Zhan Yue

Chapter 1301: Reverse research

   "Asshole thing!"

Around, there are still five or six predators who have been severely injured but have not died. When they saw that 98% of the predators were killed in battle, there was no hope in their hearts, and they all became fierce. , Her whole body was sprayed with fiery red brilliance, just like this, she leaned forward and pounced, the sharp claws and the tail of the whip were still there.


I raised the head in my hand and kicked it out with a heavy kick. The head immediately hits the head of a weaker predator and smashed together. Then I stepped forward, bathing my body with the strongest sun energy. , Raised his left fist and smiled faintly: "Give me everything-to die!"

With a punch, the barriers of heaven and earth in the realm of transforming gods resonated with it, and dozens of flames and sword auras were blasted out in an instant, directly slicing all the predators from the siege, killing them and retaining the predators. Sample of the victim’s corpse.


I glanced at Wang Lu, Qin Feng, Haotian and others in the secret room, and said: "Don't rush out first, let me deal with some minor troubles above."

As I stepped out, I was already in the sky above the base. The short-distance movement of the God Transformation Realm was even more useful than the Star Eye's shuttle. When I appeared in the air, I had already caught one. The aura of Dao saboteurs, it was these saboteurs who had launched some kind of offensive of magnetic field disrupting equipment, which made my bracelet's shuttle ability ineffective. At this time, I should also pay the bill.

With the right hand open, there was a pure white air current in the palm of the palm, which came from the essence of God Transformation Realm. In the next second, these pure white air currents turned into dozens of white flying swords and flew out, and the "chichichi" hole penetrated. The bodies of the saboteurs and executors were all spiked and pierced through their brains. In less than five seconds, the enemies outside were cleared out.

I stepped out again, returned to the base hall, and said: "It's okay, the crisis has been resolved."

In the air, the drones gathered in the group. This time their effect was not too great, because the predators came down directly from the drainage channel, and I was already there at that time, so the drones naturally couldn't work.

"Land from!"

Wang Lu flew forward: "Are you...are you okay?"

"It's okay."

I shook my head and smiled: "There is no injury, what do you think? Everyone is okay, right?"

Qin Feng, Haotian and others shook their heads: "It's okay, it's okay."

I took a deep breath: "Let’s let people deal with the corpses of these predators and saboteurs. Let’s go to the conference hall and have a meeting first to discuss what to do in the future."



Underground meeting room.

Under my instructions, the StarEye system is using the equipment of the base to model the building composition of the entire base, as well as the offensive route of this extraordinary organization launching a surprise attack. How did these predators directly descend from the sky, almost making our base last. The remaining group of elites was also wiped out.

"It's the drainage system."

Wang Lu embraced her arms and said, “The body surface temperature of the predator itself is about 30 degrees to 32 degrees. Originally, our infrared monitoring equipment can capture them in advance, but once they enter through the drainage system, the body surface problems will be affected. When the cold water cools down, our detection difficulty is greatly increased, and there is no early warning."


I nodded: "The next repair of the base should be overhauled. It should not only be a drainage system, but a monitoring system must be installed from the entrance. In addition, it’s better to secretly install a few particle cannons to integrate into the base’s defenses. In the system, the predators really have to come from the drain again, let’s take a few shots before talking."


Qin Feng is now the person in charge of the entire base, replacing the previous position of Tie Hanyi, and nodding lightly: "These are not problems, technical integration and funding applications are not difficult, but I think the most important problem is not this. , And the strength of our elites who have a foundation in cultivation is far from enough."

He glanced around and said: "It's ugly. Except for Lu Li, none of us can fight, let alone a predator with terrifying power. Even if it is a saboteur, a person in the realm of imperial Qi can Can't stop it? It's useless, can't stop it at all, don't want to wrestle with the saboteur without Yang Yan, don't want to stand in front of the predator for ten seconds without the late Yang Yan."

Haotian lowered his head, remained silent, clenched his fists, and several other young cultivators gritted their teeth one by one. Among them, there were even people in the early stage of Yuqi, who were shocked by Qin Feng’s words. It is conceivable, but as the person in charge, Qin Feng really needs to say that in the face of real battle, seeking truth from facts can make everyone die less.

Wang Lu frowned and didn't say a word. Now she replaced Qin Feng's position and is now the captain of the Sunan KDA action team, but she really has nothing to do with the difference in strength.

"Don't worry, everyone."

I took a look at the situation in the distant hall and said, "After the corpse samples are collected, give me the 98% fusion sample. I will use the star eye to study it. You should have seen it just now. Eaters can use a kind of energy similar to Yang Yanjin. The Extraordinary Project can create this kind of monster. If I study the other way, maybe I can find a suitable way to help everyone open the bottleneck of the imperial Qi realm. Touch the sun flame state."

Wang Lu was taken aback, and then surprised: "We have three imperial qi peaks and a lot of imperial qi. If this is true, there will be three or five more sun flames in the base, even in the early stage of the sun flame stage, that would be much better. ."


I nodded and said, "The defensive power of the Sunfire Realm is very strong. Once you fight with the particle cannon and the drone, not to mention that you can defeat the predators, at least it can suppress the arrogance of the destroyers, even if you run into it. Predators don’t necessarily have no resistance."

"It's such a reason."

Qin Feng frowned: "It's just that I am worried that the bottleneck of the imperial qi peak is actually very difficult to break. Since ancient times, how many Yangyan realms have been recorded? How can it become Chinese cabbage..."

I smiled: "Not necessarily, because our vision is too limited to the earth."

Wang Lu chuckled: "I agree with Lu Li's statement. In short, the sample of the predator with the highest degree of fusion is handed over to you. You can tell us how we can cooperate."

"Got it."

I took a deep breath: "After the samples are packaged, send someone to the underground laboratory of the main building of the Tianming Group and hand it over to the StarEye system to receive it. I will remotely control the reverse research. I believe there will be results soon. As for the recent period, everyone should practice hard, and the next counterattack of Transcendent Plan will not be too long."



After the meeting in the conference room, I directly teleported back to the second floor of the studio. Although the cultivation base of the realm of the gods did not stick to the body, there was still a faint **** aura. I was on the side, Lin Xixia Xian was waiting for me, it was not strange to see me suddenly appear, but he said softly: "Is it solved?"


I pressed her fragrant shoulder lightly, and smiled: "I will come up after I go downstairs to take a shower and change into my clothes."


When I took a shower and changed clothes and went upstairs, it was already time for supper.

The supper was Qixintian’s lost crabs. Although they were not very hungry, they still couldn’t bear the smell. They immediately picked up chopsticks and ate with everyone, even eating more than everyone.

Just when I set the chopsticks flying, Lin Xi gently sat aside, using tongs to smash the crab claws one by one, and even the corners of the crab claws were crushed and piled up. A plate was pushed in front of me, and I continued to pick up the second crab claw, looking like I was going to fight the crab to the death, and continued to work.

Shen Mingxuan craned his neck and glanced, then smiled and asked, "Lin Xi, how about working so carefully? Would you like to get a small knife for Lu Li to help Lu Li get rid of the meat on the crab claws and make it easier to eat?"

Lin Xi was taken aback, and smiled: "So why don't you go get it?"

Shen Mingxuan helped his forehead: "It's too much, do you want to be so considerate? When it was only me and Ruyi before, I never saw you being so considerate to us!"

Lin Xi smiled and said, "Lu Li went out to fight at night, and his physical exertion was too great. Am I doing this too much?"

Ruyi pursed her lips: "It makes sense!"

I gave Ruyi a thumbs up, and then pushed the bowl forward. After eating a bowl of egg-fried rice, I was satisfied. Then I took the tongs and said, "Lin Xi, eat it, I'll serve you. Let's take care of it as soon as possible. Bring your meat back. Look, Shen Mingxuan and Ruyi's breasts... now seem to be a little bit bigger than you. Can we bear it?"

Lin Xi blinked: "It can't!"

"Yes, eat!"

For a while, the studio was all expressions of rolling eyes.


After eating and drinking, Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan and Ruyi all went back to the room to wash and rest. I also went back to my room, but didn’t rest. People in the Transcendent Realm didn’t need so much sleep time, so they patted their palms. , Smiled and said: "Star Eye, has the laboratory received a predator sample?"

"Already received, it has been named Sample No. 002."

"Got it."

Before, I also sent an arm of a predator to the laboratory for research, but I didn’t find out why, but this time it’s different~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We have a complete sample of the predator. , The only imperfection is that the entire spine was shattered for me, and nearly 30 cm in length was extracted.

"Start scanning and analyzing samples."

I sat down quietly and started to work. At this moment, I was completely immersed in the work.


Soon after, the body structure of the predator was scanned and holographically imaged one by one. Every inch of bones and every vein were presented. Although I can't understand the pictures, I can at least understand the data listed on the side. These predators The muscle density of a person is much higher than that of a human, so a predator of normal height can often weigh more than 500 kilograms, and the attacks launched are naturally far beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

As for the muscles, a whole piece of keratinized tissue is exactly the outer shell of the predator. Similarly, the density is extremely high, and the toughness and hardness are quite amazing. As for the bones, a golden line runs through the entire body, according to The text on the side describes that these golden threads are nothing but the meridians in people’s mouths, but these meridians are too many and too dense, far better than humans.

"and many more!"

I stretched out my hand and said, "Enlarge a picture of meridians."

"Yes, Skywalker."

As the imaging gradually zoomed in, I was shocked.


Just around these meridians, the presence of flares lingers, even after the predator has been dead for more than two hours, it still retains a considerable amount of activity! ??


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