Zhan Yue

Chapter 1433: Disaster is approaching

Latest URL: "It's done!"

The new prime minister Lin turned his face excited and said: "Your Majesty, the merit chart has been recast!"

"Well, send it back to the ancestral temple."

I waved my hand lightly, then looked at Xuanyuanyi, and said, "King Mingyang, can I have a chat?"


The garden on the west side of the ancestral temple.

The imperial guards had all been taken away by Zhang Lingyue, and the soldiers of the ancestral temple did not follow, so there were only me and Mingyang Wang Xuanyuanyi in the entire forest.

He furrowed his brows, presumably he was not ordinary nervous, and said, "Great Emperor Liuhuo, are you trying to kill me?"


I shook my head, looked at Zhaoxia in the distance while pacing slowly, and said, "When Emperor Xuanyuanying was alive, King Mingyang and I used to stand together in the court hall. Although we disagree with each other in political views, there should be some colleagues. The friendship between me? What's going on today? King Ming Yang led the clan to make trouble so that he was worried that I, the Great Emperor Liuhuo, would lead the Xuanyuan Empire to destruction?"

Xuanyuanyi's face was covered with clouds, and said, "Not so..."

I smiled, stopped to look at him, and said, "If this is the case, why bother? I am worried that I, the emperor, will be the emperor for too long, and the Xuanyuan clan will lose the power of life and death in the empire?"

Xuanyuanyi's expression was stunned, and he was obviously right. His expression was disturbed, and said: "The Xuanyuan Empire is named Xuanyuan after all. Although your majesty is comparable to Emperor Longwu in martial arts, his majesty is a foreigner. People in the world don’t know that the Xuanyuan Empire is still surnamed Xuanyuan. Moreover, there are so many cronies of Emperor Liuhuo in the court, such as Duke Lingyue, Duke Chiyang, Duke Yinping, and the new minister of Lin Hui, in case one day They rejected all the arguments and asked your Majesty to be a long-term emperor. Where should the Xuanyuan clan go?"

As he said, he took a step back, clasped his fist and said, "Xuanyuanyi is a reckless person. I thought of this so I did this. Now I have said it. If your Majesty does not allow me, please give me Xuanyuanyi to death. Complaint."

"Not enough."

I smiled and said, "Since King Mingyang opened the skylight to speak brightly like this, then I should also speak brightly?"

Xuanyuanyi was startled: "Your Majesty, please say!"


I nodded: "Actually, I have never been greedy for this throne. To me, the emperor Liuhuo's emperor is just pressure, so I will definitely not be the emperor for a long time. The time for my abdication will only be advanced, not delayed. , Do you understand what I mean?"

"The minister understands."

I took a deep look at him, and said, "There is one more thing I must alert King Mingyang beforehand, so that you won't mistake yourself in the future."

Xuanyuanyi's body trembled: "Your Majesty, please say..."

"Don't take authority."

I said lightly: "Even if I abdicated and the new emperor Xuanyuanji is still young, you don't think you can do it as a grandfather. The prime minister's mansion and the three gongs will naturally assist the new emperor until the new emperor can govern. It's your Xuanyuan clan, but if you Xuanyuanyi dare to confuse the clan members to fight for power and hold Xuanyuanji, your Xuanyuanyi really has only a dead end."

He hurriedly knelt on his knees: "The minister... the minister dare not!"

"Just don't dare."

I looked down at his eyes and said: "Although power is good, you must at least be able to control it. When I was the Great Emperor Liuhuo, I will arrange everything in the country and make the Xuanyuan Empire prosperous and powerful. Ma Zhuang, the prime minister's house will also formulate a series of policies for governing the country. If someone in your clan can participate, I believe Lin Hui will not refuse, but if you don’t have the skills but want to be authoritarian, then I’m sorry, the world cannot tolerate you. , I can’t tolerate you either. In terms of governing the country, the prime minister’s mansion is ten times better than your clan. Those who are capable, don't mix up, and be self-aware."

Xuanyuanyi trembled and trembled: "The minister...the minister knows."


I nodded and said, "Since you are now selected as the chief of the clan, from now on you will govern the clan well, do fewer crooked ways, cultivate the next generation of Xuanyuan with all your heart, and have a few more talented people who will assist the new emperor Xuanyuan in the future. Extremely, understand?"

"Yes, the minister abides by the decree!"

"Go ahead."

Seeing Xuanyuanyi’s departing figure respectfully, I couldn’t help but laugh at myself. I was obviously just a simple-minded player, but I was forced by the background story to become such an emperor who is good at manipulating power and people’s hearts. This is Are the legendary people in the arena and involuntary?


Going straight to the sky, now that the ancestral temple affairs have been settled, all the affairs of the prime minister's house are in charge, and I don't need to do it myself.

Sitting on the sky, overlooking the world, my mood calmed down a little bit.

In the depths of the earth, strands of golden veins are looming, and the firewall that StarEye has deployed to the main brain system is being strengthened a little bit. The good thing is that the fewer loopholes and flaws in the main system of "The Moon", the more room for Star Alliance to intervene. The less, one day, I will completely expel the power of Starlink from this game, solve the "core" data that connects reality and virtuality, and turn this game into a game that only allows players to enjoy the virtual world. The game, not the shocking step by step in front of me.

He sighed, couldn't help but laugh, a long way to go!

By the way, today's Liuhuo Emperor's salary has not been received yet, I have it!

After the "ding" sound, the salary is successfully received, the experience value of this level +35%, the merit value +4500W, the dragon domain merit +300W, and the gold coin +400000!

At the moment when the salary was received, a ray of golden light fell from the sky and I successfully rose to level 349. Now my level is too high, and I can’t find a monster suitable for leveling from the map, so I can only rely on the salary, level 1 for three days. , It took only half a month to rise to level 355, but it was a bit of a beautiful feeling.


As I was lying on the sky and enjoying the feeling of dominating the world, an alarm sounded in my ear, followed by the voice of the star's eye: "Skywalker, real-time warning of space collisions, due to the irregular and multiple space movements. Sex change, the collision time will happen two hours later, and the collision location has been refreshed!"

"Got it!"

With a wave of my hand, I summoned a real-time image of collision warning. There was a multi-earth image in front of me. The deep red triangle exclamation points kept flashing. There were as many as 30+ collision points in this wave of collision, of which the ones on the Chinese territory were enough. There are as many as five, which are distributed over or near the five cities of Tianjin, Suzhou, Xiamen, Chengdu, and Guilin.


I directly quit the game, stepped out and returned to my room, summoned the star eye and warning system, and quickly contacted Wang Lu in the KDA base. Wang Lu almost ran to the front of the instrument with a cup of coffee, frowning: " Is there another collision?"

"Well, share it with the base immediately."

When I successfully shared the data, I immediately said to Star Eye: "Explore the other outside that collided with us in advance. I need to know the situation there in advance."

Star Eye: "Exploring..."

About half a minute later, the star eye said: "The coordinates of the plane are 24000+ light years away from the earth. The effect of the space curling effect of this collision system has caused the planet's current temperature to be minus 120 degrees Celsius, and there are signs of unusually active life. Once the collision is completed , The two seats will begin to merge, and the earth will usher in unprecedented cold and storms."


I suddenly looked up at Wang Lu’s picture and said: "Sister Wang Lu, quickly notify the Ministry of National Defense that the earth is about to usher in extremely cold and low temperature. The collision will begin two hours later. After the collision, the temperature of the earth will be severely affected. Blizzard, there will be unimaginable storms, and the global temperature will drop sharply. Immediately let the Ministry of National Defense broadcast to inform the world and the country that workers from all over the world will leave work immediately and go home to prepare for the cold. In addition, national supplies should also be prepared immediately. , Heating equipment, etc., must be prepared immediately!"

"Got it."

Wang Lu said: "I have intercepted your words and sent them to the Ministry of National Defense. Go on, what else can I say."

I turned to look at the star-eye picture: "I started to calculate right away. After the collision, how low can the lowest temperature around the earth be?"


The data in the holographic image is constantly beating. Less than five seconds later, Star Eye said: "The temperature at the collision point is estimated to reach minus 70 degrees. The temperature at the non-collision point is slightly higher, but the overall temperature will not be too high. Sixty degrees below zero!"

"Got it."

I immediately turned to look at Wang Lu, and said, "Have you heard, the temperature at the collision point has dropped to minus 70 degrees, and the non-collision point is also at least minus 60 degrees. It is July, and the world is in summer. Everyone only wears clothes. Once the temperature of thin clothing drops suddenly, many people will be directly frozen to death by naked temperature!"


Wang Lu nodded: "I will convey it to the Ministry of National Defense immediately."

I took a deep breath and said, "May I inform the Destiny Group? Directly make an announcement from the game, so that players can prepare in advance?"


Wang Lu said: "The information in the game is the fastest, go!"

"it is good."

I immediately called my sister to talk about the situation, and then said: "Sister, do you have a lot of supplies at home? Do you have food and everything?"


The elder sister said: "Ali, do you want to move home with Lin Xi and the others? I will send a driver to pick you up?"

"No, I let them drive there by themselves. It's not far anyway, but the city is probably going to be congested soon. I let them go now. Besides, I let A Fei pass too. He is alone, and I am worried that he will not be able to handle it. ."

"Okay, then I now... go home with dad right away?"

"Well, hurry, don't wait until the road is blocked, then it will be troublesome."

"Got it."

After hanging up the phone, I stepped back to the second floor of the studio, patted Lin Xi's palm lightly, and said, "Immediately, let everyone go back to the city and go offline. Something has happened. Hurry up. It's impossible to return to the city."


The next moment, the three little beauties all took off their helmets, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com. com looked at me in surprise.


I looked at them very seriously: "Have you seen the disaster film the day after tomorrow?"

"Have seen..." They nodded.

"Our day after tomorrow will be here soon."

I frowned and said, "Now I will go back to my room and pack up winter clothes. The more the better, get out as quickly as possible, drive to my house, and I will call A Fei to pass."

"Really?" Lin Xi asked.


"Quickly, ready." Lin Xi had no doubts.

I called A Fei and immediately went to the balcony, looking at the cloudless sky in the hot summer, I couldn't help feeling angry.

You just want to ruin us like this, so let's just let it go if you have any abilities!

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