Zhan Yue

Chapter 1421: Abyssal Balrog

Three days later, the 99th floor of the abyss.


Accompanied by another soft sound, at the moment when Vulcan Blade directly beheaded a wolf-greedy soldier, his head rolled to the ground, and at the same time, he dropped a golden weapon, a long and narrow flame-shrouded arm. The sword blade, at a glance, it seems that it is not a common product, and the toe hooks it in his hand, and the attributes float in front of him. Sure enough, it is another full-scale brand-name weapon——

Flame Dragon Tooth (mountain and sea level)

Spirit attack: 45007050

Spiritual power: 589

Agility: 585

Strength: 582

Stamina: 580

Special Effect: Spell Lifesteal 11

Special effects: Spell perception, the cooldown of all spells is reduced by 25

Special effects: not unique

Special effect: when the fire spell hits the target, it produces 400 spell damage per second burning damage for 7 seconds

Special effect: Spirit fire detonates, every time it causes magic damage to the target three times in a row, it detonates about 700 explosion damage in the opponent's body

Special effect: flame toughness, when using flame spells to attack the target, 25 damage is converted into the toughness of its elemental shield, and it will only be refilled to 100 toughness.

Special effects: When the fire dragon is in the sky, every time it causes more than 10 million damages in a row, it can summon a fire dragon to attack an enemy target. The total damage caused by the fire dragon is 50 million. It consumes 80 special effects and has a cooling time of 0 seconds.

Special effects: Sunder armor, ignoring the target's 45 defense

Additional: Increase the spirit attack power of user 325

Additional: Improve user 322's defense

Biography: Flame Dragon Tooth, the Abyss Demon Sword split the ancient crust and found the dragon tomb in the abyss. With the sharp teeth of the Flame Abyss Dragon and the Ten Thousand Years Profound Iron, a batch of jing fierce spell blades were cast. It is the legendary flame dragon tooth. According to legend, as long as you can hold the flame dragon tooth, you can ignore all powerful enemies and reach the realm of "I have the law, break the world".

Required level: 355

Worthy of being a top weapon.

I took a deep breath. I felt a little uneasy. It was reasonable. This 355-level weapon of the mage was even more fierce and domineering. It was even more unreasonable than the marksman’s Ice and Snow Emperor. Use this magic sword with flame vortex, flame laser, and meteor Fire and rain and other skills are used together, what will it be if it is not an explosion output?

An extra fire burn damage is enough. It can be detonated once after three spells. After that, it can even accumulate 1000w of damage to call a fire dragon in the sky, and the output of the fire spell can be converted into an elemental shield. Resilience, so unless someone can kill this mage instantly, it's almost impossible to kill it.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of horror it would be if such a staff fell in the hands of top mages such as Gu Ruyi, Martian River, Yanshi Wuxue, This Yufeiyu, etc. How many people in the whole server would dare to say that singled out can kill this. Of the mage? Maybe, I'm the only exception, it's not difficult, it's all about fishing in troubled waters.


Put the flame dragon tooth into the package, and there are three Thunder Rage Slash and four Ice and Snow Heaven Emperor beside it. This journey to the 99th floor of the abyss must be a big profit. A total of 8 top weapons are produced. The flame dragon tooth has the lowest burst rate and the strongest attribute, but it is a pity that Ruyi already has a ruin-level Gu Yu scepter, otherwise this flame dragon tooth is naturally hers.

I glanced at the package. There are already 992 Abyssal Fragments, and 7 are still short of graduation. As for the Abyssal Warhorse, the package is densely packed, as if in a military parade. The number is very coincidental. It happens to be 9,999 Abyssal Warhorses, one person. In the package there is an abyss of iron cavalry of ten thousand people, and no one else can believe it.


I nodded slightly, worked harder, and tried to explode a little more Abyssal Horse, so that my plan would naturally get closer and closer. As for the level, after another three days of fighting, I was already level 345, and I was about to be unable to move up. Now, even Xiaoqi has reached level 330, becoming more brave and good at fighting, and these accumulations have also allowed me to have a stronger qualification to deal with the final summoned Abyssal Balrog.

As a result, the last few broken chapters were difficult to explode. Until the next night, the number of broken chapters reached 998, and only the last one remained, but it was too late. On the contrary, the speed of the Abyssal Horse had broken 11,000.


After a bell, it was 12 o'clock Beijing time.

However, the abyss map still hasn't disappeared. For a while, Yilu's public screen was full of players' doubts——

"Huh? It's 12 o'clock, why doesn't the map disappear?"

"Damn, I still can't go back to the city. Why is the official promise of the parade the same as farting?"

"Fuck, no? Still can't go back? The bug is stuck again?"

"What the **** is this? The Tianming Group can do it as long as it can play games. If it can't, it will go home and go farming. Doesn't this play with the feelings of the players? What is the previous promise?"

"I want to breathe out, I want to go back to Fanshucheng!"

The players of Yilu were related to me, and I was related to the Destiny Group. Even so, the curses were so bad, the players of other guilds were even more unimaginable, and as time passed, The scolding will get louder and louder, and soon this war will burn on social platforms such as Weibo and WeChat, making it even more difficult to deal with.


A message was connected to the game. It was a phone call from sister Ouyang Yeyan: "How is it, I haven't got it yet?"


I nodded: "If you want to make the abyss map disappear, you have to collect 999 abyss fragments and get rid of the boss to get the abyss key, but I still have the last fragment that can't be released. Mom is so angry... …"

"These are random, the less they are, the harder they are."

The elder sister frowned and said, "How about... use your mastermind S-level authority?"

"May I?"

I raised my eyebrows: "Aren't you always opposed to my self-cheating?"

"Just this time, you can use it as much as you want, you can solve the problem, and let the players trapped in the abyss return to the Fanshucheng. Everything is easy to say. Our group is now under too much pressure from public opinion, and it will be overwhelming. If you do it again, I am afraid it will be true. It’s about to close, we don’t say anything, the above management and control department will come to check us."

"Got it."

I immediately took a deep breath, and while slashing at the wolf soldier in front of me with my double-edged blades, I said to Star Eye, "Star Eye, use the s-level permission to modify the program, and put the 974 page of the chasm of the abyss to the one I am killing. The explosion rate of this wolf-greedy soldier has increased to 100, so fast."

"Okay, Skywalker."

While it was working, it asked: "Skywalker, need to put ten Thunder Rage Slashes, ten Ice and Snow Heavenly Emperors, and ten Flame Dragon Fangs on it, and then increase the drop rate to 100? S-level permissions are completely possible."

I have a black line: "Don't, let my sister know that you will scold me to death..."

Star Eye said: "Okay, Skywalker, you are really a prudent person."

"That is……"

The two blades flew, and accompanied by a penetration attack by Thor's blade, the wolf soldier fell to the ground with a whimper, "click", and dropped out the last broken chapter. I immediately picked it up, and then Merge with the rest of the broken chapters, confirm the integration!


System reminder: Congratulations, get the Secret of the Abyss!

In the palm of his hand, a dark golden scroll appeared. On the scroll, there was an image of a hideous flame head. It is this scroll that is sealed with a powerful Abyssal Balrog, and it can be killed when it is released. It’s a battle where players single-handedly go to the market-level boss. It’s the market-level existence that all players must look up to. So, can my 345-level, top-notch existence be able to beat me?

No choice, I have to fight if I can't beat it!

Check the status. It is full of blood. The life medicine that can instantly restore 55 blood at level 10 is also well preserved. It has not been used so far. All the special effects and skills are in the cooling state. A total of 199 bottles of sad and crisp breeze are available for use. In addition, Xiao Jiu’s The state is also quite good, with 100 qi and blood, all skills transferred, this is the peak fighting state between me and Xiao Jiu.

"Then, come on!"

I raised my hand to run my power and opened the Secret of the Abyss. While looking at Xiao Jiu, I said, "Go a little farther, and join me in a short while to attack the coming powerful opponent. Be careful. You can't fight too presumptuously, save it first. Yourself, and then look for a chance to kill the target."

Xiao Jiu slowly backed away, with persistence in his eyes: "Xiao Jiu understands, please rest assured, Master!"

In the next moment, the Secret of the Abyss suddenly exploded!


The bodies of Xiao Jiu and I were pushed back at the same time, and in the middle of us, a group of flames bloomed and connected to the ground. On the ground, there was a fiery red abyss that was hundreds of meters long, and countless flames of magma surged, followed by another. The giant rises majestically from the abyss, its body is extremely high, like a giant god, the body that is hundreds of meters high lies at the bottom, like the sky.

Abyssal Flame Demon, level 355 belongs to the market-level boss, the rest of the attributes are all hidden, invisible, just like my ten-square fire wheel eyes are powerful, but you can never see the specific attributes of the throne and the king, you can see a biography It's already pretty good. In the eyes of other players, the throne is just a name, followed by ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which has no biography, as if the player has no information to understand.


The Abyssal Flame Demon turned his body, and his huge head was inlaid with a pair of flame eyes. When he looked at me, he seemed to shoot a laser. The feeling was very scary. When he looked at me, he felt that his whole body was about to catch fire. The Abyssal Flame Demon. Just stared at me for a few seconds, and said in a buzzing voice: "Ant, what kind of death do you want to choose?"

"Dead nm, you are the one who died!"

I breathed fragrance directly, my body sank suddenly, the shadow turned into a murderous awe-inspiring transformation, the triple transformation skill was completed in an instant, carrying a double blade turned into an electric light appeared on the edge of the huge body of the Abyssal Flame Demon, the double blade swept across , Blasted out a set of skills immediately, under the transformation, the dagger's edge extended very long, the attack effect changed with the target, several sharp edges almost almost penetrated the body of the Abyssal Flame Demon, and Xiao Jiu also jumped up. , The double-edged sword light engulfed the sky and struck the back of the Abyssal Flame Demon.

"Go away!"

The Abyssal Flame Demon was in pain, his body suddenly twisted, his arms turned into a whirlwind of flames, and two sounds of "Pengpeng" shook me and Xiao Jiu away.


In the loud noise, the body hits the hot rock wall. With just one blow, the health bar dropped by as much as 27. This Abyssal Balrog is not that easy to kill. After all, it is a ruins-level boss, and it should be ruin-level. The stronger part of the boss!

In the air, a burning cloud condensed, and between strands of data annihilated and condensed, a figure came out. It was Lin Lu, the leader in a long skirt holding a staff and wearing a long skirt. She stood in the air and smiled: "I want to defeat the abyssal inflammation. Demon, go do your spring and autumn dreams!"

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