Zhan Yue

Chapter 1437: More difficult than imagined

   "Tsk tsk!"

A voice came from the side air: "Dignantly, the most intensified God Realm, is it so sloppy on the way to cultivate the heart?"

I looked up and saw that it was not someone else, it was Lian Yin, or the initiator of this world collision. He used the imaging equipment in the top-floor conference hall under his feet to shape his figure, standing in the air not far from me, with a scornful smile at the corner of his mouth. He thought, said: "The life and death of ants in other people's districts, is it worth your tears in the realm of transforming the gods?"


I still sat where I was and said, "You are not a human being, so naturally you don't understand human affairs."

Lian Yin sneered: "Can tears save the world?"

"Can't save."

I frowned, heard a voice in my heart, and immediately turned into a rainbow light. The next second I appeared in a shabby rented house. In the rented house, the mother and daughter hugged each other, dying, and there was still a table on the table. Exam exercise book, this is a mother who is with her daughter in the rented room to prepare for the exam.

It is a pity that the glass windows of the rented house are too thin, and the air leaks everywhere, which can not withstand the cold near minus 70 degrees. In the absence of winter clothes in the house, the two of them were wrapped in a thin quilt and almost fainted.

"Are you okay?"

I immediately opened up a small world in the realm of transforming gods in the room, and the sun was surging, providing them with some temperature, and said: "I'll take you to the refuge of the nearby subway, it must be unbearable here. "

The mother hardly had the strength to speak, she just nodded slightly, and the daughter's eyelashes and hair were already covered with frost, and she would definitely be dead if she froze again.

Aside, Lian Yin's voice came from my ear: "Does this make sense?"

He sneered: "You think that saving a few people will comfort you in your heart, don't you? Wrong, all this is the price of your Ouyang Luli's refusal to cooperate with Star Alliance. How does this extreme cold temperature feel? Huh, I have always thought that the Star Alliance’s home star has no value for use, and now it seems that there is still a little value."

As I took away the mother and daughter, I scolded: "Why do you Star Alliance do evil, but you can take it for granted?"

"We do evil?"

Lian Yin said angrily: "If it weren't for your Ouyang Luli's repeated obstruction of us, this kind of thing would happen? Tell you, the home star hit the earth, it was the result of your Ouyang Luli's wilful actions, what is the use of how many people you saved? Thousands of people die every second on this planet. Are you saved? Speaking of doing evil, who can have you, Ouyang Luli, do more evil?"


I sent my mother and daughter directly into the refuge, and reappeared on the top of the building in a whirl, looking at the holographically imaged figure of Lian Yin ahead, with golden cuneiform characters flowing all over, almost furious, with strands of golden cyclones lingering around my fists. , Gritted his teeth and said: "It’s your Star Alliance, not me, that pushed the Star Alliance’s parent star to hit the earth. My refusal to cooperate with you killing so many people is not the same thing. This is just a anger from your Star Alliance. The Star Alliance has committed so many evils, sooner or later they will die!"

Lian Yin sneered: "Threat me? Is it useful?"

I waved my hand: "Star Eye, control all the systems in this building, I don't want to see this disgusting face."

"Yes, Skywalker!"


After a few seconds, Lianyin's figure disappeared, and the voice disappeared. Lianyin body is a spiritual force that exists in the universe. It is intangible and can only appear with the help of various instruments on the earth. When the eyes took over the idle equipment around, Lian Yin didn't even have the qualifications to appear.

And the reason why he appeared was nothing more than just trying to disturb my mind.

Looking down and feeling the despair of the world, the next second, under the transmission system of the star-eye, it instantly appeared in a house with a roof collapsed by snow in Hangzhou, supporting a small world in the realm of God. Burning Yangyanhuo warmed the family, and then lightly stepped on the ground, leading the almost desperate family to a nearby refuge.

In this way, I have been busy until late at night. As long as I can hear the human voice, I will help. I saved at least a thousand people in Suzhou City, but I don’t feel tired. I just feel more uncomfortable in my heart. That’s right, many people were not killed by me, but they were caused by my actions.

But I will not question my right or wrong, because no matter which path I choose, their result is nothing more than the difference between early death and late death, and if I really cooperate with Star Alliance, I am afraid it will not be as simple as so many people. , They are going to reshape the wall of the sky and recreate a world. Under the squeeze of space, the original world will completely collapse and annihilate, and everyone will die.


A message came from Wang Lu: "Would you like to take a break? I sensed that your breath is extremely restless. You have saved many, many people. Don't force yourself too much."

"Oh, I see."

"KDA is organizing a city rescue team. Do you want to come over and listen?"



Step out, and in the next second I will appear next to Wang Lu. This is the main conference hall of the KDA Sunan Base. The long table conference hall is full of people, many of whom are experts. After seeing me here, Many people recognized it and nodded one after another, but I nodded gently: "Everyone, go ahead."

"it is good."

An expert frowned and said: "At present, the most important thing is power supply, heating and water supply. So far, the problem of power supply is not too big, but the wind and snow are too big. The power supply in many areas will be between tonight and early tomorrow morning. There may be interruptions, and we must be ready to send a repair team at any time. At present, most families are using air-conditioning for heating. If the electricity is cut off, it is easy to cause problems."

Qin Feng nodded.

"Traveling is already a problem."

A slightly fat expert said: "At present, the outdoor temperature in Suzhou has reached minus 65 degrees. Under this temperature, it is impossible to dispatch drones and helicopters to participate in the repair work. The helicopter oil may be frozen. There is no doubt that the propeller of the man-machine will be frozen, and you will not be able to get out of the door at all."

"The deployment of car reinforcements is also a problem."

An expert in a suit said: "At this extreme cold temperature, the performance of the car is extremely challenging, and even most cars cannot start at all at this temperature, and the battery performance will be reduced to a minimum. It’s very unstable. Perhaps we can only use manpower to maintain the operation of the entire city if we have to."


A city leader shook his head and said: "Suzhou is a small city, but it has a large population, with a permanent population of more than 10 million. The entire city consumes a lot of food. If vehicles are impassable, it will soon appear. Many residents are out of food, I am afraid the consequences will be very serious..."

He was worried and hardly wanted to talk anymore.

A KDA leader frowned and said: "KDA can really not help much. The people who can withstand the severe cold outside are only a few of the sun and flames. Even if they all go into battle, send rice and food, physical strength. What should I do if it runs out?"

"In any case, the action must be action."

A city leader frowned and said: "Organize a group of young and strong people, put on thick coats, whether it is minus sixty degrees or seventy degrees, the city should be operational, and fruits and vegetables should be delivered to the residents."


Some people nod their heads, but they are a little weak. Suzhou people can't bear even minus ten degrees. At this time, they have to rely on manpower to deliver supplies in an environment of minus 65 degrees. The difficulty can be imagined, not to mention the heavy snow outside, and the storm buzzes the floor. Buzzing, ordinary people walked out wearing thick clothes, even if they didn't freeze to death, it would be difficult for them to move.



Qin Feng looked at me and said, "Lu Li, isn't the latest UAV developed by the StarEye system also resistant to cold? What if we use UAVs to transport supplies?"


I pointed to the top of my head: "The wind is too strong. Even if the drone takes off, it will be difficult to deliver the goods to the destination smoothly. Moreover, our drone's carrying capacity is too low and too difficult."


A leader frowned and said: "In short, the districts and counties should immediately organize manpower. Also, tonight, the comrades in the supervision system should stop sleeping. They must continue to report the food reserves and water consumption of the residents in each community. In the critical period, I hope everyone can do their best."


Everyone nodded in unison.

"How about the subway?"

I suddenly asked: "The extremely cold temperature is only the condition on the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If we can maintain the subway conditions, we may be able to establish material distribution centers at various subway entrances, which can greatly reduce manpower. , The consumption of material resources."


A city leader cast approving glances: "Indeed, contact the subway system immediately."

Wang Lu said, "But... we can't be too optimistic. After all, we still have many areas that the subway doesn't reach."

"Well, the problem will be solved slowly."


When everyone was still studying the specific plan, I felt that it would be useless to stay. I turned around and left KDA and stood in the air swayed by the snow. In the blink of an eye, my body was covered with a layer of ice and snow. At this time, it was already more than five o'clock in the morning. , Turned and looked in the direction of home. Everything was calm. Dad, sister, Lin Xi, A Fei and others were already sleeping in their respective rooms.

Turning around again, looking at Yilu's studio, in the wind and snow, the entire villa was about to be frozen, but in the back garden, there was a "chop" war horse neighing, and then, we forgot to be there. The horse from the Fenglei tribe in the backyard raised all four hooves, broke the rope, and galloped across the snow-covered city streets.

I was stunned, the horse of a real fighting nation, can it be frozen at minus 70 degrees?

When I thought of this, I immediately fell on the horse's back, holding the reins, and galloping on the uninhabited icy and snowy streets, feeling like the rest of my life in the apocalypse.


In this case, it seems that it is possible to make a deal with Lingyuan again.

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