Zhan Yue

Chapter 1449: Killer move?

Ghoul, level 355, mountain and sea level monster

Ground fire ghost soldier, level 355, mountain and sea level monster

Evil spirit, level 355, mountain and sea level monster


In the first wave, the three most "low-level" monsters of the current alien demon army, but they are all 355 mountain and sea level monsters, gushing out from the open forest sea like a tide, and directly attacking Beiyue Lishan. For the player, This first wave of monsters is definitely no longer as simple as sending experience, but a deadly existence. Even with the exception of me, players in the national server have basically never seen level 355 monsters.

The level gap is really too big. At present, the average level of the national server players participating in this decisive battle is not even more than 290. After all, the data is there. Until today, the 280 level three flying players who successfully crossed the robbery still do not exceed 10% of the total players, this watershed is too terrible, more than 30% of the national server players are stuck on the 280 level hole, and the four ascended players who reached level 320 and successfully crossed the tribulation are even rarer, only Lin Xi, Feng Canghai, Gu Ruyi, the Dawn of Purgatory, and the few people with charm on paper.

This also means that in this decisive battlefield, players in the national server will have to fight **** battles with monsters that exceed their own level 65. The tragic degree can be imagined!

"Defensive posture!"

On the battlefield, Lin Xi Jianfeng pointed forward and said: "All defensive stances, ready to meet the monster charge, the Healing Element locks the front row, ready to save people at any time, and the Long Range Element fires with all strength, regardless of the potion loss. This version of the event is It is fully open, can be resurrected countless times, and can return to the city at any time to replenish medicine!"

In the front row, a group of deer and iron knights sinked one after another, and a solid shield wall was formed on the front line with heavy shield tops. Between the gaps between each two shields, there must be spears, swords and other weapons pierced out. Players of the swordsman series are even holding long swords, ready to go.

Everyone's eyes were not only nervous, but also a little excited. The 355 full-level monster, the first time I saw it, I couldn't help but be excited!

My body sank slightly, the two blades pointed forward, and made a defensive posture. The black-clothed boy Xiaojiu stood in the general, standing straight and proud, with heroic energy between his eyebrows, looking at the crowd of monsters in front of him. Looking at me, it seemed to be very surprised. I don't think this master needs to be like this, just a bunch of ghouls.

I have a hard time saying that this is not for the team too. Once I rush out, everyone will underestimate the enemy. What if the first wave of losses are heavy?

In the next second, welcome the charge!

When Xia Hui broke out with my double-edged blades, and the moment I stepped into the Transformation Realm, the impact of a group of ghouls turned into moths to fight the fire, and they were constantly strangling. Now I have the same level as these low-level monsters. But it surpasses too much, and there are various hidden bonuses. Each attack has countless damage-increasing effects. Under the double-edged swing, even a basic attack is a seven-digit damage number, killing fast!

"Peng Peng Peng--"

A deer front line greeted the impact, and countless ghouls and ground fire ghosts smashed on the shield formation. In addition, some evil spirits wielding sickles and imaginary figures also launched an offensive against the shield formation. These evil spirits came from demons. In the world, Demon Wing Landro's army, the lethality is still considerable.


Qing Deng raised his hand and pushed the back of a Paladin in front to help him withstand the shield together, while the other front row players also pushed the front row one by one, maintaining an unmoving defensive posture. The monsters in front began to pile up and pile up. The shouts of ghouls and ground fire ghosts "wow wow wow" became a piece. The next moment, everyone in the front row began to counterattack, and swarms of swordsman's sword fell across the galaxy. Wrapped in strands of fire-red six-pointed stars fell on the heads of the monsters, and then the spells and arrow attacks behind him became one piece, crackling bursts of glow in the monsters. At the same time, the priests of light Healing magic is activated, and the players in the front row are constantly flashing with golden light, moisturizing and returning blood, so that they will not be overwhelmed by this group of monsters.

After nearly three minutes of fierce battle, Yilu’s position steadily stood still. After all, he faced only low-level monsters such as ghouls, ground fire ghost soldiers and evil spirits. Even at level 355, Yilu’s strength can still be used. After all, the tens of thousands of abyssal cavalry in the front row are not fake. If you want to break this heavy defense, the alien demon army must come to the trump card!


A ray of sword light bloomed in the monster group like thunder, and then the lace spread, continuously forming a continuous damage effect. Xiao Jiu had completely released himself, carrying two swords in the strange group, and I was waving my double-edged swords. The monster group kept releasing skills, and the flying sword and white star's natal magical power attack came at every turn, killing the monster group crying and crying!

At the same time, when I kept on attacking, there were wisps of golden aura flowing from the abyss around my body, forming a "see through" effect, so eye-catching reminders appeared in the battle reminder——


Combat Tip: Your normal attack caused 1183620 attack damage to the target [Ghoul], and due to the [See Through] effect of the Abyss, it caused an additional 295905 points of damage!


Combat Tip: Your normal attack has caused 991668 attack damage to the target [Evil Spirit], and due to the [See Through] effect of the Abyss Mace, additional damage is caused by 247,917 points of damage!


Obviously, the existence of the abyss mace is not just a sharp weapon in the plot deduction. This abyss mace, regarded as the treasure of the ancient heaven, is also a kind of "natal thing" of mine. This kind of existence can be in tangible and intangible situations. To enhance my strength, for example, in front of me, the abyss can insight into the lack of anything in the road rules, so I can also insight into the weaknesses of these monsters, so that every time I cause damage can be increased by 25%, for this 25% increase Injury, I am afraid that other players are only envious.

In addition, when I shuttled back and forth among the monsters, the halo under my feet continued to rotate and flow, with the illusory effect of stepping on the luck of a country, and the "BUFF" effect of the imperial conquest, as long as I was here in Lishan, Beiyue. In a super large-scale map, the Xuanyuan Empire units in the entire map will get a substantial increase in attributes, and the players are also counted! All players in the national service who enter the battlefield can enjoy the amplification halo effect of the Liuhuo Emperor under my feet. This makes many players who may not be able to block the level 355 monsters, block them, and can benefit from it. In this decisive battle Glowing heat!

Any great success is not accidental, dripping through the stone, all kinds of factors add up to create extraordinary achievements, and the current situation is just like that.



In the distance, among the imaginary sea of ​​clouds, there was a cold snort from the swordsmith Han Ying: "Enjoy the attack and tear the human corpses into pieces. You can enjoy the delicious food in front of you!"

A group of ghouls and ground-fire ghost soldiers seemed to have received a holy edict. They attacked harder. In some locations, some weaker players and NPCs rushed to death. Before the corpses were refreshed, those ghouls, The fire ghost started to gnaw the corpse in public, and the whole body was full of goose bumps. This design was a bit too disgusting. Just imagine a young lady whose boyfriend died and was chewed off his head in person. What a deep shadow of life!

After killing for a while, I didn’t get too entangled in the first place in this decisive battle version. I just ordered Xiao Jiu to continue the bombardment, and I swooped up and walked over the battlefield with wind, overlooking the entire battlefield, looking at it. Looking to the north, she spoke with Senior Sister Yun with her heartfelt voice: "Sister, I have such a big goal, will there be anything wrong?"

"The goal is indeed great, Great Emperor Liuhuo, everyone in these thrones of the Northern Territory wants to pinch you to death."

Senior Sister Yun smiled softly and said: "But don't worry, you just don't need to leave the territory of Beiyue Lishan completely. In the depths, under the protection of the four-mountain arches headed by the wind, the mountain weather will protect you at any time. , What is there to worry about? Even, I am a little bit expecting that these thrones will start to kill you, just to give us an opportunity to start."

"I know, then I don't have to worry about anything."

Having said that, I continue to cruise the battlefield. The scale of this edition activity is unprecedentedly strong. Nearly a half of the northern edge of NATO Lishan has been reduced to a battlefield. When I look down from the air, the western peaks bordering the dragon territory are then next. Among the several hills in the East China Sea, which stretch for more than two thousand miles, one third of them are shrouded in war. The battle line of nearly 600 miles is full of images of players, NPC troops and alien demon army battles.

At that time, Liu Bei ruled an army of 700,000 in the Romance to attack Soochow, and was burned for hundreds of miles by Lu Xun in the Yiling area. The success or failure of the ancients was in a joke, but today's success or failure is in sight. The national service is tens of millions. Players are scattered all over the area of ​​Lishan, plus millions of NPC armies, the front is stretched to surpass the ancients. Looking down from the air, people can’t help but stir up their hearts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This battle, if it succeeds, All of us will probably be included in the annals of "The Moon", or even in the annals of the world game. After all, this is not just a fierce battle of the game.


As time passed bit by bit, I was sitting on the top of the mountain, so I let Xiao Jiu fight under the mountain, standing side by side with Senior Sister Yun, Feng Buwen and others on the top of the mountain, overlooking the whole battlefield situation. The action.

After nearly three hours of fierce battle, the first wave of monsters were all strangled, and this time it was a strangulation on a battle line of nearly six hundred miles long. It is estimated that after this battle, the ghouls and the fire ghosts of the alien demon army The number of Evil Spirits and Evil Spirits will be drastically reduced.

Afterwards, there was a whining horn from the north, and the second batch of monsters appeared.

Groups of orcs appeared, some with battle axes in their hands, some with warhammers, and some with spears in their hands. They were very ugly and ugly. The half-orcs were not originally from the alien army. It is a free race in the northern fertile fields. Only after the forest sea descended on the earth, the half-orcs knelt directly after seeing the true power of death. The patriarch led the race to surrender and became the **** of the alien demon army.

Now, these 355-level cannon fodder raised their tomahawks and spears, and roared at the human army, as if there was some blood and blood.


I frowned and said, "Will the alien demon army still follow the previous pattern? One after another wave of attacks, until the army brought this time is exhausted, and then the throne will move?"

"will not."

Senior Sister Yun raised her mouth slightly and said, "Because the ultimate move is about to come!"

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