Zhan Yue

Chapter 1292: Long overdue

   Strands of golden text linger around the wind without hearing the body, lingering, and there is a great road manifesting in it.

It is a picture of a back alley. The young poor scholar, dressed in a patched green shirt, sits in the alley next to the Chaos Store and supports a wooden board. On the wooden board is written a section of a thousand-character language. He smiles warmly and uses willow branches. Pointing on the wooden sign, with a group of children sitting on the small benches at home, they chanted in a huff.

"Don't smell brother! Don't smell brother!"

A girl galloped around the young poor scholars, laughing while saying: "There is Yan Ruyu in the book. I don’t hear that my brother has read a lot of books. Will she marry a daughter-in-law who is more beautiful than a flower in the future? It’s like a widow Liu Dongjie. The same as your daughter?"

The poor scholar instantly flushed his face: "Li Caiyu, don't talk nonsense!"

A group of boys followed and laughed.

One of the boys stepped forward, holding a few chestnuts in his hand, and said with a smile: "I don’t hear my brother, my mother said that you are actually very good-looking. You can dress up a little. That’s not the best in Shili 8 Village. Boy? Here, these sweet-fried chestnuts are for you to eat. If you feel comfortable someday, why don't you marry my sister?"

A group of boys laughed and booed. One of the little fat guys laughed: "Wang Dayou, just your sister looks like a stubborn, don't let us ignore my brother, a scholar, okay? I'm worried that your sister will go to bed at night. When we turn over, our unheard brother will be pressed into a piece of paper~~~"

The young poor scholar just smiled silently, holding a scroll in his hand, as if standing there, becoming a world of its own.

Thousand-character essay, the first book he read and taught when he was young, did not expect that he would never come out in his whole life.

"Stop the attack!"

I suddenly raised my palm, and under the transformation, a golden ripple accompanies my mood and swept half of the battlefield instantly. For a while, no matter if I heard my words, or decided by myself, most of the players stopped. After attacking the ban on the mountains and rivers of Venturi, everyone was in a dilemma at this moment. Attacking is equivalent to knocking out the Confucian cultivation base that is blind to the wind. If you don’t fight, you can only watch the wind and the blind. Fan Yi took advantage of it and continued to spend his time walking under the Wenqiu Mountain.

"Don't care about me."

In the depths of the mountain, a faint voice came from the depths of the mountain: "If you don’t break through the solidified landscape of the thousand-character script, how can you level this Wenqiu Mountain, without breaking the thousand-character script, how can I break my heart without breaking the wind? Let's break it, if I can share half of my cultural fortune with the Xuanyuan clan, that would be enough."

"How to do!?"

Zhang Ling, who had already ordered the shelling to stop, went forward and said in a deep voice, "My lord, do you want to fight or not?"

I hesitated, and at this moment an unheard of voice came from the lake of mind: "Fan Yi's plan is to use Ventiu Mountain to exhaust my cultivation base while causing the Xuanyuan Empire to continue to attack and cause After many deaths and injuries, these dead souls will be refined by the shadow of death, and eventually become part of the heroic pool. If Fan Yi and Lin Hai are really successful, the sun and the moon will be dark and the universe will be subverted. What kind of consequences do not need I have to say more? So, my self-cultivation can be dissipated, but the world must still be there. You should know how to choose."

"Got it."

I gently raised my hand and shouted in a low voice: "Continue to attack and face the wind!"

"Yes, my love!"

The heavy artillery volley started again, and the player's offensive resumed instantly, but the speed was still slow, and a heavy ban was knocked out in a minute. I really don't know when it will be a head.

Soon after, when I triggered a Mind Demon again, his attributes were obviously much stronger than before. Although there was still no magical power to transform into a realm, his attributes seemed to have surpassed me, and the attack limit was about 10 more than mine. It’s about %, it’s quite hard to kill. The obvious things happen like this. The more times the Mind Demon is triggered, the stronger it will become. The thing that worries me the most has happened. In this way, for Lin Xi, It doesn't matter to players who perform brilliant operations such as clearing the lights and killing the mortal dust, but most of the middle and downstream players are embarrassed. It is very likely that they will not be able to completely defeat the heart demon that they have summoned, and they can only take the initiative to exit the battlefield.

And in this way, players will be slower and slower in attacking the prohibition of the Wenqiu Mountains and rivers!


Suddenly, a prompt appeared in the sky above Ventiu Mountain's heavy forbidden formation—

System reminder: [Venqiu Mountain] The countdown for the formation has been opened, the current time is: 10 hours, once the time runs out, if the player still fails to complete the strategy, all the landscape forbidden formations will be reset!


Slaughter Fanchen's face was pale: "Order us to finish the fight within ten hours? Otherwise, will it be restored to the 1,000-weight prohibition?"

"Well, that means it literally." Kamei was a little silent after speaking.

"Not so good."

Lin Xi frowned: "The rules of the system are too bad for us, and the refreshing intensity of the Mind Demon is getting higher and higher. We will definitely not be able to defeat it if this continues.

"What to do?" A Fei asked.


I frowned and said, "One step counts one step, one fight first. People are not as good as the sky. If we just give up like this, then there is really no hope at all. Everyone, right?"


As a result, everyone continued the strategy, but I looked up and looked behind me, and talked to Zhang Lingyue, "In addition to heavy artillery, what long-range offensive can we use?"


Zhang Lingyue said solemnly: "After this year of vigorous research and development, Mingwen Academy has joined hands with the Handicraft Department to create many spirit boats with heavy artillery and inscription firearms. There will be more than 400 ships. If these spirit boats are dispatched together, they will be launched. If we attack the Shanshui prohibition, our attack speed may be faster."

"Give me an order to mobilize the spirit boat to join the war."


Soon after, Zhang Lingyue said again: "My lord, in addition to the Xuanyuan Empire's spirit boat, there is also a force that can be used, as long as the adult orders it."

"What power?"

"Huang Longguo." He said solemnly: "The first day our envoy arrived in Huanglong Nation, it was indeed a bit troublesome. The whole country of Huanglong Nation was disputing the matter of moving north, but when the envoy said this decision at luncheon the next day. After you personally planned it, your lord, the young lord of Huanglong Kingdom no longer hesitated. He immediately formulated a plan to move north, and dispatched more than half of Huanglong Kingdom’s elite corps in advance for the Xuanyuan Empire. Among them, there are a hundred spirit ships. Boat, the combat effectiveness is quite impressive."

"Then don't hesitate, dispatch here together and fight against Wenqiu Mountain!"

"Yes, my lord!"

About half an hour later, the sky was densely covered with spirit boats, allowing players to open their eyes. The next moment the sky and the ground gathered fire together, the speed of damage caused by the prohibition on the mountain and water of Ventiu Mountain began to accelerate, but it was still not enough. All the prohibitions were broken within an hour, and it seemed that it was so bad.

There is no way, I have done everything I can do, and all I can do is to do my best and obey my destiny.

Enveloping the entire Ventiu Mountain's forbidden area, countless players intensively attacked, and the picture was gorgeous. On both sides, the two guilds of Mythology and Fenglin Volcano and the alien demon army also strangled together, making it even more thrilling.

It was about three o'clock in the morning, everyone was tired, but no one said to quit. This battle is no longer as simple as winning or losing, but about the dignity of the national dress. His white clothes are under the pressure of Mount Ventiu. It’s a national humiliation to go on doing this day and night, and this battle is to turn the wind back to the empire anyway, so he can’t continue to be the thief’s plaything in the hands of Fan Yi.

Four o'clock.

There was movement in the printing service again, and a group of printing service players circled from the east of Ventiu Mountain and began to storm Fenglin Volcano and Yilu's outer positions. The large number of people made the national service only able to use elites to resist. Time’s originally planned banning strategy was even slower and worrying, but at about five in the morning, the landscape ban on Ventiu Mountain was at least 600+ heavy, but the countdown was only half. At this rate, we Doomed to be unsuccessful.

In the sound of horseshoes, a group of NPCs approached. It was a group of NPCs from the national service camp. Among them were Shanhai Gong Nangong, Qionghai Hou Zhang Yichou, Tianyu Hou Sikongyu and others.

"His Royal Highness King Xiaoyao!"

Everyone clasped their fists.

I can only withdraw from the front line, holding the double-edged eyes and asking coldly: "What's the matter?"

"It doesn't make much sense to attack like this."

Shanhai Gong Nangong also clasped his fist and said: "Fan Yi is holding half of the world's cultural fortunes, and now using Fengxiang's cultivation base as a shield, attracting the imperial army's attack, this battle, the imperial legion has suffered heavy losses, and now the Daxiang dynasty The army of the alien demon army attacked our army positions from east, south, and west respectively, and the unsuccessful attack on the prohibition of mountains and rivers in the front was destined to be a fruitless fight. Your subordinates beg your Highness to stop immediately. Attack, withdraw the antlers off!"

Qionghai Hou Zhang Yirao said: "This is also what your Majesty meant, please consider Xiaoyao Wang!"

"What does your majesty mean?"

I raised my eyebrows: "Your Majesty has said that this battle will be handed over to me. If it is really what your Majesty meant, please let your Majesty come and tell me in person, if not, you will not be the Qionghaihou of Zhang Yichou in the future. , I don’t need to say more about the sin of preaching the imperial edict, right?

"Xiaoyao King!"

Nangong also frowned and said, "The imperial soldiers are making a lot of sacrifices every minute. The King Xiaoyao really bears the heart to continue to go on his own way for a dying Fengxiang? Besides, Fengxiang also has a decree that he wants us to give up!"

"is it?"

I smiled slightly: "But as far as I know, Feng Xiang just asked us not to take into account his tattoos, but he didn't order us to retreat, right? There is no need to discuss this matter. You go back to your positions. If you violate my military order, Don’t blame my black hands. UU reading www.uukahnshu.com"


Seeing that it didn't make sense, everyone left in anguish.

I frowned. These few people came with such a big fanfare. Is it because the new Emperor Xuanyuanli tried to pressure me? This new emperor is indeed a little worrying.

Ten o'clock the next day.

There are less than ten minutes before the end of the countdown, but there are at least 250 landscape restrictions in front of us, and the inability to break through this major formation arranged by Fan Yi seems to be a certainty.


In the distance, Nangongyi, Zhang Yichou and others all sneered and waited to see the jokes. If the battle of Venqiu Mountain is really defeated this time, I, Xiaoyao King...seems like I can't be alive anymore, right? In one dynasty, I was sweeping the floor with majesty in the court hall. Then the new emperor really wanted to abolish me and get the support of his officials. The problem is not big. What can I do at that time, relying on my self-cultivation to kill the king?

I can't do this thing, because I have failed the first emperor Xuanyuanying, and I have also failed my own conscience.

"It's over."

A Fei sighed slightly: "Should our national server fail twice in succession? This is truly unprecedented."

Lin Xi was silent.

I also remained silent, but at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from my ear: "Junior Brother, stay away."

Just as I suddenly moved hundreds of meters in the hovering wind, a sword light flew from the sky, straight across the earth, and the sword that Senior Sister Yun slashed from the dragon domain was long overdue.


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