Zhan Yue

Chapter 1450: Sacrifice 1 sword


An army of orcs launched an offensive.

Below the mountain, the attacking crowd was like a wave, and it was almost impossible to see clearly. The whole earth was trembling. In a flash, countless orc warriors were strangling with the players. They are still 355-level mountain and sea-level monsters, but their attributes are better than food. The ghouls and the ground fire ghosts are much stronger, so after a few seconds of contact, many humans can't hold the line of defense. The front lines of some small and medium guilds are even more bloodbathed. The half-beast crowd began to infiltrate continuously, approaching Li. The foot of the mountain.

Of course, it's easy to get close, but it's hard to get to Lishan. The dense mountain scene is there, and these half-orcs may be crushed into a pile of meat sauce as soon as they step into Lishan.

"Lin Xi."

I followed Senior Sister Yun's words and sent a message to Lin Xi: "Let everyone be careful. Next, I'm afraid it will not be as simple as just spawning monsters. The throne will make a killer move."

"Got it."

She immediately alerted everyone in the guild, and this news will soon spread to many guilds.

With the attack of the Orc Army, the war lasted for about half an hour. Finally, Lin Hai’s voice came from the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, saying: "Fan Yi, don’t discuss with the orc king yet, serve Lishan. ?"

"Yes, Master Lin Hai."

A throne suddenly rammed out in the sea of ​​clouds. Fan Yi, who was high above the throne, held the double bead sword in one hand and pressed the armrest of the throne with the other. Armored, the blood-red orc king stood side by side, smiling: "His Royal Highness the orc king, should this human race be extinct?"


The Orc King looked awe-inspiring, holding a golden battle axe in his hand, and raising his eyebrows angrily said: "Back then, when Xuanyuan was the emperor, the human race had been coveting my orc family territory, and even sent scouts to hunt down my people again and again. Cannibalize my territory, now Xuanyuan should be dead, and the entire human race should be punished!"

"It's so good."

Fan Yi smiled slightly: "Now, the new human emperor casts the Four Mountains, and wants to rely on the mountains under this world to shut out the army of our Holy Demon Legion. This is very rude. Master Lin Hai is determined to break Beiyue first. Lishan has broken Nanyue Luming Mountain for the second time. So, can your Highness borrow something like Xiaosheng? With such a thing, Xiaosheng might make this Beiyue Lishan collapse several hills and reduce their mountain atmosphere."

The half-orc king frowned and said, "Master Fan Yi is one of the top ten thrones. He owns half of the world's cultural fortune and is a person whom Master Lin Hai relies on. Why do you want to borrow whatever you want? Just take it. I am half-orc. Isn't this tribe the human tribe?"

"That's better."

Fan Yi lightly folded his fan and clapped his hands, smiling: "The thing that Xiaosheng wants to borrow is nothing more than the millions of lives of an army of half-orcs."


The Orc King was taken aback: "Master Fan Yi... are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Fan Yi smiled slightly: "Don't forget, Your Highness, you have agreed just now. Therefore, Fan Yi has no choice but to take care of it."


The Orc King trembled all over, holding a battle axe, looking at the slowly rising throne, and roaring: "Fan Yi, you lunatic, what do you want to do?"

"It's a sacrifice."

Fan Yi has already controlled the throne to rise high, and he only disregards the Orc King. Zhang Shou offered a slip of the book and smiled: "This book is called Kanpai The Book of Rites of Life and Death, which is written by Fan Yi. Tsk tsk, it can be said to be a wonderful article in the world. Now, borrowing the energy and life of millions of creatures from the half-orcs, sacrifice my double-bead sword. May my sword succeed in opening the mountain!"

As he said, he suddenly lifted his palm, and immediately the countless golden silk threads in his hand rushed down the throne, and then he was closely connected with the spiritual platform of the orc warrior who was about to launch an attack on the map of the pioneer forest. There were millions of golden silk threads. It is quite magnificent across the world, and when I opened the eyes of the ten-pointed fire wheel, I suddenly saw the expressions of the group of implicated orc warriors. Their expressions were distorted and painful, and they let out a series of wailing. They were constantly being pulled away, following the golden thread, while their bodies collapsed to the ground one by one, and their blood was evaporated and turned into corpses.

"Fan Yi!"

The Orc King was distraught. He came out with the group this time and counted millions of soldiers to work for the alien army, but he did not expect this scene to be in front of him. Here, the cunning rabbit was about to kill the dog before he died. In an instant, except for the nearly a million half-orcs who entered the territory of Lishan and met the players, all the other half-orcs were "killed"!

In a blink of an eye, millions of lives were sacrificed successfully, and the golden thread was suddenly recovered, and finally turned into strands of golden cyclones containing the majestic vital energy hovering around the double bead sword. Fan Yi was also really disgusting and proud of it. Laughing, raising the double-bead sword high, running the aura silently, and smilingly said: "The sacrifice has been completed, and the divine sword contains the power of heaven. You are not open eyes for the sword spirits who are deeply affectionate for your couple?"

As a result, the sincere heads that had been refined in the double-bead sword turned a blind eye to open their eyes.


Fan Yi raised his long sword, leaped high, and made a slashing gesture with a sword. He laughed and said: "The white clothes Qing doesn't hear the wind, don't you still take the sword?"

The wind did not hear the expression calmly, the white jade sword in his hand pointed forward, and said: "Everyone, take the sword with me!"


Above the sky, this sword that has refined millions of creatures was shot out under Fan Yi's sword. The sword light poured out hundreds of miles, and hit the ban on the mountains and waters above Lishan. Over time, the mountains and weather continued to crumble, this sword was too strong, even more fierce than the swords of Lin Hai and Feltuna, who were previously ascending realms!

In a blink of an eye, the weather over the mountains collapsed by nearly half, and the ban on the mountains and waters less than a mile away from us also continued to crack. If it penetrates again, the sword will actually fall on Beiyue Lishan. Up.

Ahead, Siyue Mountain Monarch's golden body was surrounded by smoke, and they were doing their utmost to resist this sword.

"Senior Sister?"

I looked at Senior Sister Yun on the side, and it seemed that only Senior Sister Yun used the sword to withstand this sword.

But she shook her head slowly, and said softly to me, "I can't play the sword, because...the elder sister will also welcome the sword that belongs to me. If I do the sword now, the elder sister may not be able to stop it for a while Now, the sword that the Human Race Four Sacred Mountain should bear, let the Human Race Four Sacred Mountain bear it."


I nodded heavily, stood up majestically, full of the flow of a real dragon, and said, "Is there any way to solve it?"

"There is a solution."

A mountain **** with a stable golden body walked out from a side peak, wearing a military armor and holding a golden war sword in his hand. He smiled and said: "The mountain **** of the golden thread, the **** of wind, Hou Lin Rufeng, is willing to explode his golden body to die for the country!"


Guan Yang, the monarch of Beiyue Mountain, looked back suddenly: "No!"

While he was speaking, the Jinxian Mountain God had already set off the golden body with a smile, and with a bang, the whole mountain trembled, and countless pieces of the golden body rushed into the sky like stars and rain, to make up for the atmosphere of the mountains in the sky that was split by Fan Yi's sword. Missing.

However, it is still not enough.

Another old man walked out of the temple on the mountainside. He was a deity with a solid breath. He smiled slightly: "The White Wolf Mountain God, Zhang Xianlin of Luhua Academy, is willing to explode his golden body to die for the country!"


There was another loud noise, and the second Erpin Mountain God, who had self-destructed his cultivation base and made up for the weather of the Four Mountains, also passed away with the wind.

Immediately afterwards, seven or eight mountain gods stood up, preferring to fall completely, rather than being destroyed by Fan Yijian!

Watching the golden bodies exploded and turned into countless golden fragments to make up for the sky full of mountains and mountains, I, the Great Flowing Fire Emperor, stood in the wind blankly, trembling all over.

"Want to cry?"

On the side, Senior Sister Yun's beautiful eyes were reddish, she looked at me idiotically, and said, "This is the human race. In any era, when the world is about to collapse, someone will always come forward..."

I squeezed a fist: "They won't die in vain!"

"Yes, they won't die in vain!"

Senior Sister Yun also looked to the sky.

In front of him, the wind is indifferent, raising the white jade sword in his hand and pointing directly at Fan Yi. The mountains, waters and air transport throughout his body form a star-like atmosphere, constantly rushing into the air. Regarding the strength of bearing, the wind is not listening to the Xiyue Mountain monarch. The most, but at this time, with the self-destructing cultivation bases of the mountain gods, Fan Yi's sword power was disintegrated for most, and the rest, Si Yue could already be easily blocked. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

In the end, the sword light that Fan Yi cleaved out disappeared, and Beiyue's mountains weather was once again complemented, but the aura was a little bit better than before, after all, several high-grade rank mountain gods were lost.

"The wind doesn't smell, are you angry?" Fan Yi smiled.

If the wind does not hear the sword, his eyebrows are tightly furrowed: "You are not a gentleman for what you do!"

"Gentleman? Hahahaha~~~~"

Fan Yi laughed loudly: "You and I are both Confucian disciples, but have you really not noticed that there is a big problem with Confucianism? Set your own rules and paint yourself as a prison. But if you obey the rules and others don’t, what can you do? Confucianism has not been able to monopolize the world for so many years. It is nothing more than a woman's benevolence!"

The wind did not smell, and returned to Senior Sister Yun and me, and stopped talking.

"Fan Yi, you beast!"

Amidst the scolding, a figure rose in the air. It was the Orc King, holding a golden battle axe, his body drew an arc, the battle axe's light soared, and it slashed straight towards Fan Yi on the throne, and roared: "You Destroying my race, I will never let it go!"

"Yo? There are still voluntary raises?"

Fan Yi glanced back and couldn't help but smile. The double bead sword raised, and a burst of sword energy burst out of "chi", which directly penetrated the body of the orc king, and then blasted the wind into the wind with a vigorous sword, and smiled: "The wind does not smell, since this king has already made a sword, I will reward you with another sword!"


The half-orc king was dead in mid-air, but his cultivation base was detonated by Fan Yi's sword light, directly hitting the mountain and water restrictions above Lishan, exploding a small gap, although not fatal, but But it was disgusting enough.

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