Zhan Yue

Chapter 1444: The decisive battle is coming

Lian Yin and Lin Lu disappeared, and the whole world seemed to be pure.


Soon after, a ray of light flew along the trajectory of the wall of heaven, and I could see it really as soon as I opened my eyes. No way, the title of sitting on the wall of heaven is not imaginary, when I appear in this ancient heavenly court At the time, the entire wall of sky has actually become my personal little world, and any bit of wind and grass can be insight, but my cultivation level is limited, I can only see a part of the wall of sky nearby, no matter how much it is, I can’t carry it. If you want to really turn the entire wall of heaven into a personal world, you will be blown up by the sword intent like a devourer.

The streamer got closer and closer, and when it was tens of miles away, it was very clear that a sword fairy in gray long-shirt was swimming far away with his sword. I don’t know which plane is the leader, let alone a real person, or just It's just a piece of data in the game, but based on my inference, it is mostly a real person. On the contrary, in his eyes, I may just be a piece of data and a consciousness.

A few seconds later, the Grey Sword Fairy arrived dozens of meters away, dressed in a long gown, floating like an immortal, with an ancient sword under his feet, full of awe-inspiring detached sword intent.


I held the divine sword in my hand and looked up at him.


The Grey Sword Immortal smiled slightly, clasped his fist and said, "Situ Nan, the sword repairman of the Broken Ding Realm, see Shangxian!"

I was stunned: "I am not a god, even... my realm is not as high as you."

This sword fairy is an ascendant realm!

The Grey Sword Immortal smiled and shook his head: "The level of realm is just a matter of time. You can hold the heavens in your hand and sit in the ancient heaven outside the wall of heaven. This is the name of the immortal. You don't need to be too modest."


I nodded and said, "Excuse me...Senior Sword Immortal, is this going to be?"

"Cruising the Wall of Heaven."

He smiled slightly, and clasped his fists again: "Or to say it's traveling, I want to know more about the rules of the Wall of Heaven in order to prepare for the upcoming storm."

I frowned and said, "Do you also know that the storm is coming?"


The sword fairy in gray said with a smile: "After several decades of retreat and enlightenment, I finally found some clues from the line of heaven. After following the vines, I can basically be sure that the collapse of the wall of heaven is imminent, and the entire human world will become a thing of the past. Only by piercing the wall of the sky and becoming that person can you have the opportunity to save the people from bad luck."

I nodded, clasped my fist and said, "Disrespectful!"

The Grey Sword Immortal looked at me and said, "Dare to ask... the name of the immortal taboo?"

"Land from."

"Thank you!"

The Grey Sword Immortal nodded and said, "Shang Xian Lu Li, since you have obtained the qualifications to sit on the Wall of Heaven, since you have held the heavens in your hand, you have merged with the Wall of Heaven for a fraction of the time. If that day comes, Shang Xian What's your position? Will it risk the world's great disapproval to prevent the great men of the world from piercing the wall of heaven? Or is it to help us?"

I frowned: "If it is irretrievable, I will follow you to storm the wall of the sky."

There was a trace of respect in his eyes: "In this case, the hope of Ten Thousand Realms is a little bit more, Situ Nan is the living creature of the world, thank you Lu Li Shangxian for his insightful righteousness!"


He smiled slightly: "In that case, don't disturb Shangxian's practice at the bottom, goodbye."


A ray of light shuttled past, the Grey Sword Fairy once again wandered away with the sword, and I watched his figure, on the wall of the sky, such a Sword Fairy was definitely not my opponent, it was not swollen, but true. I can feel the power of the heavens in his hand, even if Lin Hai reaches the wall of heaven, he may not be able to stop my sword. On the wall of heaven, I am an invincible existence.

It's just that there is no rival!


Therefore, he kept the abyss mace on the wall of heaven for a while, and then stepped out and left the ancient heavenly court. When it appeared next time, it turned into a spark and appeared on the sky curtain of Lunar Moon Continent, bowing his head. Overlooking the world, there are dense golden lines everywhere. Stareye's firewall reinforcement of the main system can be said to be quite strong. Apart from the large number of loopholes and corrosion, it is almost impossible for Starlink to further work on the main brain. , Especially in the main plot, now Star Alliance can no longer control.


Above the earth, a gleam of golden sword light burst into the air, and slashed directly from the Dragon Territory to the Northern Territory. At the same time, Senior Sister Yun’s voice came from the lake of my heart: "Brother, it’s about to start soon. Up!"


I was slightly startled: "What?"

"The decisive moment is approaching." She whispered softly.

I trembled all over, and I lowered my head from the sky to look down at the golden sword light, piercing through the entire open forest sea and most of the sea of ​​heroic spirits, and then smashed into the highest throne, which is the shadow of death. throne.

"Jing Yunyue, so courageous!"

Lin Hai volleyed out a sword and said with a sneer: "In my world, do you dare to make a sword?"

But I never thought that the moment Lin Hai handed out a sword, Senior Sister Yun's sword light suddenly split into two, and one smashed into Lin Hai's throne, and the other smashed into the death altar not far away. The swordsmanship is so high that the world is unique!


Just when Lin Hai was a little flustered by Senior Sister Yun's "various" sword, a ray of mind mustard appeared in the lake of mind, turning into the figure of the Queen of Fire Demon Sura, she smiled slightly: "If Jing Yunyue If there is no sword to disturb Lin Hai's mind, the voice of my heart and you will be insighted by Lin Hai, okay?"


I nodded slightly: "What plan?"

"Four days later, a decisive battle."

Sura smiled: "Those who should be counted should also be paid back. Four days later, Lin Hai's formation in the death altar is about to be completed. By then, Lin Hai will take the world's death luck and bring Filtuna with him. Thrones, Charles, Fan Yi and other thrones concentrated all their forces on Beiyue Lishan. Regardless of the wind or Jing Yunyue, they would rather fight off a few thrones and break the barrier of Beiyue. By then, I hope you can concentrate all of the human race The power of, in the decisive battle with the alien demon army in Beiyue Lishan, the big tengu and I will wait for the opportunity to move. This battle will determine the fate of the human race in the future. Please be sure to go all out."

I gently clasped my fists: "Whether it's for the human race or the world, or for you and the big tengu, I will definitely spare no effort!"


Sura nodded slightly, her mind slowly dissipating in the lake of my heart.

At this time, Senior Sister Yun didn't use the sword anymore, and the figure driving the sword light had returned to the Dragon Region, as if she just wanted to make Lin Hai a little trouble.



Taking a deep breath, I couldn't help but smile slightly, is it finally about to fight?

For the four days in the game, there is only one day in reality, which also means that the version of the final battle should be launched at noon tomorrow. This time, the national server really must stand up! If the national service can defeat the alien army in the decisive battle, obviously, the national service will become the real king of the full service, and there will be no objections again.


The figure went straight down in the sky and landed in the palace. A group of guards saluted together: "See Your Majesty!"

"Immediately, call the group of ministers to discuss matters in the hall!"


In less than ten minutes, the officials arrived at the court.

It was late at night, but there was no shortage of one, and the leaders of the major legions were all here.


"His Majesty?"

Lin Hui looked at me and said, "Is something serious?"


I nodded: "Four days later, Lin Hai has taken the remaining eight thrones and stormed the North Mountain Lishan desperately. Once they succeed, our four-mountain structure will be broken and the country will become a battlefield. No longer is today’s heyday, so this battle is a decisive battle between us and the alien army!"

"Decisive battle?" Lin Hui was taken aback.

Zhang Lingyue was pleased: "Your Majesty please give me an order."

I nodded lightly: "From now on, all Class A Corps and Class B Corps will all go out of Yanmen Pass and gather in the south of Lishan. The defenders of various government offices will be deployed in half, leaving only enough defenders to guard the government office. In addition, Everyone, please bring the army together. This is the decisive battle of the empire. Please don't have the thought of preserving your strength anymore."

Many generals clasped their fists one after another: "Final will obey orders!"

I looked at Lin Hui: "Lin Xiang."

Lin Hui nodded: "Your Majesty, please speak."

"If you have the equipment, armor, weapons, food and grass that you need to supervise the major legions, the logistics will be completely handed over to you, without error."

"Yes, the minister obeyed!"

Lin Hui was a civil official. Although he was a disciple of Qingxiang in white, Lin Hui was not the kind of both civil and military. When the Qing was in white, he also had excellent military insights, and he was often able to make suggestions for Xuanyuanying~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Hui’s military opinion is much worse than that of his husband, but in logistics and government affairs, Lin Hui is still a good player, and he can definitely be regarded as the right-hand man of the Emperor Liuhuo. I don’t have this ability. I'm afraid he won't be the prime minister either.

A group of commander-level generals went back and dispatched their troops.

I stayed, checked the various books, and emptied the empire’s arsenal. All the artillery shells, armor, equipment, etc. were transported to the battlefield of the decisive battle. In addition, inscribed swords, inscribed arrows clusters, etc. All were distributed to the major legions. After the Four Sacred Mountains were forged, the empire hadn't had much warfare, and many materials were saved. Just right, this decisive battle can make the best use of it.

I have been busy until late at night, and the Shangshu of the Ministry of War has been awake and restless, and the young soldiers of the Ministry of War are in good spirits. I am a little pleased to see that the future of the Ministry of War is also a successor. The previous generation is old, and the next generation will grow up. , There are talents from generation to generation, so as to support the prosperity of the steaming half of the empire.


Soon after, a bell rang over the main city, and it lasted for a long time. Finally, the version announcement of the decisive battle was triggered——


System Announcement: Please pay attention to all brave guys! The time of decisive battle has arrived. The [Decisive Battle of Lishan] version is about to open. The alien demon army has conspired for a long time and finally decided to break through the northern barrier of the Xuanyuan Empire. They will concentrate all the power of the nine thrones to launch a fierce attack on Lishan. By then, it will be a decisive battle between humans and the alien demon army. If you win, the incense of the human race will continue, and if you lose, the human race will perish! [Decisive Battle at Lishan] The version will start at 12 o'clock tomorrow noon, please all brave people to work hard, this is a decisive battle, and it is also a battle for survival in our world!

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