Zhan Yue

Chapter 1435: Arctic Planet

In the air, benzene ring-shaped cracks appeared along with the annihilation of the space, leading directly to another world, as if a certain restriction hidden in the space was completely opened. Then, the sky within a few miles was opened. This space collision is obviously far better than any previous collision, and half of the sky in front of you has been knocked through.

The extremely cold air rushes over the sky and the earth, and the Taihu Lake freezes instantly!


Above the watch, the voice of Star Eye came: "Collision at the core position, the temperature is about to reach 70 degrees Celsius!"

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I shouted in a low voice: "Be careful, everyone, everyone will be energized at once, and resist the low temperature with the sun and fire throughout the whole process!"


Standing on the ice layer, Qin Feng, Wang Lu, Haotian and others immediately swelled with Yang Yanjin, turning into clusters of figures standing in the flames, each offering their swords, as if facing a big enemy, I would waver. The divine power of transforming the realm of the gods without surprise, strands of golden cuneiform characters looming around the body, can also have the effect of absolutely resisting the severe cold.

Farther away, there were armored vehicles on the lakeside. Many soldiers who had put on winter clothes in advance had already entered a state of alert.

"What will it be?"

As the leader of the KDA Sunan Base, Qin Feng is now standing by my side, looking up at the sky, and saying, "What kind of existence will multiply in such a cold world?"

"Who knows!"

I frowned, raised my hand and drew the sword Xiaobai out of the void, the power of the transformation surging, immediately coated the sword with a layer of golden luster, and the whole person was like a **** descending from the world, becoming the KDA side without a doubt. Mainstay.


Just as we all squinted our eyes to resist the wind and snow, a terrifying sound suddenly came, and then a giant appeared in the cracks in the space. It was a snow-white fierce head, like a snake but not a snake. There is a milky white horn on it, just a head that is five meters in diameter. It is terrifying. With the winding and turning of the body, its full picture gradually appears in the eyes of everyone. It is a creature similar to an ice and snow python. The whole body was covered with frost barbs, the back half of the body was hooked on the edge of the crack, and the front half of the body was sticking out, looking viciously over our world.

Cracks are everywhere, there are more and more ice and snow pythons like this, there are dozens of them.

"Please note."

The voice of the star's eye came: "This organism contains a mysterious energy source. The temperature in the core area of ​​its body has reached absolute zero, minus 273.15 degrees Celsius!"

I frowned and knew in the earphones: "All the team members have noticed that this kind of organism has a surface temperature of minus 70 degrees, but there is an energy source in the body. It should be able to create a temperature of minus 273 and absolute zero. Be careful, everyone. Once you start, you must pay attention to your own safety."


Everyone nodded.

I floated to the sky with a long sword, I went up first, and explored the way for everyone.


A giant python seemed to sense my hostility, its body slowly bowed back, and the whole body ejected in the next moment, like a tree snake hunting, the blood basin opened wide, the frosty teeth were fully displayed, and it seemed to want to take a bite. The way I swallowed it.

Its attack speed is extremely fast, but it is not faster than the realm of transforming the gods. In my eyes, this ejection and swallowing movement is like slow motion. The body can only avoid the attack of this snow python by moving it gently. At the same time, the saber Xiaobai swiped abruptly along its side, "chi", the sword blade cut through the thick ice layer, cut into the flesh and blood, but when it hit a layer of ribs, it was blocked. It penetrates flesh and blood but fails to penetrate bones.


The snow python roared, and the whole body suddenly ejected when it hit the thick ice layer. The mouth opened wide, and a light blue air stream came out, covering a range of tens of meters. My heart seemed to be pinched for no reason. , Directly gritted his teeth and raised the power of the God Transformation Realm to the extreme. Strands of golden cuneiform characters flowed around the body, but the temperature was too low. With the sound of "sizzling", strands of frost were in the body. The qi was constantly condensing, and it was about to freeze the slowly flowing golden transforming power.

So ruthless!

My heart is chilling, is this the power of Absolute Zero? At that moment, I almost suspected that I was about to become an ice brick. It was a real feeling of facing life and death.

"Don't underestimate the enemy!"

I suddenly sank and disappeared directly into the air. The next moment I appeared, I was already on the side of the snow python. A sword of light burst from the long sword. The power of the mountains and seas, the power of transformation, and the power of the Ninth Juemai burst out. "Chi" turned into a strand of gold thread passing over the snow python's neck. The next moment, its entire head began to slowly roll down, spewing strands of azure blue cold blood, and its huge body fell straight. Above the ice.

"Be careful of the breath it squirts."

I stood in mid-air, holding a long sword: "That is one of its offensive methods."


Everyone nodded in unison.

At this moment, my beheading seemed to anger the snow pythons above. Countless snow pythons descended from the sky, their huge bodies smashed down on the ice, and then rushed to the crowd at high speed, while I swept away. As the body was sliding on the ice, he accumulated energy for a few seconds before suddenly handing out a sword, and another golden thread chopped off the head of a snow python.

Qin Feng, Wang Lu, Haotian and others are also full of flames. Almost all of these strong Yang Yanjin have already singled out a snow python, but the rest are not good enough. Many people are required to besiege. On the other side of the air crevice, there seemed to be snow pythons constantly pouring in, making a major general commanding the shore look over it, saying: "Lu Li, Qin Feng, do you want to try to retreat and bring the battlefield to the shore? Our position on this side can also help, otherwise...you’re fighting really hard."

As soon as I looked up, I saw a KDA member being beaten out by the snow python's tail. He was obviously a strong man in the early stage of the sun flame stage, but he couldn't resist the force of the beast and rolled out along the ice. He vomited blood continuously, but fortunately, the Sun Flame Armor on his body had not dissipated. Otherwise, the low temperature around minus 70 degrees could kill him in a jacket instantly.


Looking at the bowed snow pythons on the lake in front, their heads have just been raised, and their bodies are full of icy air. When they move on the lake, they make a squeaking sound, which makes people feel flustered and face this. It’s not enough to rely on KDA alone, and I can’t kill so many snow pythons alone. I’m tired enough to kill me. I must devote my strength to cut its spine. How many swords can you put out in this mid-stage of Transforming God Realm?

Not many, will eventually be exhausted.

Everyone rushed back, a group of snow pythons chased and killed them, and behind them, a series of piercing-armor-bombs and flame-bombs were shot out, bursting with flames on the lake. At this moment , The whole country is under martial law, everyone is hiding at home to avoid this catastrophe, so no matter how big a move we make here, there is no problem.

However, the cold current spread, and frost was condensed on the clothes of armored vehicles and soldiers visible to the naked eye, and even their exposed palms and faces were instantly frostbited, and everyone’s eyelashes were covered with thick layers of frost. , The whole world has instantly become a piece of ice and snow.

"Helicopters, all land!"

The major general commanding the scene said in a deep voice: "The temperature is too low, the helicopter pipeline will be frozen and cracked, all land, ground operations, KDA all retreat, the first batch of rockets will arrive in ten seconds!"

Everyone backed away.

For ten seconds, when we turned around, countless rockets poured down and exploded this area of ​​East Taihu Lake to pieces. The snow pythons bathed in the firelight were distorted and incomparably painful. When they rushed out After the sea of ​​fire, the body was already injured. Under the attack of the ground troops, the first batch of snow pythons began to fall continuously.

I frowned and breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of snow python is very strange. It has a tough body and can withstand the attacks of the Sunfire Realm, but it cannot withstand the attacks of modern weapons. After all, no matter how hard the bones are, there is nothing but flesh and blood. It's a dead end.


I stepped forward and looked at these strange creatures that were constantly rolling in the flames and bullets. I frowned and said, "Team Qin, Sister Wang Lu, you guard this side. I'm going to the other side and take a walk around to see that. What kind of situation is it?"

"Be careful!" Qin Feng said.

Wang Lu nodded: "If the situation is not good, come back quickly."

"rest assured!"

I jumped up, and instantly turned into a ray of rainbow light, rushing through the cracks in space, UU read www.uukanshu. In the next moment, com appeared on an extremely cold planet, overlooking the earth, thousands of miles of snow, the whole planet had no jungle, no grass, no sea, only a vast snow sea.

"Real-time temperature, minus 97 degrees."

Stareye's voice came: "Skywalker, there is a huge energy source about 2,000 miles away from here, do you immediately shuttle?"


I nodded, and at the same time silently increased the body's transforming power to 10%. In the next second, a ray of brilliance appeared on the bracelet, my body moved thousands of miles, and the surrounding air temperature was instantly close to absolute zero. And right in front of me, there are half of the ruins of the annihilated city, the tall buildings and monuments are frozen in the frost, the entire city is frozen, and there is only half of the city, and the other side turns into a black whirlpool that keeps circling. It's like a black hole.

"Here, there used to be a very advanced civilization." Xingyan said.

I nodded: "It can be seen that they were destroyed by the attack?"

"It's not like."

Star Eye kept calculating and said: "From the perspective of radiation levels, perhaps they were destroyed by a super-technological weapon developed by themselves. The time of the explosion is now at least 100,000 years, but the aftermath of the explosion is still there. It radiates the entire planet and brings an unimaginable cold current. It is precisely because of this that it has affected the earth."

"Is there a solution?" I asked.


Xingyan's answer made people desperate.


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