Zhan Yue

Chapter 1438: Reality shines into the game

   "Xingyan, take me to Lingyu's place!"


In the next second, a azure blue glow appeared on the watch, and I pressed my palm on the back of the horse, and the spirit of the God-Transforming Realm lingered around the body of the warhorse. With a sigh, I went directly through the crack in the space, carrying this A war horse appeared on the flat ground in the middle of the Fenglei clan's palace. It was also caught in an extreme cold here, but it seemed that everyone was fine. Two Fenglei clan soldiers stood outside the door with halberds and stood motionless.

"so cold?"

I stepped forward and shook a soldier's shoulder.

He raised his head, his eyes showed helplessness: "Skills can be killed but not humiliated..."


I smiled: "Take me to see Lingyuan."

"Yes, my lord!"

Leading the war horse, stepping into the palace all the way, after stepping through a heavy barrier, the air instantly warmed up, and in the magnificent hall, Lingyuan seemed to have just woke up, put on an emperor robe and walked out. Pointed to the meeting room on the side, and said, "Talk over there?"


"Take tea, good black tea."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Lingyuan still wore long golden hair and bright eyes like water. When sitting in a chair, she raised her ugly jade leg, glanced at me, and said, "Your side... isn't it easy?"

"Well, it's really not easy..." I said.

"Racial advantage."

Lingyuan Nunusui said: "We Fenglei people are born as warriors. We accept the baptism of various elements between heaven and earth. Both men and women will cultivate since childhood, so they can withstand such extreme cold weather, and your human race It is different. You are too dependent on various machines and tools, which has caused the degradation of your own capabilities."

I frowned and said speechlessly: "Degenerate a fart, our human race has never had a natural physique like the Fenglei tribe, okay? This is determined by the climate, environment and genes of a world."

Lingyuan chuckled lightly without quarreling with me, and said, "This time, I should be looking for the Fenglei Clan?"


I nodded slightly, and the black tea presented by the maid, took a sip, and the taste was genuine. The black tea made by Shen Mingxuan was much stronger than this, not to mention the black tea made by Lin Xi, so I put down the cup and looked up at Lingyuan , Said: "This world collision was caused by the Star Alliance. I went to another world to see it. It was an uninhabited extremely cold planet. In fact, it was the parent star of the Star Alliance. The explosion of the core energy created an extremely cold abyss, and all the cold currents also come from this way."

Ling Yuan leaned back in the chair lazily, raised her slender jade legs on the stool beside her, looked relaxed, and smiled: "Go on, tell me what you want from me."


I nodded again: "The human race is no better than the wind and thunder race. Our people do not have the body to withstand the extreme cold. Many people cannot survive in the temperature of minus 70 degrees. Moreover, our way of life is to live together in cities. , Causing many people to be trapped at home and unable to travel. As a result, food, water, and various daily necessities will quickly become scarce, and transportation has become a huge problem."

"Well, what about your steel behemoth?" she asked.

"In extremely cold temperatures, there are not too many machines that can really work. All kinds of oil, coolant, etc. will freeze, and our world will soon fall into a phase of shutdown."

"So?" She looked at me with a smile.

"I want to recruit a batch of transportation vehicles from the Fenglei Clan." I looked at her and said, "Your horses have strong load-bearing capacity and can withstand the extreme cold weather outside, so... I hope you can recruit as many horses as possible for assistance. Earth, these war horses will carry our supplies to various places to save lives."


Ling Yuan nodded and said: "Since you spoke, I can't help but agree. It's just that the population of the earth is large, and the number of war horses of our Fenglei clan is..."

"How many horses do you have?"

"Except for those in the ranch that have not yet been released, there are about two million horses." Lingyuan looked at me, blinked his eyes, and said: "You speak, I can borrow one million horses for the earth to use."

"No way."

I shook my head and said, "The earth is so big, there are so many cities, one million is not enough, I want to have it all."

She opened her mouth slightly: "So greedy? Then how do you plan to repay this favor in the future?"

I shook my head: "I haven't thought about it yet, anyway, when you have something to ask in the future, I will try my best to agree to it."

"Got it."

Lingyuan pursed her mouth, and said to the Fenglei man who had been bowing his head and said, "Marshal, did you hear Lu Li's words? Now issue an order to recruit all horses from across the country. We will reinforce our friendly forces this time."

The marshal got up, looked at Lingyu with a pair of eyes, then looked at me, as if asking "when have we become friendly", but he didn't dare to say this. Lingyu has a bad temper and can change to another marshal at any time. So the marshal just bowed his head and said: "Your subordinates will do it, please rest assured!"


Lingyuan looked at me: "How do you plan to distribute these two million horses? As far as I know, there are many countries on the earth, each fighting each other, so you should not be too generous, right?"

"Why be generous?"

I said indifferently: "One million of these horses will be sent directly to China, and the rest will be divided among other countries according to their population."

Lingyuan pursed her lips and smiled: "Sure enough, it's not too greedy."


I nodded lightly: "We have more than 600 cities in China, and each city is evenly divided into more than 1,000 Fenglei war horses. Moreover, the transportation of materials in some super cities is far from 10,000 to 20,000 Fenglei races. The horses can bear the load. By the way, Lingyuan, how much is the maximum load of these horses?"


Ling Yu was taken aback, her fingers pressed against her chin, a pair of beautiful eyes squinted, and after careful calculations for a while, he said: "Our Fenglei clan's strongest armored soldier, with armor, plus a weapon, About 1200 catties or more, our horse can carry him out of your so-called speed of 100 kilometers, understand?"


I gave a thumbs up: "The background of your Fenglei clan, Niu X!"

Lingyuan chuckled.

Leaving the Fenglei clan, I teleported directly to my gate, while I was still riding our own Fenglei clan horse. The control system of the gate had been frozen, so I jumped and the horse jumped in from the courtyard wall. I raised my hand and turned on the communication system of the watch, and talked to Wang Lu about the Fenglei Clan's support of 1 million horses, making Wang Lu happy and smiling.

As for the reception, it is very simple. The Fenglei clan has not closed the several spatial cracks that connect to China. It is a posture that has been opened all year round. Just send our people to receive it. As for the distribution and distribution of war horses, I don’t have to worry about it. In addition, The Fenglei warrior is fast. If the speed is 100 per hour, it can reach 1,200 kilometers in a day. Basically, it can radiate the whole country in two or three days. Transportation should not be the biggest problem anymore.

It’s just that the horses of the Fenglei race ran rampant on the streets of Europe and America, and even the knights killed people in the street. Although it has been a long time, it has always left a strong psychological shadow on everyone. This time the horses of the Fenglei race reappeared. , But it is for the human camel to send supplies, this contrast will definitely make many people unacceptable.

"Tuk Tuk~~~"

Amidst the sound of horses’ hoofs, I rode a horse directly into the basement of the main building of the villa, and then a dashing body came over from the studio and took a lot of forage, put a bucket of water, and tied the horse to the place where Rolls Royce is usually parked. , And then I went upstairs from the elevator, and it was still usable. When I arrived in the living room, at seven o'clock in the morning, I saw that everyone was there and got up too early.


Holding the dishes in her hand, the elder sister smiled and said, "I'm back!?"


I nodded and smiled: "I have been busy all night, come back for a little rest."

Dad also put down the newspaper in his hand and smiled: "It's good to come back safely. Your sister is going to have breakfast. Eat more later."


Lin Xi had already rushed over, gave me a hug, and dusted the snow from my shoulders, her beautiful eyes were reddish: "Is it very cold outside?"


I pretended to be shivering and whispered in her ear: "I need a 34C hug to freeze to death."

Lin Xi flushed, gave me a shy look, and said in a low voice, "I'll talk about it when there are two people!"


I stepped forward, gave A Fei a knowing high-five, and smiled: "All right?"

"very good."

A Fei grinned: "As long as you don't watch the wind and snow outside, or watch the news on your phone, you will feel that the years are still good."

I laughed, also a big heart.

On the other side, Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi wrapped their aprons. Two beautiful cooks were helping her sister to make breakfast. Shen Mingxuan secretly looked back and smiled at me as a greeting. Gu Ruyi walked forward and looked at me with tilted heads. Face: "Isn't it frozen?"

"No, Lin Xiaoxi checked it just now!" I laughed.

She also laughed: "That's good, you can have breakfast in a while."


Father looked at his mobile phone, UU read www.uukanshu.com and said to his sister: "Xiaoyan, let’s work at home for a while. There will be a video conference in the morning. Let’s take part in the conference in the conference hall on the third floor of our house. You will check if the equipment is frozen out in a while."


I glanced at my watch and said, "Star Eye shows that all electrical appliances and systems in the house are operating normally."

"That's good."

I sat down on the sofa next to me, Lin Xi cuddled up next to me and played on the phone together. When I turned on the mobile news, my eyes were full of the title "Frozen Planet". Our planet is no longer a "water polo", but a The planet is frozen. It is said that the sea areas that need to be coastal have been frozen, and no warships around the world can leave the port.

"Will it really be the end of the world?" ALFY asked.

"will not."

I shook my head: "I have a little confidence, we can make it through."


Aside, Lin Xi glanced at me and said, "Lu Li, there may be something you need to pay attention to."

"What's the matter?" I was surprised.

"In the game, the entire Magic Moon Continent has also become a'Frozen Continent,' almost exactly the same as mine in reality."


I frowned. This is very strange. Is the game reflected in reality, or reality is reflected in the game? Is there a connection between the two? It seems that I can't stay busy in reality all the time, and I should enter the game to find some clues.


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