Zhan Yue

Chapter 1426: Transfer permissions

Latest URL: the next day.

When I slept until 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the masters of the God Transformation Realm really wanted to sleep. It was also quite scary. No matter whether it was sleepy or not, I just wanted to sleep.

After waking up, the auntie Shaocai also delivered the dishes, and today she cooked a mushroom stew ingeniously. After a new rain, fresh wild mushrooms picked from Xishan were chopped and stewed with eggs. The taste was just right. Spread a spoonful of rice on top of the rice, and the speed of cooking the rice is much faster than usual. It is very delicious.

So, after I ate three bowls of rice, Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan were dumbfounded, while Gu Ruyi squinted and chuckled, looking like he was accustomed to.

"Lin Xi!"

When the aunt picked up the dishes, she smiled and said, "Did you not feed Lu Li recently? You think he was hungry..."


Lin Xitan opened her mouth slightly, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

And I wiped my mouth and said, "Okay, I'm going online and continue to be busy, regardless of you."

"go Go."



After the successful launch, the characters appeared on the East Gate Plaza. As usual, A Fei directly raised his hand and smiled to say hello: "You got up so late today? There was a heavy rain in the middle of the night last night. Could it be that in this stormy night, you have already Give Lin Xi..."

"To shut up!"

I glared at him, a little bit ashamed into anger, anxious, who didn't let me succeed yet, in this regard, A Fei is indeed my ancestor.

Nanmu laughed haha, "I told you to talk too much!"

As he said, he waved at me: "Boss, my level 10 life potion has been shipped again, don't you add?"

"I really need a little bit."

I glanced at the package and said, "You said that in the battle with the Abyssal Balrog yesterday, only a dozen bottles of life potions were consumed... Nanmu, to be honest, there is no such potion from you. , Tens of millions of the national service are still trapped in the abyss map, and they can't get out at all. It can be said that you are the savior of the national service this time."

A Fei was stunned: "The social status of this licking dog is already so high?"

Nanmu Keyi was excited at first, then excited, and then calmed down, his face was awe-inspiring, and he smiled: "In fact, the boss can single out the market-level BOSS only because of his own strength. You can say it is mine. These 200 bottles of life potions helped the boss and saved the national service, but you can’t say that these 200 bottles of life potions are the savior of the national service. After all, life potions can’t kill the boss. I can tell how big the credit is, so boss , You are the savior of the national service, my little brother is just helping you!"

A Fei gave a thumbs up: "CNMD, if I had this eloquence, I would have reached the pinnacle of life..."

I grinned: "Yes, young man, guard against arrogance and rashness, there will be a bright future! Let me take a look, and when our guild corps is restructured in the future, I will give you a legion commander!"


Nanmu Keyi clapped his hands: "Come on, boss, there are 400 bottles of level 10 life potions here, please accept it!"

I give money as usual: "Don't say you don't need money, otherwise I can't ask for it."


He collects a cost, and that's good, everyone can get along in their hearts.

So, I repaired the equipment and said, "Okay, I'm leaving, there are other things to be busy, you two continue to do business."

"Goodbye boss!"


Teleport, Dragon Domain!

After a flash of light, the character appeared in the dragon realm. The moment I appeared, two dragon knights saluted together, and one of them said: "Is your lord going to see Lord Yunyue? She is checking the situation of the young dragon in the back mountain. It."

"Okay, thank you, I'll go look for her."


The body swirled, turned into a rainbow light and rushed towards the back mountain of the Dragon Realm. Before she could reach the position of Senior Sister Yun, she turned and flew over. Sure enough, it was in a valley on the back mountain of the Dragon Realm. On both sides of the mountain walls are full of giant dragon nests. At this time, many young dragons who have just given birth are crying, and some have already shown marks on their heads, swearing allegiance to the dragon domain.

Senior Sister Yun stood hanging in the air, beside the silver dragon queen Sylvia who had stepped into the Quasi-God Realm, there was also Lan Che in the Immortal Realm, and the three giants of the Dragon Realm were all there.

"Junior Brother, what's the matter?"

Senior Sister Yun turned around and asked with a smile.

"A big event."

I looked around and said, "Build a world?"

"it is good."

With a wave of her hand, a sword formation surged out of us from all directions, forming a small world belonging to Senior Sister Yun. In this world, she is a god-like existence, and at this time, this place has been isolated from the world, outsiders No more insight into the slightest here.

"Say it."

She chuckled softly: "What the **** is it so troublesome?"


I took out the abyss mace directly from the package, and said, "This is the treasure I obtained in the depths of the abyss this time. I am a little undecided now. Sister, do you think I should refine this abyss mace into a destiny? ?"


She stretched out her hand and stroked her jaw, acting almost exactly the same as Lin Xi, a pair of beautiful eyes flowed with shock, and said: "I didn't expect that the relics in the ancient heavenly court would actually appear on the Moon Continent. It's really not easy, Junior Brother. Did you know? The abyss world has ten treasures, and this abyss mace is both a weapon and a magic weapon. It ranks first among the ten treasures. It is a rare treasure in the world. The rank is higher than Senior Sister’s Ginkgo Sky Umbrella and Feixue Sword Array."

I was stunned slightly: "Is it so powerful? If so, let it be to Senior Sister, maybe she can step into the Ascendant Realm after refining the abyss mace into her own life. Then why should I improve myself, Senior Sister alone? One sword can solve all problems."

She couldn't help but smile: "Brother, Senior Sister has been unable to ascend for a long time. That's because Senior Sister's heart demon has nothing to do with her natal objects and magical artifacts. Senior Sister's current level of cultivation has almost been digging out, even if it is. After refining this abyss mace, it is not much improved, but you, you have now steadily completed in the immortal realm. Once you refine this abyss mace, it is very likely that you will step into the quasi-divine realm automatically. At that time, we Doesn’t the Dragon Region have one more Quasi-God Realm?"

I took a deep breath: "Can I really refine this abyss?"

"Yes, and it must be refined."

Senior Sister Yun smiled and nodded, and said: "You can get this abyss mace in the abyss, it means that the fate has arrived. Since the fate is near, you must never turn away. Besides, this abyss mace is a rare treasure in the world. Once the refining is successful, it will make it easier for you to see the truth of everything in the world, and it will be of great benefit for you to sit on the wall of heaven in the future and possess the abyss mace."

Sister Yun really understands everything.

I was a little speechless: "Well, I see."

"Refining and chemical matters must be handled as major events."

Senior Sister Yun looked at the north faintly, and said: "Once you refine the abyssal mace, the treasure that affects the luck of a world, the thrones of the north will definitely be able to sense it, so you will either choose to stay in Xiyue or stay in the dragon domain. Don't go to other places for refining, otherwise it is extremely likely to cause unnecessary trouble for yourself."

"Got it."

I nodded: "If I were outside, Lin Hai would definitely not let me refine the abyss, right?"


I took a deep breath: "Then choose a good day and auspicious day, and then I will refining in the Dragon Realm, and ask the senior sister to protect me."

"it is good!"

At this moment, a ringtone was connected to the game, this time from my sister Ouyang Nayan: "Are you free in the afternoon? If you have time, come to the company headquarters. There is a very important meeting at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I didn't want you to listen, but this matter is too involved, and you are also a party, so come here?"

"I see, come right away!"

"Well, hurry up, time is running out."

"it is good."

I looked up at Senior Sister Yun, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister is waiting for me in Longyu. I will come after I have handled some trivial matters."



After talking to Lin Xi, he went offline.

I drove straight to the company. Fortunately, the road in the afternoon was not too congested. I had already arrived at the company’s downstairs garage before the meeting started. Xiao Bai was waiting for me on the first floor, holding a stack of documents in his arms, and said, "Go Let's go, I'll take you to the confidential meeting hall."

I feel annoyed that I have to use a conference hall of that level. It seems that it is really the top secret event of the Tianming Group, otherwise it would not be the case.

Go upstairs and enter the confidential conference hall after passing the triple security check.


It’s a round conference table, but everyone here is a big boss, including father and sister, several of the largest shareholders of the Tianming Group are there, and there is also the director of the technical department, and the key person named Huang Runsen is also there. In addition, there are three big figures with a sense of leadership. One of them is a bit familiar to me. It should be an official in charge of domestic game operations.

"sit down."

My sister pulled a chair away.


I sat down quietly and didn’t say a word. It’s better for my father and sister to speak more in meetings of this level. As for me, although I am qualified to speak, I don’t need to speak when it is unnecessary. It's a trump card in the family, a realm of transforming gods, with a hand holding the most advanced technology on earth.

"Go ahead?" A leader nodded at his father.

"Um~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time, my father personally presided over the meeting, saying: "The reason why this confidential meeting is set to such a high level is mainly because the abyss map is opened. The map has always been opened by In the process of automatic deduction by the main brain, our company has never intervened in the operation, because everything has been designed in advance, even if we modify some programs, we will proceed under the default of the main brain. "

He slowly tapped the table case with the back of his finger and said: "But this time there was a big trouble. Most of the players in the national server were trapped in the abyss map, unable to return to the main city, and unable to leave. The bad influence, the complaints we received in the previous week even exceeded all since we started the game! Therefore, we now start to consider whether the mastermind of our previous design can dominate the game world. If the events of Li Xiaoyao, Fang Geque, and Han Yixiao happen again, how can our Tianming Group be worthy of these players who love our games?"

A shareholder frowned: "President Feng, just tell me, what's the decision?"

"Hand over mastermind authority."

The father said in a deep voice: "Give the data of the entire Magic Moon game to my son Ouyang Luli's Star Eye system for hosting!"

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