Zhan Yue

Chapter 1417: Abyssal Remnant

Before my eyes were the figures of the market-level monsters, layer after layer. Every time I went deeper, I felt that the monsters in front of me became more alert and unkind. When I passed by some monsters, even I'm a little worried that they will see through my extinct stunts. These monsters are still level 355 monsters of the market, but they always feel much more powerful than the 91st floor.


My body shook and appeared on the legendary 99th floor. When I stepped onto the 99th floor, I felt as if I was in a sea of ​​fire. The whole piece of flat land under my feet was no longer a ring road embedded in the mountain wall. It was a whole piece of flat ground with flames, and the heat was rising, filled with all kinds of chaotic auras.

The 99th floor is undoubtedly the bottom of the abyss.


Above my head, someone screamed hoarsely. When I looked up, it was a national server player who fell into the abyss, but he did not fall into the 99th floor. At the height of the 97th floor, his body was affected by flames and lightning. It was crushed, and it turned into a white light to go to the abyss to resurrect. At this time, a map reminder came from my ear——


System reminder: You have entered the 99th floor map of the abyss. This place is a hub area connecting the material world and the abyss. Half of the material existence belongs to the human world, and half of the chaotic rules raging belong to the abyss. Once killed, the loss is doubled. In addition, the Abyssal Guardians here have a certain chance to drop the item Abyssal Shards. After collecting all the 1999 pages of Shards, they can be exchanged for an Abyssal Tome. The Abyssal Tome can summon a powerful Abyssal Balrog and kill it. After the Abyssal Balrog, there is a 100 chance to drop an Abyss Key. Use the Abyss Key to close the Abyss Map!


Once I felt relieved, when I came to the 99th floor, I found the key to solving the problem. The Abyss is a game map. Naturally, it has its own map rules and customs clearance methods. So although Star Alliance "robbed" this map, The map rules are written in the highest priority system of the main program. Starlink has only control rights, but no authority to change the rules. As long as I follow this line to complete the final task, I can also resolve the crisis in the abyss.

Open the brush!

In front of me, there were many abyss warlords holding battle axes in their hands. They were covered in thorn-like armor. Their faces were hideous. The fire of the abyss in the body was burning. When I appeared, more than a hundred pairs of eyes were already straight. He looked at me, ready to do it at any time, and when I opened the eyes of the Shifang Hot Wheel to understand their attributes, I still took a breath of air, this attribute is really a bit irritable——

Greedy Wolf Warrior (Return to Market Level Monster)

Level: 355

Attack: 395000550000

Defense: 265000

Qi and blood: 35000000

Skills: Whirlwind, Desire, Whirlwind, Abyss Fury

Introduction: The wolf-greedy warriors, from the leader of the abyss and wolf-greedy clan, are born to awaken the blood of the ancient ancestors, can wield an extremely heavy battle axe, and have infinite power, casting a fit for them in the abyss demon lord After enchanting armor, these wolf soldiers are even more fierce and intrepid, and they have become the most powerful corps in the abyss.

You can't help but take this seriously!


Among the golden six-pointed stars, the black-clothed boy Xiaojiu descended with two swords in his hands, and slowly stood up and looked at the wolf armor soldier in front of him, with his sword brows furrowed and said: "Master, the power in these magical objects is extremely huge, and it is not what the Moon World should have. Something, it seems... we have already provoked a terrific opponent."

"That's not it."

I smiled and said, "Xiao Jiu, don't attract too many blames, don't exceed 100, lest you can't digest it."

"Yes, master!"

Xiao Jiu galloped away, and in an instant it was like a computer intelligence that attracted 99 greedy wolf armor men and killed them. As they galloped back, the greedy wolf armor men along the way looked fierce and waved their tomahawks. , Slashed back and forth on Xiao Jiu's body one after another, so that when the boy in black returned, only half of his vitality was left. What a terrifying attack!


Xiao Jiu turned around and swung his sword fiercely. I also took advantage of the rumblings. The grass and trees were all fighting for fish in the muddy waters. On the ground of the 99th floor of the abyss, some flaming tender grasses were summoned to become grass soldiers. Pawn, the combat effectiveness is extraordinary, but this time the opponents are different, a group of vicious wolf soldiers, a tomahawk descended from the sky!


The whirling slash raged so densely that the shape of the mountain that I had condensed was beaten to pieces in an instant. Then, a group of greedy wolf armor roared, and spots of fire marks appeared all over their body, as if they were Summon some kind of ancient power!


Combat Tips: Please note that the Wolf Warriors launched the Fury of the Abyss, and all attack damage was increased to 300 for 12 seconds!

It's terrible!

In the next second, the wolf armored men roared and rotated the battle axe, and the whirlwind skills of greed swept over, blowing on the body like a cold wind, the blood bar brushed straight off, and Xiao Jiu's blood bar was once controlled. After 8 or so, the ups and downs are up and down, which can be maintained, and my health bar is less than 30. I can’t recover from crazy attacks and blood sucking. There are too many monsters, and I have to release a white dragon wall. Came to resist, but under the intensive whirlwind of greed, the white dragon wall only supported it for less than 5 seconds before it was broken.

For a time, the health bar jumped up and down on the danger line. With the intensive attack of the wolf-guards, I officially realized that I really couldn't beat it. I couldn't maintain the progress of the blood bar dropping at all, or opened the invincible to continue my life. Either use extraordinary means!

So, apart from anything else, the red deer rushed into the city!

On the 99th floor of the abyss, the sky is shaking, countless fierce horses and stags’ images are flying at the bottom, and the sound of the earth continues to fly, and all the wolf-greedy men in the vicinity stand still in place, suffering the damage of the red deer’s rushing into the city, and at this time , I stood on the flying sword, watching the whole blood bar of the wolf soldier in front of me brushed straight away. There was no sense of pride or accomplishment. On the contrary, I was worried. I stretched out my hand and put the boy in black into the Eudemons space. At the moment when the red deer rushing to the city was released, a white-clothed skill disappeared in place, the entire hatred value disappeared, and a large group of **** wolf soldiers carrying a battle axe looked around in a daze.

No way!

I stepped back dozens of steps, found a blank area, and then summoned the boy in black again, saying: "99 is too many, we can only attract 50 monsters next."


The black-clothed boy clasped his fists: "Sorry master, I did something wrong."

"You're right, I made a mistake in my estimation."


He was taken aback for a moment, and then lowered his head: "Yes, Master!"

"carry on."

Next, Xiao Jiu only attracted 50 monsters, so it was much easier to fight. After killing, Xiao Jiu had 14 blood and still strong combat power, and I had 55 blood, which is considered to be It's relatively easy to do. So, before clearing the battlefield, I took a sip of blood to regain the blood, sitting on the spot to regain the blood, a bit of an unprecedented feeling, and the July Flowing Fire to kill the monsters still need to regain the blood?

It's really too dangerous here. Before encountering the next wave of monsters, it is safer to keep full of blood, and be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years!

Ten seconds later, the blood returned to fullness, and he got up and cleaned the battlefield with the boy in black.

Some gold coins and broken equipment are fine. I didn’t look at it. What I wanted was the abyss fragments. As a result, there were no fragments on a page. On the contrary, 50 greedy wolf armor soldiers exploded 6 abyssal horse seals. It's stone!


Holding the Mount Seal Stone, I have mixed feelings in my heart. In the upper map, before at least 50 floors, players want to drop an Abyssal Horse to stay up late to fight. As a result, on the 99th floor, the Abyssal Horse seems to have become It’s the same as the Chinese cabbage. 50 monsters will drop 6 Abyssal Horses. What is the drop rate, 12? too exaggerated.

carry on!

Every time 50 monsters, it is not greedy, and the killing is relatively stable, while the drop rate of the Abyssal Horse is quite stable, and each wave is maintained at 36. This is no need to think about it. I really have to spend a week here. It is estimated that I can produce tens of thousands of Abyssal Warhorses by myself, but the seal cannot be superimposed. Fortunately, my package has a large space, leaving 10,000 spaces for the Abyssal Warhorses, and 999 spaces for the Abyssal Fragment. Everything is under control.

In the blink of an eye, it’s night again. Due to the refreshment of the supply office on the first floor of the abyss, the complaints and anger of the national server players have been calmed down. Everyone is happy to level up. Go out after seven days. There are no real insiders in the Yilu Guild. A few, Qingdeng, Haotian, Slaughter Fanchen, etc. are all commanding everyone to go deeper into the abyss~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to get more abyssal horses. Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi and others also brushed smoothly. Everything is in order.

I am the only one who is under tremendous pressure, and Star Alliance is still watching. If I can't collect the 999 pages of broken chapters and can't defeat the summoned Abyssal Balrog, this catastrophe will not be over.

It was about eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

When I was clearing the monster group in front of me, I glanced at the package. About five hours after I entered the 99th floor, the fragments reached 25 pages, which was a small gain, and the biggest gain was the seal stone of the Abyssal Warhorse. There are a total of 375 Abyssal Horse Sealing Stones neatly placed in the package, which is unimaginable by other players!


A piece of news came from Lin Xi: "Me, Mingxuan, and Ruyi are planning to eat something to take a rest off the assembly line. On your side, do you still have to continue in the realm of transformation?"


I nodded and said: "That's all. In fact, the problem of map falling has not been solved. The main task of the map requires me to play 999 pages of broken chapters on the 99th floor, summon the boss to kill, and then obtain the key to close this abyss map."

Lin Xi pursed her red lips and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

"It's okay, I'm used to it, and my Jing is strong."

"Has it shipped?"

"No, it's all garbage equipment."

"Oh, then I'll get off first."


At the moment when Lin Xi's name became dimmed, there was a "click", accompanied by the moment when Thor's blade shattered the throat of a wolf-seeking warrior, a **** double-headed sickle-like weapon fell to the ground. , Glowing with rich golden luster.


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