Zhan Yue

Chapter 1403: Usurp the throne

"July Flowing Fire!"

On the side of Xuanyuanli, a warlord in golden armor drew a sharp sword. It was the deputy commander of the Imperial Forest Army. He looked angrily and roared: "You brought the rebels of the Flowing Flame Legion and the Blazing Legion to the imperial city. Next, what are you going to do? Are you trying to kill the king?"


I ignored him, a villain who wanted to be pampered in front of the lord.

Xuanyuanli looked at me, "Brother, what do you want me to do?"

"Abdicate to death." I said lightly.


Xuanyuanli gritted his teeth, a little bit of anger appeared on his face, almost hideous, and said, "Xiaoyao King, do you think too much of yourself? Although you have great power, don't forget, this world belongs to my Xuanyuan family, no You are the king of Xiaoyao, you are just a mere prince of the emperor's emperor, why do you force me to abdicate? Isn't this fairness of the people in the world gone?"

I frowned: "What are your Majesty waiting for? The King Qin of the Flame God Legion? Don't think about it. Most of the troops of the Flame God Legion have been intercepted outside the city by the Flowing Fire Legion and the Knights Templar, so you can't get in. Yes, how many troops does Nangong have in his hand?"

"In the court, there will be people loyal to me!"

Xuanyuanli patted the battlefield lightly, and said, "If you want to attack the city, just do it!"

At this moment, a violent sound of horses hoof came from the west, and then a cavalry appeared on the street. A sergeant held high the flag of the Yanshen Legion, and just in front, Shanhai Gongnan Palace also rode a fierce horse. , Galloping with a steel sword in his hand, hunting in the golden cloak behind him, standing tens of meters away from me, his expression furious: "Xiaoyao King, you are crazy, are you going to rebel?"

"Nangong also."

I looked at him and said, "You are an old minister left by the first emperor, so you might as well take a look at this."

As he said, the Shanshui edict flicked slightly, and Xuanyuanli's handwriting was turned into golden text in the sky before his eyes. The emperor's aura and heavenly aura were constantly flowing, which fully proved its truth.


Nangong also shook his head slightly, his face filled with disbelief: "It is impossible for the first emperor to pass the throne to you with a foreign surname. It is impossible. It is absolutely impossible. Your Majesty is the first emperor's son..."

I frowned and said: "Why, the emperor's landscape edict is right in front of my eyes, are you still stubborn?"


Nangong also looked melancholy and stood there hesitating for a long time. Then he pointed his sword forward and said, "Since the first emperor has abdicated, he is no longer the ruler of the Xuanyuan Empire. The present ruler is Xuanyuanli. With this edict of the first emperor, you want to claim the emperor presumptuously. Will our veterans let you succeed? King Xiaoyao, you led the army into the city before you got the edict, one death sin. If you are so rebellious, won’t you be afraid of thunder. ?"

I stretched out my hand and pointed at Xuanyuanli in the city, and said, "He deceived his master to destroy the ancestors and kill the heroes. Isn't he afraid of thunder and lightning?"

Xuanyuanli roared: "How is it to me? How is your behavior different from the country thief at this time?"

"Am I a pirate?"

I raised my eyebrows and said angrily: "If I were a national thief, you Xuanyuanli would be a thief of the world, a thief of the human race, everyone will be punishable! You want to be in charge, you want power, I can understand, but you indirectly killed you before. Duke Yu, now he is killing Baiyi Qingxiang directly. I can only think that the crown of the Xuanyuan Empire is too heavy, and you Xuanyuanli simply can't afford it!"

As I said, I gently shaken the edict, the landscape rippling, and raised my eyebrows at Nangong: "Duke Shanhai, immediately lead your people to surrender, otherwise, after I pacify the court, you will be a capital crime."


Nangong also hesitated more and more.

I sneered coldly: "Most of the troops of your Flame God Legion are stationed in the barracks outside the city, and the city is less than 50,000 at most, and I have brought 150,000 Flowing Fire Legion elites, plus 150,000 Blazing Flames. Elite Legion, what is your chance of winning the Flame God Legion in your area? With the waste of the Imperial Forest Army in the city, can you withstand the sword of the Flowing Fire Legion?"

Wang Shuang was surrounded by a group of blazing army soldiers, raising his eyebrows and smiling: "Dear Shanhai, you have always been the most able to judge the situation, why are you stupid now? He Xuanyuanli is incompetent and incompetent. He killed Lord Fuyu and Baiyiqing. Now the first emperor Xuanyuan should personally issue a Shanshui edict to oust his throne. If you don't lead the Flame God Legion to loyal to the new lord, do you want to rebel? Xuanyuanli's throne was bestowed by the first emperor. Isn't the first emperor not qualified to take it back?"

Nangong also gritted his teeth, suddenly pulled the reins, turned and left with the elite of the Flame God Legion, without even making a statement, it was a little bit more vigorous.

"Nangong also!"

Above the city, Xuanyuanli looked terrifying, his sword pointed directly at Nangongyi's back under the city, and said, "You...you have been blessed by my Xuanyuan clan for generations, and now you are sitting on the sidelines of the rebel who killed the king. I curse you are not good. Die and be slaves for generations!"

I smiled faintly, floated up, and entered the state of transforming gods. I looked at Xuanyuanli and a group of defenders like a god, and said: "The Imperial Forest Army, the Patrol Army, your support of Xuanyuanli is already a deadly sin. Put down your weapons and surrender to the city, I can save you from death, but if you insist on going all the way to the dark, you will all die when the city is breached!"

For a while, everyone on the wall showed indecision one by one, and many archers had already lowered their bows.

The deputy commander of the Imperial Forest Army yelled angrily: "Are you all crazy? You can believe this kind of rebel who kills the king and seizes the throne? Don't forget, we are directly involved in the killing of the white clothes. Was imprisoned in Yunxi Province, now that once the city is broken, will they settle accounts after the fall? Pick up your weapons and prepare to kill the enemy!"

Lin Xi raised her head and looked at me: "This deputy commander is not the least thing. You want to kill it?"


I directly talked to the ten members of the sword formation in my heart, and said: "Immediately take out the sword and kill the deputy commander of the Yulin Army."

"Yes, my lord!"

The next moment, the sword intent in the city surged, with a "swish", a silver sword aura fell from the sky, coming very fast, so fast that people could not react, the moment the sword aura fell, the deputy commander of the Yulin Army who was still talking directly turned into A cloud of blood mist, accurately attacked and killed Xuanyuan Li, a few meters away, without any damage!

I gently raised my hand: "Dragon Knight, ready to fight!"

Suddenly, the ten dragon knights who originally followed the sincere spirit all lifted into the air. They were all full of frustration and anger with nowhere to vent. Now facing the culprit, I am afraid they will never show mercy.

Just as the ten dragon knights all lifted into the sky, I swept across the city and said lightly: "I have buried a sword formation in the Dragon Realm in the capital city. I can kill anyone, besides. A large number of dragon knights will also participate in the battle. Do you really think that the enemy can pass it? Now, the Imperial Forest Army and the Patrol Corps, give you one last chance. If you did not directly participate in or planned the killing of the white-clothed Qingxiang incident, lay down your weapons and open the city. Return, I can leave the blame for the past, spare you from dying, and if you continue to resist, all will die, none will be left!"

Everyone was shocked.

Among them, one of the ten thousand chiefs suddenly threw the war sword to the ground, clanging, and said angrily: "Without the plans of the White Clothes Qingxiang and the Xiaoyao King, can my Xuanyuan Empire exist to this day? Xuanjun Xuanyuan is right and wrong. Regardless of the murder of the Fengxiang, do we brothers still have to follow along to help the tiger?"

The commander of the patrol legion returned the sword to the sheath, and he held a fist at me from a distance, saying: "King Xiaoyao, the patrol legion is willing to return, I wait...and just act on orders. Now that the first emperor has deposed Xuanyuanli's throne, There is no need for me to continue to listen to the order."


I nodded gently: "Tie Xuanyuanli and open the city gate!"


The imperial forest army and the patrol corps all jumped back. This was something Xuanyuanli did not expect. There were some loyal imperial guards around him who wanted to counterattack, but in a blink of an eye they were killed by the imperial forest army with an absolute advantage. When everyone bound Xuanyuanli, he looked up at me with cold eyes: "You want to kill me?"

"do not kill."

I shook my head and smiled: "You are a member of the Xuanyuan clan, I will not kill you, I can rest assured."

At the moment when I led everyone into the royal city, the temporary plot deduction task ended, Lin Xi and others were rewarded more or less, but I, the "party" who did not receive any news, just stepped in. The moment I went up the steps of the main hall, I slowly said: "Zhang Lingyue, send the order, summon the Manchu civil and military, and come to Korea late at night."

"Yes, my lord!"

In the middle of the night, most of the players such as Lin Xi had already dispersed, because next we were about to enter the state of "one country without a monarch", and according to Xuanyuanying's Shanshui edict, I will be the next king of God. This is a bit of an exaggeration. If a player becomes the emperor, is it not possible for other players to bow down and salute you? Don't say kneeling down, people are unwilling to kneel on one knee. Of course, these red tapes can be avoided if they can be avoided.

In the middle of the night, the discussion hall was brightly lit. This is the place where the new emperor and the first emperor ruled the hall every day. Nowadays, there is no one on the dragon chair, and the prime minister's position next to the dragon chair is also empty. Feeling a little lonely.

The ministers of cultural relics entered the hall one by one. Some ministers clearly saw that today the guards of the court are no longer the imperial guards, but the elite soldiers of the Flowing Fire Corps. They should have understood many things for a while.

When everyone arrived, I slowly walked up to the king's level, but I just stopped at the last level of the king's level. In fact, where I want to be the emperor, I can’t tell you, it’s exhausting. What is the picture?

Turning around, looking at a group of civil and military officials, said: "Not long ago, Emperor Xuanyuanli colluded with Fan Yi, the throne of the alien demon army, UU reading www.uukanshu.com killed Baiyiqing Xiangfeng in Yunxi Province. And the Dragon Knight General Zhenxin who was responsible for the protection of the wind was also killed. This is not tolerated. I went to the end of the mountains and seas to ask the remaining souls of the first emperor, and obtained a paper landscape edict from the first emperor Xuanyuanying!"

With that said, I lifted the edict aloft, and said solemnly: "Come here, take the waste emperor Xuanyuanli!"


Zhang Lingyue waved his hand, and suddenly two soldiers of the Flowing Fire Legion escorted the Fei Di Xuanyuan Li up. At this time, Xuanyuan Li had been firmly bound by the chain engraved with the inscribed pattern, and his whole body could not use half of his aura, and he was still wearing the "Gujia". The golden armour of "Personal Conquest", his face was full of anxiousness, he looked at a group of civil servants, and shouted: "You wait for generations to bathe in the grace of my Xuanyuan clan. Now the thief of Xiaoyao King wants to kill the king and usurp the throne, and no one speaks. Has the person’s spine been crushed?"

"be honest!"

Zhang Lingyue kicked behind the opponent's knee, and Xuanyuan fell to his knees with a stagger.

I sneered, and handed the emperor's edict to an ancestral temple official to read it out. When I heard "Xiaoyao King Ouyang Luli ascended the throne", everyone was shocked.

An veteran came out with a jade wat in his hand and said: "Although it is an edict on the mountain and water written by the first emperor, it does not matter if people of different surnames are called kings. I can't agree!"

He knelt on his knees: "The King Xiaoyao holds the holy edict, and he is already the ninth-five-year-old man today. If he is not angry with the old officials, he can bestow the old officials to die together with his majesty!"

I smiled faintly. There are still loyal ministers, but he is only loyal to the Xuanyuan family. As for how the world is destroyed or immortal, this kind of old antique will not take care of it.

PS: Brothers, recommended tickets! ! !

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