Zhan Yue

Chapter 1441: What's the use of money?

I stayed in the laboratory for two full days. My "Sky Patching Project" has been simulated hundreds of times and replaced hundreds of materials. Every time it always fails at the end, between the earth and the extremely cold planet. The collision of is different from the others. The spatial structure in the resulting cracks is quite unstable. Even the realm of transforming gods is slightly unstable when flying past, and ordinary substances are twisted and torn apart at the moment of contact. Up.

At first, my idea was very simple. The spatial cracks that appeared this time were actually not high. They were only 20 stories high. With our human technology, it is possible to build such a tall building in a short period of time. The top of the building is special. The material erects a "wall" to isolate the earth from the extremely cold planet, so that it will not be affected by the cold current, and the earth's atmosphere will not be pumped away in large quantities.

But this idea looks simple, but it is difficult to do. Firstly, the construction is difficult. Secondly, the materials used to patch the sky are always an unsolvable problem. Various materials, elements, alloys, etc. are tried to simulate, and even I personally pick them up. In the field experiments on the cracks, almost all of them could not bear the torsion force in the space cracks. The strongest alloy was completely deformed in less than an hour. In this case, it is impossible to make up for the sky successfully.

On the third day, I went home tired.

For dinner, the dinner at home is not too rich. I have stewed half a duck and fried a few dishes. The green peppers of green pepper and potato shreds have become soft and not so fresh. In terms of financial resources, our family is second to none in China, but here In this case, even my family’s conditions can only be so, and other people’s families are even more predictable.

"Can I only live like this in the future?"

A Fei, who has been accustomed to big fish and meat for a while, put a piece of duck fin in a bowl, and said, "The good days will never look back!"

Lin Xixiu frowned and said, "I read the news today. It is said that most of the vegetable greenhouses in the suburbs of Suzhou were crushed by the snow, or the cold-proof plastic could not withstand the low temperature of minus 65 degrees. I wanted to eat it. For fresh greenhouse vegetables, I guess I will have to wait for a new batch of special greenhouses to appear."


I nodded lightly: "Indeed, ordinary greenhouses cannot withstand wind and snow and extreme cold temperatures of that level. They must use strengthened glass. In addition to the planting cycle, don’t plan to be able to do so within one or two months. I have eaten fresh fruits and vegetables. Basically what we can eat is in stock, not to mention that..."

My chopsticks tapped the edge of the green pepper and potato shreds, and looked at A Fei: "Do you think everyone can eat it now? You can go to the guild and ask, what is your food today?"

"Fried cucumbers, fried potatoes, fried bitter gourds, fried cabbage..."

Shen Mingxuan said with a smile, "I already asked when I was leveling this afternoon. Basically, everyone's life is hard, and they are almost out of meat."

"Our family's reserves are okay."

Sister Ouyang Yan said with a smile: "Who among the main members of your guild really wants to eat meat, ask Ali to use the teleportation device to give him something, ten catties of pork, a chicken, a duck, etc. We can still send it now. of."


I nodded and smiled: "Actually, there are still supplies. There are so many poultry that freeze to death in major chicken farms, duck farms, and pig farms, and they can eat them after thawing, but they don’t have so much manpower to deliver them. That’s fine, but this situation won’t last long. Now people all over the country are trapped at home to eat and drink. It’s a matter of time before meat and vegetables are interrupted. After that, I’m afraid they can only eat rice or steamed buns."

Everyone was frustrated, but his father smiled and said, "It's okay, it can survive."


Everyone nodded again, and must show face to the head of the family.

After the meal, Wang Lu called for a meeting in a conference hall in the city center.


When my teleportation was completed, Wang Lu, Qin Feng, and several leaders walked towards him.

"Come on, Lu Li!" Qin Feng smiled.


I smiled and nodded: "How did you come here?"

"Take a car."

Wang Lu said: "A batch of military armored vehicles with reinforced anti-cold layer have been transferred from the military. They can barely pass in the city. The speed is a little slower, but it is better than riding a horse from the Fenglei clan."

She leaned over and whispered: "The leaders don't know how to ride horses..."

I couldn't help laughing.

Soon after, the meeting started, the meeting summary of the past two days, and the global situation in the past two days will be broadcast to everyone.

The meeting was presided over by Wang Lu. After the leader gave a speech, Wang Lu began to summarize: "From the very first time the world collision with Jihanxing-1 occurred, our Suzhou work team has been working day and night without any slack in maintaining the operation of the city. But despite this, this disaster has caused unimaginable losses to us. To this day, according to statistics, in Suzhou alone, 2347 people died of freezing and more than one million people suffered from frostbite. In the whole country, more than 14 million people died from freezing and frostbite. There are more than 400 million people. This is a disaster, of course there is nothing wrong, but as long as we do a little more, we can protect more people."

Her eyes were red, and she said: "Outside China, the world is not feeling well in the face of disasters. The countries that deal with disasters best are Russia, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Canada and other countries that are already in the cold zone. The freezing death rate is almost equal to that in our country. The worst disaster is the tropical countries along the equatorial line. Among them, the highest mortality rate is in Africa. Due to tropical relations, they hardly have the conditions for winter clothes all year round. In addition, they The buildings and houses in China are too simple to withstand the sudden arrival of extreme cold temperatures. Therefore, although we notified the member states of the international community, including them, as soon as the disaster occurred, the freezing death rate in Africa has exceeded 50%, this disaster is a global disaster, we..."

She could not go on.

Qin Feng stepped forward, took the microphone, and said, "At present, we still have many problems to be solved urgently. The first is the people's livelihood. How to let the residents eat fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish and eggs at home to keep their bodies healthy? Health is the focus of our work. Secondly, power supply, water supply, infrastructure maintenance, and supplies also need to be resolved. Third, a very serious problem. At present, more than 70% of the underground sewers in Suzhou have begun to freeze. Blockage, if this continues, sewage will soon emerge from the toilets of the residents. These are the problems that need to be solved most at the moment."

A city leader frowned and said, "Do we need to organize people to enter the sewer to break the ice?"


Wang Lu shook her head directly: "Ordinary workers, no matter how strong their bodies are, they still can’t work in that kind of low temperature environment that freezes at any time. Will they freeze and faint? Those frozen ice layers will freeze again at any time. Ice, it freezes again within a few minutes after being pierced. It has no meaning at all. No matter how much our human resources are, we can’t waste it here.”

Everyone was silent, and they really encountered a problem.

"Wait a minute."

I looked at everyone: "Let me see if there is a way."


Everyone nodded.

I tapped my watch: "Star Eye, come out."

"Here, Skywalker!"

"The city's sewers are frozen. Can you use cold-proof materials to make an icebreaker that is responsible for the smooth flow of the city's sewers? If possible, what kind of materials are needed, and when will the drawings be available, as soon as possible."


Star Eye quickly calculated. One second later, he said: "The drawings of the robots have been drawn, and the list of materials has been listed. According to the scale of the sewage system in Suzhou, about 2500 robots are needed. These robots can not only withstand the extreme cold temperature, but also A frequency spectrum resonance method will be used to prevent the freezing of flowing water. According to the current market price, the cost of construction is about 20,000 RMB per robot."

I looked at the highest-leader of the municipal party committee not far ahead, and said, "Can you?"


He immediately nodded: "Lu Li, you send the drawings and materials to our municipal party committee. We will entrust the major robot factories to start construction immediately and spread them across the country to solve this urban problem."

"Yeah." I nodded.

A deputy mayor looked at me: "Lu Li...you provided this set of drawings and material schemes, and you have the patent right, so...you can quote us a price?"


I was stunned, and then smiled and shook my head: "No, all the patent rights are open. Besides, what is the use of my money? For our country now, what is the use of money? It is the most important thing for everyone to live together..."

The other deputy mayor gave me a thumbs up quietly, and I smiled back.

It was late at the end of the meeting. Some problems were solved, and there were many problems that could not be solved, but I kept silent about the "Sky Patching Plan". After all, the idea was too bizarre, exaggerated, and extremely difficult. In the case that I am not sure of the realization, I still don't give hope to others in vain, and I will be disappointed in the end.

On the way to the end of the meeting, everyone went downstairs together.

"How are you doing recently?" Wang Lu looked at me.

"Generally, I have been working in the laboratory." I also looked at her and said, "Sister Wang Lu, you seem to have lost weight recently, so you should pay more attention to rest. After all, the Yangyan Stage is only the Yangyan Stage, not immortal."

Wang Lu sighed: "This is what you Lu Li is qualified to say, but it's true, the appearance of the Yangyan Realm will still gradually grow old, how about you? You, the God-Transforming Realm, will you? Not old?"


I nodded: "If there is no accident, I will still look like you in ten thousand years. Unless I can't beat others, others cause permanent physical damage or accidents."

She rolled her eyes and said, "Unlucky! By the way, how is the food at home recently? Do you have fresh vegetables, poultry, etc.? If not, KDA can provide it here. We have a lot of special food, just In order to eat and drink well one by one in the Yangyan stage, there will be enough physical strength and spirit to continue to serve the people in the future."

"No need to."

I frowned and said, "I just need frozen meat. It tastes a bit chai."

Wang Lu chuckled: "Indeed, many chickens, ducks and geese we received were all frozen to death by frost and snow, and the meat was burnt."

Qin Feng was sullen by the side, unable to speak.

As a result, just after we went downstairs to the street, there were cold-proof armored vehicles parked on the road ahead, and beside the armored vehicles, a beautiful tall figure appeared, dressed in military armor, and white robe fluttering. Carrying a giant on his shoulders, it looks like...a yak?

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