finally came—


System announcement: Congratulations to the players led by the player [Yanshi not attack], we finally completed the feat of killing the king-level [Frost Hunter]! Among them, the player [Yanshi does not attack] contributed to the first place in killing enemies, and received rewards: Level +4, Charisma +40, Reputation +5W, Gold Coins +50W, and additional rewards [Rin Shuang Bracers] (Return to the Ruins Level), the player [Yanshi No Conspiracy] contributed second place to kill the enemy, and get rewards: level +3, charm value +25, prestige value +3W, gold coin +25W, player [Yanshi Guanxing] contributed third to kill the enemy Name, get rewards: level +2, charm value +15, reputation value +2W, gold coin +15W, and the remaining top ten players in the rankings are: Yanshi Invisible, Yanshi Crazy Battle, Yanshi Feijiang, Yanshi Leng Yue, Yanshi Qishuang, Yanshi Anbu, Yanshi Cloud Piercing Hand, all players who have contributed to the beheading will receive their respective rewards!

No one thought that the last big win was the Promise Guild, and the settlement of the damage to the BOSS only accounted for the members of the Promise Guild related team, so Yanshi did not attack, Yanshi Wumou, Yanshi Star Gazing and others were regarded as After earning a lot of money, especially if Yanshi does not attack, it is estimated that it must be the biggest winner today, and a pair of Huixu-level Rin Frost Bracers has already earned a lot of money.


Yanshi did not attack and sneered: "I didn't expect that the last blow was actually our Promise Guild. I originally thought there would be any setting for the right of ownership."

"How can there be any fight for ownership."

I grinned: "Since the appearance of the Frost Hunter, there is no setting of ownership under his health bar. It is purely rewarding. This time your Promise Guild is making a lot of money."

As I said, I fell in front of the corpse of the Frost Frost Hunter, pointed at the pile of BOSS spoils behind me, and smiled: "Leader of the Wind, the Lord of Fengxian, everyone has seen it. In the end, the Wuji Guild completed the killing. So it’s good luck. The Rin Shuang Bracer won by Yan Shi is rewarded by a system lottery. We don’t have the right to deprive him, but the equipment exploded by the BOSS will be distributed according to the rules we agreed on before. Everyone doesn’t have any. Dissent?"

Feng Canghai, Feng Xian in troubled times, Wan Ren in Floating Life and others nodded, "No problem."

I nodded, and walked forward to find all the equipment and props from the gold coin hill. The king-level BOSS is indeed extraordinary. A total of 50+ pieces of equipment and props were given, and I followed the value of what I thought. Let’s sort them out, there are no other players within 20 meters, just list them one by one.

Among them, the most valuable is a long-handled weapon that is transparent and frost-shrouded. Yes, it is the weapon of the Frost Hunter, the Ice Soul War Spear, and a 240-level ruins-level treasure. The attribute is quite high, and the attack power is relatively high. My Vulcan Blade and Thor Blade are a lot higher, and the upper limit of attack has reached a terrible 7000+ points. Most of the skills stacked according to the percentage of normal attack damage are quite consistent with this Ice Soul War Spear.

For example, whirl slash, one of the swordsman’s proud skills, causes 500% damage to players within 5 yards. Then a sword with an attack limit of 4000 is definitely inferior to an ice spear with an attack limit of 7000. , The attack output between the two is quite different, which is also destined to be popular with this Ice Soul War Spear. After the swordsman takes it, he can use everything except a few sword skills. , It’s best to use it to charge into battle and break through enemy barriers.

The second most valuable is a heavy armor called "Cloud Seal Boots", a 240-level mountain and sea treasure, and its attributes are quite good.

The third place is still the mountain and sea level equipment. It is a shield called "Frost Shield". It is level 240. It adds a lot of defense and attack attributes, as well as an entry that adds healing effects. It is a Paladin player at this stage. The peak equipment of Lin Songyan is second only to the fire dragon shield in the hands of Lin Songyan.

In addition, there are some red and orange equipment and some props such as tribulation gems and tribulation skill books. Generally speaking, they are useless. Only the top three guilds will have oil and water, and other guilds can only be regarded as accompaniment.

In the end, one by one, Yilu ranked first in overall contribution, won the Ice Soul War Spear, and Fenglin Volcano ranked second in overall contribution, won the Cloud Seal Boots, and as for the Frost Shield, it was taken by the myth. After leaving, the rest will be assigned separately, but many of the leaders of the guild do not have any depressed faces, but laughter and laughter. This siege focuses on participation. It is enough to leave the name of the guild on the BOSS strategy record. As for one or two pieces of mountain-sea-level and ruin-level equipment, in fact, it is not that important for a guild that goes to T, and it can't change much.

The next moment, I held the Ice Soul War Spear in my hand and said on the guild channel: "We Yilu got a Market-level Ice Soul War Spear, how can I allocate it? If it is auctioned in the guild, Lin Xi, would you like to pay a little price? Take it down?"

"No." She refused directly.

Qing Deng smiled: "Why? Lin Xi, you are the leader of a deer at any rate, and you only took the mountain and sea-level archangels. If we subordinates get the market, it's not good, right?"

"What's not so good?"

Lin Xi stunned and went back: "Is there anyone who stipulates that the leader's equipment must be good?"

Qing Deng was anxious: "Yes, also..."

Shen Mingxuan chuckles: "Is it hard to guess why Lin Xi doesn't want the Ice Soul War Spear? First, Lin Xi pursues the ultimate of swordsmanship, so he must use sword weapons. Secondly, the archangel is so good-looking, it's only one grade. No matter the order, the attributes are not as wide as I imagined. It doesn't matter. Once again, isn't the Archangel sent by someone? The meaning is different."

Qing Deng Di Di initiates: "That's the way it is, the way it is~~~"

Lin Xi Waner: "By the way, this Ice Soul War Spear was rushed down with your lives by those of you who participated in the Raiders of the Rin Frost Hunter. I don't think it is necessary to auction it in the guild. You people in the five regiments can digest it yourself. For example, the priority is given to the purchase rights based on the value of the battle contribution to the BOSS. Whoever applies it will speak first, or take the top few bids, Lu Li, you can figure it out."

I nodded and said directly in the guild: "Well, the swordsmen and paladins who participated in the battle against the Frost Hunter will contribute the top ten to a bid. Of course, the price of the bid must be the friendly price within the guild. Those who participated in the battle shared their money equally, and those who died were doubled. If everyone thinks it is feasible, just hit one."

As a result, there was a "1" in the guild.

Immediately, the power of capital was activated again, and finally Qingdeng easily won the Ice Apparition War Spear. The transaction price was 2500W, which was obviously far below the market level. According to the Ice Appearance War Spear's attributes and growth characteristics, it was obtained on the market. If it goes to auction, the final transaction price is very likely to exceed 100 million, a top-level growthable weapon. This is no joke.

Soon after, the distribution was completed. After the light was cleared, the Yilu League marched south, and behind our players, the figures of the NPC legions from the Xuanyuan Empire also appeared one by one, and the sky was full of war eagles. The scene of hovering and flying, just farther away, a fleet of combat flying boats hovered in the air, with the sea of ​​clouds lingering on the side, just like heavenly soldiers.

Zhang Ling Yuece stepped forward and frowned: "My lord, we are ready, do we immediately enter the battlefield and fight the enemy?"

"Not urgent."

I looked into the distance: "Wait until the adventurer army arrives at Ventiu Mountain. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will then... I need you to put all the heavy artillery, crossbow arrows, etc. in place within a short period of time to bombard the cultural transportation prohibition outside Ventiu Mountain. In the shortest possible time, blast the prohibition and save Fengxiang!"

"Yes, the subordinate understands!"

On the far hills, flags were all over the sky, and the dense army of Indian uniforms had arrived. Many people carried their warriors and instigated their horses to gallop down the hillside. The momentum was like a rainbow, and each one shouted arrogantly and arrogantly.

"Kill them all!"

"The stupid thing in the Chinese war zone killed more than five million players before killing a Frost Hunter. Come and come, let them die another 10 million!"

"Even if we want to go straight ahead, really when we print the players to give them a face?"

"Chong for the Lord! Punch a deer, step on the myth, you can break the wind and the volcano with a finger!" The latest website:

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