Zhan Yue

Chapter 1422: Do you want to play?

"Little nine, come on!"

The body turned into a bolt of lightning, which almost increased the speed to the extreme, and instantly came behind the Abyssal Balrog. The double-edged blades turned and strangled, and then all the skills of the wind, cranes, trees, and fishes were released. What is rare is that the Abyssal Balrog has all the skills A fatal flaw, although it looks like a hand-to-hand combat, every swing of its arm will engulf the fierce abyssal fire, so it is actually a skill in the rule determination. Once it is caught in the muddy waters, it can only be passively beaten.

After a round of output, Xiao Jiu and I quickly retreated, leaving a group of powerful grass and wood soldiers in place to continue entanglement. While being wiped out one by one by the Abyssal Flame Demon, they also caused a lot of output. After all, they inherited. The current status and attributes of my 75 are impossible not to be strong.

"You guys... are looking for death!"

The Abyssal Flame Demon roared, his body sank slightly, although he was still on the spot, his fists blasted out, and a bunch of flames rushed straight to me and Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu was directly blasted into the rock wall, and I released A white dragon wall came out, and the body retreated with a loud noise, as if it had hit a mountain, and the flame punch of the Abyssal Balrog was continuous, and all three punches in a row fell on the white dragon wall. Bailongbi crushed!

"Only you?!"

The abyssal flame demon sounded like thunder, and the lower body in the magma suddenly stomped, and suddenly the underground magma was rolling, just under my feet, a series of fierce and fierce flames exploded one after another, and it was impossible to stand. Steady, his body was knocked into the air in an instant, and then he took another blow with flames and punches, his body hit the rock wall behind him heavily, his health bar was already less than 30.

This is too scary!

The Abyssal Flame Demon is obviously a warrior-type boss of the melee system, but it seems like a master in this world, it doesn't make sense at all!

The next attack must be avoided!

In the sound of the breaking wind, two consecutive flames rushed into the fist, and I shook my body, and directly the shadow jump bloodthirsty flag appeared within 40 yards. After cleverly avoiding the offensive of the abyssal fire demon, a body turned sharply. On the ground, he kept advancing along the z-shaped route, and at full speed, the light and shadow of the flame punching fists almost flew past the ears, trying to avoid them.

This time, it really depends on the game operation.


The blade of Vulcan drew a fierce glow, which slammed into the waist of the Abyssal Flame Demon, and then circled around. Skills such as the Three Disasters of Karma and the Hunter's Edge fell out, and the Blade of Thor turned into a flash. Ray, constantly attacking and killing anywhere on the boss, he can deal tons of damage without my control at all.

"Little nine!"

I shouted in a low voice: "After fission, let's go up again!"

"Yes, master!"

The black-clothed boy galloped with a sword, and when he sank, his body was divided into three. After one figure was punched and flew by the flames, the remaining two figures succeeded in getting close, leaping up with their swords, and continuously blasting the sword light. In any possible position on the boss, plus me, it is actually a 4v1 situation.

As a result, the Abyssal Flame Demon is not an aoe type boss, and the number of flame punches and flame turbulences is also limited. Taking care of me will not take care of Xiao Jiu, and taking care of Xiao Jiu will not take care of me. There is a feeling of carelessness for the other. In addition, I have been using Seven Star Begonia to suppress the boss's blood return, so in less than three minutes, the blood bar of the Abyssal Balrog began to decrease visible to the naked eye.

Can kill!

Today, Xiao Jiu and I cooperate very well.

"Yo ha"

Lin Lu sat on a pine branch on the rock wall, swaying a pair of slender and round snow-white jade legs, and said with a smile: "It seems that I underestimated your power. Okay, if this is the case, just create something for me. The trouble is over."

With that, she tore down a crystal keyboard from the air, cracklingly began the process of repairing the map environment on the spot.


In the ears, the cold wind blows, and wisps of snow are falling. In a blink of an eye, my feet have changed from the bottom of the flame-burning abyss to the icy terrain.


Combat Tip: The terrain has changed. Due to the influence of snow and ice, your movement speed has been reduced by 50!

"So shameless!"

After I took a blow, I couldn't keep up with the speed. I was blown by the flames of the blow to my legs, and my body swayed and rolled out along the snowy ground. Then I ate another flame turbulence, which was just as I crawled. The moment I got up, I saw the Abyssal Flame Demon suddenly raised his left arm, his mouth was full of grinning: "Go to hell, ants!"

At the moment its arm fell, it dragged out a rolling meteorite out of thin air, and blasted it straight in my direction!

"It's not good!"

I suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Star Eye, see tricks, change the terrain and help me!"

"Yes, Skywalker!"

In the next second, my body plummeted, the terrain swelled, and a thick rock protruding from the bottom of the ground, it blocked the top of my head, and then there was a loud noise, and the meteorite fell on the huge rock and rolled. It didn't cause me the slightest harm, but I rushed out with a stride, a distant hand, Fei Jian Bai Xing "chi" penetrated the body of the Abyssal Flame Demon, causing massive damage.


The Abyssal Flame Demon waved his fist to smash the Feijian Baixing down, but where could he keep up with the speed, Bai Xing rushed out instantly, out of his grasp, and flew back into my eyebrows and acupuncture points, and continued to nourish his strength.

"Tsk tut!"

Lin Lu looked at the Abyssal Flame Demon and sneered: "It's really a trash, come here, grandma will give you some strength."

She continued to type on the keyboard, and a ray of light fell on the body of the Abyssal Flame Demon in an instant.


Combat Tips: Please note that the Abyssal Balrog has received the blessing of the wind and has an action speed of 100!

"Die me!"

The Abyssal Flame Demon roared again and again. This time it was even faster. The "Peng Peng Peng" fire punches almost instantly exploded for more than ten times. Xiao Jiu and I couldn't react as much as they were tumbling away. The health bar dropped for the first time. At the point of 14, I quickly drank a bottle of level 10 life potion, and the blood bar instantly recovered to 69, which was quite gratifying.

But in front of him, the flames continued to punch, and the 99th floor of the abyss, which was originally small in space, had become a small world of the abyss flame demon.

"That does not work!"

I rushed forward in the z-shape,

Being constantly forced back by the gust of flames, he shouted in a low voice: "Star Eye, build a stone forest on the map, and provide me with a shelter!"

"Yes, Skywalker!"

The star eye inherits and merges with the fire of the Ark civilization. The calculation speed is fast. In a blink of an eye, the terrain in front of you is "pumppeng". I can't see the front, the z-position that just fits me rush forward!


The Abyssal Flame Demon roared and raised his arms together: "Break Lao Tzu!"

A burst of flames burst out, crackling the stone forest to pieces, but the moment it smashed a piece of stone forest, I was already on its side, and I took advantage of the situation to kill indiscriminately, and Xiao Jiu’s three figures also appeared. Three directions, output together.


The female guide Lin Lu became angry, with **** flapping like a butterfly, and continued to modify the program, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth: "I just don't believe it, but you can't help Ouyang Luli!"

The next moment, the earth trembled and the stone forests collapsed. She actually gave the map a high-level earthquake effect. Not only that, the abyss stone roads on the 9598 layer above began to burst, turning into stone swords and flying towards me and Xiao on the ground. Nine, the map is completely manipulated, and every factor and every detail is aimed at killing us.

"So shameless!"

I gritted my teeth and said, "Star Eye, a gust of wind blows the stone towards the Abyssal Flame Demon!"

"Yes, Skywalker."

Just when Xiao Jiu and I were tumbling at the bottom to avoid the stone sword in the air, countless gusts of wind surged, making people unable to open their eyes, but the stone swords in the air seemed to have eyes, and they flew towards the abyss. Demon, after a mess, the blood bar of the Abyssal Flame Demon looked like a pump, which looked really cool.

Xiao Jiu and I continued to kill. Skills such as the Three Disasters of Karma, Water in a Cloth, Front of the Hunter, and Dragon Strike did not stop. The white-clothed eyes contained a sword at every turn, which made the Abyssal Flame Demon feel painful every time. Can cause nearly a million damage, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com can't stand the market-level boss at all!

At the same time, the stone swords in the sky and the stone forests on the ground are constantly growing, making the living environment of the Abyssal Balrog even more precarious.

"Huh, playing with climate and terrain, right?"

Lin Lu gritted her teeth and crackled with her fingers. In a blink of an eye, the earth trembled again, and dense volcanic craters appeared at the bottom of the abyss. In fact, although Lin Lu gained control of the map, he could only modify some of the terrain, landforms, and climate of the map. At most, he could add a blessing effect to the boss. There was no decisive authority. Otherwise, he would directly enter the command, "July Liuhuoyuan" Death" is over.

My permissions are actually the same. I can only fine-tune and modify the map, but I cannot fundamentally modify the map. That is something that can be done only by moving the code at the cornerstone level.

But in this way, soldiers come to cover the water and earth, but it is not a problem.

"Playing with volcanoes?"

While evading, I attacked, and at the same time said in a deep voice, "Star Eye, provoke the lightning from the upper level, and smash the Abyssal Balrog to death."

"Yes, guide!"

In the next second, countless lightning bolts in the air fell in the air under the traction of a certain mysterious force, as dense as the roots of a clump of trees, just like this "pumppeng" continuously blasted on the body of the abyssal fire demon, one The skin was broken in time, and the entire bottom space was full of burnt smell, and the speed at which the blood bar fell even more terrifying.

"I rely on... what happened to the lower level?"

In the guild channel, Qing Deng murmured, obviously, everyone was shocked by the dramatic changes in front of them.

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