Zhan Yue

Chapter 1404: Formally ascended the throne

This man was a servant of the Criminal Ministry, and he was usually known for his stodgyness in the court. Even Xiandi Xuanyuanying had no choice but to use it in those days.


I nodded: "If the eldest servant is unwilling to serve people with foreign surnames, he can resign and go home. The longest time is less than ten years. The people who sit on this throne are still people with the surname Xuanyuan. When the time comes, the official book will be held. Please go and invite the elder officer to reinstate his post, okay?


The old attendant walked away, and I didn't stop him. He must have thought that I was joking. In fact, I am quite serious. If possible, this time may be shorter.


"Since there is no doubt, let's do your own job!"

I looked at a group of civilians and martial artists standing on the king's level, feeling a little bit inferior.

At this time, Shanhai Gong Nangong also clasped his fist and said, "The waste emperor...how will Xuanyuanli deal with it?"

"Relegated to Yunyanghou, feudal Yunxi province."

I flicked my sleeves: "Leave immediately and go to the fief of Yunxi Province. Without the edict, you will never return to the court. Zhang Lingyue, you can send someone to **** Yunyanghou to the fief without error."

"Yes, my lord!"

Zhang Ling more clasped his fists, but then asked in his heart: "Really sent to the fief?"

"Send me a fart."

I also said coldly in my heart: "When I passed the area where Baiyi Qingxiang was killed, I slashed it with a single knife, and then claimed that he was attacked by bandits. Yunyanghou was killed. He is not dead. What face do I have to face? Will the wind that is about to become Xiyue unheard?

"Subordinates know it, my lord is wise!" Zhang Ling more chuckled.

As soon as Xuanyuanli left, the Book of Rites took a step forward and said: "Since the first emperor Xuanyuanying has decided to appoint Xiaoyao King as the new emperor...then you should prepare for the ceremony of enthronment early. The truth that a country cannot be ruled for a day must be known to Xiaoyao, and If the King Xiaoyao does not ascend the throne, he will not be able to use the Imperial Seal to seal the gods of mountains and waters, and the matter of the seal of Xiyue will be delayed again and again. Please be cautious and put the overall situation first."

"Got it."

I looked at the ministers and said, "As everyone thought, Ouyang Luli didn’t want to be the emperor either. If the rule of a foreign surname is not a king, it’s fine. If a foreign surname can still be called an emperor, that’s a ruin. Xuanyuan’s Guozuo, I can’t do this kind of thing, so it’s only temporary for me to be the emperor. I will choose a wise Xuanyuan’s child from the descendants of the first emperor’s second son, Xuanyuanqi, to become the crown prince. , He ascended the throne, I abdicated and returned Jiangshan to the Xuanyuan clan."

Among the officials, many unhappy people knelt down one after another.

"Don't be polite."

I directly raised my hand and said: "Listen well, everybody. I have been in power for a period of time, and how long will be counted as long. In the hall and in the chamber, all ministers do not have to bow to me. The civil ministers and the generals hold their fists. ,understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Everyone saluted together.

Zhang Lingyue is already standing among the officials, holding a fist and saying: "My lord, it should not be too late. We start to prepare tonight, and how about the enthronement ceremony tomorrow? The election day is not as good as hitting the sun. There should be extraordinary means in extraordinary times."


I nodded: "Everyone from the Ministry of Labor and Rites is the matter of the enthronement ceremony. At the prime minister's house, Lin Hui, the chief disciple who has not heard of the white clothes, is temporarily taking the post."

Nangong was also taken aback: "His Royal Highness, that Lin Hui... is nothing more than a young scholar. Although he has followed Qing Qing in politics for many years, after all, he has no chance to be alone, let Lin Hui temporarily lead the administration of the Prime Minister's office... Will it? Too sloppy?"

"Give young people a chance to exercise."

I smiled slightly and said, "Back then, when Emperor Xuanyuan appointed the white clothes Qing Xiangfeng to ignore the leader's prime minister's mansion, Feng Yiwen was only in his twenties. Lin Hui was just right his age, and he was a large number of Fengxiang. The most capable one among the disciples, who is more suitable if he is not suitable?"


Nangong didn't dare to overstate too much, after all, my status is indeed very different now.


In the middle of the night, when the court meeting was over, I went directly to the prime minister's house.

Under the moonlight, a scholar in white clothes was sitting beside the water pavilion, with a handsome appearance and a charming charm of white clothes. He had no books in his hands, but was alone outside the school of the Prime Minister's residence. This "big brother" died in his husband. Later, lost soul, still guarding a group of juniors who lived in the Prime Minister's Mansion as seniors.


When I swept over, Lin Hui immediately got up and said, "Lin Hui...see Xiaoyao King!"

"Well, no need to be polite."

I sat down beside him, looked at the jug of wine he had placed on the steps not far away, and smiled: "Do you miss the air phase?"

"I miss it very much."

His eyes blushed: "If you know that your husband is going to Yunxi province to die, even if Lin Hui bangs his head, I will definitely keep my husband, and won't let my husband go through the ghost gate."


I nodded: "Fengxiang died for the sake of the world. He died for what he wanted. Therefore, you, the big brother of Fengxiang students, must be more energetic. Starting today, you will temporarily lead the prime minister’s house. I will give you as much authority as the white-robed minister has on government affairs. You have to deal with all kinds of affairs by yourself. As for the selection of talents, it depends on you as well. Choose from the court and from your junior and younger brothers. It’s all up to you. All I want is a result, the sixth department of the Prime Minister’s Mansion, you want to be the prime minister for me."

Lin Hui looked at me with tears rolling out: "Mr. has just died, what face does Lin Hui have to replace him?"

I patted his shoulder lightly: "Because Feng Xiang is gone, so you have to bear this burden. On the one hand, it is not to humiliate the good name of Bai Yiqing Xiang, on the other hand, it is to help me temporarily. The emperor, be a good home."


Lin Hui Zuoyi's voice was soft: "I will never disappoint your Highness, let alone your husband."

"By the way, there is another thing."

I looked at him and said, "You are going to choose from Xuanyuanqi’s heirs a man who is about ten years old, intelligent and capable, to be the crown prince. I have not read as many books as you. Cut people, so this matter is left to you. After the prince is elected, he doesn’t have to live in the palace. Just live in the prime minister’s mansion and study with you. The next generation of Emperor Xuanyuan is a holy king or a faint king. It's up to you, don't follow your husband on this point, don't mention the Xuanyuanli he taught..."

Lin Hui pursed his lips: "His Royal Highness can't tell me that the husband's is not..."

I patted my forehead: "I know, I know, I will go first. Tomorrow the ceremony is enthroned, you go there early, and I will re-seal the one-phase three-gong after the ceremony."


Lin Hui stood up and watched me leave the prime minister's house.


At noon, the studio opens for dinner.


Shen Mingxuan opened a bottle of red wine.

I glanced back at her: "Damn...Sister Shen, what are you going to make?"


Shen Mingxuan smiled and said, "We, the Great Emperor Lu Li, will soon ascend the throne in the afternoon. Can't we celebrate this?"

"What's the celebration, it's awkward."

I have a black line: "When I think of the enthronement ceremony in the afternoon, my scalp is numb. Are you still gagging here, or are you not your own?"

"Of course it is!"

Shen Mingxuan sat down beside me, poured the wine, and said with a smile: "In the future, we will go in and out of the Royal Palace of Fanshucheng. It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter. Anyway, we are all from the Great Emperor Lu Li!"

I just don't want to care about her.

Lin Xi served me a bowl of rice, and she sat down with a shallow half-bowl of rice, and smiled: "In fact, there is nothing to worry about. The player is the emperor in the game. This is in the game history of the Tianming Group. It is definitely the first time that Li Xiaoyao was just a Xiaoyao King when he was at his peak. You are different now..."

Gu Ruyi blinked his eyes and smiled: "That's right, when Lu Li was the Xiaoyao King, Lin Xi had the title of princess and empress, and she still received the salary every day. Then Lu Li became the emperor. Is Lin Xi a legend? Isn’t that the righteous lady in the middle of the palace, don’t you have more salary?"

Lin Xi squinted her eyes and smiled beautifully, probably thinking that the future is promising.

Shen Mingxuan looked at me with a pair of beautiful eyes and was about to squeeze out the water, and said, "Ali, don't forget the wealth and honor! If Lin Xiaoxi becomes the empress of the palace, he will reward me with empresses of Xigong, noble concubines and the like. Don’t you know, it’s hard to upgrade after level 290. If you can get a salary from the Niang Niang Niang every day, it’s so beautiful~~~"

Lin Xi was a little nervous.

I brushed my hand: "Don't talk about it, there is only Lin Xiaoxi in the Sixth Courtyard, that's enough!"


Shen Mingxuan smiled and said, "What do you plan to do with the concubines left by Xuanyuanli? Take them all or replace them?"

"Let's go fire!"

I hurriedly planed the meal and said: "Hurry up to eat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will go to the enthronement ceremony soon, and I will reach the pinnacle of my life."

Everyone rolled their eyes and ate slowly, they were not in a hurry.


After dinner, go online.


The character appeared in the square of Fanshucheng, and immediately received the system "Participate in the Enthronement Ceremony" prompt. The countdown was less than ten minutes, so he immediately flew to the imperial city with the wind, and at the moment my body was volley, A Fei walked from the booth. He stood up and waved his hands, haha ​​said with a smile: "Goodbye to the Great Emperor Lu Li, the Great Emperor Lu Li is really good!"

With a black line, I almost hit the pillar of the Great Church.

Main hall.

A group of officials stood tall. I had seen how Xuanyuanli was enthroned, and I felt a little bit aware. At the moment I stepped into the hall, a group of maids walked over to change their clothes, holding golden dragon robes and crowns, looking shining. But my scalp was numb, and said, "Never mind the crown, just put on the dragon robe, don't have too much red tape, I can't stand it."

A Chang attendant smiled and said: "Your Majesty is the emperor, your Majesty has the final say."

So he put on a dragon robe.

At this time, a beautiful woman in a palace costume appeared in front of me. It was Xuanyuanli’s original match. The queen of the middle palace was indeed very beautiful. It is said that the ancestor was once a prince and a lady of you. She looked at me. , There was sadness in her beautiful eyes, and said: "The concubine...can you accompany your majesty through this experience?"

"No need."

I shook my head, smiled and waved, naturally someone took her down.

You Dao is one emperor and one courtier, let alone the harem, no matter what, Xuanyuanli’s harem can’t be used anymore, right? Give up all these concubines and give them courtesy.


When I looked up, a bell rang.


System announcement: Please note that the enthronement ceremony of the player [July Flow Fire] is about to begin!

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