Zhan Yue

Chapter 1294: Move to Lao Tzu!

   "We must do what we say."

I stretched out my hand, and suddenly the attributes of this extremely precious ruins-level necklace appeared in front of my eyes——

【Liquan Chain】(Return to Market Level)

Agility: +748

Stamina: +745

Strength: +740

Spiritual power: +730

Special effect: blood sucking +12%

Special effects: critical strike rate +4%

Special effects: Strengthen the attack, increase your base attack power by 6000 points

Special effect: Liquan, after killing any target, he restores 15% of his Qi and HP

Special effect: quick attack, there is a 40% chance to trigger a 320% attack damage when attacking

Special effect: Murderous, 25% chance to trigger a 600% attack damage when attacking

Special effects: [Invincible Reality], summon the legendary Invincible Reality, gain the invincibility effect for 15 seconds, double the attack damage within the duration of the effect, and increase the damage reflection and lifesteal effect to 100%

Additional: Increase the user's attack power by 355%

Additional: Increase the user's defense by 332%

Introduction: The chain of Liquan, one of the national tools of the ancient underground kingdom in the legend. This chain of Liquan has the power to directly connect to the mysterious underground divine spring. It was once a symbol of the king listed as the king of the ancient times, and then fell into the mortal dust. It is said that as long as Wearing the chain of Liquan, you can gain the power of the invincible real body, which is admired by the world.

Required level: 255


Seeing the attributes of Liquan Chain, everyone seemed very silent.

After a while, Shen Mingxuan said with a look of wonder: "Is it true that all the equipment at the ruins level, the critical strike rate and the bloodsucking trump card attributes are directly full, and then there will be a double chase special effect and a 15-second invincible special effect? After all, there is also a special effect that restores blood by 15%. This...is it all for high-level equipment, Lin Xiaoxi?"

Lin Xitan opened her mouth slightly: "I have little advanced equipment, how do I know..."

I always blushed: "Oh, when I look at it this way, I've already returned to the ruins all over my body. I'm so embarrassed..."

Ruyi smiled and said, "Then you answer Shen Mingxuan's question?"


I nodded: "In fact, it is still a question of probability. The equipment system of Magic Moon is like this. A necklace and a ring. Whether there are two attributes of crit rate and bloodsucking is a problem. Yes, it is also a problem whether the value is high or not. , But Shen Mingxuan, your question is really right. The more advanced the equipment is, the more perfect it is. Just as everyone has seen so far, do the mountain-sea-level and Guixu-level equipment produced by the national service have spicy chicken attributes? Yes, But it’s still a lean camel that’s bigger than a horse. No matter how bad the mountain and sea level equipment is, it’s better than your predecessor level. That’s how it is, not to mention the ruins-level equipment. The special effects attributes of every ruin-level equipment are trends. Perfect, but my Liquan chain... seems to be too perfect, which makes people a little embarrassed!"


Shen Mingxuan angrily smiled and said: "Is it cheaper to sell well?"

I laughed and put on the chain of Liquan directly, and replaced the chain of Vulcan which I haven't changed for a long time. This chain of Vulcan is a 120-level prehistoric necklace, but the invincible special effect of Vulcan's body is long. Nine seconds, so it’s definitely regarded as a “small best” equipment. He threw the Vulcan chain to Shen Mingxuan and said, “9 seconds is invincible. If you think you can use it, keep it for use. If you don’t use it, you will sell it. You subsidize a little bit of living expenses."

Shen Mingxuan immediately replaced it: "It's much better than my 7-second invincibility, and the attributes are also applicable to archers, why not use it?"

I smiled and looked down at my own attributes. I was very satisfied. A few days after returning, through Venqiu Mountain’s killing monsters and killing leveling, plus the reward level this time, it’s now level 259, just like Lin Xi It's only seven or eight levels lower, and you can catch up in a flash. The gap that many players have left in these three months can be made up in a week.

Open the attribute list, the data is clear at a glance, so terrifying——

[July Flowing Fire] (Shadow of Exile)

Level: 259

Attack: 36850-45120 (+2704%)

Defense: 26395 (+2649%)

Qi and blood: 708920

Crit: 90%

Lifesteal: 50%

Perception: 97

Charm: 675

Soul Star: 600

Dragon Domain Merit: 9316000

Combat power: 655820

Rank: General of Tier VI

Strength rank: King


The acquisition of Liquan’s chain directly brought my attributes to a "critical" value. Why is it called a critical value? That is because certain attributes of players have upper limits, such as critical strike rate, all players, critical strike rate The upper limit of is 90%, so there is no legendary "knife crit", 90% is already the limit, and I have reached this limit now, and getting agility points in the future will only increase the attack speed, movement speed, and break defense. Waiting for hidden characteristics can indeed improve personal abilities, but the critical strike rate is no longer able to go up, and you can only wait for the people behind to get closer.

In addition, the blood-sucking attribute has also reached 50% of the upper limit. The player’s basic attribute, 50% of the blood-sucking with a single knife is also the limit. There are also some more than 50%, but it requires some special effects to break through, such as my invincible physical stunt. When it is turned on, the blood-sucking effect is 100% of the super upper limit, and the human nature is degraded.

The combat power value reaches 65W, the improvement of Liugui Ruins is really not a blow, the people at the back of the combat power list want to catch up with me, it is not small.

Wei Wei is a little proud and contented.

Soon after, Lin Xi let her offline eat and sleep, so she didn't continue to rely on the online, although she could still rely on it, but it always feels bad. It's better to keep the same routine and routine with everyone as much as possible.


In the next few days, there are still various levels of leveling, monsters and chasing levels. As for the things above the sky, I can’t manage it, and I have the power to control it. Even if I hold the dragon mirror and fly above the sky again, it’s not at all. The opponent of the True Blood Remains, this True Blood Remains suppresses the luck of one party in the world, and does not soar. It is so disgusting, and Feng Canghai, the contract master, is of no use at all. It seems that it only needs to be anxious. The real blood dragon can swallow the wind and the sea in one bite without being backlashed by the great cause and effect.

Venqiu Mountain is gone, but the former Venqiu Mountain monsters are still refreshed on the old site of Ventiu Mountain, and Shanjia fragments can still be obtained, but there are not as many as before.

One afternoon, we met with A Fei in the east square of Fanshu City.

"And that's all!"

A Fei traded tens of thousands of Shanjia fragments and said: "Recently, fewer and fewer people go to the old site of Ventiu Mountain to level up. It is said that there is less oil and water, so this is the limit. The Shanjia fragments in the national service are basically all. Here, the one on the Yinfu side is also here. I believe no one besides you can collect the 1-99 fragments of the mountain armor. So what are you going to do?"

"Of course it's a big deal."

My chest slapped loudly, and said, "Okay, I won't tell you more. I'll go and get things done about the shards of the mountain armor. You can keep busy. After all, the national dress will definitely not be too calm, just wait. Just do version activities."

"Coming again?"

"Well, it will probably come again."

I took a deep breath, and then Yufeng came to the Prime Minister's Mansion. It was in a viewing pavilion of the Prime Minister's Mansion. The wind did not hear the white clothes. Holding the tea cup, I looked at the south, as if I could see through the palace pavilions. The mountains in the south are the same.


He didn't look back, just asked with a smile.


I re-checked all the fragments of the mountain armor that ALFY gave me, and assembled a total of 180+ complete pieces of the ancient Ling armor for moving the mountain. They just spread them out on the coffee table and said, "When will you do it?"


Feng Buwen smiled and said: "Summon a spirit boat, such a grand event, I want to see it with my own eyes."


I snapped my fingers into the air, and soon there was a queen spirit boat slowly descending. The spirit boat was huge, like a hill. It was said to have spent a lot of materials and used the best craftsmen in the empire, the master of inscriptions. It took three years to cast it. It was originally intended to be the first emperor Xuanyuanying's car. Unfortunately, Xuanyuanying was not lucky, but now the new emperor Xuanyuanli doesn't seem to care about it. He just hides in the hall and reviews memorials, a psychological policy.


Leaning on the wind, he walked onto the spirit boat, and then soared up, the spirit boat galloped in the sea of ​​clouds like electricity, and arrived in the Luming Mountain area in less than ten minutes. At this time, the wind did not seem to have prepared everything. , Just at the Antler Pass, a group of officials from the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of War of the Xuanyuan Empire were there, and even Nangong was also there.

"Xiaoyao King, Fengxiang!"

Everyone gave a salute.

I ignored the wind and didn't fall into the city. I just ordered the spirit boat to hover in the air, holding a fist and saluting everyone.


A golden light swept from the top of a mountain in the distance, and turned into a **** in golden armor. He was the original mountain **** of Luming Mountain. However, due to our future plans, this mountain **** could only move his nest and change the future. The Luming Mountain in Nanyue of the Empire was given to Fuyu Gong Mutian, but he made it very willingly. After all, Mu Tiancheng was one of the three men with outstanding military exploits, and he was originally the person admired by the mountain monarch.

"His Royal Highness King Xiaoyao, officials from the Ministry of Rites and the Department of Shanhai are all gathered here, what the **** is going on?" Lu Mingshan asked.

"I'll know soon."

He didn't speak much, just took out a pot of wine, drank in the air, waved, and suddenly there appeared a series of mountain gods in the sky, including the mountain gods of the nearby mountains, and the distant river gods, river gods, etc., both men and women, young and old. After I arrived, they silently greeted me and the Lingzhou, who was not aware of the wind, as if to say hello.

These gods were basically entrusted by the Xuanyuan clan during the Xuanyuanying era. The emperor was entrusted with the divine power and entrusted the transportation of a country's mountains and waters. They just watched silently.


"how is it?!"

In the distance, within the territory of the Daxiang Dynasty, a bright and clean figure shone out. He was a man from the Eguan Bo belt, a mountain monarch from the northern borders of the Daxiang Dynasty, and the mountain **** of the North Mountain Yunxia Mountain of the Daxiang Dynasty. Standing proudly in the air, he smiled and said: "The ranks of the northern barbarians are gathered here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I must have planned something, right? But...you really think our Daxiang dynasty's landscape **** is dead. Is it so much fanfare?"

As he said, he stomped the ground suddenly, and the figures of mountain gods and river gods suddenly appeared behind him, densely clustered.

The Yunxia Mountain Lord of the Daxiang Dynasty laughed and said: "The two countries are connected by mountains and rivers, but the air and national luck are separated from each other. Your Xuanyuan clan wants to covet my Daxiang dynasty's mountains and rivers. It is simply a dream!"


A mountain **** with a lower rank held a roll of gold slips in his hand and sneered: "Mountain roots and water transport have long been stable. Do you still have the means to move mountains and seas? Then the little **** is convinced."


A group of mountain gods and water gods laughed, looking like a good show.


Looking at me without hearing the wind, it seemed that I couldn't pass it.

"It's almost there indeed."

In the next moment, I directly activated all the complete manga fragments, and suddenly 180+ golden lights appeared in my palm and flew towards the dense cluster mountains in the south. The next second there was a loud sound of "pumppeng", one by one. The majestic figure stood up from the mountain.

The golden giant is full of momentum.

These are the legendary ancient spirits of moving mountains. They punched their chests one by one, and then bent over and moved the roots of the mountains. In the sound of "buzzing", the mountains in the northern boundary of the Daxiang Dynasty Just rising from the ground, it is no longer the landscape of the Daxiang Dynasty. ??


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