Zhan Yue

Chapter 1418: Reshape the world

My heart beat violently, and my hunch told me that this thing should be quite valuable, so he reached out and picked it up from a pile of gold coins. It was quite heavy, and the wrist was a little hard. Obviously, this kind of long-handled, heavy weapon blade is not. Prepared for my agile profession, and right in the handle, there is a very strong murderous and majestic power. The blades on both ends seem to be stained with a little blood. The whole battle blade is The look looks murderous.

Reaching out, the attributes of this golden weapon blade floated in front of you, indeed, it is a valuable item——

Thunder Rage Slash (mountain and sea level)

Attack: 52507550

Strength: 585

Agility: 582

Stamina: 580

Spiritual power: 579

Special effect: blood sucking 11

Special effects: fast speed, 130 attack speed

Special effect: Inflict 70 splash damage on targets within 8 yards around the target

Special effects: specialization of all skills such as long handle, sword, knife, etc.

Special effects: not unique

Special effect: Heart of Slaying, damage to targets with blood less than 70 is increased by 50

Special skill: Angrily slash the world, launch a slashing offensive, causing a large amount of damage to the target within 20 yards in front. The damage value is related to its own attack power. It consumes 50 special skills and has a cooling time of 5 minutes.

Special effects: Sunder armor, ignoring the target's 45 defense

Additional: Increase the attack power of user 328

Additional: Improve user 325's defense

Biography: Thunder Rage Slash, a weapon from the abyss. It is said that when the abyss demon lord has not yet ascended the throne, he held a divine sword and asked the seven abyss kings who had entrenched in the abyss for thousands of years, and finally defeated them one by one. Defeated, and after refining the remains of these abyss kings, a batch of war blades were created with the abyss ten thousand years iron, and Thunder Rage Slash is one of them. In the legend, only the most brave warrior in the abyss Generals are qualified to pick up this weapon

Required level: 355


I was happy, the 355-level mountain and sea level weapon, and it is not the only mountain and sea level equipment, it also means that there will be more than one Thunder Fury Slash coming out, which provides infinite possibilities for future players, after all, before , Guixu-level and Shanhai-level equipment are unique, and there are countless, that's all, but once the standard weapon of Thunder Rage Slash appears, those players who come from behind will have the possibility of holding top weapons. .

Moreover, although this Thunder Rage Slash is a mountain and sea level, because it is a level 355 weapon with a long handle and a heavy weapon, the attack power is already equivalent to my Thor and Vulcan double blades. You must know that these two daggers are of the market level!

Happy heart!

With a bang, the Thunder Rage Slash was wrapped in the package, hidden, and placed in the most precious position, with a lot of abyssal horses on top of the head. I believe that in the 99th floor experience, I can't only make a Thunder Rage Slash. No matter how many of them are out, they will be handed over to the wife-in-law after going out. No matter who Lin Xi cut Thunder Fury on, there is no doubt that he has retained a top heavy-duty riding warrior player for Yilu. .

Moreover, this Thunder Fury Slash has a full specialization effect. Although it is a long handle, it is also a sword specialization and a long handle specialization, but it can be used by any reloading player of the riding warrior system, and they are all very good. It can be used to enhance all specialization skills. It can be said that this Thunder Rage Slash is tailored for 355 full-level top riding combat players, unless it is someone like Lin Xi who holds the sword of the market-level archangel. Otherwise, the weapon of Thunder Rage Slash is actually one of the first choices.

Go on, fight!

It was about three in the morning.

With a soft sound, another page of fragments appeared in the field of vision. At this time, my equipment had all been broken. I did not hesitate to use a bottle of mountain and sea fairy dew, and my whole body was radiant and radiant. The equipment that had dried up aura was re-moisturized and glowed, and in a blink of an eye they returned to 100 durability.

"not bad!"

At this moment, a figure appeared on the raised rock on the mountain wall in front, covered with silver brilliance. It was the female leader who fought with me before. She held a staff in her hand and sat on a fiery red plant. Above the pine branches, her body was full, as if she could dance in the palm of her hand. When the staff tapped on the rock wall lightly, the flames in the surrounding sky and earth were extinguished one after another, and her figure gradually became solid, from a silvery white image. With more colors, a shiny face, exquisite features, long black hair, a pair of jade legs, and the long skirt, which is fascinating, it is actually a bit immortal, about 80% of Senior Sister Yun's face value.

"My name is Lin Lu."

She looked at me and smiled: "Lin Lu, who is dewy in the forest, is the second-ranked deacon of the twelve deacons of the Star Alliance.

"Twelve Deacons?"

I ordered Xiao Jiu to continue killing monsters, looked up at her, and said, "What is that?"

"The twelve principals in the Star Alliance."

Lin Lu smiled slightly and said: "The number one person is in charge of the collection of the rules of time and flow. You should know that, Lian Yin, he has already died in your hands once before. Fortunately, a deacon saved his soul essence. , Otherwise your kid will definitely be listed as the number one killer of the Star Alliance."

I smiled awkwardly: "So, even I am not the number one person to kill?"

"It doesn't count..."

Lin Lu sat on the pine branches, a pair of jade legs swaying gently, and said quietly: "After all, you are just the ruler of one plane. Although it is tricky, you are not right except for the matter of killing yin. What about Star Alliance? After all, what Star Alliance has to do is to follow the general trend and engulf the entire universe. Compared with you, the ice orchid in the eternal secret realm that has the heavenly constellation, the steps of fishing time outside the sky that day, and that Lin Muyu, the king of the gods who ruled over one side, and of course, your master who has never met, the extraordinary method of Bu Xuan Yin, these people should actually be killed."

I smiled: "Except for the sound of step Xuan, I haven't heard anything else."


Lin Lu nodded and smiled: "They have no intersection with you. They are just another extraordinary existence in the world. When the wall of the sky is about to fall and the general situation is about to die, all the talents of these human races have become a stumbling block. Star Alliance will do what it cannot do. This will surely offend these high-ranking people, and war cannot be stopped."


I waved my double-edged blade and started killing monsters, and smiled: "Lin Lu, you deacon who dominates the ups and downs of people's hearts, now you talk about it, will I believe what you just said?"

"Oh, don't you believe it?" She tilted her head and looked at me.

I laughed, I jumped straight up, my two blades cut a sharp edge, and went straight to Lin Lu.


Lin Lu stepped back several tens of meters, which was worthy of avoiding my attack, but in fact, I could see clearly when I opened the eyes of the Shifang Hot Wheel. Her body is formed by countless densely packed 0101010, a binary guide? ? At this moment, she doesn't even count a ray of energy, just a bunch of data in the game, so I can't kill her either.

"Really don't believe it?" Lin Lu stood up in the air and asked with a smile.

"I believe you a ghost."

I fell back to the ground and said with a smile: "The dignified twelve deacons of the Star Alliance, the number one Lian Yin, the number two Lin Lu, plus a legendary deacon, I have already met, even Lian Yin also sent me into the cage of time, do you guys from Star Alliance want to kill me? Do you treat me as a fool?"


Lin Lu burst into laughter, her body gradually became nothingness, she pointed her finger at me, and smiled: "It's really good for Lu Li who can make a squeeze in Lian Yin, let's be honest, you've always been number one on the Star Alliance's must-kill list. The rank is higher than Binglan and Bu Yixuan. Why, because those people are hateful, although their cultivation bases are scary, but without the means of mastering top technology like you, you are the only one in the world, Ouyang Luli. The realm of transforming the gods also holds one of the most advanced technologies in the universe, and it also disrupts the flow of the long river of time invisibly. If a person like you is not dead, how can our Star Alliance plan be successful?"

I sneered: "So, what do you want to control the abyss map?"

"Despair, fear."

She chuckles: "Also, those emotions that have reached the extreme, these will all form part of the rules of the Wall of Heaven."

"You are doing this, I'm afraid it's not to repair the wall of heaven, right?"

I frowned, and my heart trembled: "Could it be possible that your Star Legend has rebuilt a wall of sky?"


Lin Lu was surprised at first, then laughed, then leaned her forehead and smiled: "I didn't expect that the first person to say this was actually you. I lost and I lost."

I stared at her blankly: "Your Star Alliance really wants to build a wall of sky?"

"Reshape the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Lu looked at me sternly: "This important feat, don't you think this is the greatest glory of life in the universe? "

"What about after that? The original world is completely destroyed, and all lives are annihilated?"

"Kurong change, this is the long-term principle of the world, don't you understand this truth in the state of transforming the gods?" Her voice became much softer, and said: "Lu Li, if you join us, the success rate of the Star Alliance plan Increase it by at least 20. Think about it. If you come here, we can make sure that the people you care about, Lin Xi, Gu Ruyi, Shen Mingxuan, Shi Shangfei, and your family will keep them when the universe is annihilated and the cards are shuffled. Their memories reshape their bodies."

After that, she looked at me and said with earnest heart: "What is the end of destruction? What is rebirth? What is the source of rebirth? Death. Come on, become one of us. The Star Alliance needs you, and the world needs you."

With that, she opened her arms, her arms were pliable, her legs were slender, her peaks were undulating, her long skirt fluttering, she was so beautiful.

"If you want to reshape the world and create miracles, that is your Star Alliance's dream, not mine."

I slowly squatted down, grabbed the ankle of the corpse of a wolf soldier with one hand, suddenly got up and threw it at the opponent, shouting in a low voice: "But what I love is this world, not a copy of your creation. what!"


Lin Lu hugged the corpse of a greedy wolf soldier, and then smashed it into countless data fragments with a punch. Her pretty face was pale, and she was very angry: "I really want to blow your head with one punch!"

I made a fist, and the golden cuneiform writing of the realm of gods flowed all over my body, and my aura suddenly broke out to a peak state: "Come on, I think so too!"

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