Zhan Yue

Chapter 1436: Human affairs

   "The energy of the explosion source is too great to be solved in terms of energy."

Star Eye tells the truth: "All we can use is the power on the earth, and nothing can solve the root of the problem."

"Go down and take a look."

I swooped down and fell into this frozen city. I walked on foot among the frosty forests of high-rise buildings. Looking at the frozen streets under my feet, I couldn't help but feel a little lost, saying, "Stareye, our world... Will it become like this in the future?"

"Let it go, maybe it will."

Star Eye said: "The collision and fusion of the world has begun. In the end, the earth, the Fenglei tribe, and this planet will merge into a whole plane, and this explosive energy source will also merge together, turning the three worlds into An extremely cold world."

I frowned, did not speak, just continued to explore the remaining energy sources in the city with my watch.

"Huh? Yes!"

Suddenly, there was a reaction on the watch, and I shot out, and instantly came to the front of a tall building, flew up and stayed in a position of more than twenty floors. The whole building was frozen in ice, so I lifted it. The hand made an X-shaped hole with a sword blade and broke it with a punch. The body jumped into a hall full of frost. This is an operating room with various equipment and buttons, but it has been too long. Now, those seemingly advanced equipment has existed for 100,000 years. When I touched them lightly, they collapsed like rotten paper and turned into dust.

Look up and look on the wall.

A huge structural picture was frozen in the snow and ice, I frowned, and swung my sword to cut away the fuzzy part of the ice layer, and the writing below suddenly came into view.


While using the watch to take pictures, I frowned and said: "The algorithm on the drawing looks a little strange."


The Star Eye system did a little calculation and said: "The algorithm structure and the characteristics of the data source are very similar to the algorithm and calculation characteristics of the leader named Lin Lu in the abyss map, and the similarity reaches more than 90%. , If the guess is not wrong, the technology of this extremely cold planet should be the matrix of Starlink Technology."

My heart was full of anger: "So, the collision between this planet and the earth was not accidental in fact, but the Starlink deliberately pushed this planet over and collided with the earth, right?"


I took a deep breath and said, "What exactly does Starlink want? Just to take a gamble with me, so I would rather kill the eight billion humans on Earth?"

Star Eye is silent, discussing moral issues, and it, the intelligent being, has no say anymore.



After scanning the entire city, there is no use value anymore. In terms of technological advancement, the civilization of Ark Tinder may be a little stronger, and this city has existed for too long. Anything of value will be annihilated at the touch of it. To destroy them, it would be better to leave this ruin here and sleep forever.

The light in front of me flashed and reached the crack in space. I looked outside through the crack. That was my home. At this time, the ice and snow were covered with war and the corpses of giant snow pythons lay across. The life on these extremely cold planets reached the earth. , Even the human army on the earth could not resist it, after all, it was too barbaric, not even civilized.


In the next second, I appeared above Wang Lu and the others and fell down.


Qin Feng asked.

"It is nothing special."

I patted my watch: "After that, I will send all the videos I saw and heard over there to the base. Don’t worry, you can generally confirm it. In addition to these snow pythons, the ones that collided with us There is almost no other life on this extremely cold planet, so after the snow pythons are dealt with, the only threat to us is the cold."

Wang Lu nodded: "Now, the whole country is mobilizing to resist the sudden cold weather, but... it's really difficult. In our Jiangnan area, the spring and autumn seasons, even the ten degrees below zero are rare. Now the whole of Suzhou They are all shrouded in the freezing weather of minus 60 degrees. I don’t know how many people will die tonight..."

I frowned.

Qin Feng said: "There are many things we can't do, and there is no way. The battle here is about to end. The next main task of our KDA will be transferred to maintaining the operation of the entire city, maintaining smooth communication and maintaining power supply. , Heating, and the provision of food and water, each is a great challenge for us."

"Got it."

I was a little weak, looking at the ice under my feet, silently.

"Land from……"

Wang Lu gently took my arm and said softly: "When the manpower is exhausted, even if you are in the state of transforming the gods, you will not be able to change your fate after all, let alone such a big disaster. It's a natural disaster, so what can you do?"


I felt a little tired, and said, "Everyone, go and work. There are many things that may need to be completed by the Yang Yan realm, and there are also many things that may need to be solved in the state of transforming my gods."

"it is good!"


With a light leap, my body stayed above the city. I patted my watch and opened up the call with my sister Ouyang Yeyan. As soon as she came up, she eagerly asked: "Ali, are you okay? There seems to be something wrong with the collision core area. We heard a very strong vibration here, has it started a war?"

"It's okay, sister, the battle is over."

I comforted: "Dad, Lin Xi, A Fei, are they all there? Are they all right?"

"Well, it's okay, we just finished dinner, would you like to go home and have some?"


I shook my head, feeling weak in my heart, and said: "Sister, the whole Suzhou, the whole Jiangsu, the whole country has fallen to a point where it is close to a halt. I want to do more. Maybe I won't be back tonight. Hello. Rest, I’ll be busy outside, come back tomorrow morning, will you fry a steak for me? Oh no, I can eat better, two."



Turning off the watch, I stood above the city, and started closing my eyes, letting the perceptual power of the Transcendent Realm spread. Suddenly, I heard many sounds in my ears. Some were crying, some were sighing helplessly, and some were hesitating about the future. Some are arguing, some are dying.

Save people first!

In the next second, I stepped out of the place where my heart was moving, and his figure appeared in a bridge hole wrapped in golden light. I saw a migrant worker in the bridge hole wrapped in a quilt, but he was still unable to withstand the severe cold and his body was severely frostbited. He was about to faint, opened his wistful eyes and looked at me, and said in Subei's accent, "You...Who are you?"

"Uncle, you can't live here."

I frowned: "I will send you to a warmer place."

"I have no money."

He had a dilemma in his eyes: "The construction site has just been notified to dissolve, the rent has expired, and the money has just been remitted to the children who go to school out of town... Can’t afford to stay in a hotel. I originally planned to stay in the park for only a few days. Snowing……"

My nose is sore: "Anyway, let's live well first, let's go."

As I said, I stretched out my hand and pushed, and in the realm of transforming the gods, I immediately took him to a nearby refuge. There are already many people here. There are police to maintain order and nurses to take care of the wounded. This catastrophe After that, too many people suffered from frostbite.

"Nurse, there are people with severe frostbite here. Give priority to treatment."

I helped the uncle go forward.

"Well, hurry up!"

The nurse hurriedly helped him sit down. When I was about to raise my head to say thank you, I had already left this place and stood above the city again, listening to the voices of the world.

This time, I am truly taking care of the entire world as a god-transforming world and doing what the gods should do.



Someone is crying.

After I glanced at it, I stepped forward to an ATM room. The door was no longer closed. The snow and cold current poured in. Just under the ATM, a father in single clothes had frozen to death. The coat and trousers were worn on a child about four or five years old. The child turned pale with cold, hiding in his father's arms and crying, while the father's hands still held the child's posture.


I stepped forward, opened the small world of the gods to dissipate the cold, stretched out my hand to rub the child's head, and said: "Daddy is already asleep, don't cry, don't wake him up, go, brother will take you to warm up A little place, must be hungry, right?"

The child looked at his father and said, "Brother, Dad really...Is he really asleep?"

"Well, I'll take you to eat something. When we are full and drunk, Dad may wake up."

"it is good."

The next moment, I took the child to the refuge and immediately turned and left.


Over the city, listen to the voice of the world again.

Somewhere, a woman sobbed and cried: "You let me go home... let me go home, okay? My cat is still at home, and I haven't even had time to close the window. It will freeze to death. There is no more by my side. Friends, I only have my cat, I beg you, let me go back, OK, I would rather die outside by myself than freeze to death at home..."


I went straight down in the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and fell in front of her. She was a 25-year-old woman with a work bag in her hand. Because she was too late, she was forced to stay in the shelter. She looked out of thin air. But I was slightly startled, and I looked at her: "Where is your residence and the specific location, I will help you to see it."

"Land from……"

She burst into tears: "Is it you Lu Li, I am Yijiangshui from Yilufen League, do you remember? Help me, Lu Li..."

"Well, let's talk about the address."

"it is good."

The next moment, I returned to the sky above the city, Stareye successfully positioned it, and rushed directly into a room. I saw a little blue cat shivering between the gaps in the room. The body was already frosting, even if I was late. In half an hour, it will inevitably freeze to death, so he raised his hand and hugged it in his arms, stepped out, and came to the woman's side.


She hugged the cat tightly and pressed it to her face, tears falling: "Thank you, thank you, Lu Li..."

"Well, I'm leaving."


Fly over the city again.

Looking down, there are many people on the road and in the streets and alleys of the city that will never be able to speak anymore. Some are curled up in the corners of the city, covered in frost and snow to death, and some are hugging in the leaky rooms everywhere The quilt sleeps long, a young couple hides in the car and hugs each other, and a mother hugs her child and died together.

I floated on the top of a tall building, sitting on the edge of the roof, watching human affairs, crying.


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