Zhan Yue

Chapter 1442: tyrant

   "Lingyuan?" I was slightly startled.

Wang Lu, Qin Feng and others were also taken aback. Two members of the Yang Flame Realm were even full of flames, ready to start with this Emperor Feng Lei. After all, Emperor Feng Lei suddenly appeared at the gate of our city government. This move is really true. To be discussed.

"do not worry."

I gently raised my hand to signal the Yangyan realm behind me to calm down, and gently press down on my palm to signal them to put down their guards. How can Lingyu give you something with me here?

Lingyu's mouth raised and said: "I know that there are not many delicious things here, so... I will send you a Beiyuan yak. ​​This yak is a specialty in the northern snowfields of the Fenglei tribe's territory. They have thick fur. Being able to survive the low temperature, and the meat is soft and tender, and the taste is particularly good, Lu Li, you, the only realm of **** transformation on earth, should not treat yourself badly. You should eat the best things you do the most."

"It makes sense!"

I nodded and smiled: "This yak meat can withstand the severe cold?"


Lingyu smiled and nodded: "The main food of Beiyuan yak is a plant called fire spirit grass. The element of flame is extremely rich. Therefore, even if the Beiyuan yak has been dead for a month, its meat will not freeze when placed in ice and snow. Ice, is it magical?"


I stretched out my hand and pulled a whole Beiyuan yak down from her shoulder and placed it in front of Wang Lu and the others, eager to try, and smiled: "This yak is big enough, so let's share it with all of us. I will come first. , After making a batch of meat, the rest goes to all of you, how about?"

"Ok, Ok!"

Wang Lu smiled and nodded, having not seen her smiling so happily for many days.

Qin Feng also grinned, "Okay, then we're all covered."

As he said, he held a fist at Lingyuan: "Thank you, Emperor Fenglei!"

Lingyuan nodded with a smile, and didn't want to pay attention to his mere sun flame state.


I immediately took out the saber Xiaobai, and Yang Yanjin confided in the disinfection first, and then began to decompose the Beiyuan yak in front of me. Snowflakes, hanging dragons, spoon handles, five flowers, tender meat, chest oil, etc. came on. There are many sets, and when I cut out a lot of meat skillfully, I feel that it weighs at least hundreds of kilograms. No way, the cattle of the Fenglei clan are real cattle, and they are as strong as elephants.

I raised my hand and put it in my storage treasure "Ming Ghost Box", which is enough for all of us to eat a piece of meat, and then said with a smile: "Sister Wang Lu, Team Wind, these are all returned to the base, please everyone Let’s eat a few good meals, don’t let everyone do the most tiring work every day, you won’t even be able to eat a good meal in the end."


At this moment, a lieutenant soldier in charge of driving the armored car got out of the car and said, "Captain Qin Feng, hasn't the meeting ended? Haven't you set off yet? Why are you... starting to divide the meat here? Okay. ..."

"Stop talking about big brother!"

Wang Lu said, "This is the best yak meat from the Fenglei clan, and you have one leg!"

"No, thank you, we are disciplined..."

"Just say that Ouyang Luli rewarded you. See if your superiors dare to refuse?"

"Aha, this...this should be dare not, then thank you, that leg, is it the fattest hind leg..."


I was speechless for a while, watching everyone busy cutting beef, I drew my sword and chopped a few more beef bones to simmer the beef bone soup, then turned around, looked at Lingyuan, and said, "Let’s go, go to my house, I invite You eat Chaoshan beef hot pot, one of the most delicious types of fire on the earth."

Lingyuan is full of expectations: "Really delicious?"


I nodded: "How do you Fenglei clan make this kind of beef?"

"Cauldron stew pot, or roast it with a fire fork."

"Tsk tusk, it's also barbaric, let's go, I will show you how to eat elegantly."


Aside, Wang Lu rolled her eyes: "I want to go too."

"Then together!"

"Okay, will you send me to the base after eating?"

"Well, the realm of transforming gods, pick up and drop off in person."


Wang Lu greeted Qin Feng directly: "Hahafeng team, then I will go to the midnight snack, and you will go back to the base to entertain the big guys."

Qin Feng rolled his eyes, "Go ahead."


In the next second, I grabbed Wang Lu’s wrist, and the golden cuneiform text of the Transformation Realm instantly wrapped her body, and then the three of them broke through the air together, and came to my living room in one step, at 11 o’clock in the evening. At that time, neither father nor sister slept. Father was watching the international news. My sister used a notebook to make reports.

I took a deep breath in silence, and talked to Lin Xi in reality: "Lin Xiaoxi, let everyone go offline, we are ready to eat Chaoshan hot pot."

"Huh? Hmm!"

Soon after, when everyone was going downstairs, my sister and I were already cooking beef bone soup in a pressure cooker. It happened that we had all the soup ingredients at home, and A Fei walked in the forefront: "What is this going to do?"

In the next moment, his goal fell on Lingyuan, who was not far away, and he suddenly showed a lusty and soulful expression: "The cousin is also here..."

Lingyuan didn't bother to care about her, and continued to watch my sister and I are busy.

Lin Xi stepped forward: "This is?"

I pointed to a large amount of meat on the table next to me, and smiled: "Lingyu brought us a beef called Beiyuan yak from the north of Fenglei tribe. This kind of cattle eats grass with fire attributes and has fresh and tender meat. It is said that The meat will not freeze even if it is placed in extremely cold and low temperature, so the taste will not change at all. No, everyone is tired of the frozen duck after eating for a few days. I will bring it back to improve the food for everyone. Today In the evening, let’s eat authentic Chaoshan hot pot. If you don’t eat vegetarian dishes, we will eat meat until we are full!"

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Wang Lu was on the side and said: "Ha, don't look at me, I just came here to have a meal. I haven't eaten a decent meal for many days."

"Good job."

The elder sister knew her and laughed: "Is the second in command of KDA Sunan mixed up like this?"


Wang Lu chuckled: "Those who serve the people, how can they have time to enjoy."


I watched the beef bone broth start to boil, and said, "Don't say so much. There are many kinds of meat here. I have already divided it into snowflakes, hanging dragons, spoon handles, pork belly, and butter meat. Yes, Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan, don't be idle, take the meat and wash it, then cut it, cut it a little bit, don't be too thick."

"Know it!"

The two put on aprons and went to work happily.

A Fei and I went to get the seasoning for everyone. The small hot peppers, coriander, and some sauces like Lao Ganma in the refrigerator were moved out and left for everyone to pick up. As for my own seasoning, it’s always simple. , Small hot peppers, coriander, mushroom sauce, and then pour a little balsamic vinegar. In addition to the hot and spicy flavor, there is also a bit of sour and sweet like first love. This is the magical place of the dipping sauce!


Soon after, the hot pot was boiled and everyone gathered in a circle, like a big family.

Ling Yuan, the Emperor Feng Lei, who can destroy the mountain and sea with one blow, seemed quite timid in this battle. He cautiously held a small bowl of seasoning and sat on my left side, while Lin Xi sat with her beautiful eyes squinted. On my right side, I can observe the situation at any time. I can see that the situation is not very good. I can feel the murderous aura even after eating a hot pot. I immediately turned around and kissed Lin Xi’s pretty face lightly, and said, "Alright, I only love you. Lingyuan is a guest. I have to teach her how to eat Chaoshan hot pot. You don't need it."

Lin Xi was satisfied, her pretty face flushed, but she still said, "I didn't say anything..."

The elder sister lowered her head: "Oh, I didn't look at it, I always feel that my brother is a scumbag."


The father held the condiments: "Where does the older sister say that to the younger brother?"

"Knowing what was wrong, knowing what was wrong." My sister kept repeating.

Wang Lu chuckled quietly.

A Fei took the lead, and said, "In this case, everyone has something on hand, so I, the chief inscription master of the national clothing, scalded the meat for everyone. Let's talk about it. Would you like to eat tenderer or older?"

"Be tender."

Shen Mingxuan said: "But you are not allowed to see blood."

"Yes, Beauty Shen really knows the way of Chaoshan hot pot."

A Fei said one sentence literally, but the next sentence couldn't contain anything, so he had to say: "I can eat, I can eat!"

As he said, he started to get busy, the colander opened, and a large plate of meat poured in. However, it was up and down repeatedly for a while, and the meat slices rolled and quickly changed color. After a while, a delicious "other world" Chaoshan beef was in front of us. .


With a big wave, one chopsticks for one person.

At the entrance, the taste is indeed quite good, a bit better than the local beef, and the meat has a faintly spicy taste, which should be the reason for the legendary fire spirit grass. After eating, the body's warming power should be There will be a certain improvement, right? No wonder Fenglei people are not afraid of the cold, and it is estimated that this kind of meat has not been eaten less.

"Is it delicious?" I asked Lin Xi.

"It's delicious!" She smiled and nodded.

"Then eat more."


I looked at Feng Lei Dijun again: "Ling Yuan, how does it taste?"

"It's weird."

She opened a pair of beautiful eyes and said, "The aftertaste is full, curious and wonderful... The meat quality is indeed... I have never felt it before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is not the same as roasted or boiled, and it is tender. Many..."

"That is required!"

I gave a thumbs up: "Compared with the food on our planet, the food of your Fenglei tribe is just like feeding pigs."

Lingyuan was not angry either, she chuckled and said, "It's just weird, why is this kind of delicacy called Chaoshan beef? It's obviously Beiyuan beef..."

I was too lazy to explain, but said: "It doesn't matter what it is called, the method is here. If you are interested in Lingyuan, you can bring this kind of delicacy back to your hometown. You open a chain store under Fenglei Palace and the name is Beiyuan Beef. From now on, won’t the Fenglei clan’s legends related to you have added another touch? Those who oppose you and think you are a tyrant may also be convinced.”

"Hmm!" She nodded repeatedly.

A Fei was taken aback: "She... is a tyrant?"

I nodded earnestly: "I think it is, a monarch who thinks that force can solve everything, not a tyrant..."


My father coughed slightly and signaled that I could not speak like this. After all, he was Emperor Feng Lei. What if he gets angry and throws our nest off? Everyone will freeze to death.

I didn't care. I glanced at Lingyuan with a gentle smile. Anyway, she couldn't beat me. What about Feng Lei Dijun, who is not one of my little brothers, oh no, little old girl.

As a result, Lingyuan naturally perceived my thoughts, turned around and rolled his eyes: "I hate..."??


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