Zhan Yue

Chapter 1459: Why is it me?

Latest URL: "Take the Mountain!"

In the depths of the pioneering forest, Lin Hai burst out with a sword, and all the players within a hundred meters of the body were turned into ashes, and they were instantly evaporated. Only a dozen abyssal cavalry triggered the "God Blessing" effect, 15% of the energy on the spot The blood resurrected, so he killed Lin Hai again, preventing him from leaving the surface. When Lin Hai killed all these dozens of people, Lin Xi, who was driving the White God, arrived, with a glowing sun sword and a Guiyuan sword, hard. He "pressed" Lin Hai in place until the rest of the abyss cavalry approached and attacked.

Lin Hai was so angry that he couldn't use his strength, so he shouted at the thrones in front of him: "Fan Yi, Han Ying, Situ Xue, are you thrones all rubbish? Li Shan has lost the power to resist, that's it. There is a small mountain of Li, but you can't break it? If you can't break the mountain today, you would all apologize for destroying the throne."

When Lin Hai spoke, the faces of a group of thrones became extremely ugly.

Even Situ Xue, who has always been "gentle and reserved", came down to the sky above Lishan with a jade flute, frowning her eyebrows, and said: "It's indeed time to get real."

As she said, she shook the jade flute and swiped the front part of the jade flute in the air, as if she was writing a huge magic circle, and the throne's air luck flowed into this six-pointed star circle.

"Not good!"

Unheard of the wind, she trembled suddenly and said: "Situ Xue is in charge of the Moonlight Shrine, and that Moonlight Shrine was once the birthplace of the Human Race's secret law. She wants to... attack the mountain with the Forbidden Curse!"

"Guess it!"

Situ Xue looked at the wind without hearing it, her mouth raised lightly, and smiled: "For the sake of the moonlight altar, I can only sacrifice Lishan."

As she said, she raised her jade flute and kept lighting her eyes in the radiance of the magic circle, and her voice said leisurely: "The endless starry sky, the ancient life contained in the meteorite that circulates in the dark night, listen to my call, speed Wake up quickly and destroy everything in front of you—chaotic starburst!"


Strands of fiery red ripples appeared in the sky. After Situ Xue patted the fiery red six-pointed star in front of him, countless meteorite storms hit Lishan behind him!


Guan Yang was shocked.

When the wind is not heard, the expression is calm, and a bamboo slip is spread out. The blue handwriting on the bamboo slips rises into the air, turning into a prohibition manifested by words and appearing above the mountains. Suddenly, the chaotic starburst in the sky continues to emit deafening giants The sound hit the prohibition, and the price was that the words on the bamboo slips fell apart one after another, and blood was overflowing from the corners of the mouth if the wind did not smell!


Mu Tiancheng gritted his teeth, desperately urging the Nanyue Mountains' weather, and said with a painful expression: "You can't protect the mountain at the cost of obliterating your own Confucianism and Taoism. That is the fundamental way for you to practice!"

"I can't manage that much!"

The wind gritted his teeth, and continued to evolve paragraphs of Confucianism into blue bans in the air.


Among the strange voices of yin and yang, a voice came from Fan Yi, who smiled and said, "Academicism of Confucianism, I agree with this, Situ Xue, this king can help you?"

Situ Xue was already writing the second formation, and said with a smile, "Master Fan Yi, please!"

"Come on~~~"

Fan Yi yelled, the sword light fell in the sky, and the sword that had been cultivated for a long time almost instantly split the Confucianism and Taoism forbidden, and then fell on him, causing more and more cracks in the mountain body of Lishan, almost Is about to collapse.

"another one?"

Situ Xue stepped on the formation method, the moment he stepped down heavily, countless anger thunder rolled from the sky, and it was another forbidden curse from the throne, the power can be imagined.



Mu Tiancheng and the wind did not hear Qi Qi raised their heads to look up at the sky. At this moment, Siyue Mountain Monarchs are almost at the end of the mountains and rivers. The mountain and water luck they have gathered before has been exhausted in the battle, and every time they have been used since then Mountain weather has the meaning of "fishing in the mountains", so you can use a little bit if you save a little bit.

At this moment, Feng Buwen resisted a chaotic starburst forbidden spell with the last mountain weather, what would he use to resist the next attack?

"Huh, thunder and lightning..."

At this moment, Shiratori, who had been calm for a long time by my side, suddenly laughed, looking at the sky lightning summoned by Situ Xue in the air, turned to look at me, and smiled: "Lu Li, my little master, you know I am here. In addition to being a sword repairman, did the old God Realm focus on any laws?"

"Isn't it the Thunder Element?" I frowned.

"Yes, you guessed it right, so smart!"

She flew up half a meter high, patted me on the shoulder, and smiled: "It's time to say goodbye..."

"Shiratori, you..." I was startled.

She leaned forward, kissed me lightly on the cheek, and smiled: "Go, remember to miss me from now on."


When I looked up, she was soaring into the sky, and the rules in her body instantly became active, and in a blink of an eye she turned a spirit ruins into a **** ruins, and formally stepped into the legendary ascension realm, followed by a sneer Disappeared in a ray of thunder and lightning, and since then, the body has disappeared, but the messy thunder light in the air seems to have life for everyone, and is no longer controlled by Situ Xue.


Situ Xue's face turned pale: "This is...what's wrong?"

In the next second, thousands of thunder lights instantly merged into one, turning into a azure blue sword energy that hit Situ Xue!

"Situ Xue, you must have never experienced the strength of the Ascended Realm Swordsman in the old God Realm, right?"

Shiratori's figure did not appear, only a ray of sword light passed from the sky.


Situ Xue was still standing in the air, wearing a long skirt and slender snow legs. However, in the next moment, her body began to crack continuously and suddenly turned into a cloud of blood, and then her throne was also exploded! At the same time, Shiratori's figure turned into a white light and rose into the sky, entering the process of ascension.


In mid-air, Senior Sister Yun wrapped Jianguang's figure was suddenly exploded by a sword, and then Lin Hai's shadow of death appeared, and the sword pierced the sky, splitting the soaring figure of the white bird in two!


I was shocked and yelled from the top of the mountain, my heart twisted like a knife.

However, in mid-air, only half of the remaining white light still flew towards the sky.

"Don't worry."

Senior Sister Yun's heart sounded: "She has only been cut off by half of her cultivation base, and her soul is still ascending successfully. There is nothing wrong with cultivating more in the God Realm."

"That's good."

I frowned: "Sister, are you okay?"

"very bad."



In the next moment, I couldn’t feel the breath of Senior Sister Yun again. She had once again entered the realm of flawlessness, treating the whole world as her own small world, strangling with Lin Hai’s shadow. It stands to reason that Lin Hai’s shadow should be stronger than her real body. , This Senior Sister Zhan Yun was suppressed for a whole realm, and coupled with the fact that she didn't have a bodyguard, it was naturally difficult.


Swordsmith Han Ying watched Situ Xue being killed with a single sword. At this time, all his anger was poured out on the human army. The sword light broke out, killing half of the parliamentary army almost collapsed, and then killed. Arrived at the position of the Flame God Legion.

"Brothers, hold on!"

Behind the crowd, Shanhai Gong Nangong also carried a long sword and gritted his teeth: "Be sure to hold on. Behind you is the homeland. I have no room to retreat. The strong archer will shoot me in the direction of the swordsmith, even if it's a part of him. A little bit of mind is good too!"

"Yes, commander!"

A group of strong archers fired randomly, and the powerful inscription arrows continued to pierce the air. They fell on Han Ying’s shield sword, and bursts of explosions erupted, while Han Ying frowned, turned and swept across the sword, the sword light poured down. The hordes of powerful archers turned into blood mist. He squinted his eyes and looked at the ranks of Nangong Yi’s three gold stars. He sneered and said: "Shanhai Gong Nangong Yi, tusk, he is also a former court minister, Xuanyuanying is dead, you Why don't the faithful dogs die with them?"

As he said, the swordsmith swept over, and instantly blasted the arches of hundreds of heavy-armored guards with a sword. There were shattered iron armor and flesh and blood everywhere, and he stood in front of Nangong Yi with a sneer. : "I heard that you are at odds with the Great Emperor Liuhuo, why don't you...take your people to join our sacred demon army and continue to be the leader of the army?"


Nangong was also surging with the aura of the virtual world, gritted his teeth and shouted: "I, Nangong, will never betray the human race in this life!"

A sword blasted out.

In the next second, the swordsmith laughed and threw Nangong Yi's head directly at Lishan. He laughed and said: "What Shanhai, a stubborn ant, your human race is so funny!"

The crowd was angry, and countless warhawk knights rose into the sky and went straight to Han Ying, but they were still greeted by a massacre.


"It's time to end!"

Fan Yi stepped forward and directly crushed Lishan with the throne under his feet. Suddenly the foot of the mountain was constantly shattered, and countless players and NPC armies were annihilated. He raised his long sword and said with a smile: "This sword will definitely open the mountain, otherwise it will be afterwards. No longer named Fan!"

The sword light fell straight down, but no one could stop it.

"Bastard stuff!"

On the top of Lishan Mountain, a mountain monarch with a golden figure about to be defeated stood up. It was Dongyue Mountain Monarch Yiping who suddenly slammed his fists against Fan Yi's sword light. At the same time, his entire body slammed into Fan Yi's throne.


Fan Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Just relying on your quasi-shenzhen mountain monarch who dare to imitate Shi Shen, a genuine Ascendant Realm?"

The sword light fell. Although Dongyue Mountain Monarch blew his golden body, he still could not destroy the opponent's throne. Fan Yi slowly retreated with a few cracks on the throne, his face was pale: "You humans, really a bunch of idiots!"


At the foot of the mountain, the sword light of the swordsmith raged, and the parliamentary army commander Qingyuan turned into a pile of fragments.

The owner of Donghai Fang swung his rod and suddenly beat the body of Zhang Yong, the commander of the Northern Wilderness Army, into a pool of flesh.

Landero's sickle waved, and tens of thousands of Dragon Realm soldiers were reduced to ashes.

The world is wailing, and the human race is hopeless.

I was sitting on the rock on the top of the mountain, looking at the battlefield below the mountain, full of powerlessness, what can I do? I, the Flowing Fire Emperor, is no different from the useless except to provide a BUFF.



A sword light bloomed in the air, and the sword light smashed into several distant mountains under the drag. Suddenly, several mountains in the Beiyue mountains disappeared instantly, and the owner of the sword light was the shadow of Lin Hai. He looked at him with a sneer. Senior Sister Yun, who was covered in blood~www.wuxiaspot.com~, smiled and said, "The first person in kendo in the world, is he dying?"

Senior Sister Yun raised her long sword: "Kill me, help me behead the demon!"

"as you wish!"

A sword light fell, and Senior Sister Yun's body was torn to pieces instantly.



My heart seemed to be squeezed suddenly by a pair of big hands, and it was painful, but the moment I raised my head, it seemed to have entered a dream state. Before I knew it, I actually came to the depths of Senior Sister Yun’s heart. Witness the demons together.

A mountain covered by clouds and fog, above the gate, countless ancient temples are connected.

At this moment, Senior Sister Yun is a beautiful girl, wearing a light apricot and yellow dress with immature face and holding a snow-white long sword in her hand. She is standing outside the gate of the mountain and slowly kneeling inside. The next moment, she Tears burst into his face: "Master, the world of fantasy moon is a life of nine deaths, dormant with the demon Lin Hai, who is helpless even in the realm of the gods, why does Master want Yue'er to go to this death, why, it is me?"

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