Zhan Yue

Chapter 1406: Wild Ancestral House

The latest website: Xiyue Huashan, majestic and majestic, overlooking the mountains.


Just when I landed on the mountain, the air flow between heaven and earth, wherever the lord of a country went, the national fortune followed there, so the storm was surging above my head, there was no way, I was different from Xuanyuanli at the beginning, Xuanyuanli When he was an emperor, he never left the palace, and the national fortune he condensed was quite ordinary, but I was different. My "Liuhuo Great Emperor" was sealed by Heaven and Earth, and was recognized by the Emperor of Heaven and Earth Dao, and Xuanyuan Yingchu's "Long Wu" Like the great emperor, they are all emperors of heaven and earth, and they are equivalent to the emperor of humans.

Moreover, the territory of the empire now far exceeds the age when Xuanyuan should be enshrined. It has a territory that originally belonged to the Centaur tribe, the Scarlet King, the Pioneer Legion, and the northern part of the Daxiang Dynasty. In addition, there are also the Daxiang Dynasty and Changjiang Dynasty. Feng Empire, Blue Bird Kingdom, Huanglong Kingdom, Siam Kingdom and many other vassal states, plus Nanyue, Beiyue, and Dongyue are gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. They are very stable. Therefore, the national destiny I have at this time is far better than that of the past. Xuanyuan should hold the fortune of the country.


A group of figures kept falling behind me, namely Mu Tiancheng, Guan Yang, Yiping, and the unheard of heroes in white clothes who were still being coerced by Mu Tiancheng. The figures of a group of people were in a state of realness and emptiness. , I can’t help sighing, no matter what, no matter what I do, the one-phase three-gong in the time of Emperor Longwu Xuanyuanying cannot be copied. Lin Hui can’t surpass the wind, and the achievements of Zhang Lingyue, Wang Shuang, and Nangong Chi It is also difficult to surpass Mu Tiancheng, Guan Yang and Yiping. This is fixed by nature, and there is little chance of artificial change.


"I wait, see Emperor Liuhuo!"

Everyone salutes together.

I smiled and said, "Why do you salute us, the king of the world, among the mountains and rivers?"

"The mundane king?"

Mu Tiancheng touched his nose and said with a smile: "A king who is entrusted by heaven, earth, mountains and seas, is really no longer a secular king."

Guan Yang and Yiping nodded with a smile.

I looked at the illusory wind without hearing, and said, "Fengxiang, this Huashan is the future Xiyue, how does Fengxiang feel?"

The wind does not listen to the elegant smile: "Which one the Great Liuhuo chooses is which one, it is my turn to have a ghost of a scholar in white to make irresponsible remarks?"


The three gongs all laughed. It seemed that after taking off the burden of the white clothes, the serious scholar who wanted to come to the wind had learned to make jokes.

I also touched my nose: "Don't take a bite of Liuhuo, do you really think I want to be Liuhuo?"

Mu Tiancheng smiled and said: "Under the whole country, besides you, who else is qualified to be the Liuhuo Great Emperor? Who else will be able to resonate with heaven and earth on the day of ascending the throne, and get an emperor title from the mountains and seas?"


The wind did not hear the words: "However, Emperor Liuhuo chose this Huashan as the main mountain of Xiyue. It is indeed unique, and I absolutely agree with it."

"Don't call Liuhuo the Great."

I have a black line: "Why don't you call Xiaoyao King all the time? The title of Liuhuo Great Emperor is so heavy that my heartstrings are about to break."

"Okay, Xiaoyao King."

The wind looked at me and asked with a smile: "Move the mountain again?"

"of course."

I smiled and nodded: "If you don't move the mountain, it would be too lonely to stand a mountain in Huashan. A single tree cannot become a forest, and the mountain is the same. Since everyone is here, then witness the creation of Xiyue with your own eyes!"

"Fortunately for me to wait!"


Immediately, I patted the package and summoned all the 170+ mountain-moving spirits inside, and suddenly huge figures stood one by one at the foot of Huashan Mountain, reaching the height of the mountainside, but these mountain-moving spirits experienced After moving the mountain many times, the aura is already very thin, and it should be gone after moving Xiyue this time.

"let's start."

I stretched out my hand and pointed to the distance, and said, "Bring me the mountains from the wild west to protect Xiyue Huashan!"

"Yes, master!"

A group of ancient spirits moved away in a hurry.

Unheard of the wind, frowned: "The mountains in the western region belong to the wild clan. If King Xiaoyao wants to move the mountain, the wild natives in the western region will not agree, and it will inevitably lead to a battle."

"It's ok."

I smiled and shook my head: "Duke Fuyu, Duke Zhenyang, and Duke Juding, since the three mountain monarchs are already here, if someone or something obstructs the great cause of moving the mountain for a while, you can take the sword, I Just stand here, the luck of the country is added, and the luck of the entire Xuanyuan Empire is at your disposal, is it okay?"

"A piece of cake."

The strongest Nanyue Mountain Monarch Mu Tiancheng smiled slightly, but once Xiyue is built, it will cover thousands of miles of territory from north to south, and coupled with the unheard of Confucianism and Taoism, he will definitely become the strongest Mountain Monarch of the Human Race in one fell swoop. Yes, even far more than Mu Tiancheng, but Mu Tiancheng will not complain, and will still use his full strength to shoot the sword, as if it is only natural for Bai Yiqing to be stronger than himself.

One phase and three males, the tacit understanding between each other, I am afraid that this Xiaoyao King can not fully understand.



In the distance, while a mountain-moving spirit was carrying a large mountain and rushing eastward, a giant beast covered in hair rushed over, roaring and biting the mountain-guling's legs constantly, trying to stop it. The field moves the mountain.

"Don't do it yet?" I leaned back and looked at Mu Tiancheng through the wind.

"This is a sword."

Mu Tiancheng raised his hand with a sword and split into the air, suddenly the figure of the giant beast split into two, blood swaying between the heaven and the earth.

"Will it be against God's way to do this?" Feng Feng asked.

"no way."

I frowned: "These mountains are far more useful to the human race than these wild creatures. After all, if the human race is immortal, the alien demon territory will never invade the wild west, but once the human race is extinct, these ancient creatures will also The same will be enslaved by the death air of the alien demon army, and it will be even more miserable then."

"It seems to be such a reason, but there must be cause and effect."

Unheard of the wind, he glanced at me: "Duke Fuyu is Nanyue Mountain Monarch, just follow orders, these causes and effects will fall on you, the Great Emperor Liuhuo."

"It's ok."

I patted my shoulder and laughed: "The Great Emperor Liuhuo has broad shoulders, and he can carry a lot of cause and effect. Come on, the more the better."

The wind caressed his palm and smiled: "What a great Liuhuo, let Feng somebody want to be reborn once and assist him again."

I pinched my nose: "This is too fake, I have no sincerity."



Amidst the hearty laughter of the unheard of the wind, a figure flickered in the air. It was a rickety old man holding a staff, holding a huge golden six-pointed star array, and slamming down on a mountain ancient. On top of the body of the spirit, he smashed it to dissipate directly. With a look of anger on his face, he said: "The Rats of the Xuanyuan Empire, are you going to empty the mountains of my wild ancestral court? As a wild ancestor witch, should you? Would you think I would stand by and watch? Stop it immediately, otherwise the two clans will go to war, and the souls will be overwhelmed!"

I took a step forward and said, "Lord of the Xuanyuan Empire, see Senior Ancestor Witch."


The Ancestral Witch’s body turned empty, and squinted his eyes and smiled: "Tsk tusk, the Xuanyuan Empire actually has such a young ruler, and he is also an emperor titled by Heaven and Earth. It’s not bad, but what about it? He is the emperor of the heaven and earth, and my old man will do the same!"

I clasped my fists again and said, "Senior, these mountains are just mountains for you in the wild, with more birds and beasts, but for our human race, they are necessary for gathering mountains, waters, and luck, as long as these mountains arrive. We here, the Xiyue that constitutes us, can resist the footsteps of the alien demon army to a large extent. Please forgive me, seniors."

"Excuse me?"

The Ancestral Witch sneered: "The things that belong to our wilds are our wilds. You humans want to build the hills by yourself. I repeat, immediately put down the mountains, otherwise don't blame me for being really rude."

"Tsk tut!"

Mu Tiancheng took a step forward: "You deserve to be the old wizard of the wild ancestors. He is powerful. This is too unforgiving. If that's the case, then don't blame us for being polite. After all, our country lord has already given courtesy before pawning. pass."

"Come on!"

The ancestral witch opened his arms and sneered: "If you have the ability, you can chop here. This era is really different. A mountain and mountain monarch in a small area dare to talk to my old man like this. The body of my old man carries the heritage of the entire ancestral family. , I want to see if your sword aura can split my ancestral aura."

"This is what you want to chop!"

Mu Tiancheng slammed a sword suddenly, followed by Guan Yang and Yi Ping each also issued a sword, immediately "pengpengpeng" three times, the three sword auras together shook the ancestral atmosphere around the ancestral witch body. Unexpectedly, all the sword aura was bounced off loudly, and the ancestral aura was like a shield, only leaving a few shallow traces.

"Tsk tut!"

The ancestral witch squeezed his nostrils and said, "You dare to learn from others for this ability? There is only a little left of your human dynasty? I see, you have to destroy the country as soon as possible, and let the alien demon territory kill it. Our wild tribe is trying to fight with them!"


Mu Tiancheng was taken aback for a moment, and looked at his golden sword. In disbelief, he couldn't cut the opponent. He couldn't help frowning and said, "Could it be... an ascending state?"

"It's possible!" I nodded repeatedly.

Unheard of the wind, "King Xiaoyao, lend your national fortune to the three mountain monarchs~www.wuxiaspot.com~Shall we try to cut it again?"


I stomped the ground lightly, "peng", the rich national destiny lingered, turned into a golden dragon attached to the three mountain monarchs, and then the three of them blasted out with a sword with all their strength, three golden clouds tore the sky, He slashed at the Ancestral Witch fiercely.



There were three more sounds. This time the sword aura was obviously stronger. The Ancestral Witch was shaken back for a few miles, and three cracks appeared in the Ancestral Qi. He still dusted his chest and sneered: "That's it. ?"

Just at this time, a bright sword light came from the north, and it galloped towards him with a "chi".


The ancestor witch was shocked: "Is this grandmother also out of the sword?"

As he said, he patted his **** and escaped: "Walk away, if you want to move all of these mountains, if you are happy, move out of Lao Tzu's ancestral court as well."

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