Zhan Yue

Chapter 1410: A gift from the white clothes

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The veteran Guan Yang suddenly stabs his sword on the mountain in front of him. Accompanied by the clanging sound, the sword of the mountain monarch buzzes endlessly, and wisps of mountain weather condenses around, still maintaining the mountain weather that resists the opponent's sword. , And Beiyue Mountain Monarch Guan Yang suddenly raised his arms with a war knife. That war knife was his proud weapon during his lifetime. With a "swish", the whole Beiyue was divided into a mountain scene, which turned into a straight slash. The sea of ​​clouds ahead.

"Get out for the old man!"

Amid the loud noise, the sea of ​​clouds turbulent and dissipated. In a blink of an eye, a whole sea of ​​clouds was split apart by Guan Yang with a single knife. Feltuna also appeared with a detached sword intent. She stepped on the void with her hands. Holding that gray long sword, the corners of his mouth raised, and he smiled: "A Beiyue in a mere trivial tone, whose tone is bigger than anyone else, is really funny."

With that, the sword light came back again, and the moment this woman sword demon handed out a sword, tens of thousands of sword auras surged in the air, forming a general trend in swordsmanship. I realized one in the realm of mountains and seas. Sword intent people can naturally understand the power of this sword intent, and Lin Xi, the kendo heir of Dawn Valley, knows more clearly, Tan mouth is slightly open and speechless, the sword that the opponent has cut may be more than just The game data is so simple, it's more like someone actually hacked this sword in reality, the sense of oppression is extremely clear and strong!


When the sword light fell, the entire Beiyue landscape appeared to be cracked, and the veteran Guan Yang put his sword in front, desperately resisting, and his golden body shuddered, almost unstoppable.

"Tsk tut~~~"

Fertuna glanced at the southwest and smiled: "Beiyue Guanyang, it is really vulnerable. The strength formed by the gathering of the mountains and the fortune of the country can't stop me from the understatement of a weak woman?"

"So shameless!"

I touched my nose: "Filtuna, an Ascending Realm Sword Repairer, is embarrassed to say that she is a weak woman?"


Fertuna looked over and talked directly through the air: "It turned out to be the Great Emperor Liuhuo who was sealed by the heavens and the earth. Tsk tsk, Xiyue Yicheng, the Great Emperor Liuhuo is already the co-lord of the southern world, the real emperor of humans. Ah, half of the world’s luck is in the body, or... the emperor comes out and asks the little girl about the sword?"

Lin Xi frowned, "Filtuna, it's so arrogant!"

Fertuna chuckled: "Lin Xi, I know you, the outstanding rookie of the human race, the descendant of Dawn Valley, can be considered a beginner in the way of kendo, but it is still too tender, your strength is really not on the stage. Remember, talk less, so you will live longer."

Lin Xi bit her silver teeth and reached out to draw her sword.

"do not!"

I hurriedly held the sword in her hand and said, "The monarchs of Xiyue, Dongyue, and Nanyue are all here. Where can we get cannon fodder like us to die?"


Lin Xi was unhappy, and the goddess who was "unbelievable" among the players was still humiliated in front of the throne-level female sword demon.

I turned around and glanced at the three mountain monarchs, and said, "The four mountain monarchs in the southeast, northwest and northwest are all here. This is the first time the four mountains have joined forces in the history of the Xuanyuan Empire. I will not be able to carry the majestic sword spirit of the sword demon."


Mu Tiancheng raised his hand and drew his sword sonorously, and said with a smile: "Giant Duke, we are going to fight together, and Feng Xiang is waiting for the opportunity to draw the sword. It's just that... Feng Xiang, a scholar, used some scripts and poems before. Ah, something like that, now I need to use a sword, can it be done?"

The wind does not hear the grief: "Whose swordsmanship do you look down on?"

The female officer holding the sword smiled sincerely, and handed the white jade-like long sword to the wind.



Mu Tiancheng and Yi Ping appeared to Guan Yang's side from left to right. Nanyue and Dongyue Mountain Monarchs left their turf and made swords, but their power remained undiminished. After all, they were still on the map of the empire. After going away, the female sword demon sneered, and directly handed out two swords, and the sky was roaring and shaking, and the three mountain monarchs and an ascending realm sword repairman fought back and forth.

In the air, sword lights shuttled back and forth, accompanied by the collision of sword aura, countless turbulent air currents whirled, and the sky was full of broken sword aura and mountain weather withered.

The two sides each made dozens of swords, and they even scored a tie.

"Yo roar!"

Mu Tiancheng took out the sword lightly, and laughed and mocked: "The legendary Ascension Realm seems to be nothing more than this! I didn't expect that Mu Tiancheng would be able to repair my wrist with the Ascension Realm sword in my lifetime!"

"One-on-three, are you proud?"

The female sword demon chuckled softly and said, "But, do you think you can win one-on-three? Is the mountain monarch of the human race so naive?"

As she said, she smiled like a silver bell, and her figure suddenly lifted. Around her slender waist, there were golden, black, or gray small cloth bags around her waist. Just below her swaying figure, the small cloth bags There are strands of majestic aura surging constantly, turning into strands of strength lingering around the blade, when she handed out another sword light, it was different.


The heavens and the earth were shaken, and the mountain weather condensed by the three mountain monarchs instantly shattered in half. Even, the veteran Guan Yang fought for too long, his body fell and flew, and the golden body of one arm had begun to crack.

"But so."

The female sword demon stood tall in the air and smiled: "The three mountain monarchs join forces and can't hold the little girl's sword? Then you are too unbearable."

Mu Tiancheng gritted his teeth: "Monster!"

The female sword demon stood up Su Feng and said with a smile: "I am a monster, what can you do to me?"

"Is it a seed?"

In the sea of ​​clouds, the unheard of the wind of Xiyue Mountain has disappeared behind us, and then appeared in front of Mu Tiancheng, Guan Yang, and Yiping, holding a white jade long sword, looking at the waist of the female sword demon Phil Tuna. Each cloth bag in between, said: "That is...the seed of power bred by the legendary heaven and earth, isn't it?"

"What is it, what is it not, what is it to you?"

The female sword demon's posture is arrogant: "You have become a ghost in white clothes and become the watchdog of this mountain guard. What qualifications do you have to make irresponsible remarks to the little girl? Hehe, if you have the ability, just come and kill me. , Otherwise, just shut up obediently and see how I can open this Luming Mountain with my sword."

Unheard of the wind frowned: "What are you doing to anger me? Look at Xi Yue's power?"

"How is it, not so?"

"Then it doesn't matter."

He did not hear the wind gently raised the sword, raised the corner of his mouth, and smiled: "What about the real power, how can you see it, and what if you can't see it? Does it matter?"

As he said, the white jade sword was suddenly handed out, and the luck of the mountains, waters, and air between heaven and earth was instantly reversed, as if a group of mountains were buckled down from the air, and the use of the magical powers of the mountains and rivers has completely surpassed the other three mountain monarchs. Who would have thought that Qingxiang in white clothes was so extraordinary just the first day he became a mountain monarch!


The female sword demon looked up at the sky and saw countless densely stacked upside-down mountains. She couldn't help but smile and said: "Interestingly, you mountain monarch is indeed different, but you will still be defeated by my sword!"

As she said, her sword light exploded, and dozens of sword lights rushed straight into the sky, and the airflow within a radius of tens of miles was like a pot of boiling water, accompanied by the sword energy soaring into the sky, one by one shattered what fell in the sky. Upside down the mountains.

However, at the same time Fengrenhe made a second sword, one sword slashed at the opponent's feet, followed by the third sword, slashed at the opponent's waist.


The mountain weather is rushing, like a torrent. At this time, the sword is out of the wind, with the support of Dongyue, Nanyue, and Beiyue. The four mountains are combined into one. The Xiyue itself is tens of thousands of miles, and the overall strength far exceeds the rest. Three Sacred Mountains, now the Four Sacred Mountains are one, and the luck of a country is complete, so the sword is out of the wind. The power of the Four Sacred Mountains is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Compared with the previous three Sacred Swords, at this time, The sharpness of the sword without the wind is at least ten times greater!


The female sword demon was out of balance under the chaotic mountain air currents. The swordsman made multiple swords in succession, dissolving the second sword that the wind did not hear, but the third sword was only half resolved. Accompanied by the sound of the rope breaking, the female sword demon A crimson cloth bag tied around her waist was directly cut off by the wind, and when the female sword demon was about to reach out to grab her, her body suddenly went violently, and immediately came into the air with a heavy kick. Kicked on the abdomen of the female sword demon, and on the toes, strands of golden text surged, which came from the foot of the Great Rushan Monarch!


The female sword demon vomited blood and flew out, while the crimson cloth bag was chopped in half by the wind without a sword, turned into wisps of scarlet gas, and fell to the depths of the open forest.

No one thought that Feltuna, a female sword demon known as the second master of the Northern Territory of Alien Demon, was defeated in this way, and the result was very clear. She was kicked hundreds of miles away by the wind. , Can't see the figure clearly.


"Ask Jian again next time, and bring Lin Hai over." The wind did not hear.

"Got it."

The female sword demon has escaped ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and her voice is full of unwillingness. This is the worst battle she has lost since she came to the human world.

When the wind does not hear, he pointed his hand to the distant place where the cloth sack was scattered, and said: "The King Xiaoyao has been exhausted in order to seal Xiyue. This is the first gift that the wind does not give to the King Xiaoyao."


I squinted at the distance and asked with a smile, "What is the gift?"

"It's just a chance."

Feng Buwen smiled and said: "Fertuna searches for the source of power for the rules of the world, in order to continuously piece together the roots of her own avenues. Just now, the sword of Feng Xingren just chopped down a far-reaching seed. The forest will take root and sprout, and after that, it will naturally become a trump card in the hands of King Xiaoyao."


Lin Xi and I looked into the distance together. There, a blood red was invading nearly one-third of the northern open forests and seas. It seemed... the sword that the wind did not hear was forced from the waist of the female sword demon. Cut a new map for the national server players!

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