Zhan Yue

Chapter 1443: Sitting on the Wall of Heaven

   Days pass day by day.

The cold current has struck, and the domestic situation is gradually stabilizing. The number of people who died of freezing and frostbite has begun to decline steadily. However, there are still many problems that need to be solved. The supply of food, heating, and electricity has also begun to become scarce a little bit. Some second- and third-tier The city began to experience power outages every three to five. There was no alternative. The river was frozen and all hydroelectric power generation had been shut down. Even if the domestic nuclear power plants started to generate electricity, they were still tight.

However, it's just a matter of urgency. Compared with foreign countries, there are still a large number of deaths. Many people even starve to death. The country is like a paradise. The government's determination and people's resilience have long been crushed at this moment. That so-called developed country.

Lingyuan still comes here often.

Within two weeks, Lingyuan came to eat dinner almost every two or three days, and never came empty-handed every time, either carrying a freshly hunted Beiyuan yak, or carrying some fresh hares from Fenglei territory. Game dishes such as pheasants, these species are very different from those on the earth. In fact, they are definitely a class of protected animals on the earth. Unfortunately, the Fenglei tribe can only be regarded as a delicacy on the table. The Ling kite is here. Let's deal with it here.

Therefore, every meal of the family ate quite well.


On this day, I was already looking forward to it before going online early in the morning, because after receiving the Liuhuo Emperor's salary, I was the first player in the national server to be upgraded to level 355, and the first full-level player in the entire server, I must celebrate.


The character went online, and the level of 354 swayed on his forehead, and he appeared in front of the Great Sanctuary. A Fei just started to set up his stall, and after a glance: "Ali, is the level going to be full?"

"Well, right now!"

With that said, I accepted today’s salary with a smile. A ray of golden light rained down from the sky, bathing my whole body, and the number on top of my head jumped instantly, reaching level 355. At the same time, a ring of bells reverberated over the main city— —


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Seven ** Fire] for successfully reaching the full level of 355. As the first player in the whole server to reach the full level, you will receive rewards: Charisma +100, Dragon Merit +1000W, Merit +50E , Gold coins +500W!



The charm value broke the terrible 900 points. In addition, the acquisition of a large number of merit points also broke the limit of the ninth-level general. A golden light flashed by the military rank system. My military rank has become a general and has become the legendary "Marshal". Now, the national service is the only one, the only marshal, which general will surpass me in the future, otherwise this marshal will always be in my palm.


A Fei grinned and said, "That's 355, so many rewards!"

"Envy?" I asked with a smile.

He grinned: "There is nothing to envy about this, I even envy you if you dared to flirt with Lingyuan in front of Lin Xi and didn't get killed in the end, hahahaha~~~"

"Fuck off, I don't have one!"

I opened my eyes, didn't bother to pay attention to him, waved my hand and said, "I won't tell you more, I still have a lot of important things to do. I'm leaving now."



As soon as the mind moved, the body had entered the world of the sky floating map, and it was time to complete the full achievement system at this stage.

Looking up at the sky, the figure of Master Xiao Chen appeared in the sky, vague and unpredictable. He looked down at me and smiled: "Lu Li, you have completed the challenge so soon."

"Yes it is."

I nodded and said, "Master, I am ready."

"it is good."

In the next second, a bell rang, especially pleasing to the ears——


System reminder: Congratulations on reaching the achievement of this stage [Climbing to the top], obtaining the Excalibur [Heavens], and obtaining the qualification to [Sit on the Wall of Heaven]!



Above the sky, a rainbow light flew down and turned into a crystal-clear sword that lay in front of me. The clever fairy aura lingered around the sword, exuding a majestic aura, which is exactly what the rewards of the full achievement system are. day.


I took a deep breath and stretched out my hand to hold the handle of the heavens. For a moment, there was a feeling of divine power throughout the body. The whole thing seemed to be reborn. The heavens have no attributes, just like some kind of mysterious props. But as long as I stretch out my hand and hold it, I can sense the power and feel its unparalleled sharpness. In terms of its sharpness, I am afraid that the flying sword and white star that I have been nurturing for so long are much inferior, compared with the heavens of the divine sword It's not a level at all, there is a difference between clouds and mud.

"Excalibur heavens."

Master Xiao Chen looked at me with a kind smile: "It's a sword that carries the heavenly path. You must use it properly."

"Yes, Master!"

I nodded gently, and at the moment when the sword was stowed away in my mind, the sky slowly rotated with a "swish", and a golden scabbard was condensed around the sword, followed by a gray cloth wrapped obliquely. Standing behind me, it turned into the form of a "back sword" assassin, which looked...like a mixture of a swordsman and an assassin.

However, when the heavens are unsheathed, they should be quite extraordinary, right?

At this moment, the personal interface flashed with brilliance, and the words "Sit on the Wall of Heaven" appeared. The golden light was shining. This was a bit remarkable. This button was a channel, and you could confirm your way to the Wall of Heaven at any time.


I looked up at the sky and frowned, "Master, can I go and see the Wall of Heaven?"


The master smiled and said: "You are already the master of the heavens, the guardian of the wall of heaven, what else can't you see?"

"it is good."

In the next second, confirm the teleportation to the Wall of Heaven!

In an instant, the body was pulled away by drips and left the world directly. The light in front of me was continuously distorted and gathered and scattered, and there was a feeling of hyperspace shuttle. It lasted for a few seconds, the body suddenly stopped, and the drips of mind were instantaneous. Condensed into the body of the whole person, just like this, appeared in front of a huge wall world, it was the wall of the sky.

Moreover, at this moment, I am not so close to the Wall of Sky, almost right in front of my eyes. I can feel the terrifying sense of oppression. The Wall of Sky is the conclusion of the rules of the world, and the pressure on the surface can instantly disintegrate a sword fairy. One can imagine how terrifying the body is, and at this time I appeared in front of the wall of heaven, and there was not much pressure, because the sky behind my back was exuding wisps of soft brilliance flowing all over my body, offsetting the brilliance from The pressure of the wall of heaven.

Looking up at the wall of the sky, there are thousands of roads.

After watching for a while, I was dizzy. Just when I stepped back subconsciously, I found a suspended land behind me. It looked like an obliterated and severely damaged temple in the long river. Every stone pillar was gone. Most of it was weathered, and the stone steps were bare, and only wisps of heaven and earth were still flowing slowly in it.

Not quite right!

I frowned, recalling something, why is this temple so familiar?

That's right, when I was refining the abyss mace, I had seen the original appearance of this temple. It was an ancient heaven, the place where the owner of the abyss mace once guarded it!

So, I floated down, standing on the dappled stone steps of the ancient heavenly court, a little confused, but the natal thing in the body, the aura of the refined abyssal mace became extremely active, as if it were related to this ancient heavenly court. There is a kind of resonance between them. Just when I appeared in the ancient heavenly court, the power of the abyss mace began to quickly warm up!

"Good luck..."

I sighed, sat down on the steps with a smile, and hung my double-edged blades from my waist. As soon as I stretched out my palms, I summoned the heavens of the Divine Sword. Even more melancholy, is this just sitting on the wall of heaven? It seems like... In addition to warming up the abyss here, there is nothing to do. Is this going to make me endure the long loneliness?


"Tsk tsk..."

A few minutes later, a familiar voice came, right in front of him, along with thunder and lightning and the rules of time, condensing the appearance of the leader Lian Yin, and then another beautiful figure appeared, Lin Lu, the two The top deacons of the Star Alliance are here.

Lian Yin looked at the heavens in my hand, and smiled: "No wonder, no wonder, I just said... A mere human, even if it has an IQ higher than an ordinary person, how can he step into the realm of God Transformation, and how can he get it? With so many blessings from heaven and earth, it turns out that it is the person holding the secret key!"

I frowned, the secret key... If nothing else, what Lian Yin was referring to should be the full achievement manual, and the secret key in his mouth was the full achievement manual in the game.

Lin Lu has beautiful eyes like water~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Walking in the air with a pair of naked jade feet, her clothes fluttering, her figure is different, she smiled and said: "Lu Li, I didn’t expect you to be chosen by the heavens, holding the heavens. , The opportunity to sit on the Wall of Heaven falls on you. If this is the case, it is even more necessary for you to join the Star Alliance and implement the rebirth plan with us, so that the whole world can get a new life. It’s not good. ?"

"not good."

I shook my head: "There is only one world I know."

Lian Yin sneered: "You are also a person who has walked through the long river of time, and you are also a person who has seen countless parallel worlds. I don't understand why such a person would say such stupid things. The universe is endless and the road is ruthless. This is us. The heavens that these people see are all ants. Now that you have stood at this height, why bother to look at the ants?"

I smiled and looked at him: "Because I am also the ant in your eyes!"


Lin Lu tilted her head and smiled: "Moved to kill, want to kill me and Lian Yin on the wall of heaven?"

"Not really."

Leaning back, my whole body was lying on the stone steps of Gu Tianting, and said with a smile: "I know that you are just a thought in front of you. Your spiritual body is not here, so your body is the best. Never show up on the wall of heaven, otherwise."

"Otherwise?" Lian Yin asked with a smile.

"Otherwise, that's it."


I swiped a sword lightly, and suddenly a sword light passed by like a rainbow, and the bodies of the two guides were directly torn apart, turning into an annihilated broken idea.

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