Zhan Yue

Chapter 1405: Emperor Liuhuo

The enthronement ceremony begins here.


With the bell of the system announcement, countless players poured into the square of the ascension ceremony, because after coming in to watch the ceremony, experience points and merit points were issued every minute, and the amount issued was extremely high, much faster than ordinary leveling. As for the civil and military officials of the Xuanyuan Empire, they all stood on both sides of the canonized high platform, eagerly looking forward to it.

A Wuyue suit is shining, glowing with the luster of an artifact. The so-called dragon robe is actually a half-covered golden cloak, which just coincides with Yuan Qiao's cloak, but this "dragon robe" cloak is accompanied by an extremely strong emperor. Qi and the world's Qi Luck, once put on, will be able to gather the Qi of the entire Xuanyuan Empire in one. Probably this is the meaning of the emperor, and one person affects the mountains and rivers.

Stepping on the high platform, several officials in charge of the canonization of the Ministry of Etiquette looked respectful and followed the etiquette of the emperor’s enthronement step by step, and I followed them one by one. When encountering some red tape, I would whisper: "Can save money." It saves time and time is precious."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

As a result, the entire ceremony of the ascension ceremony could have lasted for two hours, but it was completed within the next hour at my urging, and then returned to the hall surrounded by officials. The players dispersed, and my inbox received it. After arriving at countless congratulatory private chat messages, there was no way to reply one by one. I just selected important figures such as Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi, Yanshi Bu Gong, Feng Xian in troubled times, and other important people to reply briefly, and then I need to take charge of the matter. There are many more.


For a dynasty and a king with a different surname, there are actually many things that must be done. Once the emperor and the courtier, I must establish my own system of governance, otherwise it will easily be overturned.

Above the main hall, a teenager who was about ten years old wore a Confucian academic robe with tension in his eyes. He was led by his disciple Lin Hui in white and walked into the main hall.

"what's your name?"

I stepped forward and asked with a smile: "Are you... the son of Yun Xi Wang Xuanyuanqi?"


He nodded heavily: "I am the second son of the father, my name is Xuanyuanji, and I am now a disciple of Mr. Lin Hui."

"it is good."

I patted him on the head, turned to look at everyone, and said with a smile: "Select a day to set up Xuanyuan as the crown prince, and then let him stay in the prime minister's mansion and follow Lin Hui to study and practice."

The ministers nodded one after another.

"All right."

I walked to the front of the dragon chair step by step on the king's level, but did not sit down, because I thought this dragon chair would burn my buttocks. If I hadn't had anything to do with it, I would never overstep this step, so I didn't sit down. Long Chair, just standing on the king's ranks, waved his sleeves, and said: "Come here, read the first edict of my ascension to the throne!"


An imperial guard who served as the former guard of the Liuhuo regiment stepped forward and unfolded the golden edict, saying loudly: "When I came to the throne, the country was in danger, and the white clothes were killed. Fuyu, Zhenyang, and Yiping have already disappeared. To guard the mountains and rivers for the gods, therefore, I decided to re-appoint the empire as the prime minister of the empire and promote the forest to the prime minister of the empire, leading the prime minister’s mansion and governing the sixth department. In addition, Zhang Lingyue was awarded the first class of Lingyue, and he also served as the leader of the Liuhuo regiment, guarding the northern border of the empire. , The emperor named Wang Shuang as the first-class blazing prince and concurrently as the commander of the blazing legion, guarding the Far East, and the emperor named Nangong as the first-class yinping prince, and concurrently the leader of the yinping legion, guarding Lingnan province!

Everyone bowed their heads, all refused to accept.

Even a veteran like Nangong had to obey it, because I became the emperor of the Xuanyuan Empire, and it was impossible for me to change anything. As for his position, Duke Shanhai was just a second-class duke. The three first-class fathers who had just been entrusted, Lord Lingyue, Lord Chiyang, and Lord Yinping, were slightly inferior, and could not enter the order of the top ministers.

As for Sikonghai, he is the head of the Knights Templar. He also swore allegiance to me in the battle of peace and chaos. He is legitimately qualified to be one of the three males, but the reason why he didn’t is because behind Sikonghai is the Holy See of Light. , The Knights Templar is the legion of the Holy See of Light. It is not knighted if there is a doctrine in the body, so Si Konghai is not ranked among the three gongs, but the status is equal to the three gongs, which is similar to the parliament chief Qing Yang.


Zhang Lingyue and Wang Shuang are my absolute supporters and good brothers. They have no different intentions. As for Nangongchi, during the battle between Lingnan Province and the Daxiang Dynasty, I fought side by side with Nangongchi. Since then, she has actually been Already on my side, he is a gentleman's friend, but Nangong Chi knows that I am not very selfish, so this Duke Yinping is also what he deserves. Nangong Chi's original prestige and status in the court and the army are not considered high. The commander of a second-class corps in a small area is nothing, but once the title of Lord Yinping falls on his head, Nangongchi’s position in the DPRK will skyrocket, and it will not be much worse than the original Guanyang and Yiping. Some people have been In preparation, just one opportunity is missing.

This kind of opportunity is called Qi Luck in our fate, and the world has the same force from time to time, and the hero is not free to transport. This is the truth.

At this moment, a ringtone rang in my ear, and my emperor finally sat down--


System reminder: Congratulations, you have been awarded the title of "Flowing Fire Emperor" by the emperor of heaven and earth. You can receive salary every day: this level experience value +35%, merit value +4500W, dragon domain merit +300W, gold coin +400000!


For a while, my heart stopped beating. This reward is too generous. If you let other players see what they will think, you can get 35% of the experience points without having to go out every day, as the later level increases. The more difficult it is to rise, this 35% is simply too bad. In addition, the merits and the merits of the dragon domain are also massive. The most exaggerated is 40W gold coins. According to the current market price of gold coins at a ratio of 1:20, this is equivalent to 2WRMB. Now, lie down and make money!

And, this is... the emperor title of heaven and earth? The cards are too big!


In the air, a sky light descended on me, directly bathing me in the golden light, and then the sky and the earth rumbling and shaking, an old, majestic voice slowly said in my ear: "July, I am striving for the future of the human race, and I am working hard for the future of the human race. I am now on the throne. Recognized by the heaven and earth, the emperor was named-Liuhuo the Great!"

After speaking, the voice disappeared, and wisps of heaven and earth luck lingered around me for a long time.

The ministers were shocked, Zhang Lingyue was the first to kneel on both knees, and then the others knelt down one by one, Shanhu Long live.

At the same time, a ring of bells rang in my ears, no one would be quite the Great Emperor Liuhuo, and countless emperor skills have also been acquired, this time, it is even more suffocating——


System reminder: Congratulations, you have obtained the emperor skills: [National Destiny Plus Body], [True Dragon Power], [Spoken Title Tianxian], [Speaking Laws and Follows], [Imperial Driving Forces]!


Skills appeared one after another in my skill column, all of them were SSS-level, very overbearing——

[National Destiny Plus Body] (SSS level): Significantly improve your own attack power and defense power

[True Dragon Power] (SSS level): As an emperor, he can control the power of a true dragon and greatly enhance his own all attributes and skill power

[Tianxian in the mouth] (SSS level): To a certain extent, you can order mountains and seas

[Speak out and follow the law] (SSS level): Rules can be formulated within a certain range

[Private Driving] (SSS level): When you appear in the big map, all attributes of all Xuanyuan Empire units in the map will be increased by 25%


Everyone surrendered and bowed to the ground, ignoring the rules I had set before.

"Get up all."

I was still standing above the king's rank, as if there was no dragon chair behind me, and said: "Next, is the second edict after I ascended the throne."

Everyone is awe-inspiring.

The Imperial Guard continued to read: "After I ascended the throne, to ban the Imperial Forest Army, some elites will be drawn from the City Patrol Army, the Imperial Forest Army, the Flowing Fire Army, the Blazing Army, and the Knights Templar to form a team with a total force of 200,000. The forbidden army, this forbidden army is personally commanded and controlled by me. The forbidden army is divided into two parts: inside and outside the city. The inside part is not only responsible for the security of the palace, but also the security of the entire capital. The outside part replaces the patrol army and is responsible for the state where Fanshu City is located. All defense in the county."

Everyone clasped their fists together: "Your Majesty is wise!"

I nodded: "It shouldn't be too late. The next thing is the third thing. The Book of Rituals. Has the candidate for the emperor of the Xiyue Mountains to be written? Shanjun is the white clothes and the Qing Dynasty. This matter has been decided. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The rest of the list of candidates is submitted to me to see, early decision-making, and early forging the empire's Xiyue barrier."


The Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette respectfully held the roster and said: "The list has been drafted, please go through it."

I raised my hand gently, without any help, easily fetched the list from the air, opened it, it was almost the same, in fact, the important candidate is the candidate of Xiyue Shanjun, the rest does not matter, take your time from now on, by the wind It's no problem to leave you alone to the Emperor Fengshan.


I nodded and said, "Just do it!"

"His Majesty!"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites respectfully said: "So... which mountain will Xiyue choose?"


I looked to the west and said: "Hua Mountain has the highest height and the most extensive area. It is also a mountain on the map of our empire. It is the best to enclose Hua Mountain as Xiyue."

"Well, it's good, but Xiyue Huashan is a little lonely, and there are no other mountains within hundreds of miles around. I am afraid that the mountains and weather cannot be connected together. Please consider it."

"I have my own care, you are responsible for preparing the edict ceremony."



That night.

The bright moon is in the sky, and there is no cloud near and far.

I stood in the imperial garden, with a group of guards and court ladies waiting on the side, which made people very uncomfortable, so I spun up, standing in the wind, looking at Xiyue's direction.

"His Majesty……"

A guard said: "Where is this going?"


I raised my hand to summon the Flying Sword and White Star. The Flying Sword turned into a giant sword and lay beneath my feet. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a rainbow light and flew straight towards the direction of Xiyue Huashan. The reason why I chose to become the Emperor of Flowing Fire was actually the main reason. It's just to accomplish this great event.

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