Zhan Yue

Chapter 1300: karma

"Oh shit!"

The sturdy predator sank suddenly, his huge tail swayed behind him, and his body was covered with a thick flame of radiance. The strength of his body was very similar to Yang Yanjin. He pressed the ground with one hand and said with a cold expression: " His breath has changed a lot, I am afraid that the intensity of this breath is no longer sun-flaming, everyone be careful!"

"Break through the Yang Yan realm?"

The young predator with 98% fusion couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "That's right, there are really some people in the human race who can break through the bottleneck of the sun, it is strange, but what about the transformation of the gods? Here we are. Corresponding to the strength of, a predator with more than 85% fusion is equivalent to a peak of Yangyan. We have 7 peaks of Yangyan, 7 late stages of Yangyan, and can't hunt down a God Transformation Realm?"


The young predator with fiery red scales on his head sneered: "Tsk, God Transformation Realm, the first Transcendent God Realm that appeared on earth will soon become history, and his beautiful girlfriend will soon become My woman, when I think of Lin Xi's pretty little face, her small waist and big breasts, I almost feel it."


Before his words fell, I rushed to him, and I appeared in front of him like this, and immediately hit his face with a punch of ten times the strongest Sun Flame Realm, and his cheekbones suddenly cracked. There was a sound, "Peng", this 91% fusion predator flew out like this, hitting the Xiaotiandi enchantment I sacrificed heavily, vomiting blood, and the whole head was about to be deformed. He was injured with just one punch, but he didn't die, it was just a serious injury!

"Oh shit!"

He had a fierce hair, and he stomped up suddenly, the power of the predators surged, and wisps of majestic flames were densely covered on the body, unexpectedly forming a defensive energy layer similar to sun armor, and sneered: "CNMD , The realm of transforming gods is very fierce... come again, you so-called practitioners who have cultivated for thousands of years can get the Yang Yan Jin, and I can do it in one step by transforming your body. Come, come, your fists are not very hard. Do you try to blast off Lao Tzu's armor?"

"as you wish."

I sank lightly, my body moved slightly, and it seemed that I did not rush out, but with a loud noise, the 91% fusion predator shook in place, and the whole head turned into a pile of blood. Fog just fell straight down, punching and headshot, this should also be his best end.

"what happened?!"

The young predator was taken aback: "He... how did he kill Liu Tianbao?"

"do not know!"

Numerous predators were waiting in sight. Among them, the predator with a sturdy figure and at least 95% fusion had a sullen look, and said: "He seems to have not taken a shot, but in fact he has already taken a shot. I saw it clearly just now. No one came to Liu Tianbao at all, and Liu Tianbao had already been punched to the head."

The predators were surprised.


"Is it weird?"

I lifted the sword in place and smiled leisurely: "Didn't it mean that a dozen or so peaks of Yangyan can top a state of transforming gods? Just now your account was pretty good, and I was almost convinced."

In fact, the punch I just made was completely intentional, and I unknowingly blasted this punch that belongs to the realm of transforming gods. It seemed that the place had not moved, but the offensive had been completed, and no one would be watching. As far as how I do it, even the base monitoring cannot capture my movements, because it is a punch that transcends time.

The realm of transforming the gods, one of the realm's supernatural powers, retrospectively in a short time!

As a matter of fact, the punch that hit just now, when the punch was handed out, time has begun to look back. This punch did not hit the predator at this moment, but hit him a few seconds ago. On his body, he had not yet condensed the Sun Flame Armor at that time, and he couldn't resist the punch he was determined to win at all!

"Go together!"

The young predator roared: "This realm of transforming gods is weird. Let's go together, otherwise it's really possible that no one will want to go out alive!"


Around, a group of predators launched their momentum, wisps of scorching flames swept across the body, and then attacked from various angles from all directions, whiptails, claws and other offensives spread from every angle, instantly completing a perfect offensive like a copper wall and an iron wall. It stands to reason that the strongest on earth will indeed die under an offensive of this level.

However, I happened to be the accident.


The body shook suddenly, and the time around was still again, and my body slowly retreated, avoiding the fierce claws of the young predators, and at the same time, my body turned upside down, and the toes were full of sun-burning energy. The predator kicked and flew, and then the sword Xiaobai was filled with the power of transforming the realm. The whole body became pure white, and the neck of a predator was cut off with a "chick", and the body flew back to avoid the opponent's offensive. Another sword was added, and the sword light fell from the top of a predator’s head, instantly splitting the sword in half, and the internal organs and blood were scattered on the ground. At this moment, the power of the gods was used up , The static picture of time accelerates instantly.


He stepped on the floor, his body slid straight back, and just in front of him, the contact between the two sides separated in an instant. Then two predators were killed, and one predator was kicked and was seriously injured.


"what happened!?"

The young predator looked shocked, and his self-confidence had completely collapsed at this time: "Why did he suddenly disappear just now!? Those few people... how did they die?"

No one can answer him. A group of predators are actually skilled "world warriors". No one can understand the so-called avenue at all, let alone seeing the time flow in the realm of gods at an abnormal speed, even, Even with the 98% fusion of this young predator, I still can't see through my means of transforming the gods.

"Go on, divide life and death!"

I regained the breath of the God-Transforming Realm, and disappeared from the place again with a sound of "Peng". The next moment, my body rose from the ground, and the knees covered with Yang Yanjin hit the young predator's chin heavily. , The moment he flew out, the sword light swept across, slashing the heads of four predators into the air. It was another picture of rolling human heads. The moment he landed, he made a roundabout and avoided a whiptail attack. Immediately after landing with his left foot, he slammed the tail into the floor with a "pop", grabbed it and shook it fiercely. Suddenly the sturdy predator screamed and his body was covered with "pseudo". Yang Yanjin hit his companion again and again.

The entire hall of the base was filled with the horrible howls of predators. Many predators didn’t see anything clearly, so they were smashed out by their companions. The sun flames hit the sun flames and cracked each other. I hurt my muscles and bones, and at the moment when I threw the sturdy predator away fiercely, I stepped out and turned into a cloud of smoke and appeared above his head. The sword light swept down and Xiao Bai directly The pierced from his heavenly spirit, pierced through the heart, and the sword light danced, directly smashing the upper body of this predator with at least 95% fusion.


I ran out of breath, and my body flew ten meters away. When I got out of the "invisible" state, a group of predators were embarrassed, lying in a pile, some were severely injured, and some were lightly injured. Among them, the 98% fusion predator suffered the least injury. It was just a frustration of the chin, the body was extremely strong, and the eyes were cold: "Your speed... I am afraid that it is not just as simple as fast. is it?"

I can’t help laughing, nonsense, it’s more than speed. The true magical powers of the God Transformation Realm can allow time to freeze for a short time or go back to create the illusion of fast speed. Indeed, the speed of the God Transformation Realm is already fast. It was about ten times the peak of Yangyan, but it was definitely not close to the point where he could compete with more than a dozen predators in such an instant.

"I can't be kind today, can I?"

The young predator said coldly.

"What is good and bad."

I carried the blood-stained Xiaobai, and smiled: "You beasts, isn't it right for me to kill you? If you regret it now, when you killed Tie Hanyi and Yu Yi, where did you go? Come, I stretch my neck a bit, my sword is fast, it won't hurt too much when I cut it down with one sword, remember to be a human when you reborn in your next life, and stop being a beast."

"I don't want to die...I don't want to die..."

A predator with a slightly immature face and only 70%+ fusion degree curled up with his injured body, and kept backing away, tears rolling: "At the beginning...you just told me that by joining this plan, you can become stronger and get what you want. In everything, I never thought about killing people, why... why should such a terrifying person come out at this time to kill us all?"

"Afraid of death at this time?"

I stepped out and stood directly above the head of the juvenile predator, and smiled: "Do you want to earn a little sympathy by saying these words? I don't think it is necessary. I just ask you, after you evolve into a predator, Have you really never killed anyone?"


He shook his head like a rattle, and said, "I haven't killed anyone. This is my first act. I really haven't killed anyone."

I couldn't help but laugh: "Then before the action, they should have told you that you came here to kill people? And it was government officials who killed them, didn't they?"

He was silent.

"So, where are you innocent? You want to become a beast willingly for your own desire, not innocent at all."

I raised the blade and looked at him with a smile: "I'm going to die soon, do you regret it?"

He burst into tears: "Regret...I regret, don't kill me, I really don't dare anymore..."

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I nodded: "It's easy to talk and talk, and I will have a good baby in my next life. "


The sword energy full of sun and energy swept down, instantly evaporating the flesh of the juvenile predator.


"Ouyang Luli!"

A fierce roar came from behind, and in the sound of breaking the wind, the young predator with 98% fusion degree, who was also their leader, swept away like this.

I disappeared in the same place, and appeared above him in the next second, with five fingers, pressing down his head and smashing it to the ground, and then Xiao Bai didn't use the saber anymore, just like this pair of fists. As the rain waved, "Boom Boom Boom" hit his head, nape of neck and back intensively, and yelled while punching: "Is strong enough to do whatever you want? Is it cool to be a bad person? Killing is really justified." Can you have a clear conscience? As a human being, can you be so arrogant and righteous?! A bad kind! If one kills one, I will never show mercy!"

A few seconds later, his back was smashed, and I still hit the **** spine with a punch until I broke it, and then reached out and grabbed the hair on the back of his head, just like that. The **** spine head came out from his body, lifted it up high, and screamed up to the sky: "Don't you all want to be bad guys? Come on! Karma, you plant the cause, I will help you with it! "

Around, blood was all over the ground, blood mist was permeated, and the ground was full of broken limbs, which was terrible.

Only one white shirt was spotless. ??


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