Zhan Yue

Chapter 1411: Seed of the Abyss

The latest website: far away, thunder rumbling, dark clouds billowing, red seeds fell into the open forest sea, the earth was instantly swallowed, the red power spread, the smaller half of the open forest sea collapsed, as if everything was under a majestic force Swallowed, criss-crossing cracks appeared on the earth, followed by more and more annihilated matter, until the thunder light in the air fell to the bottom, forming a huge abyss with a radius of hundreds of miles, blood-red air currents It kept rising up into the sky, as if a monster underground was about to break its seal.

Lin Xi and I were dumbfounded. We just watched a map evolve before our eyes, and when this huge abyss was completed, a bell rang in our ears, and a new version of the map was taken by Mr. Xiyue. A sword split--


System Announcement: Please pay attention to all the brave! In the Battle of Beiyue, the white clothes Qing Xiangfeng ignored a sword and cut down a "seed of the abyss" carried by [Sword Demon Feltuna]. This seed fell into the earth and took root on its own, giving rise to a human The [Abyss] of the realm, the [Abyss] contains the power of rules outside the sky, and countless monsters have evolved. Once these monsters break the seal of the abyss and enter the human world, they will cause a great catastrophe, but this [Abyss] Containing the power of the rules of the abyss, the territory of the different demon will definitely find ways to retake it, so please don't hesitate for the warriors in the national service, the abyss is born, my generation must be the first! [Abyss] version of the mission is about to start, endless challenges are right in front of you, all players above level 240 can enter the abyss from the entrance of the pioneer forest sea, find their own harvest in the abyss, and the land of aliens will also be launched soon. For the battle for the abyss, please warriors to work hard, the world is chaotic, and my generation should be self-improvement! This version of the mission lasts for one week, and finally distributes rewards according to the points ranking in the abyss. In addition to a large number of generous rewards, the first player will also get an additional [master level] treasure! The version will open in two hours!



I frowned and smiled: "The master-level treasure is about to be born!"

Lin Xi smiled slightly: "Is the ambition to win?"

"of course."

I nodded lightly: "Who can get this number one besides me?"

"Don't be too arrogant, it's better to be cautious, otherwise it will be embarrassing if the ship capsizes in the gutter."

I think so: "Well, caution is my motto, don't worry, but it is ten o'clock in the evening, and two hours is twelve o'clock, Lin Xi, are you still asleep today?"

She bit her red lip, thought over and over again, and said, "I had enough sleep yesterday, and tonight is the first day when the abyss opens again. It's better to... forget all night today, go to bed at 8 or 9 in the morning, get up in the afternoon and continue. Rest as usual at night and adjust your schedule, what do you think?"

"I think it can."

I nodded: "Anyway, I'm going to have the liver for seven days. I'm leveling, but I don't know if there is a leveling ground for me in the abyss."

"It's hard to tell."

Lin Xi shook his head: "The entry condition of the abyss is 240, and there may not be a level 332 training ground like you."

"Not necessarily, the abyss is deep and endless challenges, I think there are."

"Then wish you some?"

She blinked her eyes and smiled: "After supper, stay up late?"



In the guild, there was already a boil. As soon as the abyss version opened, everyone was gearing up, especially those players who had just passed the 280 calamity and wanted to reach the level. This time the abyss version opened, it is a godsend! Qingdeng, Kamei, Slaughter Fanchen and others have already organized teams into the abyss in the guild. They are basically teams of 20-100 people. If there are too many people, there is nothing to blame. Nowadays, the national service is relatively peaceful. There are almost no guild battles, and no guild will be itchy to provoke a T0-level guild like Yilu.

Lin Xi went offline, took a break with Shen Mingxuan, and waited for the supper.

I was still online, looking at the uncultivated woodlands in the north, and said, "A wind-phase sword pierced into an abyss, which is considered to be a success for the ages."

The wind does not smell a slight smile: "It's a little thing."

On the side, Guan Yang, Mu Tiancheng, and Yi Ping were all here, and even the female officer holding the sword, who was blind to the wind, turned around.

I glanced at a deity of mountains and waters and said: "Xiyue's emperor has been completed, and the four-mountain pattern has been completed. According to the current strength of the four-mountains, it is enough to contend with a perfect ascension realm, right?"


The wind nodded: "Indeed, even if an Ascended Realm Swordsman comes to ask the sword, I will not fall under the wind when I try to contend with the luck of a country, and may even knock my opponent down, such as the Philippines just now. Ertuna, although she is strong, stable in realm, and extraordinary in kendo, her mood is always a little bit worse. She feels that she is invincible when she stepped into the ascending realm. The stable structure of the alliance can only be defeated. If you don't want to go, you will have to fall."

"Where is Lin Hai?"

I frowned and said, "If Lin Hai, the shadow of death, comes in person, what will happen?"

"It's mostly a tie."

Ignoring the wind, the sword eyebrows and the stars looked into the distance, and they said with confidence: "It's a great change of life, the four mountains are broken, the mountains and rivers are in chaos, but the ascending state of Lin Hai will die and disappear, and there is nothing."

"Lin Hai is so cherish his life, he definitely won't."

I smiled and said, "So, after the seal of Xiyue is completed, I can be a hand-shoulder, no need to take care of it anymore. The four mountain monarchs guard the country gate, echoing with Senior Sister Yun of the Dragon Region, and nine thrones on us. It shouldn't be a fiasco, right?"

"Not so much."

Feng Weiren Youyou smiled and said: "If Master Yunyue's cultivation base can make further progress, plus the power of our Four Sacred Mountains and the river gods in the territory, at least five of the nine thrones can be replaced."

I frowned: "Then we still lose?"


The wind nodded: "But Xiaoyao King don’t have to worry. If Lin Hai wants to fight hard, he will die. There are only three or four weaker thrones left in the ten thrones of the alien demon territory, and more than half of the world’s luck has been lost. Even if our Xuanyuan Empire destroyed the country at that time, this world will not have time for the realm of alien demon. Whether it is the world of the Western Realm or the wild clan, they will gather to attack and kill the alien demon army from this world."

"Got it."

I took a deep breath.

"in fact……"

The wind did not hear with a smile, and said: "The general trend of the whole world is still controlled by one person and one heart."


"Jing Yunyue." Feng Buwen first bowed his hand in the direction of the Dragon Region and said calmly: "Master Yunyue's heart demon... If she can break the heart demon, step into the ascension realm that she should have obtained. If so, all the problems will be solved easily. With Master Yunyue’s sword training skills and the ascendant realm, how about one person singles out the top ten thrones? There is no need for us, the Four Mountain Monarchs, to be superfluous."

I frowned, "Senior Sister Yun's heart demon is so heavy, there is no way."


Several mountain monarchs all sighed, pretending to be.

I really didn't look at it, and said, "Okay, I'm going to prepare, I'm ready to go to the abyss."


Guan Yang frowned: "The King of Xiaoyao wants to be conquered by the imperial driver?"

"Is that so..."

I was a little embarrassed: "But my identity is different. I originally came from a different world. I can’t just think of me as the real Liuhuo Great Emperor. I have two sides. Liuhuo Great Emperor is just one side of me, even one side. Nothing."

The wind didn't hear the wind, and he said with a smile: "Then I wish King Xiaoyao a smooth leveling?"

I have a black line, but he has an unspoken expression on his face.

It's over, after the seal of Xiyue, Feng Buwen, the top NPC's AI seems to have greatly improved. It has a meaning of breaking the rules. It is even known that the player’s "leveling" setting is really becoming Xiyue. After that, did you realize it?

Who knows, there are too many tricks in this game, and what I have to do is to play this game in accordance with the rules, and use the game to influence reality and control the real world trend!



The supper was abalone porridge and some delicious stir-fried dishes. Lin Xi served me a bowl of porridge and said, "It's a bit hot, let's eat it after cooling down. Anyway, the abyss map opens at 12 o'clock, so we don't need to worry too much."


I put the porridge, looked at Shen Mingxuan who was playing with the phone, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Check the details of the abyss map."

Shen Mingxuan shared the mobile phone information with the watch, stretched out his hand, and suddenly the holographic image of the picture was in front of everyone. It is the detailed rules of the abyss map. This abyss map is called "endless challenge" for no reason, because there are a total of 99 floors. The monsters on the first floor are the 281-level mountain and sea-level monsters, which are just suitable for the current level of mainstream players in the national service. The second level is level 282, and so on. Until the 75th floor, they are already level 355 monsters. The 24th floor is also all level 355 monsters, but the more difficult it becomes, the more difficult it becomes, the 355-level ruins-level and dominant-level monsters, and each level may randomly spawn a BOSS for players to guide.

As for the drop situation, the same is quite generous. Before the 40th floor, all monsters will drop level 280 equipment and the skill book of crossing the robbery, 41-75 layers, all monsters drop the level 320 skill book and equipment, as for the monsters above the 76th floor, there are There is a chance to drop the Level 355 Cross Tribulation Skill Book and equipment, especially the Level 355 equipment, the full level equipment, for players at this stage, it is simply a fantasy existence.

But I can try ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This abyss map is for everyone, and each has its place to play.

Lin Xi glanced at me and said with a smile: "I know, you must really like this map."

I nodded happily: "Well, I really like it, but it still doesn't compare to liking you!"

Lin Xiqiao flushed: "Why did it come all of a sudden..."

Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi glanced at each other, they both pushed the bowl aside and didn't want to eat anymore.


After dinner, we watched TV together for a while, and then went online at 11:30.


Just when I appeared on the Square of Fanshucheng, A Fei raised his hands and said, "I searched the world and finally found some amazing treasures. I believe it will be of great help to your journey into the abyss. !"

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