Zhan Yue

Chapter 1425: Abyss Mace

Latest URL: "Scared?"

The Abyssal Flame Demon suddenly raised his head, and he saw the azure blue ball above his head. It was like a force from outside the world. It was enough to kill everything. In an instant, the Abyssal Flame Demon was like a big enemy, and his body quickly swelled to a few. At a height of one hundred meters, there was a roar at the vitality bomb, and countless abyssal flames spewed out of his mouth to rush the vitality bomb back.

But Chong can't go back.


The vitality bomb smashed down, directly smashing the abyssal flames, and then slammed into the body of the abyss flame demon, the big BOSS on the 99th floor of the abyss lifted his hands, trying to push the vitality bomb , But no matter where it can be supported, both arms were first turned into ashes under the burning of the vitality bomb, and then the whole body died out. With a loud noise, the vitality bomb smashed into the depths of the earth, destroying the body of the abyss flame demon. It was smashed into pieces, and it was annihilated little by little.


In the air, the body of the Abyssal Balrog had died out, and only a trace of dust suddenly burst out a large pile of trophies and fell to the ground. I flew to the ground with a swift eye, and quickly volleyed a blood-red key into my hand. It is the key to the abyss. For players in the national server, the trap of the abyss has actually collapsed at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, standing in a pile of equipment rain, calculating the gains from killing the BOSS this time, it was a pity that there was no equipment at the market level, but there were two mountains and seas——

[Blood Fiend Helmet]: Level 355, mountain and sea level armor head

[Phantom Feather]: Level 355, mountain and sea level robe

[God War Cloak]: Level 355, prehistoric-level cloak

[God War Boots]: 355, prehistoric cloth shoes

[God War Bracers]: Level 355, Primordial Grade Cloth Armor Bracers


This kind of gain can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, not as much as I imagined, but it is not too small. The mountain and sea level itself is a top-level outfit. What can I think of two at a time?

It's about to end!

After tidying up the gold coins, I took out the Abyss Key from the package and used it without hesitation. I am in the mood to use it for a while, but the players in the national server are all in the torment of "cannot leave the map", the official destiny Even more, every second is being spit, verbally criticized, at this time, there is no delay, so that father and sister will not be allowed to bear so much.

At the moment when the key was activated, a ray of golden ripples swayed, and a "swish" turned into a storm and swept across the entire 99th floor. All the abyss monsters turned into fiery red dust and were sucked into the big hole in the ground, from bottom to top, the entire abyss The monsters inside are disappearing quickly.


System Announcement: Please note to all brave players. If the player [July Flowing Fire] successfully uses the [Abyss Key], this map will be closed in 10 minutes, and all players will be delivered to their respective main cities. Please prepare early to avoid Cause unnecessary losses!


In the real-time screen, the players on the first, second, and third floors of the abyss cheered. Many people yelled up to the sky, "You can finally leave this ghost place", although the resources of the abyss are the most abundant since the opening of the national service, and there are a lot of treasures dropped, such as the 280-level abyssal warhorse, the 280-level skill book, and the gem , 355-level top weapons, etc., but the suffocation caused by the inability to leave the map is not something that anyone can bear. Those with a big heart can continue to level with peace of mind. Those with a less heart may go offline for many days, and the dust will settle and come back. Up.

I took a deep breath and looked up at the sky, finally it was over.

Ten minutes later, his body lightened, he was directly teleported out of the abyss, and randomly teleported to a certain public coordinate in Fanshu City. It happened to land on the street not far from the palace and the Great Sanctuary. "The ray of light shone down, it was the picture of the player being teleported back, followed by a ring of bells reverberating over the main city for a long time—


System announcement: Congratulations to all the braves. With everyone’s joint efforts, the [Abyss] version of the mission was successfully completed. We not only disintegrated a catastrophe from the abyss, but also defeated the abyssal flame demon, and won a short time for the Moon Continent. peace! Among them, the player [July Flowing Fire] has outstanding military exploits, ranking first in the standings, and get rewards: level +2 (withstanding the effect of level suppression), charm value +60, dragon domain merit +600W, merit value +6 billion, gold coins + 240W, and get additional rewards: equipped with [Abyss Mace] (master level), the player [Dawn of Purgatory] ranked second in the standings, rewards: level +4 (withstand level suppression effects), charm value +50, reputation value + 15W, merit value +5 billion, gold coins +160W, and get additional rewards: [Rain God Boots] (Return to Ruins Level), player [Lin Xi] ranks third in the standings, reward: Level +3 (withstand level suppression Effect), Charisma Value +40, Reputation Value +12W, Merit Value +4 billion, Gold Coins +120W, and additional rewards: [Dragon Boots] (Return to Market Level). The remaining top 10 players in order are: Xpress , Feng Canghai, Martian River, Mingyue, Yanshi does not attack, Yanshi has no plan, and the moon is like water. All players will receive their own equivalent mission rewards!


Not far away, Lin Xi galloped in small steps, holding a pair of flame-shrouded combat boots, and smiled: "Look, I got a pair of level 320 boots for the market. The attributes are super good!"


I touched her head and said, "Should you be all in one body, right now?"


"It's still a bit short."

I took a look at the statistics and said, "I should be the one with the strongest equipment in the national suit. I am in Qigui Ruins, followed by Dawn of Purgatory, and Wugui Ruins. Wife, your equipment is a little worse than Song Yan. "

"It's okay, take your time."

She held the long sword, and the corners of her mouth raised: "The combat effectiveness is indeed a little worse, but you can ask Song Yan, what is the chance of winning against me?"

I was speechless for a while, which really made her right. Marksman VS Warrior was originally a 50-50 situation. Although Song Yan’s equipment is strong, his skills are a bit inferior, especially when Lin Xi is in the case of Kai Baishen. In addition to the existence of control system skills like Blazing Swordsman, if Song Yanzhen wants to fight Lin Xi one-on-one, his chances of winning will not exceed 30%. His strength lies in the battlefield control during team battles. A top heavy gunner, in guild battles. The hands-on effect of is actually slightly more than that of Lin Xi, this is undeniable.

"Where is your master class?"

Lin Xi excitedly said with a smile: "The first dominance level in the whole server, will you open my eyes if you don't take it out?"


I took out my reward for this version of the event from the package, which is also the reward for the biggest winner. A master-level equipment. After taking it out, it is a retro-style mace weapon, like a sword but not a sword, like a stick. It is not a stick, a kind of iron whip blade. I know a little about this knowledge. After the ancient armor prevailed, the role of swords on the battlefield became less and less, so mace, hammer, and long handle began to appear. Tomahawks and other heavy weapons, the main method of killing is no longer the cutting and stabbing of the sword, but the "smashing". All of a sudden, you will eat a pot regardless of whether you wear armor or not, and the abyss mace in front of you is exactly this. Types of weapons.

One-handed mace, the whole body is flowing with colorful treasures, and the mace body has very delicate patterns, as if it is a new treasure, exuding an extremely majestic atmosphere.

Lin Xi stroked the abyss mace with one hand, and said with a smile: "As you can imagine, it must be super powerful..."

I nodded: "It's true, let me see how powerful it is?"

"Hurry up!"

Reaching out, the attributes of the abyss mace floated before us. As the first sword master treasure of the whole server, it really surprised Lin Xi and me——

[Abyss Mace] (Master Level): A fairy-level magical weapon, a remnant of the ancient heavenly court in the legend. It was once the weapon of the ruler of the heavenly court. It can be refined into a destiny. The abyss contains extremely deep magical powers. When refining is successful, when you use it to attack the target, you can directly discover and fully expose the opponent's weakness, and, holding the abyss mace, you can easily understand the missing parts of any rule of the road, which can be described as infinite!


"Magic weapon?" Lin Xi was surprised.

"It doesn't seem to be a magic weapon."

I frowned and said, "A general magic weapon is not qualified to be refined into a life thing. This abyssal mace looks a bit back then, and it can also understand the lack of avenues. For me... there may be huge ones in the future. usefulness!"


Lin Xi pressed my hand, stuffed the abyss mace back into my package, looked around, and smiled: "If this is the case, don't put it away quickly, don't forget the old admonition of not revealing money!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

I nodded again and again: "My wife said yes!"

She yawned and said, "Too tired, I'm going to sleep, how about you?"

"I'm going to sleep, too. The level is too high now. Killing a ruins-level BOSS alone, coupled with the reward for the first place, has only risen to a mere level 3, and it's meaningless to consume it online."


She looked at the level above my head: "It's level 348, what else is it hypocritical?"

I laughed, bowed my head and kissed her on the cheek.

Lin Xi was unprepared, her cheek was red, but she said solemnly: "After the level is high enough, the level punishment seems to be getting heavier and heavier. This event logically says that you should at least be promoted to level 5-7. In the end, there were only two levels. The level rewards of Song Yan and I were also cut off a bit. It will definitely become harder and harder to level up in the future."

"Um~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I nodded: "Off-line to sleep, have a good lunch tomorrow? "



Looking at the abyss mace again, I couldn't make up my mind for a while, whether to refine this abyss mace into a natal thing, and how to refine it specifically, this is a question, let's not rush it, and rest after you get better. Go online, ask Senior Sister Yun, she has already refined the ginkgo umbrella as her destiny, and she is an expert in it. Asking her is the most suitable.

As a result, they were off the assembly line in the city, and in Yilu Guild, everyone was saying good night to each other. After walking in the abyss for so many days, everyone was exhausted and needed a good night's sleep.


Before going offline, he looked up at the sky, and the sky was calm.

I frowned, Starlink is all-pervasive, always controlling this game, it seems...I should also take the initiative to find a change, otherwise every step is controlled by others, which is not good!

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