Zhan Yue

Chapter 1293: Liquan Chain

A ray of sword light, straight and straight, inconspicuous, even most players did not notice it at all. The direction of this sword is True North. It seems that it does not come from the Dragon Territory, but from the Territory of the Northern Territory. Could it be clouds? The sword that Senior Sister and Lin Hai handed out when they asked about the sword?

I was a little silent, because Senior Sister Yun's cultivation base in the kendo is afraid that I won't be able to keep up in my life.


In the next second, the sword light fell straight on the remaining 200+ levels of mountain and water restrictions in Ventiu Mountain. It was like a thunderstorm. This time it felt obvious. The entire Ventiu Mountain was trembling. The sword light passed by, it was so easy. The 200+ layers of landscape restrictions were cut open, and then the sword light was divided into two. One of the sword light smashed into Fan Yi on the observation platform in the air, and the other sword light was directly submerged in the Wenqiu Mountain.

"Jing Yunyue!"

Fan Yi roared, holding countless book slips in both hands, forming a wall of defensive air around him, but he seemed to be prepared too hastily, and his strength was not full at all, so he was split by a sword. The qi wall, followed by sword qi, swept across Fan Yi's shoulder, leaving a bone deep wound, and even Fan Yi's entire right arm was almost chopped off by this sword.

The earth rumbling.

Another blade of sword light separated by a sword qi submerged into the Ventiu Mountain. The next moment Ventiu Mountain was divided into two by the sword light. It is no longer the stable mountain at the beginning. In the depths of the mountain, the windless energy becomes incomparable. Rich up.

"Junior Brother?"

Senior Sister Yun's heart sounded again.


Suddenly, I flew to the sky above Ventiu Mountain, which was separated by the sword aura. The power of my body burst out, and my five fingers were far away. The power of my body was immediately mobilized, turning into an unwarranted spiral. The power of the golden world pierced the chaotic aura and pointed directly. Inside the mountain, he shouted in a low voice: "Fengxiang, I'm here to take you home!"

The mountain was rumbling like a thunderstorm, and the windless energy kept going up and down.

When I landed floating in the air, there was already a scholar in white clothes standing beside me, with a slightly haggard face, holding a green bamboo scroll, and laughing: "It's really tough..."

I frowned. At this time, the aura of the wind is too weak, even weaker than ordinary people. Sister Yun's sword split the last 200+ heavy mountain and water prohibition, but it is also really good. The foundation of the cultivation base that the wind does not smell is completely shattered by a sword, but as a last resort, Senior Sister Yun can't produce this sword, and the outcome of the wind not smelling will only be worse.

In the air, Fan Yi drew back quickly, as if he didn't intend to entangle here anymore, he just said in a deep voice, "Master Tallinn, Master Thunder, Venqiu Mountain is about to become a ruin, the two don't need to entangle here, just leave! "

"Master Fan Yi go first!"

Twilight Sword Blade Tower Lin stood in the wind, holding a long sword in his hand, and said with a smile: "I'll wait for the back of the palace, what can the human race in this district do to us?"

"Exactly!" Thunder also nodded in response.

"That's good."

Fan Yi took the lead to leave.


At this point, the battle has settled, and the rest is just a part of the finishing work. Thunder and Tallinn did not leave, which is equivalent to giving players a chance to spawn monsters. Anyhow, the experience value and merit value in the version of the event are ×3. , So players will definitely not let go of such a godsend opportunity.

"Wind phase."

I walked forward and directly supported the arm that was indifferent to the wind. To this day, this white-clothed gentleman is no longer the wind-flow of the white-clothed style, with white temples, like a weather-beaten middle-aged scribe, when I touch him When he held his arm, he felt that the cultivation base in the body was fading extremely fast. His body at this time was like a big funnel. The amount of spiritual energy that he had drawn from the heavens and the earth was immediately dissipated, and it was no longer suitable. Practiced.

"Let Xiaoyao King see the joke..."

The wind gave a wry smile, flipped the palm of his hand gently, and the green bamboo scroll held in my hand was directly delivered to my hand, and smiled: "This is for you. It should be of great benefit to your next plan."

I was slightly startled: "What is this?"

The wind did not hear the words: "Landscape calligraphy, although I was suppressed at the foot of Ventiu Mountain, I found this treasure from the depths of the mountain through the magical powers of the earth as the primordial **** clone. The landscape calligraphy is made from the legendary landscape bamboo. , This landscape bamboo condenses the luck of the mountains and waters between the heavens and the earth, and it is no better to use it to seal the gods of the mountains and rivers. Since King Xiaoyao wants to create a prosperous age of hundreds of gods on the territory of my Xuanyuan Empire, how can I not help it? Do you have a hand?"

He smiled leisurely and said: "This time, for all the emperor's landscape gods, you will seal their names and gods on the landscape script, which is equivalent to letting them get the seal of the human landscape again, and they will be stable to their golden bodies. Divine power practice is of great benefit."

"I see, thanks Feng Xiang!"

I put away the landscape script, and immediately reached out, more than a dozen spirit boats in the sky descended one by one, and a group of imperial guards came down. I looked at the members of the Liuhuo Legion and said, "The firewood and herons are under the control, you personally lead the five. Thousands of iron infantry elites escorted Feng Xiang back to the prime minister's mansion in the imperial capital, and then left the soldiers for the Feng Xiang to send until I was back in the morning."

"Yes, my lord!"

Chai Lu stepped forward to help the white clothes Qingxiang.

Feng Buwen smiled and said: "Then I...I am a useless person, I will return to the court first."


I hugged my fists and bid farewell. I watched the wind and left on the spirit boat. More than a dozen of the spirit boats left the battlefield and returned to the imperial territory. It's really worth it.


"The wind is not so good..."

On the side, Master Yan did not attack the blood-stained sword, frowning and said: "Lu Li, my perception is not very strong, you should be able to sense the state of the wind, have you not repaired it?"


I lightly nodded: "A Confucian cultivation is lost. Even the spiritual ruins he cultivated before have been wiped out under the suppression of Mt. Ventiu. Today's style is no different from ordinary folks, even the suppression of Mt. Venturi. His physical body has also become worse than before, and may be even weaker than normal adults."


Yan Shi did not attack and frowned: "Who is to blame? Of course, the new emperor Xuanyuanli who has eyes and no beads is to blame. If he hadn't rushed to regain the royal power, there would be no battle of Xiangcheng, and Fengxiang would not be crushed under Mount Wenqiu. Up."

"It's all calculations."

I sat down on a piece of Venqiu Mountain huge rock that was split by Senior Sister Yun with a sword, and greeted Yanshi to sit down together without attacking, saying: "Fan Yi is really good. While I am away, I directly attack my heart and use my own one. The clone pretends to be a national teacher, and then uses the new emperor’s trust in the big boss Xiao Cheng, a national teacher and a big boss, together to help seize power, can Xuanyuanli not be fooled, but it will be a bitter Fengxiang. , Paying a quasi-spirit Confucian cultivation base, it is no different from nothing."

"Be careful."

Yan Shi did not attack with a solemn expression, and said: "The new emperor Xuanyuanli's desire to be pro-government must be increasing day by day. Today's Fengxiang has no cultivation skills other than a talent. If the new emperor Xuanyuanli wants to be indifferent, we There must be some precautions here. It is so miserable if the wind is not heard. If he is killed in the territory of the empire, there will be no place for the faces of us people."


I nodded: "This is also the reason why I let the five thousand heavy infantry of the Liuhuo regiment **** Fengxiang back to the front."

Yanshi did not attack and looked into the distance: "Next?"

"Remove monsters, wait for the end of the version event to send out rewards."



Nearly 12 o’clock noon, the players were almost exhausted. Even if the monsters are rich in experience, nearly half of the players went offline to rest. As for the alien army, the two kings of Thunder and Tallinn seemed to learn from it. After learning the lessons of their companions, they did not fall to the ground to fight the player from beginning to end, but commanded the army to continuously attack the player's position, and they had a tacit understanding of pure monsters.

At twelve o'clock, on the hour, the Venturi Mountain below the player's position rumbling and almost collapsed. All players evacuated. Just as the Venturi Mountain began to collapse, a system bell echoed above the player's head. Finally, this The second version of the event is over, and I am still the steady first place, with the red deer rushing the city and the soul-eating effect, no one wants to grab the first place with me.


System Announcement: Congratulations, everyone, with the joint efforts of all the brave men, the [Decisive Battle at Wenqiu Mountain] has achieved a complete victory, and we have welcomed back the white-clothed Qing who was suppressed under the Venqiu Mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ And in the battle, kill the alien king [Frost Hunter], all players' rewards are increased by 25%! Among them, the player [July Flow Fire] has outstanding achievements and ranks first in the standings. He will receive rewards: Level +5, Charisma +25, Dragon Domain Merit +250W, Merit Value +1.8 billion, Gold Coins +50W, and receive additional rewards. : [Liquan Chain] (Return to Ruins Level), the player [Dawn of Purgatory] ranks second in the standings and gets rewards: Level +3, Charisma +18, Reputation +5W, Merit +1.5 billion, Gold Coins +30W , And get additional rewards: [Eternal Night Boots] (Shanhai level), the player [Lin Xi] ranks third in the standings. Rewards: Level +3, Charisma +15, Reputation +4W, Merit +1.2 billion , Gold coin +25W, and get additional rewards: [Extremely Wild Necklace] (Mountain and Sea Level), the remaining top ten players are: Xpress, Feng Canghai, Martian River, Mingyue, Yanshi does not attack, Yanshi does not attack, Yuehua is like water, and all players will get their own equivalent task rewards!


The chain of Liquan, a necklace of the market class!

Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Ruyi all looked over and waited to see my attribute of the only reward for returning to the market, but I took out this golden necklace from the package, and said with a smile: "On one condition, I will have invincible special effects. Keep it, if not, give it to Shen Mingxuan or Ruyi, whoever applies it, how?"

For a time, the two little beauties flushed all over: "You speak your words!"


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