Zhan Yue

Chapter 1401: Shanshui edict

In the depths of the mountains and seas, heaven and earth resonate.


When looking straight, the sea of ​​clouds gathers and scatters, wisps of heaven and earth aura linger, and my shadow spirit ruins clearly feel that there is a certain incomparable mysterious power between heaven and earth that is slowly rhythmic, as if looking for that strand that is already quite thin. After about a cup of tea, the mountains and seas surging with golden brilliance, he is here!

I still knelt on one knee on the cliff, looking up, the golden sea of ​​clouds above the sky slowly condensed and turned into a familiar face. It was Xuanyuanying. After driving away, Xuanyuanying was seriously injured. In fact, it has long since passed away, the soul power has become extremely weak, and the world is almost nowhere to be found, so I can only come here to find some of his last remaining divine will from the mountains and the sea.

"His Majesty!"

I looked up at him, and suddenly missed the days when Xuanyuanying was in office. How did I ever let me worry so much? As a result, the circles of his eyes were red, and he said, "The Xuanyuan Empire is about to change, and the world of the entire Human Race is about to change."


Xuanyuanying's body continued to condense, turning into a phantom that stayed on the sea of ​​clouds, still full of emperor's aura, with the aura of a king over the world, he looked to the east and said, "Nine thrones?"

"Yes it is."

I nodded: "Lin Hai originally sealed ten thrones, but one was beheaded by Senior Sister Yun after the last battle, so now there are nine, but he still has an absolute advantage over the human race."

"Got it."

Xuanyuanying's illusory body took a deep breath and sensed the general trend between heaven and earth. In a blink of an eye, everything seemed to be known. His body trembled slightly, and said: "My...the one phase and the three males are no longer there... …"

My eyes are reddish: "It's not there anymore, and Fengxiang was ambushed in Yunxi Province not long ago."

"Why?" he asked.

I frowned: "First, my plan to appoint the human race Xiyue requires a truly capable person to be the monarch of the mountain. There is no suitable candidate in this world except the white-robed Qingxiang, so Fengxiang gave Fan Yi a chance. Then, the new emperor Xuanyuanli wanted to regain power. He always had a disagreement with Feng Xiang and me. His demons grew bigger and bigger, and he was eventually taken advantage of by Fan Yi. He designed to kill Feng Xiang in Yunxi Province. Even, Feng Xiang was beheaded, and his head was taken away by Fan Yi."

"My style..."

Xuanyuanying was in mourning, his illusory body trembled slightly, and tears flowed: "I can't help but you..."

"His Majesty."

I looked up at him, knelt on one knee, and said: "This time, I asked the mountain and sea and found a ray of divine knowledge of your majesty. I just want to ask your majesty, what should I do? , To seek justice for Lord Fuyu? Or should I acquiesce in all this, continue to be my Xiaoyao King, and finally disperse my cultivation base and be loyal to the good human race?"

Xuanyuanying's tears rolled: "How can I do this...I have lost my white clothes, do you want my Xiaoyao King to follow in the Fengxiang's footsteps? The Xiaoyao King's power covers the world, and what I established is the eternal life of my human race. Immortal feats, just for the sake of a dragon chair, should Xiaoyao King be wronged and die in the same way? Neither heaven nor the world should be such a truth."

My nose was sore, I nodded at the rushes on the ground, and said, "Thank you, your Majesty, but once I take this step, I will be the biggest traitor in the world."

"Don't worry too much."

Xuanyuanying flicked his long sleeves, his eyes gradually became decisive, and said, "My child, I have always regarded you as a nephew. You should also call yourself the nephew of Emperor Longwu. Xuanyuanli is my son. The same goes for you, Xuanyuan Lineng. To be this emperor, why can't you? How can he compare to you in martial arts?"

I took a deep breath: "Xuanyuanli is the son of your majesty after all, please consider it."

"No need to think about it."

Xuanyuanying looked discouraged and sighed: "He wants to be in charge and to be in power. I can understand that. He has a heart demon. He wants to catch up with his father's achievements. I can understand that, but he did it for all of this. The murder of Lord Fuyu, even my white-clothed Qingxiang, he wants to destroy everything I have built, but just wants to prove himself? Such an emperor, the world does not need..."

I frowned: "Your Majesty, please tell me, what on earth should I do?"


Xuanyuanying waved his hand gently and said: "Xuanyuanli, murdering the hero, and vain the ruler, immediately dismiss the emperor, and don't have to be demoted to a commoner, and find a way of death for him. I Xuanyuan should rather not have this kind of rebellious son, as for Xuanyuanliyi. The princes and grandsons of the veins, in order to avoid their revenge, you can uproot them."

I trembled all over, and for the first time experienced the ruthlessness of Emperor Longwu Xuanyuanying.

When I looked up, Xuanyuanying looked down at me, his eyes full of love, and said, "My child, if you want to seal the world, you can't live without the royal power that condenses the world's luck, so... you can be the king on your own behalf, I am in the sky, I just want to see that Cathay Pacific is safe and the people are prosperous. As for the surname of the world, Xuanyuan is not so important?"

My brows were frowned, and my heartbeat "pounded". To be honest, my previous decision was only to send Xuanyuanli from the throne. As for my generation, I didn't really think about it too seriously, and I didn't dare to think about it, but now it is Xuanyuan. Ying said it personally, and the anxiety and anxiety in my heart became more intense.

As he said, Xuanyuan should gently raise his palm, a golden light condensed in his palm, and then suddenly flew in front of me and unfolded on its own. It was a holy edict without the emperor's seal, and the emperor was condensed by the landscape. , Is a veritable mountain and sea edict, the edict of the late Emperor Longwu is very different.

The content of the edict is extremely simple, dismissing Xuanyuanli, let me proclaim myself emperor, and then personally govern.

This pair of landscape edicts is, to me, holding the imperial edict in the true sense. It is much harder than Cao Cao's holding the emperor to make the princes' confidence, so he gathered the edict with one hand.

Kneeling on one knee, I still did not get up, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, Ouyang Lu Li swears that I will look for a royal family who is about ten years old from the heirs of Xuanyuanqi and Xuanyuanxi to become the crown prince. When he was sixteen years old, I should have already laid out the world. After that, I will abdicate and return the throne to the Xuanyuan clan. If this promise is not fulfilled, the world will not tolerate humans and gods!"

Xuanyuanying smiled gently, his body slowly disappeared with the wind, and his last words came in the air.

"I didn't misunderstand you, nor did the Xuanyuan clan misunderstand you. The road ahead is bumpy. May you go smoothly."


I stood up, Xuanyuanying's breath completely disappeared, and it was considered to have truly disappeared between heaven and earth. As for the edict in my hand, although there is no embossed ribbon, every word is Xuanyuanying's handwriting and remains in Xuanyuanying's handwriting. The true meaning of the soul, not to mention, is still a mountain and water edict, which is even more holy than the holy edict.

Let's go, it's time to return to the national service to set up.


Straight up to the sky, immediately swooped down, turned into a ray of golden light and appeared in the handsome tent of the Liuhuo Legion in Yanmen Pass. One of the guards was taken aback and immediately clasped his fists: "Your Majesty, do you call for control!"

"Well, right now!"


Soon after, Zhang Lingyue, Qin Zhan, Chai Lu, and Ling Chong walked in successively, clasped their fists together, and Zhang Lingyue frowned and said, "Feng Xiang was really murdered?"

"Well, the white clothes are gone."

I frowned and said, "So I have to do a big thing next, Zhang Lingyue, you immediately order the soldiers and horses. I want the 150,000 most elite of the Flowing Fire Corps to pass through the teleportation array. Chen Bingfan Book City East Gate, South Gate, block the city gate, and no one is allowed to enter or leave. After that, you and Qin Zhan will personally control the 50,000-day riding camp into the city and protect the city."


Zhang Lingyue immediately clasped his fists.

Qin Zhan frowned and said, "His Royal Highness, are we...rebelling?"

I glanced at him: "If I really want to rebel, will General Qin follow?"

Qin Zhan immediately clasped his fists: "Xuanyuanli killed Lord Fu Yu and Ms. Bai Yiqing successively. We are all resentful in our hearts. If His Royal Highness really wants to rebel, we will follow, even if we die without regret!"

"Okay, do it!"


Immediately, I flew up to the sky, and when I fell again, I was already in the camp of the Blazing Legion near the northern wall of the Far Eastern Province. I stepped straight into the handsome tent. I saw Wang Shuang and a group of generals standing by the sand table. Kneel on one knee and salute.

"Get up."

I said lightly: "Commander Wang Shuang, immediately led the 150,000 flaming legion elite through the teleportation array to the west and north gates of Fanshu City. The city gate was blocked and no one was allowed to enter or leave. After the siege, you led 50,000 elites to go. The palace, meet with the men and horses of the Flowing Fire Corps."


Wang Shuang raised his head and glanced at me: "Do you want to do it?"

"He forced me."

"it is good!"


Immediately, I flew to the sky again, and in a blink of an eye, I fell straight down again, and landed in the Templar camp of the garrison outside Fanshu City, just across from me, the Templar Sikonghai, and his son Tian Yuhou Sikongyu, and a group of Knights Templar generals wearing silver armor, each looked solemn.


Sikonghai was taken aback for a moment. It seemed that he didn't expect me to appear suddenly. The light knight's gaze was slightly chilly, and he looked at the generals behind me, and his aura suddenly increased~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was time to do something. ?

"Don't do it yet."

I raised my hand, and the edict in my hand was flowing with the artistic conception of mountains and rivers, and said, "Si Konghai, the head of the Knights Templar, I have a sacred edict that the first emperor Xuanyuanying has just issued. Would you like to see it?"


Sikonghai was taken aback. The king's coercion from Emperor Longwu was real. He immediately knelt on one knee and said in a deep voice, "Sikonghai...Sikonghai has seen your Majesty..."

As he said, he looked up at me suspiciously: "Your Majesty... is it really still there?"

"It's gone now."

I gently unfolded the Shanshui edict and said: "Your Majesty's handwriting, you, an old minister, should know you."


When Si Konghai's eyes touched the handwriting, his whole body trembled, tears appeared in his eyes, and he said, "Your Majesty's wise martial art has never been seen in the past or today, and the old ministers are convinced!"

As he said, he got up and clasped his fists: "Xiaoyao King, you can give orders for everything, and Sikonghai has nothing to do with it!"

I nodded: "Before I came, did New Emperor Xuanyuanli send someone over?"

"Well, a royal guard was sent, saying that His Royal Highness Xiaoyao might be in trouble, and ordered the Knights Templar to stay in place, not allowed to follow the dispatch of Xiaoyao King!"

"Got it."

I smiled: "Just stay here. Don't follow anyone's orders without my order."

"Yes, I will finally obey!"


At this moment, a bell rang, coming from Fanshucheng.


System Announcement: Please note that all players, Fanshucheng will enter the state of [Martial Law] after ten minutes. Any player cannot enter or leave, please make sufficient preparations!


The imperial city is under martial law, and it seems that Xuanyuanli has also realized that something is wrong, and has actually taken the lead!

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