Zhan Yue

Chapter 1402: Good and evil are rewarded


A piece of news came from Lin Xi: "Lu Li, what happened? The book city is about to be under martial law, and players can't return to the city? My city return scroll shows that the effective time is only ten minutes."


I nodded: "The emperor Xuanyuanli was again controlled by Fan Yi using his heart demon. This time he killed the Baiyiqing Xiangfeng. I have to bear it again and again, this time I don't plan to bear it anymore."

"What are you going to do?"

"I have dispatched the Flowing Fire Legion and the Blazing Legion to besiege the city and appease the Knights Templar. At present, there are only these legions that can enter the city of Fanshu. The Silver Screen Legion, the Yunxi Legion, the Northern Liang Legion, the Northern Wilderness Legion, etc. The teleportation formation of Fanshucheng was passed on for a while, so Xuanyuanli can only dispatch the Imperial Forest Army, the Council Army, and part of the patrol army in Fanshucheng, relying on these three armies, It is absolutely impossible to be the two elite opponents of the Flowing Fire Legion and the Blazing Legion."

"Got it."

Lin Xi nodded: "What do we need to do? The city will soon be martial law, all of our people will go out of the city and help you outside the city, or stay in the city to respond internally?"

"Respond to it!"

I thought about it, and said, "The so-called martial law system is nothing more than Xuanyuanli sending troops to close the city gate and guard the city wall. When I need to attack the city for a while, you directly lead a deer from the East Gate Square. Just rush the door, open the city gate and let us in, so maybe we can enter the city without blood."

"Oh, I see!"

Lin Xi went to prepare, and there was already a mess in the entire guild——

Qing Deng: "Damn, is this going to happen?"

Calorie: "I just heard the news that Baiyiqing Xiangfeng was killed by Emperor Xuanyuanli. We, Ali, are going to...are angry and rebellious?"

"Well, yes, rebellion." I said bluntly.

A Fei said in a deep voice, "It's time to rebel. Mom's Xuanyuanli, this dog emperor. During the Battle of Xiangcheng, I felt that he was extremely disgusting. An emperor used his own small calculations and wanted to maintain himself. The throne, without foresight, who will die if this dog emperor is not dead?"

Haotian said: "What do we need to do?"

Lin Xi: "All the members of Yilu returned to the city, ready to rush the door, meet with Lu Li inside and outside, and **** the city from Xuanyuanli's hands!"


At this moment, a system announcement suddenly agitated——


System Announcement: Please note that all players, the war of kingship in Fanshucheng is about to begin. Players can choose to choose one camp between "Emperor Xuanyuanli" and "Xiaoyao King July Flowing Fire". Once selected, the other camp will be considered For the enemy, and when the final battle for kingship ends, you will receive different rewards!


Here it is, the skylight has really been pierced!

Players from guilds such as Yilu, Wuji, Chaos World War League, and Wushuang City naturally did not say that they must choose me, but not other guilds, such as Mythology, Fenglin Volcano, Fengmang, Dragon Knight Palace and other guilds. It’s hard to say whether it’s neutral or hostile, so I spent 5000RMB in the next moment to send a system announcement!


System announcement (player July Liuhuo shouting): Don’t panic, this time the matter is big, but in a sense it’s not big. The main reason for the matter is that the new emperor Xuanyuanli wants to be in power, but the power of Fanshucheng is currently Bai Yiqing and I did not hear the wind, so Xuanyuanli designed to kill Bai Yiqing Xiangfeng. He had already killed Lord Fuyu Mutiancheng before. Today is not the wind, so I don’t want to bear it anymore. Now, I have mobilized the siege of the Flowing Fire Legion, the Blazing Legion, etc., and I’m about to launch a battle to seize power over the NPC. When everyone is facing a choice, I’ll be over when you choose me. Standing in Xuanyuanli, such a stunned monarch, really nothing. There is basically no chance of getting rewards for promising ones!

As soon as this announcement is made, the overall situation has basically been decided among players.

I don't need the help of the player, but at least the player can't be an obstacle to our entry into the imperial city.


Fanshucheng, outside the east gate.


Rays of golden light overflowed, and a large formation was condensed outside the city. This is the formation restriction of Fanshu City. With the painstaking efforts of countless ancestors, the formation that protects the city is quite powerful, but unfortunately it has never been. The opportunity was Xuanyuan Yingzheng before, but now it is me, and didn't give the alien demon army a chance to attack the city of Fanshu.

At this time, this restriction was opened, actually to prevent the Flowing Fire Legion and the Blazing Legion from entering the city.

"The adults don't have to worry."

Zhang Lingyue rode a white horse, with a pair of eyes showing war spirit, and said with a sneer: "The heavy artillery of our heavy artillery battalion is already on the way here, and it can be banned with a stick of incense.

"Well, don't rush to attack."

I shook my head and said, "Do you know who holds the defensive formation?"

"It seems to be... the army of the ancestral temple." Zhang Ling frowned. "You don't need to think about it. The army of the ancestral temple must support Xuanyuanli. Although the adults are outstanding and have the approval of the emperor, they are not surnamed Xuanyuan after all!"

"Got it."

At this moment, the voice of Mu Tiancheng, Lord Covering Rain, stirred ripples in the lake of his heart: "Since the defensive formation of Fanshucheng has been activated, either... I, Guan Yang, and Yiping will draw swords from Sanyue, respectively. Sword to open the defensive ban?"

"Not so good?"

I smiled speechlessly: "You are the mountain monarchs of my Xuanyuan Empire. The sword will inevitably be regarded as a joke if you open your own city gate.


Immediately, I sensed the ten sword formations hidden in the city, and said, "Are all there?"

"Yes, please give your orders!"

"I hope you will launch a sword formation in the city to interrupt the defensive ban. Are you sure?"


One of the young Dragon Domain sword repairmen said solemnly: "The eye of the defensive battle is in the ancestral temple. Once we sacrifice a flying snow sword formation in the city, it will be the battle in the formation. Ask the sword ancestral temple directly and interrupt the guard. The city ban is not a big problem."

"I know, wait for my order for a while, and then take off the Snow Sword Formation."




A piece of news, from Lin Xi, shared the real-time image of the city with me. Countless Yilu players crowded in the East City Gate Plaza. In addition, there were many other guild players. As for the players in the city, their names were all green. They support me, Xiaoyao King, and there are a small number of them in red. They support New Emperor Xuanyuanli. They seem to be from the Dragon Cavalry Hall. They are deliberately messing up, and they don't dare to appear at all.

Lin Xi chuckled: "After fighting this civil war, are you going to be the emperor?"


I nodded lightly: "A player is the emperor of the national service, doesn't it sound like a fantasy?"


She Limao smiled and said: "You have to relax, don't offend the public. After all, if a player is a superior emperor, most players will be angry. You need to grasp this point."

"I see, thank you for reminding my wife!"


Soon after, the time was ripe, and I immediately sent a message to Lin Xi: "You can attack the city gate!"

"it is good!"

Immediately, the ten swordsmen were ordered: "Let's start!"



Inside the city, a sudden change emerged, and a golden sword array rose on the ground. The sword array was like a suspended tower condensed by countless sword blades. On the top of the tower, a young dragon sword repairman grasped the eye of the array, and the sword light swept away. Down, the entire sky was illuminated immediately, and a sword light soaring from the direction of the ancestral temple in the city, a sword was not enough to make a contribution.

After the second sword was handed out, the ancestral temple trembled, and the entire moat forbidden formation that stayed above the player disappeared instantly!

"It's done!"

I pointed forward with one hand, and shouted in a low voice: "Sitting on the city, after entering the city, go straight to the palace, first surround the palace with me before speaking."


Zhang Lingyue and Qin Zhan led a fifty-thousand flow fire army cavalry to attack the city. When they rushed to the gate, the gate had been opened by Lin Xi and others. Suddenly thousands of troops entered the city of Fanshu with an unstoppable momentum. There was a deer in the other directions, and the Blazing Legion led by Wang Shuang also entered the city.


On the street, the Liuhuo Army’s offensive was violently blocked shortly afterwards. The opponents were members of the Parliamentary Army. Just behind the crowd, the younger brother of Parliamentary Chief Qing Yang, the leader of the Parliamentary Army Qing Yuantu, holding a sword in his hand, roared:" Rebelliously attack the city, kill me, and our parliamentary army will defend to the death your thoroughness!"

"Qingyuan map!"

I swept to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ holding the Shanshui edict, and said: "I have the edict of the first emperor Xuanyuanying, order me to stop Xuanyuanli, do you want to disobey the edict?"

As he spoke, his palm shook, and strands of golden text appeared in the air.


Qing Yuantu was taken aback for a moment, gritted his teeth, the sword in his hand trembled, unwilling to let go.

"Stop it!"

Behind the crowd, an old man staggered over. It was the president of the assembly, Qing Yang. He looked at the golden text in the sky and trembled, saying: "It's the handwriting of the first emperor... my God, the first emperor is still there. In the world, King Xiaoyao, is this really an edict given by the first emperor?"

"Shanshui edict, you can't make a fake, what does the chief think?"

"it is good!"

Qing Yang raised his palm: "Parliament Army, all of them withdraw from the battle, and follow the Flowing Fire Army to the palace!"

Suddenly, the red and crowded parliament army in front of him suddenly changed into a green name, a piece of green.


The crowd drove straight in and came straight to the front of the royal city.

Although the high wall of the royal city is not as high as the outer wall of Fanshu City, it is at least 15 meters high and extremely thick. There are many archers on it, all from the patrol army and the imperial forest army. Surrounded by everyone, A man wearing a golden dragon robe slowly came to the edge of the city wall. His eyes were bloodshot, and his whole person was on the verge of collapse. He looked at me from a distance and muttered: "Brother, can't you look back anymore?"

"Look back?"

I looked at him from a distance and laughed: "When I looked back, I only saw the blood of the white-clothed Qingxiang, Fuyu Gong, and the true girl. Your Majesty is a disciple of the white-clothed Qingxiang. He has already read many books, so karma Do you still need me to teach you the simple principles of cause and effect, good and evil retribution?"

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