Zhan Yue

Chapter 1432: Merit chart

Latest URL: "Huh!"

It descended from the sky, a straight line, and it fell on the steps of the ancestral temple deep in the palace.

At this time, all the officials were here. Lin Hui, Zhang Lingyue, Wang Shuang, and Nangong Chi were all in the same position. In addition, there were many civil and military officials. In front, there was a magnificent and solemn building, an ancestral temple. In the place of the king, in the past, when Xuanyuanying and Xuanyuanli were present, before each large-scale expedition, they had to burn incense to worship their ancestors and pray for blessing in the ancestral temple.

Now, where is this trouble?

I went up the steps step by step, and smiled: "What is this for?"

Lin Hui frowned and said: "I will wait for your majesty's edict. When the four sacred mountains of the empire are established, my majesty will go to the ancestral temple to pay homage, and it is good to leave this note on the merit map, but... the ancestors who guard the ancestral temple, etc. , Actually didn't let us in, they said..."

He hesitated.

I smiled and said, "They said that I am not from the Xuanyuan clan, so I am not qualified to enter the ancestral temple?"

"Yes, please calm down your anger."

"I am not angry."

With a wave of my hand, I walked ahead, leading the officials to the ancestral temple along the steps.

At the end of the steps, there is a forest of clan soldiers. They are all clan soldiers wearing cyan armor. They are responsible for guarding the ancestral temple. It is about the imperial forest army in the imperial forest army. Just behind the clan soldiers, there are a group of clan members. The so-called clan is the royal family. , Are people in Xuanyuanying's line, and they hold considerable power in the empire, and sometimes they can even influence some important decisions in the court.

A group of people in the clan, headed by a man wearing a king's robe and gray beard.

Mingyang Wang Xuanyuanyi, the younger brother of Xuanyuanying’s mother, was killed by the "bandits" on the way to Yunxi province at Xuanyuanli, Xuanyuanying should have been the most powerful person in the Xuanyuan clan, and now he is also the leader of the entire clan. Sheep, the real patriarch, naturally, the person whose surname is Xuanyuan, the person who is most hostile is definitely me, who does not have the surname Xuanyuan but "steals the Dragon Court".

"King Ming Yang!"

I stepped up the steps to the crowd, ignoring the confrontation of the swords of a group of soldiers, clasped my fists and smiled: "Why is this? Lin Xiang just wants to leave a fortune on the merit chart. The empire casts four mountains and guards the world. This Shouldn’t the merits be left on the merit map of the ancestral temple?"

Xuanyuanyi frowned: "If you don't have the surname Xuanyuan, you can't enter the ancestral temple. This is a rule set by your ancestors. It's not that Xuanyuanyi is embarrassing you. It's just that the rules are here. No one can trample on it at will."


Behind him, someone flocked and said indignantly: "If you are not surnamed Xuanyuan, what qualifications do you have to enter my Xuanyuan's ancestral temple, and let our ancestors see outsiders stealing the throne?"

They are spitting stars, angry but timid.

"Good job."

I nodded and smiled, and said, "I really don't have the surname Xuanyuan. I can't help it. If I don't have the right to go in to worship the ancestors, I don't have the right. If I don't go in, let Lin Hui's courtiers go in and write the merit chart. Is that OK?"


Xuanyuanyi frowned and said: "After each of the merits in the merit map is written, it must be signed and sealed by the emperor. I dare to ask, if Xuanyuan casts the merits of the Four Sacred Mountains, if the name of the seal is not Xuanyuan The emperor of Clan, is this in line with the etiquette system?"

"Then what to do?"

I laughed and said, "Fei Emperor Xuanyuanli has been killed by bandits on the way to Yunxi Province. Although I am sad and indignant, there is nothing I can do. I can't resurrect Xuanyuanli and let him sign the casting. The merit map of the Four Sacred Mountains."


Wang Shuang raised his hand and said with a sneer: "King Mingyang, there are some things you must not forget. The four imperial mountains are all presided over by the Emperor Xiaoyao. The last Xiyue is presided over by the current His Majesty Liuhuo. No matter how meritorious is Xuanyuanli's dead ghost? Besides, isn't the merit of a foreign surname counted as merit?"


Nangong Chi frowned and said, "In this world, there are no courtiers with tens of thousands of surnames working together. Can the Xuanyuan family really last forever? I don’t think it’s necessarily. The Great Emperor Longwu once said, "to rule the world together with scholars and warriors?" When you get to Xuanyuanyi's place, what your emperor brother says is nothing? Does the merit chart belong to the Xuanyuan family?"

"Rules are rules!"

Xuanyuanyi suddenly lifted a golden halberd in his hand, and said, "Here is the Shenlong Ge bestowed by the ancestors. Who dares to make a mistake? Seeing Shenlong Ge and seeing the ancestor the great emperor, even if the emperor Xuanyuanying is still there, he will be polite. Well, you, Liuhuo the great emperor with a foreign surname, dare to break into the ancestral temple forcibly?"

"Don't break, don't break."

I shook my head and smiled. Then I reached out and pointed at the soldiers on both sides of Xuanyuanyi. My voice began to turn cold, and said, "Xuanyuanyi is King Mingyang. I dare not move him. But you sergeants who guard the ancestral temple will keep you open. Dog eyes, you are pointing your sword at your majesty today, do you... want to die?"

"Come on!"

Zhang Lingyue, Lingyue's father, gently raised his hand and said, "I am the guards of the Iron Infantry Camp and the Shen Gong Camp, come on to me, and those who dare to use their swords against your Majesty, directly kill them!"


Thousands of soldiers flocked to the ancestral temple.

Suddenly, a group of armored soldiers who originally supported Xuanyuanyi dropped their swords, and they did not dare to put on the appearance of a dead fish. It was really going to fight. The thousands of armored soldiers who guarded the ancestral temple were not enough to kill, and the fighting power was useless in front of the Liuhuo Legion. That's it.

I took a deep breath and said, "King Mingyang, I didn’t intend to make things too bad. I don’t care if you guard your ancestral temple. As a foreigner, I really don’t want to enter the ancestral temple, but you should not influence my work. Important things like casting the four mountains must be left on the merit chart, and you have to leave it whether you want it or not."

"You..." Xuanyuanyi's body trembled slightly, he was indeed old, and his cultivation level was not good enough to be able to stay young forever.

I waved my hand gently, and said, "The reason why I didn’t order the iron rider to step down to the ancestral temple is because the first emperor Xuanyuanying, who regarded him as a nephew, must maintain this respect. The ancestral temple is the ancestor of the Xuanyuan clan and I can’t move, so Make each other’s steps. I don’t enter the ancestral temple. On the contrary, you take out the merit chart and we write merits outside the ancestral temple. How about?"

"No way!"

Xuanyuanyi was already trembling: "The emperor of the merit chart must have a foreign surname on the seal!"


I waved my hand: "Lin Hui, send someone to pick up the Crown Prince Xuanyuanji, and let him sign the seal after the merit chart is completed."


I looked at Xuanyuanyi again and said, "I have given in to this point. If you are aggressive, I will kill you!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Lingyue and Wang Shuang both showed hideous faces.

Xuanyuanyi had nothing to say, and could only sit on the steps with a group of people from the ancestral temple.

After waiting for a while, the prince Xuanyuanji was taken over. Although he was young, he was dressed in a Confucian shirt. He saluted immediately after seeing me and shouted to see your majesty. This made a group of Xuanyuan people extremely unhappy, and I was even more unhappy. This emperor is really aggrieved. Xuanyuanying asked me to be a strong man at the beginning. I had known that I would directly establish Xuanyuan as the new emperor. I would become the regent and take charge of the court. It was just that, I was sealed by the emperor. Xiyue should not be as strong as it is now. The strength of the emperor can also affect the luck of mountains and rivers. There is no doubt about this.

"Lin Xiang."

I also sat down on the steps and asked: "What will be the effect after writing the merit chart?"

Lin Hui respectfully bowed his hand and said: "The merit map is a god-given thing that can reflect the existence of heaven. Once we write on the merit map, we will cast the merits of the four sacred mountains. This merit will reach the will of heaven, and then the heaven will feed back the earth. The higher the merit, the stronger the backfeed. Perhaps, our Xuanyuan Empire can still gain more energy."

"Well, does it make a difference who signs it?"


Lin replied: "The Emperor Longwu Xuanyuan Ying, as the Emperor of Zhongxing, once signed and sealed a merit to open up southern Xinjiang, and was rebutted by heaven. Therefore, our Yunxi Province and Lingnan Province have been in good weather every year and have become the imperial empire. The granary, with great luck, these two provinces have also become the first of the major provinces of the empire. The higher the merit and the tenacity of the sealer, the more God will feed back. This should be the case."

I secretly said, "Since there are so many benefits, Xuanyuanji still signs a fart, and I will secretly give it to me later, and I will sign it myself."

Lin Hui couldn't help but smile: "Yes, the minister takes the order!"

Soon after, a four-meter-high, six-meter-long golden dragon wall was lifted out of the ancestral temple. There were densely packed texts on it. Each paragraph was a merit, so this dragon wall was called a merit chart. At that time, Prime Minister Lin came forward, running the true meaning of Confucianism in his handwriting, and quickly left a paragraph about casting four mountains in the merit chart.


At the moment when Lin Hui finished writing, a powerful golden light soared into the sky, and the resonance was extremely strong. God's will had already understood everything about casting the four mountains, and the surrounding world became dim, and only the figure of merit bloomed with glow and buzzing sound. , A long and ancient voice came from the air—

"For those who cast the Four Mountains, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will flow in July, come forward to sign!"

Gee, God's will is clear!

I stepped forward and raised my eyebrows at a group of people in the ancestral temple, and said, "I can only sign the seal by myself. Do you want to continue? If you violate God's will, I will help God kill you all."

Everyone shivered, and no one spoke.

I slowly stepped forward, holding a brush, doing my best, and using my strongest pen power, I wrote the four words "July Flowing Fire" under the merit text. At the moment of completion, the sun shines brightly, and the seal is completed instantly. , Lin Hui immediately affixed the seal of "Liuhuo the Great" with the new seal engraving, and another ray of glow rose into the sky. In a blink of an eye, above the sky, countless rains of luck that turned into Xiahui fell on the four directions, respectively. Xiyue, Nanyue, Beiyue, and Dongyue feed back this land.

In just this moment, the Qi Luck possessed by the Four Mountains once again increased by at least 30%, and I am afraid that even Lin Hai, Fertuna, and Charles will be fearless when they join forces with Wenjian.

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